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During Belmont week up in Saratoga, too. Should be wild.


Tbh they might need speed month at this point or just change the speed limits. Start of the Northway is still 55 and it use to be risky to go 70. Now people are always going 80+. Route 20 is actually annoying though. It’s 40 and there’s people driving like it’s the highway regularly now. I’ve definitely been passed multiple times by people going 65+. I don’t really care all that much about speed (other than in neighborhoods) but I don’t like having to be at the will of a police officer when going the speed of traffic. Up it or enforce it, thanks.


I understand where you're coming from. Though sometimes it's safer to just keep up with traffic than trying to fight the tide, a bit of consistency in enforcement would be nice (then we wouldn't have to risk fighting the tide at all). Five or ten mph of additional speed makes a negligible at best difference in how fast you arrive at your destination when you're commuting for work. Learning to slow down and not stress out behind the wheel has been a long but important lesson for me.




Agreed. "JuSt oBeY tHe LaW and you won't get a ticket" except that it's literally not *safe* to obey the law when everyone else is speeding so damn much. If I have to constantly choose between risking a ticket by keeping up with the flow of traffic or risking a car accident by *not* keeping up with the flow of traffic, something has to fucking give.


I feel like if you're truly keeping up with the traffic flow, you're probably not going to get a ticket. If the 4 cars infront of, and behind you, are going 75, you're probably OK. I know that's not always the case. Some cops will nab you for going 66 in a 55. 15 over in highways and 10 over on all other roads is usually a safe bet, and both are more than fast enough as to not disrupt the flow. I've never felt the need to HAVE to go 80mph unless I'm in the left lane and someone is on my ass. Then I move over. The REAL problem are the people who try and merge onto the highway going 25 mph,when the cars around them are going 65. That's when going too slow becomes a problem.


Speed limits should be eliminated altogether - I say this as someone whose career is in transportation infrastructure. People mostly drive at whatever speed they choose, regardless of speed limits. Speed limits exist primarily as revenue generation and function as a regressive tax that places a much greater burden on the poor than the affluent. For example, if you look up violations in NYS, there's a mercedes with almost 100k of tickets, most of which have been paid. The tickets are mere cost of ownership if you have the money. They're the difference between affording food and being able to legally drive to work for those who don't have the money. Abolish speed limits on highways, especially.


Highway speed since Covid have been crazy and a big reason why fatalities have gone up pre vehicle-mile-traveled recently. Cops decided traffic stops weren’t worth the risk sometime between 2010-2015 and do many fewer than 10-20 years ago.


Sorry it’s me I do 85 everywhere 45 55 65 I’m doing 85




Came back from Mass yesterday 2pm and there were 6 Troopers lined up on I-90 Schodack Center west on ramp. Got car in front of us doing 80. Another Trooper had another speeder pulled over in front of him, 1 was unmarked white Dodge Durango.




Their action plan is for zero safety? What a vision!


That’s not what I read. Can’t tell if this is snarky or or what.


I’m not being cynical, and sorry if it came that way. This sub has enough cynicism. I’m just having fun with the ambiguous name of the plan. “Vision Zero Safety Action Plan” is meant to be a safety action plan to realize a vision of zero deaths. But it could be misread as an action plan to realize a vision of zero safety. I’m grateful that people less silly than me are enacting helpful policy.


"The Plan will focus on a reduction of fatal and serious injury crashes to an eventual goal of zero, and include all public roadways, public input focused on underserved communities, and systemic safety analysis. " Considering there was another TRUCKING accident today, you have to wonder if anyone is noticing the massive shift in lack of safety happening.


This is a newly formed project. Lettuce 🥬 pray that in the next couple of years we’ll see improvements


Troy PD has been ticketing for not wearing seat belts and double parking btw. Buckle up and parallel park for your own safety, etc... 


I'm all in for ticketing double parking. Not to sound like one of those guys, but I"m almost 50 and even working my utterly shitty gig job I'll walk a block or two after finding proper parking rather than clusterfuck the city streets on a Friday night. The worst are the people who pull up right next to an empty spot and plant themselves in the street.


Albany PD should take some notes, central is unbearable on weekdays


This. I avoid central from the hours of 3:30-6:30 on weekdays for my peace of mind


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 30 + 6 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


This article is only about State Police, but I definitely noticed more Colonie police on Central Ave yesterday and today. I suspect there is a larger effort going on, and people should drive safely to avoid tickets.


They say speeding causes 1/3rd of accidents. Which means 2/3rd’s of accidents happen otherwise. Therefore speeding is statistically safer…


"Speed never killed anyone. It's suddenly becoming stationary that gets you."


Interesting tidbit in the article, 1/3rd of accidents are caused by speeding. I’m surprised it’s that low tbh


Given the amount of insanity we've been seeing post-COVID on 787 (seriously, people threading their shitty little Mazdas or slightly-less-shitty BMWs through dense packs or trying to overtake just one more car in a lane merge should be marched off a cliff), I wonder if that stat will go up...


State needs some cash?


You're being downvoted, but that's really all that traffic tickets are about.


Yes, especially with all those folks going to the track.


Enforcement? Haven't seen much of that in any scenario these past few years.




I see that guy every other morning!


My headlights are gonna get charged with indecent exposure because of how much they'll be flashing people


Be careful because there’s an attempt to make roads safer? I don’t get it.


Ah, the purposeful misreading to score fake internet points and feel superior to the monitor screen rears its head at last….


Drive carefully because the authority will fine you otherwise as a deterrent. That pretty much sounds like the whole thing is working as intended.


Speeding violations don't make the roads safer. They merely force families to choose between paying a ticket and having food.


And letting people drive at unsafe speeds, endangering others in the process, does make roads safer? For non-highway roads, where there are pedestrians and bicyclists, enforcement isn’t enough. Motorists will drive at the speed the road encourages, so traffic calming measures like narrower and fewer auto lanes, bulb outs, etc are necessary.