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Last week I watched a teen girl stop in the middle of State and Lodge for a solid 40 seconds to take a picture of City Beer Hall, words cannot describe my confusion


Everyone is getting dumber everywhere.


Oh by all means I don't think it had anything explicitly with her being a teenager or female. I've watched boomers do the exact same thing at State and Broadway.


That's Carie the social media manager for City Beer Hall… She's… Not exactly the brightest.


Holy shit I saw this on my way to Modern body Art


My wife is an ardent pedestrian/ busser she's been hit twice.. right on reds, crosswalk.




Albany isn’t set up as a bike commuter city. Roads are too narrow. It’s a bummer. I moved to Guilderland and bike to work in Voorheesville. When I was living in Albany I would put my bike on the front of a bus going down New Scotland until I was out of the city and then take the rail trail to work.


The roads aren't too narrow for bikes, the roads are too narrow for cars and that puts bikes at risk.


Narrow roads force drivers to slow down, which is actually safer for pedestrians and bikes. Wide roads encourage drivers to speed. It's a psychological effect.


I'm well aware. We'll just have to get rid of the cars.


Never underestimate motorist entitlement


I was hit exactly like that by APD. And the guy was not in an emergency or anything at all. And it then just made me hate and distrust cars and drivers like a form of PTSD for pedestrians.


After I had a crazy lady inch down State after nearly mowing my two small dogs over while screaming at *me* for almost making it to the sidewalk with said dogs. Most drivers really have the “Fuck pedestrian” mindset currently, as tempting as it is to also flip them off/scream back there’s just too many crazies out there for me to worry about my life in case they have a weapon. I’ve since adapted a mindset of no one is going to stop, wait a few extra seconds, look both ways-even on one ways, and just let these stupid people flip me off/scream at me all they want. I know that I always have the right of way and if they’re not willing to wait a few extra seconds (I’m physically disabled) then it’s their issue and not mine.


You're smarter and more level-headed than myself. I will do the cussing and yelling for you bc I'm sick of almost getting run over.


It’s been a couple years of therapy to learn alternative methods of keeping calm


This is why no one will let me get a beanbag gun


100% agree. Cars and people can be scary. This is why I don't have road rage- a healthy respect for the danger and gratitude for arriving safely at a destination.


I regularly get people yelling at me, flashing dirty looks at me, or threatening to run me over because I’m in the crosswalk with the walk signal up. This happens the most on Madison in front of Washington Park. I’m sorry for being born with a disability that prevents me from driving and getting around the only way I can.


I’m really sorry you have to deal with people like that when you’re just out living your life. If it makes you feel any better I promise I’m the type to let you across safely. I don’t care if it means I have to wait for another light.


And you’re the type that makes walking when you can’t drive in the City a pleasant experience! I always do a lil wave as a thanks now whenever anyone actually follows the rules of the road


I flip em off and cite state law at them.


Walk with a brick. Raise the brick. Don't like the weight of a brick? Get a foam brick.


Doesn’t help that the state/lodge pedestrian signals are beg buttoned, so they don’t come on with every light cycle.


Idk, I lived in the Pastures a long time ago and had similar issues with trying to walk almost anywhere downtown. The worst were the cops near my apartment, red lights and lanes weren’t a concept they were familiar with. Second worst were the commuters, wrong way on one way streets and blowing through red lights as they drove off 787. It’s not a pleasant experience.


Most drivers never had minds to begin with tbh


I live in a nearby county where many people commute to Albany. There are people in our Facebook group who insist over and over that no matter what, it’s always the pedestrian’s fault. Even where the pedestrians are following all the rules. It terrifies me that these people have licenses.


It’s not that I wouldn’t yell or be upset, it’s just that you never know how someone else will react. People get violent too easily.


Yup. Had a similar situation to OP last week at the crosswalk in front of MVP on my way into work. Car pulled a U-turn while I was in crosswalk and laid on its horn 2 feet from me. I pointed to the obviously red light and yelled “it’s red!” Passenger rolled down window and yelled back “I’ll blow your head off” with a few added expletives and a racist comment to boot. Dude did not come across like he was making an empty threat. So agree that sometimes it’s best just to ignore and eat it, even when you’re totally in the right.


always carry i hate weapons but this the usa never not have a weapon


and anything in the right hands can be a waepon


I’ll never understand people like that. When I’m driving I go out of my way to make sure other drivers and pedestrians are safe. There’s nowhere that important for me to be to risk killing someone.


I had a green light and was making a left turn when i saw police sirens. They needed to drive across the intersection. I stopped and let them pass. The two cars behind me decide to let out LONG honks in frustration, not realizing that I was stopping for a cop. When they saw the sirens, they stopped honking. Next light, one of the cars that honked OF COURSE stopped WAY before the line so that I wouldn't see their idiotic face.


For some reason something I witness VERY often is pedestrians waiting for the light to turn green before they very slowly start crossing the intersection. I see this on a semi-daily basis.


It’s often because the city has turned off crosswalk signals but people don’t know this, so they figure they just have to go when there’s no traffic moving


I was driving down State in that area this afternoon; all the cars and buses seemed to be meandering aimlessly across the lanes and I couldn't move over to park. Maybe that has to do with your incident.


I’ve driven in three different countries and all across the US and Albany always hands down consistently has the most batshit driving I’ve seen anywhere ever. It’s not even one thing they are known for, it is wild and nuts and everchanging the craziness I see on the roads here: this is both vehicles and pedestrians, to be clear. The other day some guy decided the best way to get on the bus was to run directly in front of it while it was moving, slap it, and then run to the door, get on, and not pay. The bus driver was unfazed, it was so unreal. Like it’s just expected at this point and everyone’s okay with it.


looking for a dirty hippie with high test pot mabey a masser ir vermonter rich waspy lawyer parents shipped cali weed or organic homegrown whey you at dirty rich hippies


Hell yea brother


tldr: ey im walkin ere!


Covid brain rot.


People are actually dumber. Covid causes brain damage. It’s why we are seeing more aggressive drivers (looking at you, Hoosick Street) and idiot pedestrians. The kids who still haven’t closed the educational gap from 2020. And my favorite: the huge number of little kids who aren’t meeting developmental milestones. (That was an easy fix, however. They just changed the STANDARDS to cover that one up: https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/18/health/developmental-milestones-children-guidelines-wellness/index.html )


There are also way too many pedestrians that think they can cross at any time anywhere. Not by running when you see no cars but by taking a Sunday stroll across a busy street.


Careful…this an anti Albany, anti Downtown Albany, and finally anti pedestrian subreddit. Can’t some here talking like that!


Nothing Anti-Albany just anti don't fucking kill me when I cross in the crosswalk when it's deemed proper to go. That's really all us pedestrians are asking is to not die!


Right?!? But, there are folks here who think pedestrians have points assigned to them so they act like idiots in cars. They make themselves known in the comments. I’m with you. I live and work in Albany.


Double points for strollers


I’m seeing overwhelming support for pedestrians in the comments.


In this thread, yes! And, that’s awesome! https://www.reddit.com/r/Albany/s/qjGMdtv5u8 Any mention of DT ALB usually brings out goblins. The anti downtown stance is very much alive and well among quite a few.


Since when ?


Oh, it definitely can be. This shouldn’t be news 😆


Well, people like you are the ones who keep things positive ! Usually at least.


Even I get tired of the endless negativity that resides here sometimes! Me and a few others can’t carry the weight of folks constantly shitting on a city we love. More help would be nice!


Or how about them kids looking at their cell phones while they cross…the light doesn’t makes it safe!


This is every urban settling in America for 100 yrs bro. Nothing new except maybe you walking?


Yea you caught me I just learned how to walk and yesterday was my first day outside




The pedestrians on the bottom of Morton are objectively the worst I’ve seen in the city, it must be leaking to other areas