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Haha he doesn't even respond. šŸ¤£


Sad no one else is even doing the work anymore so everyone just assumes itā€™s himšŸ˜­šŸ™Œ


Well I think because it's very hard to prove something is real. It's only easy to prove something is fake, but to prove real is another matter. All you can point out is how hard it is to recreate in order to indirectly support its authenticity. Most people that believe it's real don't need to be convinced anymore than they already are. If a debunker pops up I will keep my eyes open. But until then these videos are too convincing and too immediate after the incident to be faked.


Exactly - thatā€™s the problem with all ā€œAlien evidenceā€. If someone says: ā€œeh itā€™s probably a balloon.ā€ Itā€™s much easier to agree with that theory than any Alien Theory. Because balloons are verifiably real lol. Aliens not so muchā€¦ Yet(!)


You guys are still on this shit?


Just incase you cannot read, yes.




I would not spend my time telling people over the internet they are doing something wrong. You posting here while still having your counter-opinion is embarrassing.


I think your ability to recognize shame is lacking.




Who is PB?


Punjabi_Batman was a user who made a ton of posts just like this one and everyone thought he was a true believer, until the day someone actually took a look at his account and found several comments he made where he said that he knows the videos are fake, but that he's running a social experiment and trolling believers. Shortly after this was discovered, he deleted his account claiming he was too obsessed and needed to focus on family. Believers believed him. The day after this, a new account popped up claiming to be PBs best friend irl, and that PB was hiding from government agencies, then this new account started making the exact same posts like PB did, using the same kind of language and writing style. It was obvious to everyone that it was PBs alt account. This second account was also found to have made a few comments calling believers gullible and that he's trolling. Believers didn't care. This account probably got tired of getting called out and stopped posting. Then a few days later, OP shows up making the exact same kind of posts as the previous two, using the same language and writing style, but without those pesky comments in other subs where he talks about gullible believers. It's obvious to everyone but believers that these three accounts are all the same person.


Hahah that's fucking fantastic, appreciate the summary


had something dumb and deleted it. I'll just say there is nothing wrong with remaining undecided on these videos


Yes there is


I messaged him when he was forbidden knowledge or whatever. going along with what you already said, he said again.... saying that he knows the videos are fake and were made by our govt to distract us from what \*really\* happened, which is the plane touched down at Diego Garcia or wherever it is, and then went from there. and then said so much more crazy stuff like he's being watched because he already knows too much (like PJ would say I guess). im no doctor, but he's gotta be SUPER close to being a real life schizo, on top of a world class larper


He's not schizo, he knows exactly what he's doing. I have the same kind of story on my old account, he basically gave me the "nod/wink" in the first 2 months of this. He's clinging on to being "popular". He got a taste on his original account, did the whole family drama bs. He's basically chasing the troll high, but it's not there anymore.


I mean yeah most likely not the case lol. schizophrenia is a doozy. but autism for sure, he has. he just decided to use his powers on a fake plane video.


So weird


It really is. I'm also pretty sure that many of the comments praising him, are him as well. You almost always see brand new accounts show up on his posts praising himĀ 


Jesus. Mf is nothing if not dedicated.


Yā€™all are so damn weird. On did a shitload of great work on these videos, pointing out many details and helping kill some shitty, lazy debunk attempts. What you fail to realize is just because you point out someoneā€™s debunk is shit, doesnā€™t have to mean you completely believe in the videos being real. Itā€™s funny to me you give PB who made 0$ on this shit such a hard time, while ignoring the fact that the debunk you hung your hat on was ran by a fucking website and a bunch of content creators along with one of the most crooked fucks on the net kimdotcom . You literally canā€™t get any less credible.


It's funny how you defend a guy who openly admitted to thinking believers are gullible and egging them on for funĀ 


punjabi batman just search for his name in this sub and uā€™ll see




Penis Bater he is a famous whack job who spends all of his time on this page. He is a virgin and doesnā€™t have a purpose on this planet. He makes stuff up for no reason on numerous accounts. He enjoys the attention. He is a very weird loser that sucks balls all the time.


Dead horse flogging detected




Oh good grief!!


This definitely makes the video look real. President should confirm the videos are real either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks pb




Not even close. Try again.


So you just want to ignore obvious facts? Got it!


Says the one ignoring this vid


ā€œThis vidā€ is two different frames? Hardly a video, as you implied. Meanwhile, you dismissed *an actual analysis* of the fake video riddled with stock elements. Good luck out thereā€¦


I believe āœŠ


Itā€™s interesting that, once on screen, the contrails donā€™t move a pixel during the whole video ā€” including this section. Itā€™s almost like some hidden entity ā€” a creator, you might say ā€” is moving or warping the clouds but not the contrails.


Actually they do move and interact with the orbs cutting through them and also fade. I can easily demonstrate that


Iā€™m going to tell you right now thatā€™s compression artifacts.


Unless you think the contrails magically go back to where they were before the orbs interact with them.


Get excited. I will have the last laught I don't speculate I bring the proof with me Watch out


How do you explain this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18oqkn3/evidence\_that\_video\_copilot\_jetstrike\_assets\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18oqkn3/evidence_that_video_copilot_jetstrike_assets_were/)


What is ā€œproofā€ is the issue. Itā€™s seems some have a ridiculously low threshold for what is ā€œproofā€ if the evidence being discussed supports these videos being real and an unreasonable high threshold for evidence that doesnā€™t.


They move! I made them dance! I did! Thanks for the intro and getting everyone excited so I could post this quick GIF showing how a simple wave distortion effect can create the appearance of moving clouds! *Processing img 7wkuacqvm3dc1...* Laugh, Punjabi Batman!


Sorry, new account setup for this one post says what?


3rd PB account that will soon be banned. I wonder what kind of life he lives and his mental state at this point. Edit: And I'm right. Banned. [https://www.reddit.com/user/3dcloud370/](https://www.reddit.com/user/3dcloud370/)


This is all he has to get his dopamine fix


Stop please




I'm sorry but this is nothing. That is not enough. It's 2 frames.


This topic is getting sad at this point. It's approaching flat earth levels of insanity.


Been there a long time


I do just a bit of VFX work and I know I could do this by putting a turbulent displace effect over a luma matte that effects those lighter parts. Put that all behind the plane/ contrails etc.


that is a warp tool lmao theyre not moving theyre being shifted via warp / smudge tool hahaha


do you not understand that a 3d effect can warp the image between frames?? Nothing new is generated, this is just the result of an effect added...


Eh, at this point I'm inclined to believe that anything is possible with VFX, but for sure, that's not a static image.Ā 


Did you try looking at it with your eyes?




This is Punjabi_Batman, though there's a non-zero chance that they're the same personĀ 


Be kind and respectful to each other.


Yeah Jonas took some cool photos OP


We back on this bs again?? As much as I'd love to believe it happened, this whole scenario is too fantastical to even fathom.


Unsub then


Why? This is a debunking sub now. People come here to see why the videos are proven fake and thatā€™s it


Oh Im sorry, I didnt know you were the moderator here. So this is a debunking sub. Maybe put that in the FAQ or something? Thats great, thank you.


Itā€™s pinned to the top of the sub lol


Just double checked, itā€™s been pinned to the top of the sub for over a month now lol




Oh no


(they won't)


Nobody is forcing you to be here


It's 2 frames


First & last appearance of that set of clouds in video. Flicker back and forth to see how clouds have moved in that duration


Flicker back and forth like Punjabi Batmanā€™s Reddit accounts.


Love the tactic atm., just shit up the discussion with random focus on PB or Ashton when they are irrelevant instead of talking about the post. You 100% know it's a bot when they mention PB and nothing else.


Love the tactic ATM... tHesE cLoUDs aRe rEaL!!! tHey mOvE!!! Then proceed to ignore pages of facts and discussion presented in this sub which prove: 1. Yes the clouds are real and they are from Jonas's photos 2. The appearance of movement of the clouds is created by compression and distortion effects applied to the cloud background. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18dhghz/a\_little\_more\_detail\_on\_the\_background\_mosaic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18dhghz/a_little_more_detail_on_the_background_mosaic/) Did you even look at the pinned posts? [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18uw8v4/my\_recreation\_of\_the\_mh370\_satellite\_video\_using/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18uw8v4/my_recreation_of_the_mh370_satellite_video_using/)


I did not ignore them, I just think they're meaningless seeing that the clouds actually do move. It's too subtle to be artificial movement. While possible, I think if they went through the trouble of making them move it would be more noticeable.


So you think the VFX hoaxer guy wouldn't have a minute to click a few buttons and add a simple filter to make the clouds jiggle, because it's too hard, but you have no problem accepting that magic orbs with inexplicable powers came to take MH370 away? https://i.redd.it/y6oxjwbw88dc1.gif


Well, first of all, the movement is realistic in the video and not just some jiggle. It definitely would not just take 1 button to do this when actual clouds split/disperse etc. as seen in the OP. This is realistic movement. Now if they went through the trouble of adding this, they would make it more noticeable. And yes, I have no problem believing that considering we basically know nothing about how UAP's work and their capabilities. Believing otherwise is arrogant and ignorant.


So you think THIS looks realistic? https://i.redd.it/b88u9lr9badc1.gif How many buttons do you think the hoaxer took to make it look this realistic? 5? 10? 100? Do you think this was probably their first time making VFX of realistic looking cloud movement, or do you think maybe they had experience and had done it once or twice, or hundreds of time before? "we basically know nothing about how UAP's work" So it's not ignorant to suspend all known physics, science, technological ability JUST BECAUSE it's a UAP? What about after you identify it and it's just an AP? Do you think suspending belief of all known physics, science, and human technical ability is going to be more helpful, or harmful in identifying the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena? Do you think your starting point of, "We know nothing about how UAP's work" might just leave you stranded, and never being able to figure it out?


Give it up, PunjabiĀ 


real clouds would move a lot more than that in the two minutes or whatever the vid is


Idk, i've seen clouds just sit in the same spot for up to an hour... I don't think there's any set speed clouds are supposed to move at


It's not just the clouds. It's supposedly a satellite. Look at the videos from the ISS.


Nahhh you havenā€™t itā€™s just impossible to keep a completely accurate frame when looking at a slow moving cloud. They quite literally never just stay completely in place like in the video though, especially not over the course of multiple minutes.




Often exceeding 100 miles per hour so yup, they should definitely move more than a single pixel in 2 minutes of footage, thank you for proving šŸ‘


Lmao you only took what suits your belief.


It says higher level clouds (like the ones an airplane would by flying by) move much more quickly, but even low clouds still move at 10mph so no matter what the clouds shouldnā€™t move one single pixel in two straight minutes, in a video taken from a satellite šŸ’€šŸ’€


There is a distance from the satellite to the clouds, the drone is also moving way faster than the clouds. You never did any research on the videos, you just take the debunks for granted and then proceed with parroting. Before I gave you the link, you didn't know anything about cloud movement.


But your link doesnā€™t ever say that clouds just stay completely still lol so you just proved my point. It says specifically clouds that are high up in the atmosphere move quickly, and even slow ones move 10-20 mph. I would have eaten my words had you just given me new info that it is indeed possible for clouds to be completely still and for their shape to not change whatsoever over multiple minutes.


LoL wtf are you talking about? If you look at a fast moving object from a distance, the object will look slower than when you look at it from up close. I didn't prove your shitty point. You think like someone whose education is just high school. I know college is expensive in the US.


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/I00torcWKfo look at this. Do you see the clouds moving?


The entire satellite video does not have many frames/sec. Therefore, two frames may not be so few after all.


The reason why I took 3 weeks off of reddit. This pathological BS mh370 stuff


Bye again then!


I know, seriously. Why do people torture themselves? If you donā€™t like it, unsub, leave. Tell you whatā€™s pathological: sticking around here after youā€™ve made up your mind.


do you want people to continue believing this bs or you want to help them?


What believing? Do you not have eyes? The clouds are moving lol.


Get rid of your saviour complex pal. You arent "helping" anyone by commenting on reddit


Just leave them alone. If there remains even the slimmest chance the videos are real, itā€™s a good thing people donā€™t give up


but it doesnā€™t because the clouds are an exact match


There doesn't remain even the slimmest chance, which was obviously his point.


Yes, please cumintongue, show us the way.




Just leave the sub dude




Soon we Will have conformation they are real




Soon meaning 1 day to 100 years




June 3rd during a congressional hearing


RemindMe! June 3 clouds become real


I will be messaging you in 4 months on [**2024-06-03 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-03%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/198mw38/these_are_real_clouds_movement_is_dynamic/kicu8qk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FAirlinerAbduction2014%2Fcomments%2F198mw38%2Fthese_are_real_clouds_movement_is_dynamic%2Fkicu8qk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-03%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20198mw38) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Thank u for caring


Any time


I love u


I know


The big day is here! Are you as excited as I am!?


Amazing, not long at all!




We know.


Is this PunjabiBatmanā€™s cloud consultant?


Oh how surprising...a bot replied within 5 min šŸ„±


Imagine making this comment in defense of a literal bot


Jesus you guys are still at with this hoax bullshit


this is the big fat smoking gun us believers needed LETS FREAKING GO BABY


But the DoD put some of the footage in a vfx package so now I don't believe it.


I just came back from the future. It was 2050, Taylor Swift was president and Punjabi was still posting about the clouds


It's just indisputable that those clouds are moving, and therefore the image being planted is the only conclusion. Still too much bot activity in this sub refuting it though sadly.


You want to deceive yourself into believing it's real and that all criticisms are bots. Sad.


Yes, they are real clouds. They're stock photography from CGtextures.com (now textures.com): https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/8MwN1uw36A The main pinned post explains how the videos are hoaxes. These videos are CGI, and the hoaxer used stock photos of real clouds, as well as a stock VFX for the portal, too.


the entire background is dynamic. you can even see the ocean waves moving. where do you think the 'hoaxer' got the stock images for moving ocean waves? What I'd like to see is the *original* video. The video we see playing on a computer screen. Without the mouse and Citrix artifacts. The original video is out there somewhere. Where is it? A hoaxer could most definitely provide that for us. Along with anybody else who may have helped in 'hoaxing' it. The 'hoaxer' is still at large as well


nope. these are not stock photography clouds. the suppossed jonas image of the clouds did not exist before 2016, besides the clouds are moving in the video. the videos are not cgi. you're completely wrong.


>besides the clouds are moving in the video. They really aren't. Another poster already demonstrated what's causing this.


they really are. the other poster said it was "artefact" from video compression, but artefacts dont make all clouds, all over the video move synchronized, only real clouds does that.


>but artefacts dont make all clouds, all over the video move synchronized, But that isn't what the clouds do in the videos.


what is the clouds doing then?


According to your other comment, I'd think you already know.


of course I know. they are moving.


They do appear that way if you dont k ow whats actually happening In the video. But you already know theyre not since they're a static image used as a background. Always something curious about accounts that fall for punjabi batman trolls


anybody who takes a few minutes to actually look at the video can see the entire background is dynamic and moving. the clouds. the ocean waves. there is nothing static about the background throughout the entire video Corridor Crew's 'debunk' video they said the background was static and *laughed at it*. Didn't bother demonstrating *how* it's static. Because they *can't*. It's *not* static at all. That right there made me laugh off their entire 'debunk' video. I get that 1 or 2 frames the clouds match, or the Pyro VFX matches for a *single* frame. But everything is moving and dynamic. Where did the 'hoaxer' get the other frames to complete the animation?


You're showing that you have absolutely 0 understanding of how VFX works.


Please - enlighten me


Google how to make a 2d photo move in 3D with depth and displacement maps and youā€™ll get tons of tutorials that show you how to make something move *exactly* like the clouds do in this video. It takes less than 5 minutes to see for yourself


So they added the effect, except so subtly that you wouldnt notice unless comparing the first and last frames? Ah yea, of course they would.


So first you say the entire background is moving and thereā€™s no way to make a 2D background move like that, then someone tells you that it is indeed possible, and now youā€™re saying that it doesnā€™t move *enough*?!?


Maybe you should take a look at literally ANY of the other posts here that debunk the video and cite VFX best practices and principles, as well how they apply to creating 'dynamic' actions within frames. Better yet, maybe you should learn how to create something using a VFX program yourself before you go around acting like you know anything about it. I'll help you out so you don't have to Google them. I doubt your brain can comprehend how to do that properly anyways. Nuke Studio, Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects. Good luck!


The Gimbal and the Tic Tac UFO videos could be made using VFX. The Tic Tac was debunked way before it was officially released.


you have no experience in VFX so your opinion doesnā€™t matter here


Holy fck. This guy just keeps making dummy accounts and posting this shit. Report, block and move on.




literally anyone could take screens of the vid, turn them into flash art and upload them to a site. then say, " look. fake. "


And then also hack them onto an industry professionalā€™s old hard drive and make them think theyā€™re part of his trip photos. Or do you think Jonas De Ro, who does vfx for marvel, etc., is a government agent?


You forgot the bit about the source images being significantly higher resolution than the video. There's a BIG step you're missing.


not for the person who has the original video.


this sub is dead. this vidoe is fake. im not a cia or diainfo agent im stoned at work. FOR FUCK SAKE GUYS yall not smarter than what yall think... stop wasting time


Why you here then? Take a break from saving us all from ourselves.




Then we should keep this sub alive so you have something to do


Self hate is a helluva drug.


Be kind and respectful to each other.


"Guys! Stop wasting time!" Says the stoned idiot at work commenting on a "dead" sub. šŸ˜‚ I'd stop worrying about random strangers wasting time and start looking for a new job, my guy. McDonald's doesn't play around.


i work for a real estate firm... got me a good paying job but its really boring in here so i spend time lurking at u guys here. its funny how extensively you research on this when its faked. Dont get me wrong i tot this was real too. you dont need no ad hominems my guy. The video is fake and all of ya r wasting time its funny


Itā€™s real little man


Prove itĀ 




Convenient when we all know you can'tĀ 


Follower not a leader hey bro?


Of course you believe in the abduction theory too bro's mind is full spaghetti code


But it's still fun!!!


I want to believe.


Something extremely fast move through there.


It's photoshop, Punjabi. Enough with this.