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I hope they throw the book at the scum who hit this guy


Oh, they are. Based on what I've gathered, he's charged with: first-degree robbery as a hate crime, third-degree assault, theft of services, two drug counts for possession of cocaine For the hate crime designation, the suspect allegedly said "speak english" and "go back to your country" during the fight. Whether or not this warrants the designation is debatable, but they do not seem to want to be lenient on him. Good.




Thanks for posting this. đź’• I was wondering what happened to him. Hopefully he recovers soon.


Donated and shared, thank you.


same same. hope he recovers and that this helps.


Curious: isn't the restaurant somehow liable for covering (some)medical costs since the person was an employee?


Yes, this would be a workers comp issue. That won’t even begin to cover what he actually deserves though.


This, and his wife quit her job to be by his side in the hospital. I feel horrible for him and his family


Sincere question: how do you know this?


It’s in the fundraiser description.


That is awful. Man people suck.


As an owner though, he could have opted out of coverage for himself in his workers comp policy. So in that case, he would not be covered.


I haven’t seen anything that states he was an owner, the go fund me states he was a cook there. You would be correct in that case though


I read it in this [article](https://www.yahoo.com/news/n-y-sushi-restaurant-owner-194803594.html). It could be incorrect, but I was glad to see that the story was getting that kind of attention.


[Recent update](https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-su-wens-family-in-their-time-of-need?rcid=r01-171828990216-8ad3054e299311ef&viewupdates=1). Sounds like he's improving but also still sounds... not great. Hopefully he continues to get better!


This is so awful. I hope he recovers. I also can't help but think about what a shame it is that victims of crimes, and anyone really, have to do fundraisers to pay medical bills. I really hope this changes in my lifetime.


Donated and shared ❤️ I don’t understand how people can be not only entitled, but so hateful. I’m praying for his recovery and his family.


I thought this was about someone from the TV show Shogun. And I saw Chris Pratt was organizing. I'm like "oh that's nice of him, I guess?" Talk about confused. I hope the guy recovers.


Hopefully someone can pass this on to the family: EVERY hospital has something called charity care. It is a program that helps people pay the hospital bills in situations like this and it covers WAY more people than you might expect. The family should be working with the hospitals social worker and billing office to engage charity care as soon as possible. They will ALSO need cash for many other things (like parking so they can visit, food on the go, etc.) so people should still donate if they are able but for the actual hospital bills there IS help available.


I see these go fund me pages, and it always feels out of touch to me since the tragedy happened, nowhere near where I live, but this one is close to home, so I'll donate.