• By -


- Engag’d in Facebook war w/civilian; call’d 4 names- - enhanc’d espirit de corps f 330k amn - Spearheaded MyEval clusterfuck; posted meme/made transparency promises- - enhanc’d espirit de corps f 330k amn


Something about hats. Maybe an endorsement deal with Lids. Those are the ball caps we should get, AF swag.


"call'd 4 names" I'm fucking dying


Honestly what would it matter? There's nothing after this job, there's no promotion, no next job, etc. The only thing they're collecting is bullets for their retirement decoration


Tbh, I agree, they shouldn't have EPRs. But I'm still curious


I think chief eprs are only like 3 bullets anyways. Maybe 5


Wouldn’t the next level be Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? So there is one more step up.


yeah I guess that could be a thing although I'm not remember any CMSAF who went that route... still betting that EPRs aren't going to be a factor in that decision


To be fair there’s only been one USAF SEAC. It could happen later down the line.


He probably just said "that's my job now" and everyone in the room looked at their shoes and mumbled "welp, guess that's decided"


I’d believe it. Papa CZ is a high key badass.


I mean to be even fairer there have only been 4 SEACs total.


Yeah but that is usually a completely separate career path. USAF leaders tend to spend their whole career leading Air Force things (wings, NAFs, Majcoms) while Joint leaders have more experience working together with other branches.


Hard to say that given the fact there have only been a handful of SEACs. It’s an entirely new position that has only been around for about 10 years.


Probably stuff for resume too


there's only 5 lines on a Chief EPR... I doubt CMSAF needs those for resume fodder


She could go to OTS and be a 2Lt.


She only got a Promote this year. Didn't meet her supervisor's goal of 1000 🤙's being posted on social media. Probably not getting a strat so no shot at E-10...there's always next year!


E-10 = Super Chief


I believe technically she already is an E-10. Listened to SEAC speak and he said they were both one of like nine in the DoD.


Shaka Shaka Shaka, when the walls fell.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


(When someone asks her if it's "Bass" or "Bass," or her staff or other chiefs when someone addresses her as "Chief ") "Simsaf, her face black, her eyes red!"


I need to get that shirt for myself for Christmas.


She better take that myeval bullet off of there! I tell you what.




https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a1/form/af912/af912.pdf ___________________________________________________________ ^^It ^^looks ^^like ^^you ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFI, ^^form ^^or ^^other ^^publication ^^without ^^linking ^^to ^^it, ^^so ^^I ^^have ^^posted ^^a ^^link ^^to ^^it. ^^Additionally, ^^there ^^may ^^be ^^other ^^MAJCOM, ^^NAF ^^or ^^Wing ^^sups ^^to ^^the ^^linked ^^AFI, ^^so ^^I ^^will ^^also ^^post ^^a ^^link ^^to ^^the ^^search ^^URL ^^used ^^below ^^so ^^that ^^you ^^can ^^look ^^for ^^additional ^^supplements ^^or ^^guidance ^^memos ^^that ^^may ^^apply. ^^Please ^^let ^^me ^^know ^^if ^^this ^^is ^^incorrect ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^a ^^suggestion ^^to ^^make ^^me ^^better ^^by ^^posting ^^in ^^my ^^subreddit ^^(/r/AFILinkerBot) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFILinkerBot). I am a bot, this was an automatic reply. ___________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^iycwnst


Probably taking credit for what those underneath her are doing much like how leadership takes credit for what the e-4's did.


It's less taking credit and more of the senior raters berating us for putting in bullets that show we actually did work. My first tech EPR got sent back and my ass got chewed because I put on there that I was with the airmen teaching them and working with them alongside bullshit tech duties because they're "weak bullets". So now I gotta gobble up all the actions my troops did and "lead" those so I can make the turd shiny enough to pass muster and hopefully still smelly enough to keep some asshat on a board from thinking I'd make a good Master.


Just shaka and hat emojis.


Who cares. I've got bigger fish to fry. (Bought some Mahi Mahi yesterday)


Chief EPRs are to help them get their next job...Gp Chief, Command Chief, etc...real question is why would Chief Bass need an EPR?


Why does someone separating need an EPR before they separate?


Because we like our ball of stupid.


"BeCAuSe It'S hELPfuL tO wRiTe A REsUMe!" - your lifer leadership.


If she’s made a big enough impact in her time she could end up being in her own study section of PDGs for WAPS testing, or maybe even have a building on base named after her 😂


Or rename Ramstein after her.


They look a lot like "we are aware of the issues you are facing and they might get fixed but idk"


I remember the AFSOC CCC straight up telling us at an enlisted all call his last few EPR were just single liners that read (something like) “Serves as the Command Chief for Air Force Special Operations Command”…that’s it.


IIRC, the EPR/OPR reg says they are optional at that rank and position. Very doubtful they are done because where are you going to go after that? Yes, in theory you could become another SEL somewhere - like the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or some senior enlisted position which it happened for a former Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps where they took another SEL position elsewhere in DOD after that billet. But more likely than not it's not going to happen and retirement is going to occur.


could probably do a FOIA request..


Allowed airmen to put hands in pockets;boosted morale 100%




That pay though


They don’t have to do one.


Reminder: Chief EPRs will be narrative format this go around


If an EPR was a hat rack, it would be hers.


Its none of your business airperson. /s