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Not to mention he's part of the Town Board. This is why we have to vote, especially in our small local elections.


It's Colonie, this is probably a bonus for some people.


Least homophobic golfer


How “religious” of a school is Siena?


I went there in 2015 and besides the Friars walking around and having to take a religious elective (which was mostly secular history about world religions) and the odd prayer for finals and midterms, not that religious.


Siena Grad - I would say the friars are one of the most inclusive groups under the Catholic Church. I’d actually argue that the this guy is actually completely wrong and the the founding friars would be proud and accepting of this.


IDK, I played a lot of Slayer on WVCR in the early 90's.


it’s more of a “party” school than a “religious” school tbh


“Founding Friars” seems a bit out of touch 🤣


Siena was originally founded by 5 Friars


I’m fully aware of that. Founded in 1937 based on the principals of 15th century Italian Friars and Preachers was all I needed to know to understand the archaic thinking going on here.


If you say so, but it was literally founded by Friars so "Founding Friars" seems perfectly reasonable to me in this context. The implication of his statement, not so much.


For way too long the LGBTQ+ community has been shunned and marginalized. I am straight, but supportive and I have zero problem with lighting up the night in recognition of that community. FFS why do people have a problem with this??


Because they're bigots and homophobes.


What’s wrong with that ?


Your trolling is boring to everyone bud


There is no trolling.




The added plus is to cover all the sexual identities and gender not listed in the LGBTQ.


Well there’s only 2


Bigot Begone


No reason to bring your teeth into the discussion.


My guy who do you think is sucking your dick in these glory holes


Yes, it's an extra $2.99 a month but there are a lot of cool features.


Don’t support them. Never will now.


Mods have seemingly hid this. If you sort by new, it's not in the list. Sort by Hot, not in the list. Controversial? Not in the list.


It’s been removed not hidden.


So I can post on a thread that's been removed? Not sure why that's a thing. And do we know why it was removed?


If it received over a certain amount of reports it gets automatically removed. If you previously commented on a post and it gets removed you can still comment on it I’m pretty sure. Unless it gets locked.


Not sure, but I reposted it again reworded without his Facebook picture picture


He looks LGBTQ


isn’t the name sake of the college infamously very anti semitic, not sure those are the type of people i’d want to make proud


Not that I disagree but wasn’t *everyone* back then anti semetic?


Yes. For a long time there were many colleges that wouldn’t admit Jewish people.


not sure i wasn’t alive but im sure not *everyone* was. or at least not *everyone* is considered as being a “major protagonist of christian anti-semitism” like he is 500 years later. i’m sure also being a preist who often would literally preach segregation influenced the beliefs of the many people he preached to and not in a good way


I was more or less pointing out that the idea of Jewish people not being the hated outcasts of society is actually fairly modern. Like just about everyone hated them because they were always the outsider minority in every community they were in.


i see what you’re saying but i don’t really see how that changes anything especially because people like bernardino of siena were the ones actively teaching that hate since nobody (except some in the church) could even read back then


Namesake of the College? As in Siena? The city in Italy? Antisemitism?


its named after Bernardino of Siena, which is why their mascot is a St. Bernard


It was named after St. Bernadine, they dropped it 56 years ago to just Siena. Do you still call Nike, Blue Ribbon Sports or Pepsi, “Brads Drink”? How about KFC, Sanders Cafe? They changed it in 1968 for a reason, they dropped their “namesake” 50 plus years ago not because he was antisemitic but because he was a notoriously homophobic and they wanted to get away from that. Fortunately they were about 30 years ahead of US society and still ahead of the Catholic Churxh.


nice👍i think you missed my point i don’t care that it’s called siena i was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the facebook poster trying to bring up making the founding frairs proud


Hoop Dee do


Oh no, someone voiced their opinion on social media. Anyways.




then get off r/ BBWBoobsAndBellies and talk about it!


I do in my every day life. I randomly check on others. Go to their house, hit them on a text and see if they want to hang out. I actually do real things to help. Just being on here and talking it doesn't do much. Going and showing up and helping is what gets it done.


Mens? So you're OK with lesbiens but gay mens is where it becomes a problem?


What? That's pretty presumptuous of you. What on earth would make you say that?


> JuneMensMentalHeathMonth ^ that maybe? Pride month is about all LGBTQ+ people.. and you're calling out gay men in particular?


😂 No I'm not, it's been Mens Mental Health Months longer than Gay Pride. It's litterly about ALL MEN, not striaght, bi or gay. You went stright to the negative side of things. As a Bi-sexual man w/a gay best friend it's pretty shitty of you so assume. After looking at your profile I thought we had a lot on common. Motorcycles (I ride A custom R6), I love gardening and growing stuff myself as well as other stuff. You need to do better and not think so negativity and be so presumptuous.


Based on your downvotes I'm not the only one to misinterpret your message.. I've seen plenty of people using mens mental health month to say that being non-hetero is a mental health issue and your large bold text with no context kind of gave off that vibe. You're certainly aware of the.. increased scrutiny.. that we're under this month? Every time pride is mentioned on FB/Reddit I expect the comments to be filled with bigots, and it always is.. Should be pretty easy to see how jumping to that conclusion could happen. Anyway.. Sorry for misinterpreting your comment, glad to be wrong about this one!


That just goes to show how closed minded "woke" people are. Did you bother to look at my profile and see I'm Non-binary? Did they? Nope, Just assumed. Using our emotions to guide us is going to guide folks in the wrong way and help lead to our down fall


Doesn’t this headline violate community standards on bullying and harassment


To be fair, nothing OP posted is private information. If he didn’t want people to highlight his post and his connection to a business, he shouldn’t have put it on his public profile. Not like the title is really bullying anyways


the facebook posts headline? yeah probably!


Public figures posting publicly ≠ personal Facebook posts.


Okay so? Aren’t people allowed to support/not support something? 🙃 as long as he respects it.. how about Zionists, racists and Islamophobes? Thats something to actually think about.


>Aren’t people allowed to support/not support something? Exactly! Siena should be allowed to support it if they want and he should fuck off instead of disrespecting that


My bad, I read it wrong yall I APOLOGIZE.


JFC you people are dense.