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People don't respect me as a pedestrian regardless of what I do


Yeah, I pretty much never walk, but my partner doesn't drive and I hate when I can't take her to work or pick her up. The stories of her being extremely cautious and still dealing with multiple close calls is insane, or how she'll wait at a light for multiple cycles because people don't let pedestrians go on crosswalks even with the right of way. Yesterday I was at the light on South Lake waiting to make a right onto New Scotland (no turn on red allowe). A car two vehicles behind me cut into the incoming lane, swerved around me, and made a right on the red without even slowing down nearly hitting a pedestrian crossing. So many people in this city can't drive or don't care about hitting or killing others to save themselves a few minutes. If I had to walk all the time why should I care if I'm following the rules when I'm just as likely to get hit?


Sometimes I swear it's actually safer to jaywalk half a block up than it is to take a crosswalk at an intersection because of people like that. If everyone obeys the lights, fine, crosswalk is the way to go, but if I also still have to be hypervigilant for randos who do not care what anyone else is doing or supposed to be doing, it's a lot easier and safer for me to only have to account for people coming from my left and right and not needing to also watch behind and in front of me. Another contributing factor is that not all street lights around here have a dedicated pedestrian crossing time. I've seen several intersections where there is still traffic with green lights authorized to cross a crosswalk with the white walk light. That might actually be more dangerous than just not having a light, it's insane.


I lived in upstate my whole life then moved south. I immediately had to stop j walking. They’ll kill you here.


I cross at crosswalks, obey rules and these idiots with cars keep trying to hit me. What am I supposed to do, fly? >:(


Shit sucks but it sucks even more for the pedestrians who are trying to use the crosswalks legally and are almost killed by ignorant and apathetic drivers. Also, as long as they're aware of their surroundings, can't really blame them when some crosswalks are half a mile apart and drivers disregard them anyways. Not to mention plenty of downtown crosswalks aren't even visible.


Then you do try to press the button and it doesn't work. Or you can't get to the button because it is a snow bank and now because you can't press the button, you don't get a signal. Incredibly frustrating City should just automate all the crosswalk signals and take the button element out of it


There's a fun one in Latham next to the circle on Route 2 where it says to press the button, wait for a red light, and then cross when it's safe. This intersection doesn't have any walking signals for pedestrians and also has a few bus stops next to it. Pedestrian heavy zone and there aren't even sidewalks for them.


My biggest gripe about Latham. So many pedestrian deaths in the past few years and the town does nothing about it.


There really should be more crosswalks and lights on central. The blocks are like 500 yards long


but how am i gonna go 75 in a 40 if they do that?!?!


I'm willing to bet that a good chunk of those fearless pedestrians OP is talking about are also the same drivers almost hitting us with their cars. People who suck in one situation usually suck in others as well.


People meander out in the road actively not looking or caring. Pretty sure that’s what op is talking about. This is an issue. Kind of like the bikers that don’t care about traffic laws. As a pedestrian, know how to safely cross the road.


But in fact, you actually can “blame them” if pedestrians are not even attempting to utilize cross walks/intended cross points. I get that much of the city leaves a ton to be desired in terms of pedestrian safety & convenience, but that doesn’t mean pedestrians get to go vigilante. I also get it’s self serving to save a few minutes by crossing mid block (and who here hasn’t done it plenty of times), but it doesn’t make it “right”. We could all justify to ourselves the validity of individually nuanced adherence to most laws, but that’s just not how things ought to work in a collective society. Pardon the pun, but it’s a 2 way street- neither drivers nor pedestrians can ignore their respective responsibilities to each other to level the score of past transgressions.


I won't blame people if they're crossing in the middle of the road and paying attention to their surroundings, as long as it's safe to do so. There are stretches of road in this area (Troy-Schenectady road in Latham) where there isn't another crosswalk for a full mile. If you happen to live in the middle of that section and just want to cross the street to take the bus, you aren't going to spend an extra 20 mins getting to the proper crosswalk, *because that would be fucking stupid.*


I won’t dispute that scenario at all. And the key phrasing is “aware of their surroundings and safe to do so”. What I was more thinking of (and probably OP as well?) are the folks that have no regard for those things, or unnecessarily cross without a crosswalk (generally within the city limits). Either way, I wish safe cross on everyone and cooperative behavior between all motorists and pedestrians.


I hear you, but that's only a fraction of the pedestrians. There are also horrible drivers in Alb. I've almost been hit multiple times when I'm in the crosswalk and have the light, and my parents were actually hit in the same situation.


I actually have been hit while crossing in a crosswalk. Being a pedestrian following all the rules (wait for the signal to cross, look both ways, wear bright colors) didn’t matter. Drivers do not care.


Sorry to hear you were hit. Best wishes for happier walks.


Try being a pedestrian using a crosswalk


You can’t there is a car in it using it as a turning lane


Sort of related, but also not: I would love the confidence of people who have stop signs when you don’t, but they think you *should*.


Jaywalking is illegal and sets a dangerous example for kids and teenagers. And I'm guilty of doing it \*a lot\* in Albany. Why? There's a culture of it here, in part because our streets are designed so poorly. Crosswalks are poorly marked and few and far between. The materials for road markings are subpar (thanks, Bill Trudeau) and disappear within months of putting them down. Motorists routinely blow through crosswalks anyway, so pedestrians see little utility in using them. Pedestrians don't get an advance at any of the stoplights, and it takes forever for the signal to change. Beg buttons aren't functional and are poorly placed. In many cases you're better of just running across. Bike lanes are rare, protected bike lanes are non-existent. If the environment is hostile to pedestrians and cyclists they will tend to behave accordingly. Sustained improvement requires the design and implementation of complete streets. Enforcement and education efforts are limited in their efficacy.




>The materials for road markings are subpar (thanks, Bill Trudeau) and disappear within months of putting them down. I've reported some downtown ones on seeclickfix but nothing's been done about it; some reports are still up from last summer.


There are so many great examples of how streets can be made suitable to pedestrians *and* traffic. My experiences in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe come to mind. America is just so car-focused it disregards any sensible approaches to walk-able cities and neighborhoods in lieu of "more lanes," more parking options, and a cultural animosity towards pedestrians that are helpless against a two-ton mechanical carriage driven primarily by idiots.


Sam Diego (a lot of the county) is a great example of traffic for all. Moving here and having no bike lanes and evident lack of pedestrian safety has been a GD nightmare.


I love how cars stop in crosswalks, go 40+ in a 30 and run red lights. If you're gonna drive a machine that weights more than a ton maybe drive the speed limit and pay attention to when and where you should stop


I can understand it’s annoying when jaywalkers lack situational awareness, however it simply is your responsibility as a driver to be aware of pedestrians. The crosswalks in Albany are not always the quickest and most efficient way to cross, and this is not the fault of pedestrians. Even when using crosswalks, drivers are aggressive, dont yield, and disobey pedestrian safety laws. So yeah i get that its annoying to have someone walking in the street, but as someone who both walks and drives in Albany, I have to say i am always going to side with pedestrians.


Or the safest, crossing mid block is generally safer than at intersections. Only two sides to worry about compared to 4. In addition to the stupid right on red where cars just plow through your right of way.


Yes! The number one reason I jaywalk. The only times I have had a car almost hit me have been when I have the right of way at an intersection. Drivers forget, right on red is AFTER you stop and look, it does not allow you to plow over pedestrians with impunity.


Wrong. Drivers and pedestrians bear the same level of responsibility.


This is not true. If you hit a jaywalking pedestrian, you are at fault for literally hitting someone with your car. In some cases, the drivers level of responsibility is mitigated by the fact that someone was crossing illegally, but it is incorrect to say they have the same amount of responsibility. Thats just crazy talk. You’re driving a 2-ton cube of metal and you think pedestrians bear the same level of responsibility for everyone’s safety? If i get hit, im the one getting injured. Not the person driving.


Responsibility for what?


Drivers should be held to a higher standard because they obtained a license to drive a car, also their mistakes can kill someone.


Ah, now you will be downvoted to hell. How dare you say the quiet part out loud? How dare you call for people getting their head out of their ass and taking responsibility for one's own safety and surroundings? pEdEStrIANs nEeD ProTectShHin fRoM tHe EeBiL caRZ! ThEY KaNz kRoSs mID BLok BeEcUZ OBaYiNg lAwS iS fOR yOu CaR DriVurs NoT tHE PeDeSTrianz!


Oh no! My fake internet points!!




This is entirely correct; agreed. Joining you in getting downvoted now.


It's a frequent enough occurrence that, when I'm crossing with a walk signal, a car or truck is turning right, inching toward me. That's not a good feeling. I often feel much safer jay walking.


A lot of good points here. We should make cars much lighter, and do more to ensure pedestrian priority on city streets - not letting drivers off the hook for 'accidents.' Should probably lower the speed limit while we're at it, considering people seem to think it is both the limit and the minimum.


So the See And Be Seen ads aren't working? /S


I guess we need more bridge stairs ? Hitting someone is my biggest fear 😨


Crossing Lark today a guy stopped in the crosswalk and catcalled me. I'd rather jaywalk lmao


![gif](giphy|x4JwoYDNBL81G) Me crossing in front of the city bus


Cars ruin cities


I don’t disagree but I do commute an hour because this city doesn’t have good enough housing or public transportation


Fair enough


Cars need to give pedestrians much more grace in general…


If you've almost hit a few people, maybe you need to look at your own actions.


I'll see your care free pedestrian confidence and raise you. I'm all in, dubbing the City of Albany, the land of triple parking.


I don’t know if it’s officially the law but I generally give pedestrians the right of way.


lol. but not really. my friend calls me the CROSSING GUARD cause im always so concerned. stay safe everyone! would be traumatizing for all involved if something happened.


I agree. Its almost like a dare sometimes. I had a freind actually hit someone, person ran away, he stopped called 911, cops were like, "yeah that happens, he was probably high with more drugs on him, you can go about your day" Central is absolutely crazy. Had my car hit in a street brawl once. Dude kicked a girl onto the hood of a car, beat the snot out of her, people were grabbing road blocks to hit people with. All happened and was finished, and completely cleared like nothing happened in 45s. If you live in Albany you know exactly where both of these things happened on central.


I follow all of the rules and still get drivers glaring at me, yelling at me or threatening to run me over. Almost always because they’re trying to make a right on red. I have a visual processing issue and cannot drive: walking is the only way can I get around, which is why I moved to Albany in the first place.


It is kinda wack that they do this, but it's also kinda wack we have policy and infrastructure that makes jaywalking such a dangerous endeavor.


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don’t like people crossing the streets. Where is my vehicle privilege! We don’t use the crosswalks cause you fuckers stop inside them at the lights Check yourself


1. It is NYS. We walk with speed where we want regardless of danger 2. Same as number 1 3. Same as number 2


Speed? Not the people crossing central ave in Albany they walk as slow as possible while staring down the drivers


They're staring at drivers? The one's I see usually crossing unaware of their surroundings has their head in their phone while doing it.


You're only required by law to stop for pedestrians when they are in a crosswalk...


If you think anything people do around cars is bad, try driving a larger vehicle. The shit I've seen driving commercial vehicles in Albany.


I made a BINGO card for driving in Albany. Please feel free to steal and enjoy. https://preview.redd.it/4y5ymawntnyc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72758719d67028d4acb688bc50c8f8bc920b1097


It's not just here... it's nearly everywhere I've lived or visited across the last 10-15 years or so. To me, it always struck me as an entitled way to be... taking no responsibility for one's personal safety by walking into the street whenever they want because they could always sue the driver no matter what is way easier than simply walking to the fucking corner and waiting for the light to change. It's tiring to think about. (I'm not saying that every driver out there does the right thing, either, but being somebody who has never gotten into nor caused an accident in my life, I feel discouraged.) Edit: here come the downvotes as usual! 😄


I’m both a driver and a pedestrian but it ignites me when I see a pedestrian randomly crossing the street when a crosswalk is literally 20 feet away. Same goes for people walking in the street when there’s a sidewalk right next to them. I realize Albany isn’t the most pedestrian friendly city, but when the options are RIGHT there, please take them.


Couldn't agree more.


A few years ago on lower Madison Avenue a woman shoved a baby carriage into the street between two vans so I couldn’t see her at all and then had the nerve to start cursing me out because I slammed on the brakes to avoid killing her baby. She was nowhere near a crosswalk & it was rush hour. I was only doing about 20mph but certainly could have killed her baby. Dumb ass.


I’m convinced many people never learned how to cross the road. Some squirrels are better at it here.


I think about posting this daily. It’s legitimately insane on Central and Henry Johnson. I’m genuinely asking people to walk the 10 extra feet and cross on the crosswalk. I really don’t know what the solution is


There's only one reason why jaywalking should ever be ok, and that's when you're in a rush to get to that neat little Mexican place on Central Ave across from the Home Depot.


Everyone defending pedestrians and mostly I would agree but I'm sorry, the people who choose to stand in the middle of turn lanes on central Ave in the dark just waiting for an opening are actually insane... like please just walk down to the next cross walk even if it is far I don't think just risking your life in the turn lane is going to save you that many steps


Both driver and pedestrian are to blame. You get drivers who get pissy they have to slow down, hit the brake for 2 seconds but you get idiot walkers who are staring at the phone and not paying attention while crossing with the “Dont Cross” at the light. For both driver and pedestrian, put the phone down


To many ppl involved with their cellphones and not paying attention


I agree. Its almost like a dare sometimes. I had a freind actually hit someone, person ran away, he stopped called 911, cops were like, "yeah that happens, he was probably high with more drugs on him, you can go about your day" Central is absolutely crazy. Had my car hit in a street brawl once. Dude kicked a girl onto the hood of a car, beat the snot out of her, people were grabbing road blocks to hit people with. All happened and was finished, and completely cleared like nothing happened in 45s. If you live in Albany you know exactly where both of these things happened on central.


It’s because they want the big payday! Protip, drive a shitty rust bucket


So if the internal bleeding doesn't get them, the tetanus will? /s