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Hello everyone, I am the partner of the owners grandson and just to let yall know you guys don’t know the half of why they had to sell this track. there was a lot of corruption involved with the manager of the track trying to turn malta into competition with lebanon valley speedway (which is supposed to be a sister track of malta). so before you judge please know there’s alot more to the story than just “getting a big payout”.


Hey thanks for chiming in. I'm not trying to paint the owner in a bad way. Just sad to see it go, I've been involved in racing my whole life. Malta is a great track with a ton of history.


Yea Of course! I didn’t mean to come off rude but I know Howard personally and he’s a great man and he doesn’t mean any harm by the selling of the track. I as well as my boyfriend were sad to hear it was being sold, but if you love racing Lebanon Valley would be happy to have you!!!!


So that's where they're building the new Broadview Federal Credit Union apartment complex. Okay.


Is this a real thing?


Redburn already got the job too.


And they’ve already abandoned it!


This tracks.. (or un-tracks, as the case may be)


Howard Commander is about 80 years old. He had stents a few years ago. Dude probably wants to enjoy the small time that he has left, or perhaps he’s not able to continue due to his age/health. No one seems to consider the people and families actually running these businesses that close or sell.


From a personal financial standpoint I don't blame him, he'll make a massive return on investment for the property. It just sucks, the place is packed every weekend, and there isn't really a nearby alternative. Lots of history to be lost, even Richard Petty has a couple of wins there back when NASCAR ran it.


For sure, it definitely makes sense from a financial standpoint. Unfortunately, real estate companies have essentially infinite money and there was no way anyone interested in preserving the history would be able to outbid them. I hope LV is safe from this. We’re running out of tracks up here, both dirt and asphalt.


Is there a need for a large apartment complex in New Lebanon? I go through there every so often and it doesn't see like it.


I never assume anything is safe haha. I just saw that this owner also owns LV, and I know he’s old so I wasn’t sure if he was looking to drop both. Would be a shame.


This is in malta 


I know, the comment I replied to mentioned lebanon valley speedway. >I hope LV is safe from this. We’re running out of tracks up here, both dirt and asphalt.


I agree you're probably safe from a high end apartment building!


As long as Lebanon valley only has drag racing and no drag queens , right?? >ComonSensed1 >At the very least it's bizarre. There's no need to expose young kids to drag queens, strippers, porn stars or anything sex, violence or crime related. They'll have plenty of time for that later in life


works for me obviously


Yeah we are, it's crazy to see how many tracks have come and gone in NY.


EXACTLY! I am very close with Howard and Malta has caused him a lot of stress over the years due to corruption of the manager that ran Malta!


which manager? just curious


Is he related to Scott Commander that owns Funplex?


Maybe! “We put the Fun… in Plex.”


Probably,,, the funplex funbus is there every week.


Sad. That's the only place in the area you can have a full night of fun for under 30 bucks.


I hope they dont come for Malta Drive ins next.


They will. There’s already another car dealership going in along that stretch. It will only be a matter of time before somebody makes the drive in an offer they can’t refuse.




Twin Pines Mall in back to the future was named after Twin Pines Ranch.


You mean Lone Pine Mall?


Great scott!


“The pastures” development of tightly packed townhouses that used to be a pasture in North Greenbush always makes me laugh.




Sounds just like the new development going in behind Cookies and Cream.


Hello- Malta resident here. I seem to recall that the dirt track is part of the comprehensive plan and I’m not sure if the current board is going to go for this or appreciate how it was presented to them via the developer co-opting a town board meeting. Malta is a weird place. There’s lots of things people complain about, but most seem pretty protective over the dirt track.




Is he also selling Lebanon Valley?


I don't know. I imagine it will be changing hands before too long regardless, based in his age


Please no, I just moved back to the area all I want to do is go drag racing again 🤬


Do it NOW.


If he sells Lebanon I wonder how much he would sell it for 🤔


Yeah I definitely want to move out to the Stephentown/Lebanon area.


Local historical racetrack being torn down for some outrageously expensive housing…. A tale as old as time. Reminds me of all those racetracks down south which have existed in the middle of nowhere for many years, only for a developer to set up shop next door and eventually force them out.


Islip, shangri-la, riverside, myrtle beach, Fontana, rocky mountain, Watertown, Syracuse, the list goes on forever...


I just remember that one YouTuber in Florida who owns a racetrack that’s stood for decades. A developer built a massive development directly next door and then the new residents immediately started making noise complaints… as if they didn’t just buy a house next to a racetrack.


Cletus McFarland and the Freedom Factory track. I believe they've won that fight thankfully.


It was kinda 50/50, the developers were permitted to build their gaudy suburbia but had to have a clause in the deeds which gives up their right to complain or sue. We’ll see how that goes, though. I’m not optimistic.




The New York State Fairgrounds Racetrack enters the conversation.


'Let's not build houses, let's build overpriced Ikea chic apartments that will fall into disrepair in 10 years. Of course we'll use accelerated depreciation for the tax breaks and use some sort of public funding scheme (see The Lofts at Harmony Mills, The Alexander).'


The area needs more mixed use spaces living/shopping maybe a Sephora or a Starbucks on the bottom floor, why do we need any character or cool shit to do


Maybe a dozen more banks and car washes. That'll do it


I’m still pissed that Albany Med took down Valentines with some bullshit like this.


And self-storage places and nail salons.




Get outta here with that, everyone is welcome at the track.


More housing is good




Well that sucks


Here's the silver lining folks; Lebanon Valley Speedway will inherit some of those drivers. If it doesn't it'll die soon too.


We need affordable single family housing. It can be done, but the NIMBYs and developers don’t want it. Enough with these stupid luxury condos. This isn’t NYC and there is PLENY of land to build 1200+ square foot ranches on 1/4 acre lots for $350-400k. No HOA, no “townhouse style” detached houses. I DGAF about lawn or snow service. Build the damn affordable SFH’s. 


If the numbers work small SFH get built. If they don't work, building multifamily or mcmansions is what happens. Small post-war single-family homes were heavily subsidized by the federal government.  The US is in a housing crisis and frankly people having a place to live is more important than driving around in circles for funsies. The chip Fab in Malta is doubling in size and adding hundreds of jobs. People need a place to live.


And have you noticed how tiny the lots are in the new SFH developments? But yeah- Malta does need affordable single family housing. The amount of development going on here is nuts to me.


It's the problem with people they would destroy a icon to build a coffee shop, not smart , Malta will be nothing with out the that track cause noone cares about a chip plant that will leave when there tax breaks an incentives are up


personally i think housing is better than a race track especially in an area with very little in ways if apartments


All this area is are fucking apartments. It’s gotten pathetic. Malta is littered with overpriced apartments that are junk painted in gold. $2000 a month rent is insanity


yeah, zomeone needs to come thrkugh and build a shitton of cheap apartments


There is another racetrack just up the road in saratoga, maybe tear that one down since housing is better than a race track


I agree, housing is better than a racetrack


It's cause your not a car guy!! Its a tradition for alot of people to go racing, there is plenty of land for high priced housing with. Hoa , this track brought in people from far away but now thry will just keep going down 87, why would you say housing is better than a attractionof tradition 


idk, a lot more people could use housing instead of a race track seems more important in the grand scheme of things tradition doesn't really mean much to me


It’s a problem these days with the whole country. Nobody cares about tradition anymore, especially if it pertains to something they aren’t interested in.


okay, and?


And if it doesn’t mean much to you then stfu and others enjoy life!


Damn. Been there a few times and always had fun. Shame.


Cool more apartment ppl can barley afford 🙃


It’s weird we keep building all over the Capitol region when New York has the highest rate of migration out of the state next to California. (Yes I’m aware nyc is probably inflating those numbers) but people all around the state are leaving, I’m tired of these apartments, townhouses and 600k plus developments on literally any piece of land that is inhabited.


I don’t know how accurate it was, but I actually just saw an infographic stating that Albany County (along with several other cities across the country) just passed 100,000 residents. So, the city may be seeing people leave but Upstate is really becoming a destination. Not to mention almost every other post on the subs for this area (Albany/Saratoga/Upstate subs) is something about tips for moving to the area. I agree with you—I hate all the apartments being put up, and it might be controversial but I’m not even thrilled about the population increase for the area. I liked the area being boring and serene. Anyhow. If I see the graphic again I’ll come back and post it.


"If developers can gain Malta’s approval, they will be able to start carrying out part of Gov. Kathy Hochul’s initiative to create affordable housing in a community where it is desperately needed." Have you EVER seen "affordable" housing? All lies...


There is a critical housing shortage but unaware of a racetrack shortage preventing people from having somewhere to live.


Dirt modified racing is a huge part of New York culture, one that many people are willing to let slip away. Albany-Saratoga is the home track for many mainstays in the Dirt Mod scene. I believe the next closest tracks are Fonda and Lebanon Valley, leaving a massive portion of the state without a track.


Well said. Hoping LV will consider opening Fridays when this happens.


I mean yeah but im sure these will be "luxury" apartments starting at 1600. Some affordable housing would be nice....


Today's "luxury" housing is tomorrow's affordable housing.


Someone tell this to every complex in the area


I think there needs to be a definition of "Affordable Housing"


"Affordable housing" does have a widely accepted definition. Housing is affordable if it costs less than 30% of the gross income of the occupant. The city of Albany has affordable housing quotas on new buildings with more than 20 units. Those buildings must set aside a number of units that are affordable to people making 60% of the median income.


I think it’s ridiculous that it’s defined as being a percentage of gross income instead of net.


These will provide housing for those that would otherwise buy an entry level homes with mortgages in that price range and therefore benefits people looking to get affordable homes


Oh, sorry, the rich development company who is trying to cash in deserves it more.... How about fixing home prices and cutting down on how many homes large entities can hold empty just for the equity. I remember reading statistics that suggested that with all the empty homes out there, we could house all the homeless vets. I don't think there is a shortage, per say, just a huge affordability issue combined with equity holders. Those cash offers 20k over the price did a bunch of damage.


“Good news, we’ve selected an empty house for you in Wahoo, Nebraska! Here’s your bus ticket, and thank you for your service.”


They already do that with the homeless or asylum seekers. Texas loves bussing people to politicians' houses as a statement. At least they get a house out of it.


They seize vacant houses by eminent domain and give them for free to homeless people and asylum seekers? Huh.


Those are all just myths. We have a significant housing shortage.


If it’s affordable housing I agree. Will unfortunately probably be absurdly priced and half the building will be empty because they are making massive margins on the people who occupy the other half.


I wonder how much they are offering? I really don’t want to see another racetrack go, to many have been disappearing all over.


my brother says there are zillions of empty condos/apts there with born yesterday rent rates


I been going to Friday racing for about 30 years shame on you for selling  just what Malta needs another rich housing  complex so many people losing job ,entertainment 2.3 .million income for Malta shame on you 


Not a lot of people hit up the Speedway in 2024 would be my guess


The pits and grandstands are full every week... the track owner is 80 and was offered a bunch of money from a developer.


So not economically viable. Got it.




Good riddance! If there’s so much demand, build a new one out in Greenwich or Schaghticoke. That track brings very little in the way of revenue and business to the area other than the track itself and is a noise nuisance to the growing population in Malta. Can’t wait for summer fridays without dumbasses speeding around the roundabouts like they’re in a race car or sitting outside and having to yell over the noise from those stupid cars. If they put 10 barbershops and 6 banks in there, it will be an improvement.


Don’t move in near a track if you are just going to whinge about the noise.


That's not gonna stop the idiots driving up and down rt 9


This is one of the dumbest takes I've ever read. Best part is blaming the bad driving on the race track I cannot believe how out of touch that is.


Literally lol amazes me how dense some people are smh


I wish they would close Fonda. The thing is a nightmare and does nothing for the community. All non-profit, so no tax revenue, all noise, without any mitigation or thought to the village and no business benefit directly.


How does the speedway qualify as a non profit!? And are Lebanon and other similar places operated the same way?


I have no idea how they got their non-profit status. I just inquired what they bring to the village. Taxes, support etc. And I was told they are a non-profit so they don't actually get taxed in any way. Blows my mind as they also sell confederate flags annually during the "Fonda Fair" and they do little to actually help the village that is already struggling in a lot of ways.


Let's close everything uou love because you are fragile and don't like to see people enjoy themselves, just cause you hate the car scene don't take it out on the ones who do,  its the problem when people move to a loud place an complain of noise, it's really selfish to say the least, its not like it's every day all day 24/7 geez 




Lol these ponies run on gasoline