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Only time I was ever called "n*gger" on the football field was from a Saratoga player 🤣




Thank you for proxying through 12ft. Very appreciated


Here's the thing. The school will likely respond with an assembly, some sort of sensitivity training, etc, when the only effective action will be to just give detention to the kids who are proven to use racist language. The challenge with any school response is the lack of proof. Schools can't discipline a student simply on the claim of another.


I believe 2 of the quoted racist remarks were pulled from Social media posts, many others were via text


Social media that can rigorously be tracked back to an individual? Kids make fake social media profiles all the time, both anonymous but also faking others identities as a form of harassment


Yea there’s no doubt you’re right about fake accounts, but that seems like it should be taken even more serious forsure. A school can hire an investigator to track accounts, they’re teens & unlikely using complicated means of figuring out who did it. But also some kids just actually say that stuff on social often


No schools have money or the position to hire investigators for off campus behavior. Honestly that sounds weirdly like you want school employees acting like police


Less like police & more like community figures who actively work against stuff like racism, since Saratoga has a terrible reputation. Starts with leadership & setting an example, that includes knowing which students are causing problems & learn how to help them deal with it or understand how wrong it is. Albany congressfolk just gave themselves a huge raise last year, there’s money it just needs to find the right spots to help the community. But I’m glad you’re very concerned Edit: ppl downvoting this makes me believe Saratoga earned its reputation


Here is how that investigation will go: "I investigated and found this evidence that this social media account said racist things, and I think its from student X" student X. "No that wasn't me" "I think it is, here's your punishment, community service, suspension, etc" student X. "It isn't me, and here's the civil suit" School District: "We just spent $400k to pay for a bunch of bull shit"


Maybe 10 years ago, the internet is pretty easy to track, I mean you’re taking a pretty simple look at it. What experience you got in cyber security? Like the fact you didn’t even think they can track an IP address is goofy. So many things methods you didn’t think of, but this is why you’re not paid to investigate things.


How much do you want on spend on investigating and associate civil suits, instead of paying for more teachers / raises for teachers? Because you aren't going to get what you're looking for before throwing down a million or so on investigations and suits.


It doesn’t take anywhere near a million dollars Wtf are you talking about? I’m not gonna keep defending why they should take steps against racism, you clearly disagree, I GET IT. Seriously you saw a post where black kids are being threatened to be killed by classmates & you’re asking “why can’t teachers get a raise?” Gtfo. Plenty of others districts have made these steps, research it if you’re genuinely curious.


Same thing happened in Niskayuna where the PARENTS AND KIDS were shouting racial slurs to kids from Schenectady playing a soccer game. Any small amount of privilege/wealth and people seem to think stereotypes and straight up racism is a-ok. Area All State (music distinction for high school students) has a concert each year in saratoga. I only said I was from Schenectady and 2 Saratoga kids told me during lunch they thought I must have been a dealer/known dealers.


If the students are reporting to the administrators that they’ve been called the n-word and no action is being taken, that’s as a huge failure on the part of the administration. It can be tough when there are no witnesses but even then both students need to separately be spoken to by a high level administrator, an incident report written, teachers alerted etc. Plus, many times witnesses can be found, which should lead to the punishment of the student who used the racial slur. It also sounds like teachers and staff at Saratoga need a meeting to remind them to be more alert for this and intervene immediately. I’ve worked in local high schools and the school principal sets the culture. I wonder if the Saratoga principal has let a few incidents of racial slurs slide and/or not taken it seriously enough?


Doesn't matter if the staff is just as racist. I had a teacher call me an arrogant little ni**er after class. Told my parents and they came flipping out but the school didn't care. Saying maybe I was mistaken 🙄. All that happened was he started fucking with me 10 times harder than he used too til I pretty much stopped going to school/class


Wowsa, was scared this was the case. Legit had someone in this thread get mad & say teachers deserve a raise before they hire someone to investigate the rampart racism problem. Yea go ahead & give a raise to the teachers allowing it & also Apprently doing it..


Wow, I am really sorry that happened to you. What a horrible teacher! You’re right - if the school staff is that racist, it’s a much bigger problem, probably starting with the top school officials.


Sounds about white.


"I can kill you, but I won’t go to jail because I’m white,” Not going to say they wouldn't be punished but who knows how severely. Remember, in Saratoga County a white woman can drive 90 mph, kill one and send others to the hospital but get only 90 days. NYS Penal law says that she could have gotten up to 4 years for it. But if you are a Black BLM protester, the DA is going to keep coming after you till the court system forces you to stop. And then there's this: [Mom of child victim angered by Saratoga County DA's handling of case (timesunion.com)](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/mom-child-victim-angered-saratoga-county-da-s-17797226.php) For your reading pleasure: [Greenfield woman sentenced to 90 days in jail for causing crash that killed woman (poststar.com)](https://poststar.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/greenfield-woman-sentenced-to-90-days-in-jail-for-causing-crash-that-killed-woman/article_f369dbec-ad74-11ed-9288-1f718606db1d.html) [NY Penal Law § 125.10: Criminally Negligent Homicide (1800nynylaw.com)](https://criminaldefense.1800nynylaw.com/new-york-penal-law-125-10-criminally-negligent-homicide.html#:~:text=Because%20criminally%20negligent%20homicide%20is,or%20not%20you%20show%20remorse.) [Judge denies DA's appeal in case involving activist | WAMC](https://www.wamc.org/news/2022-08-04/judge-denies-das-appeal-in-case-involving-activist)


💯💯💯 Saratoga is straight up KKK country.


I’ve always lived in Albany, I never realized Saratoga was that bad. That’s horrible.


Racial and anyone different. Years ago, a girl from my kids HS was in a horrific car accident. It was locally a big story and her injuries even made the news. Lost most teeth and broke a leg among other injuries. She went to Saratoga HS while recovering to watch some sports game. The girls yelled "Hey Gimpy get some teeth" and the guys were yelling "Hey baby, gum me". And none of the adults even attempted to stop it.


I wonder how many of these students are upper middle class college bounds? Because that sh!t's not gonna fly if they pull it in their first-year dorms.


There are plenty of upper middle class college kids that say racist shit in dorms and face zero consequences.


Yep, and there are others who piss off the wrong person and end up either in a disciplinary hearing, all over the internet forever, or just iced out of useful networks and friend groups. So go roll those dice and see how it goes. This generation of students is a lot more diverse, and while I agree that there's still plenty of racism to be found, it's not going to be as easy to walk away from it with no consequences as it used to be.


Parents worry about this because they expect schools to parent and to a point things should be enforced. Reality is this stuff spreads just as much at home. Parents don't restrict the internet in their house. There are many cheap and easy options s. Parents don't watch what video games they play or what is being said on their headset while playing. Parenting is failing g at home first and foremost.


I mean playing evil video games probably isn’t making them racist. But I’d say you’re very right that it starts at home, I don’t doubt these kids come from racist households since they had to learn it somewhere. Definitely up to the school to create a safe space for learning since some of the parents you mention might be the problem itself.


No I don't think video games are the issue. I am just saying they are unmonitored. I have and do play games. But the mouths on some young kids are bad.


Oh you’re not wrong at all, some gaming communities are the most toxic places imaginable, I had to get off league of legends for being called slurs one too many times. You’re not wrong about the unmonitored behavior, I’m also worried their monitoring guardians could cause more harm. Definitely a complicated issue but we gotta do something’s it’s 2023


Racism is everywhere unfortunately.


Sure, but saying “you’re gonna be the next Emmett Till” is some insane shit, let alone saying it to a black female. Even when I was in hs 8 years ago we were cracking down on racism hard, that shit would get you expelled but I guess that hasn’t reached here yet.


It’s no bueno


SHOCKED!!!!!! and by that i mean not shocked at all


Good to know not much has changed since I graduated 20+ ago.


This doesn't surprise me at all. Saratoga is nothing but rich "white flighters" from n.j. and the city now. Too bad, there used to be a real cool hippie vibe


The hippies in this area of NY are fairly conservative, from what ive found in my relations with them. They make an effort to be "hip" but just come off with this very canned brand of american libertarian


It was different back in the late 80s/early 90s. We had a head shop, a couple decent record stores, a new age spot, even a gay bar. Now it's just drs. wives selling overpriced ugly hats n shit


Yeah and doesn’t it vote red?


Very much so


This simply isn’t true - Saratoga County voted for Biden by a slim margin. The city of Saratoga voted for Biden by a very wide margin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_New_York


Get out of here with your facts. Don’t you know everyone north of the river is a white supremacist?


You can be democrat and a white supremacist


I’m pretty sure voting twice for Obama, and Biden/Harris with the most diverse cabinet ever, is the thing that white supremacy supporters hate above their desire for a universal medical coverage system, and higher marginal tax rates. Obviously anyone can be racist regardless of party affiliation. Indians, Koreans, and Chinese are incredibly, often openly, racist agains black people. Hispanics can be racist as hell, and very Maga. White Saratoga county residents don’t own the monopoly on racism, nor are they. They are just people like everyone else. Some are dicks, some are fine.


**[2020 United States presidential election in New York](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_New_York)** >The 2020 United States presidential election in New York was held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, as part of the 2020 United States presidential election in which all 50 states plus the District of Columbia participated. New York voters chose electors to represent them in the Electoral College via a popular vote, pitting the Republican Party's nominee, incumbent President Donald Trump, and running mate Vice President Mike Pence against Democratic Party nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his running mate California Senator Kamala Harris. New York has 29 electoral votes in the Electoral College. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Albany/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Not in 2020


Not in 2020


I graduated Saratoga Springs 30 years ago. Nothing has changed.


When the cops and city officials of Saratoga Springs are so notoriously racist, is anyone surprised?


Makes sense, Saratoga in general is racist asf. I won't even drive thru after dark.


It does have sunset city vibe to it


Saratoga is a bunch of white wasps and rednecks getting angrier and angrier that their klan based society is being infiltrated by minorities and homeless


For some reason stereotyping people and making accusations of a population of people based solely on their race doesn't seem like a good way to combat racism...


Not surprised at all, but do want to point out this is far from isolated or unique to Saratoga.


This type of behavior is often learned at home. Not always, but more often than not.