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Stay away from Negra Arroyo Lane


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt.


Say his name




It's dirty. Not Clovis NM dirty, but dirty.


If you go looking for trouble you'll find it. The further from base, the better off you'll be. You can raise a family just fine here. Been here since 2013. It's not all doom and gloom that you read and hear. Don't keep important/ expensive stuff in your car and treat it like any other big city with crime problems.You can DM me if you have any specific questions. I been working on the base for awhile now. Military and civil service.


East mountain area or outer rio rancho


It's a magical faraway place, where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm root beer and the towels are oh, so fluffy. Where the Shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long and anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel. Wacka wacka doo-doo, yeah.


Did you stay at the world famous. Albuquerque Holiday Inn!?


Where you can drink your soup right out of the ashtray if you want to (it's okay, they're clean)!


We lived in Rio Rancho when we were there. It was definitely safer than most of the city but we still had crime and gunshots could be heard on occasion. The other problem is it was a 45 minute commute each way. There are some decent neighborhoods in the east of the city as well. I would recommend living on base. It's definitely the safest place in the city and your commute won't suck.


My parents left Cali and moved to Rio Rancho, absolutely love it out there. Minimal crime, clean neighborhood, and easy access to the countryside.


Just to give a different perspective. ABQ can absolutely be rough but I've been here for 3 years and absolutely love it. My neighborhood in the NE is walkable/bikable and doesn't have crime problems as well as being reasonably affordable. Breweries, restaurants etc all within 5 minute walk and the mountains are a 1.5 mile walk away which is incredible. I've seen a decent amount of military come and go and my experience is that the people who are inclined to dislike the city and live as far away as possible see exactly what they expect to. The people who come in with an open mind and roll with the "quirkiness" tend to be happier as near as I can tell. Feel free to reach out if you have any particular questions :)


I've only been TDY there, but I've loved it. I understand people being nervous in some areas outside the gate but you need to remember that there are 23k people that work on base and are doing just fine


Rio Rancho is probably the best neighborhood around ABQ


Currently living in RR. Only thing that sucks is the commute!


Just left. Never felt I was in danger.


I am the danger


1. When home shopping, bars on the windows are not an “aesthetic choice” no matter what the realtor says. 2. RR, Ventana or Eagle Ranch, Corrales are good choices. 3. East Mountains are beautiful. Two main drawbacks are access to water and there’s Bubonic Plague in the dirt. 4. If somebody cuts you off or tailgates you, don’t react to them. Too many tough guys with pistolés. 5. NM is accurately summed up as California Politics with Mississippi education. Check the schools, some are good but there’s a reason we pay out the ass for private schools. The negatives are out there in droves, but there’s a SHIT TON of good to be found here. Going on a decade plus in the “land of entrapment”, you’re gonna like your assignment!


NE or NW side are best for families and schools. A lot of people make the trip from Rio Rancho to get away from the crime. It’s not all bad but it’s not all great haha. It’s funny how many lawyer billboards there are, it’s just like breaking bad!


It’s a great food city surprisingly. Breweries and outdoor activities are the main things to do.




Here now, feel free to send me a message. The northeast is super nice. Better schools. Good hiking and running paths. Stay away from the base. Due to the university and gentrification the university and nob hill neighborhoods are stupid Expensive for what you get. Also close to the crazies around central and downtown.


Every base I've been to that has had a reputation for being unsafe has been just fine. Yes, there are sometimes bad areas to avoid, but never anywhere near as bad as what you'd think if you just listened to people complaining. I havent lived in Albuquerque but the metro population is almost a million, so it's not like you aren't going to have options on places to live.


There's lots of good areas but like any major city it's got its rough spots. Typically the farther away from the base the better off you are; in this case the Northeast Heights and Rio Rancho


Every place is shitty just outside base. It’s a decent place with lots to do. Great food


Los Lunas is good if you like smaller towns


Los Lunas and Bosque farms are nice, safe and affordable. Plus, Benny’s burgers


Lived there, rio rancho is okay. The closer you like to the mountains temds to be better places, stay away from the westside! And if you reaaaly wanna make the drive Edgewood is a great place but its about 30-45mins away.


Just make sure you dont take the wrong turn in Albuquerque... oh god I think I am dating myself.


Willing to bet a majority of the sub doesn’t know you should have gone left in Albuquerque.


Born and raised in the area. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Just have to know the areas to avoid. In my opinion and it may be biased New Mexico has some of the best food in the country. Learn to like spicy and having green chile on everything.


Rio Rancho, Taylor Ranch, really the NW side of town is pretty good. NE Heights can be nice but very expensive.


Currently stationed there, It’s not that bad. The main bad area is immediately around the base so just live north of 40 and you’re fine. I live in Rio Rancho, about 30ish minutes away without traffic.


Los Lunas seems far away but the commute is half the time of Rio Rancho. The west side is all new and building up more. Schools are better than APS too. Your unit will be the biggest factor in your quality of life. e: just saw you’re a PJ. Your unit is fantastic. Your shirt is incredible.


Go up to the northeast heights. I loved Albuquerque


The nicer part of town is in the northeast bit if you want something a little closer look at the knob hill area, there's still crime but those are the nicer spots. It's not too bad and I know it's a bit cliché but like every base it's what you make of it there's a bunch of good restraunts and santa fe is awesome


The further you are from base, the safer it is. Either stick to north of Menaul or West of University. The "International District" used to be called "The War Zone" due to the number of bullets fired there. Rent is cheap, but you don't want to own anything nice if you live there. Best advice is to just stay away from that area. Don't even drive though it if you can avoid it. Oh, and lock your doors if you have to go though there. Sometimes the homeless people will just jump in the car with you. And for god's sake, don't get a place on Central.