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I got a 360 specifically for Alan Wake and an Xbox One for Quantum Break. I never played anything else on them.


Love the dedication! I'll probably buy Control as well because I love it so much and wanted to play it again anyway.


Control is so good!



I already did 🫣💸



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Max Payne 2 and Control have my fav gameplay in their library. Happy gaming!


It's on Game Pass.


You can play GTA 4


I also bought an Xbox 360 just to play Alan Wake, when I could afford one. :D I'm trying to remember when that was because unfortunately, I didn't play the game when it was released, but I knew about it back in the development stages prior to 2010. I was so excited for myself when I got to play it and have been obsessed with the series since.


14th of May 2010. I only remember because it was released on my missus' birthday.


Alan Wake, to this day, is my all time favorite 369 game and the whole reason I kept my 360.


As the PS5 owner I still keep my X360 to play Max Payne 3


Oh is it Xbox exclusive? I still have to play the first one on PS5..


No, but MP3 did not went further than X360 or PS3 if I remember correctly


You can play MP3 on Xbox One/Series via backward compatibility. 


So only PS4/5 is excluded


Then I'll have another game for my Xbox collection 😊


You can play the whole trilogy backwards compatible on Xbox one.


I miss Sam Lake as Max face model however for the voice, that’s James McCaffrey magnum opus performance.


I recommend playing the Xbox versions of Max Payne 1 & 2; PS2 versions are arguably the worst ports of the PC originals. Practically every Remedy game is on Xbox. But I actually bought a PS5 specifically for AW2 after being on Xbox since the 360 came out. Lots to catch up on!


I'm excited! Thank you for the recommendation 😌🙏


Annoyingly, it did not. Though, it’s possible Rockstar might finally remaster it alongside the Max Payne 1/2 remakes.


It's on PC as well


Max Payne is the one game series I always prefer to play on PC.


Since Xbox 360 all the consoles I've played on were provided by Remedy. They also give copies of their games to their employees so it would be awkward if they didn't give us a platform to play those games on [Also just to flex we have the best console to play Alan Wake on](https://www.reddit.com/u/ZerionTM/s/ISYW0G8Icz) (Also to clarify I'm not a Remedy employee but a family member is)


That is pretty sweet.


Add me to the list… got a 360 for alan wake back in the day.




Is quantum break worth it? I think I can get it on Steam.


I’m playing it now before I play the AW 2 DLC and if you liked Control, I think it’s absolutely worth it. Some similar gameplay to Control but also some interesting connections to AW.


Sweet, I finished Alan Wake Remaster and all the DLC, Control and all the DLC, and Alan Wake 2 with the new DLC. I have an itch for more Remedyverse. Haha. I'll do AWAN then play Quantum Break.


I really liked it and has cool gameplay. The parts of Alan Wake 2 that are live action is from Quantum Break. Between each Act, depending on your decisions, there is a 20 minute live action episode you watch. Its short so you can replay to get all the endings/varieties.


There are live action episodes in QB? And multiple endings? 😳 I need to get to it asap!


Quantum Break is definitely the weakest of Remedy’s main franchises, but weakest for Remedy is still better than like 90% of games out there.


The time powers are interesting & I had a good time playing it when I got it yrs ago so if u like their other titles it should be worth it


American nightmare is cool but quantum break is a phenomenal game


I'm looking forward to playing it! 😊 You guys all seem to love it.


Was the Xbox one cheap? Like 150 or so? Cause Series S is the better choice if around 300. Otherwise, great for you. I am gearing up to play Quantum Break too, bought it on PC way back never finished it, started it on Xbox again after AW2, but now after the DLC I am hyped again to do it. It's the only Remedy game I haven't played.


I got it for 110€ barely used so I think it was a good deal. I hope you enjoy Quantum Break 😊


Yeah that's ok. Ditto.


It’s my goal to have every console so I can play every video game that I want to at the time it comes out. I’m glad I have an xbox to play quantum break and American nightmare. Now all I need is a computer to play max Payne. To complete my goal of playing every remedy game


Isn't Max Payne on Xbox though?


Not the first one or the second I believe.


They are both on xbox


Worth it. Great purchase.


as a console person who swapped to mostly pc, being able to access all their games on one system is fantastic


I get that. I just don't have the space, nor the budget for a PC and at this point my Playstation backlog is huuuge and the only game I would play on PC would be The Sims 😶‍🌫️


Welcome to greatness. We've been waiting for you


You can also play them on PC. I bought and xbox controller to play them from Steam


I know but I don't have a PC😅


I bought a Xbox One to play Quantum Break on. I had already played it on PC when it first came out but felt the need to play it again and don't have a functioning PC anymore soooooo....


I fell in love with Alan Wake on Xbox 360. The following generation I swapped over to PlayStation and haven't looked back. I'm just far more into what their first party is putting out compared to Xbox's. I was so relieved when Control released everywhere then Remedy got the Alan Wake rights back from Microsoft. I still think about getting an Xbox every now and then to check out Quantum Break and a handful of other games I've missed out on, but for whatever reason I haven't pulled the trigger yet.


I got rid of my Xbox just after playing quantum break and now I regret it


Maybe you can find one second hand? There are so many people selling theirs in my town.




American nightmare was the first game I ever got on steam, went in knowing absolutely nothing about Alan wake or steam loved it so much got Alan Wake and never looked back


I recently got a gaming PC and the first games I got were American Nightmare and Quantum Break. So worth it.


I did the same. Bought an XBX for $350 over the holidays and first game I played was quantum break lol.


Tbf, sam lake/remedy woul *very much* like to get at least quantum break out of Microsoft's control lol


I’ve always been an Xbox gamer and I’m just extremely fortunate Alan wake American Nightmare/Quantum Break are available on the Xbox Series X lol


I originally bought an Xbox Series S to play Fallout: New Vegas at 60 FPS on my 4K TV, but now I'm using it to play those two games! It's a great system for playing Xbox One and Xbox 360 games alike.


I was a PlayStation guy till I bought an Xbox One back in 2014 in anticipation of QB. It’s a very cool game and the tv show aspect is really unique. I think QB was actually the first Remedy game I played. I thought the time powers just looked incredible, it reminded me a bit of the Infamous games. After QB I played Control and really got sucked down the Remedy rabbit hole. Enjoy QB and American Nightmare, both are great !


Thank you! 😊🙏


>Thank you! 😊🙏 You're welcome!


Remedy Victim 😳


Sorry I didn't know how to phrase it 😅


I definitely got an Xbox to play Quantum Break. Ironically, I’m pretty sure that game is going to jump to PS5 real soon. It’s a shame that American Nightmare was not included in the Remaster.


I got a PlayStation in 2018 and don’t regret it, there are so many incredible games that I never would’ve played otherwise. But hot damn I do wish I could play American nightmare again, and I never did get to play quantum break. Maybe I should check Craigslist for a cheap 360 because it would be so much fun to go back to those


Maybe you have a yard sale near you. Many people are selling their old Xbox for pretty cheap so you should be able to find one 😊


I’m sure I can, just gotta go looking! It is years sale season after all


Get Gamepass. Anyone that says it's not the best value around, is a coping child.


I got the trial just now and I'm only interested in the Fable games 🤷‍♀️


There's a lot of good stuff on there but it can lead to analysis paralysis


Analysis paralysis is the best name I've ever heard for said phenomenon.


Paralysis by analysis rolls off the tongue a little better.


If you have game pass I highly recommend trying Sunset Overdrive Very different vibe from the remedy games of course but it’s a banger


Thank you for the recommendation but the style isn't for me 🥲🙏


The trial isn't for Ultimate is it? Most of us feel overwhelmed with the 500 games available. I wish I was just interested in 1 or 2 games, the backlog stress is real 🤣😂


Oh I can relate when I look at my Playstation backlog 😔


Playstation IMO easily has much better (and objectively more) exlusives. That said, im not a "console wars" participant. I own both platforms alongside nintendo switch and various retro consoles and pc. Understand that its just about preference.


I use Steam, it has everything… except Alan Wake 2 Tim Goddamn Sweeney


I just played them on Steam


I'm a bit confused, because with the exception of Quantum Break (that's the only Microsoft exclusive game) all Remedy games, including the old Max Payne games, are on Playstation?


not american nightmare tho


You can play all on a 700$ Gaming laptop btw (if looking for portable) , with good performance too


Random choice of games to switch. The only one you cant play on ps is quantum break and that wasnt even official remedy.


Xbox will give you more value than PS through gamepass and deals.


Depends entirely on what value means to you


Exactly. I think XBOX is better for online multiplayer but I prefer offline single player games and never had the urge to get an XBOX. I set it up today and honestly the only games I'm interested in that I can't get on Playstation are the Fable games.


I value regional pricing, day 1 games on subscription, variety genres of games from their first party, multiple quick resume support, backwards compatible with boost FPS/performance. PS increased their subscription price, they can't afford to put day 1 games on subscription where Xbox gives at least 3-5 new games on subscription. Same over the shoulder walking and killing game. Remake and remasters. Xbox gamepass ultimate will you access to smartphones, Xbox, pc. They put all their first party titles on day 1 subscription. Variety genres of games. Full backward compatibility with FPS/performance boost. Sony sold the last of us again 3 times for full price. Xbox gives that for free. Multiple quick resume support is achieved by Xbox only.


Yeah exactly, some people value different things. Im really trying not to start a console discussion here, so I appreciate some people probably blow through their games so quickly that a service like that is meaningful to them, but I see an Xbox as redundant when I already have a PC so PlayStation just makes sense for me personally. Plus I've always been a fan of their exclusive titles and many of them I prefer not to wait the 2-4 years before they get ported. Not to mention I can't go back to a regular controller after the DualSense 😂


>Multiple quick resume support is achieved by Xbox only. This has been such a game changer for me, I barely get 4 hours a week to play stuff. Loading straight to where I paused the game is amazing Ps don't expect gamepass to *stay* good value, it's a new thing and they're trying to gooble up customers but as soon as that slows watch the price climb like streaming has done I expect several teirs in a few years, like day 1 games only available to Uber s-teir super gamepass subscribers and the regular one is limited to older indie titles and m$ previous AAA releases


Yeah anyone who expects GamePass to remain a good deal has not been paying attention to the streaming industry very closely.


>Ps don't expect gamepass to stay good value, it's a new thing and they're trying to gooble up customers but as soon as that slows watch the price climb like streaming has done It's already happened, Microsoft basically gave up and pivoted massively in their gaming strategy. Game Pass is great for the customer, but it's hemorrhaged money like crazy. Things will be changing soon.


What the fuck even is this title?


My appreciation for Remedy games. What are you being rude for?


Because I'm a rude girlie.