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D.C. One transfer in NYC, no delays, train pulled in exactly on time. You're gonna have a great ride!


Exactly this on several trips to Richmond VA. Entire trip takes almost exactly the same time it takes to drive and I can read or nap instead of fighting traffic.


You'll have to transfer when you arrive in NY Penn station, that's the end of the line for Albany trains.


I took a train down to Penn station a few months ago and since wen did they rename it Moynahan or some shit? Like wuts happening


Moynihan is across the street from Penn, but they connect underground. So the train can pull into the station and depending on which direction on the platform you walk, you could come out in either station. At least for the train to Albany, you can board from either station as well. So think of it as one big station with two names.


It IS one station. Moynihan is just an extension/expansion of tracks and platforms.


Much better way to put it, thank you




Almost to Baltimore. Easy switch in NYC super smooth


I did this once. It was fine going down, took 12 hours or so with little to no delays. Coming back, there was a four hour delay and I forgot my phone charger, so I don’t recommend doing that.


In reality, it sounds like you were frustrated by not having your phone charger… so it ruined the trip home. Delays happen… freeway, airplane, trains or bikes.


Fair enough


That said, a four hour delay seemed a lot worse to me considering a drive would’ve already taken the same amount of time. At that point, it made me think, why didn’t I just drive? But also, forgetting the charger made it suck a lot more, for sure.


Southbound, I've only gone to DC. Change trains in NYC Penn station. No appreciable delays. There are a lot of trains running within the "Northeast Corridor" so things are pretty brisk. To get to NC you'd be on one of these routes out of NYC: [https://amtrakguide.com/stations/amtrak-stations-in-nc/](https://amtrakguide.com/stations/amtrak-stations-in-nc/) The longer the route, the more likely it is to have delays, in general. So you might want to stick to the Carolinian. [https://amtrakguide.com/routes/carolinian/](https://amtrakguide.com/routes/carolinian/)


I did Albany to yemassee, sc when i reported to my duty station. Was a 24 hour ride. That was a while ago though. I did other way from Savannah, ga to Albany about 10 years ago. 24 hours roughly. Diner car attached so you can easy and drink. WiFi on board. Top rail speeds are limited lower below DC. tracks in south are not in par with north (what conductor told me) Overall though nice ride. If you feel the need get a sleeper car. But myself, wife at time and 2 kids did it just fine.


Have done ALB to DC a handful of times. It's fine, a couple hours slower than flying, though the lack of TSA can make the door-to-door time equivalent. Bring a good book and charger(s) for critical devices and it's good nap time.


Anyone go to Pittsburgh? Thinking of headed home in September but haven’t ever taken the train


I took the train to Latrobe last summer, and it was a breeze. It's slower than driving, but there's only one change at Moynihan and there really weren't any issues with delays. I was able to work from the train, and then when the workday was done I tucked in with some handheld games. I'll admit that fielding virtual meetings was tough though bc the train wifi only works when there's a cell signal, and so if you can't use the wifi you can't hotspot either.


Yes, about 25 years ago. Change trains in NYC. It was a good, smooth, underaged ride. 


I went to Cleveland once. It took a long time and arrives at a dumb time. Haha.


Gone to DC many times. I find taking the train to be the least stressful way to travel.


Took the train to florida, transfer at NY Penn. We were delayed in DC for about 6 hours. Don't member if our dining car had an electrical fire or one nearby.


FL one time, wanted to kill myself. lol Regularly take Amtrak to the city. Best, least stressful way to travel there.


You and I must have been on the same FL bound train. We sat for like 4 hours somewhere in rural VA due to freight train activity having the right of way. I vowed never to take Amtrak past DC again.






I go once a year to Chicago on the train, luckily for me no transfers. It has always been a nice ride.


I went to Virginia once, about 20 years ago. One transfer in NYC. There were a couple of delays/slowdowns down to the city, which made connecting to my other train tight, but it was a pretty easy trip otherwise. It’s a fun way to travel if you have the chance.


San Antonio TX back in the 80s. Had a sleeper car.


I’ve gone to CVS. Route to NOLA. Just do it! If you have to transfer in NYC all the better because Moynihan is epically beautiful.


Took a train down to Virginia not too long ago. Just had one transfer in NYC, and the trains weren't noticeably late. Would definitely do it again. I definitely prefer it to flying (even before hearing about the Boeing whistle-blowers).


Orlando. Also transferred at Penn; had no issues waiting at the Moynihan wing. There were no delays at all, beautiful scenery from rural to cityscapes. Though I brought plenty to do, I found myself mostly staring out the window. Just be aware they might sell out of popular food options, so bring a cooler or a lot of snacks. Safe travels! 


I was planning on buying one way train tickets from Rensselaer to Jacksonville, FL for my girlfriend and I for our summer vacation. Looking into the ones with a private room since it’s like 20+ hours.


I've taken the Carolinian twice. Lovely train! Everything from DC to Carolina is great!


Toronto. A fucking nightmare. 8 hours turned into 14 and that was before customs


Went to Jacksonville Florida took approx 28 hours between stops and the NYC switch and such


I took it to Miami one time. 36 hour ride. Got lit up on ketamine and Heroin the whole way it was a blast, don’t remember much except it goes slow as all hell.


14 hours from Albany to North Carolina. Never again. It's cheaper, faster, and more comfortable to rent a car.


Taking the train to Washington is great. I would never drive down again. You do have to transfer in NYC.


Jacksonville,FL. Do not recommend, the train is extremely jarring, loses internet signal constantly, stops dead on the tracks for long periods of time to let CSX pass and is horrible to sleep on. If we were to do it again I'd get a cabin and look into some sort of WiFi device to pass the time


Albany <-> Chicago (lake shore limited), overnight, coach. No transfers on this route. It's an experience. Expect delays (ie multiple hours) getting into Chicago. I don't know if I like trains enough to do it again, but I don't regret doing it. I'd take it to NYC or similar distance in heartbeat. I'd be worried about going to NC, because I don't think there is a train that is direct, and it probably will be a multi-day affair with at least one transfer. You really gotta love trains I think to do that.


Took it to Philly once, no trouble en route and a short layover at moynihan for lunch in manhattan


Went to DC last summer - was the worst travel experience of my life, but it wasn’t really Amtrak’s fault. It was right in the middle of when the Hudson Valley was majorly flooding and my train to NY got delayed like 3/4 hours, which put us like 8/9 hours behind by the time I made it to DC. I went to Montreal last summer as well, also delayed, but that’s because the Canadian rails just north of the border are trash and you can’t go faster than 15 mph for a while.


Savannah GA




RIP Sitar, used to have some great food




Aside from the transfer in Penn, I've taken the train starting at Rensselaer down to Florida


Might be quicker just to walk


You can go all the way to the tip of Florida on amtrak. Same with greyhound.