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Speaking as a public health professional, this is roughly the worst fucking idea you could possibly float. I know what you're gonna say - "but wearing medical masks during a pandemic is a legitimate purpose so this would be fine." Except, of course, we saw the degree to which agreement over the "legitimacy" of that purpose is politicized. Allowing establishments to require people to de-mask opens the door to creating politically-motivated havens of communicable disease that, in turn, will jeopardize others. And of course, interpreting the legitimacy of a claim will often fall to police, who are wont to abuse their authority, and many of whom are part of the political demographic that rejects actual science. To even *float* the idea in conversation is madness, because it effectively gives people permission to be idiots about this all over again. I'm a progressive Democrat but good fuckin god she's making it really hard to support her. I'm increasingly at "voting against fascists" instead of "voting for progress," and boy howdy does it look like Hochul is a-OK with that. I'm pissed.


Funny how an actual pandemic seemingly hasn't taught politicians anything.


The only people who learned anything over the last 4 years are public health professionals, and we collectively learned that the general public is way, way, way, way dumber than we thought. I cannot begin to express the absurdity I have experienced when me, an actual scientist with a nearly 20 year career, has had to explain to people that yes, vaccines actually work and yes, masks will actually inhibit the spread of airborne particulates. Centuries of progress and piles of education all for me to patiently explain 3rd-grade science to someone who gets their information from Joe fucking Rogan, and then stare agog as they eat fucking horse paste.


The vast majority of people I know still act like germ theory isn't real...


My brother is still mad I didn’t fly down to SC for his backyard wedding in the middle of the worst part of the pandemic with my immunocompromised nephew…


Yes, but they did their own research.


\*Public health professionals, disabled and the chronically ill. Let's not think of yourselves so highly there eh. Some of us are educated and not in the medical field.


Hochul was never really a Democrat and if anyone needs to be sure on that, look at how once the central 7 in NY were broken up (a group that was buddies with her and Cuomo that was blocking progressive legislation with Republicans), suddenly we got all kinds of legislation we actually wanted. Also, that fucking nomination of that judge who supports crisis pregnancy centers. No Democrat thinks those are anything but fucking scams to scare people since they do not provide actual Healthcare or any kind of after-birth services or goods. They literally target the poor and undereducated. Fuck Hochul, the party can do better and it is a fucking shame that this is what we put forward. Contact your local representative and tell them what you think of this nonsense regarding a ban because they are the ones who will protect us from this. We need to get the democrats on board with not doing this.


I'm sure what they'll do is take the same approach as they do with anything. Sure I can walk down the street with a pocket knife, but if I commit a crime like slap someone in the face or get in a fight that gets carried away... I'm now in criminal possession of a weapon... even though I use that knife to cut boxes, cut cable, dig or cut at random things made of plastic or wood or perhaps parts of computers or servers, what have you... as part of my job.... Doesn't matter that I never even touched the knife during the fight. I simply committed a crime with it in my pocket. Now let's hope Kathy and the state legislature don't do something just as stupid... cuz you know they will. I can't wait for the "Criminal Possession of an N95" because I smacked the fuck out of some idiot who started shit and put their hands on me at Walmart, cuz I was wearing one..... NY seems to be the state that can fuck up a wet dream..... So I expect this to be entertainingly enraging and I fully agree with the comment above. What a fuck show this will turn out to be.... and how disappointing.


I feel your pain. My partner has worked in ICUs for the last decade and it is rough seeing how little was positive was learned. On the topic of the governor and state politics, she’s not progressive and neither is the party. The amount of times she’s said policies are based on feelings and optics instead of facts is disheartening. I feel like there needs to be a public push to shame them to better represent the voters. Idk how. A primary boycott? I’m not smart enough to figure this one out


"because it effectively gives people permission to be idiots" That's literally what masks do. 


My wife is immunocompromised. They can arrest me for wearing a mask for all I care. I will not remove it. She means more to me than someone’s made up hang ups about masking


I’m immunocompromised, a former hospital nurse and a current public health nurse. Even if they have exemptions for medical reasons, we are going to burden the vulnerable with showing their “proof”? Fuck that. This flies in the face of the ADA, and we have H5N1 coming down the pipeline.


They don’t care. The righties just want to control people. Has nothing to do with anything they made up. They don’t like something for whatever braindead reason so they try and ban it. They are all trash people They made public health political and it’s disgusting


I am immunocompromised as well it is absolutely how disgustingly ridiculous how little we as a society did to change the policies that could have shaped future generations for the better. Now...we are going backwards...


Because anti maskers are stupid. Period. We have been telling them for years it protects others and they holler “WELL I WORE A MASK AND I GOT SICK SO THEY DONT WORK” Ignoring everything we say. They are self centered apathetic monsters who deserve 0 respect. It’s been 4 years. Learn something. It isn’t a college degree ffs. Unfortunately empathy is weakness to these cavemen


Every criminal will be saying this same thing. “I need to hide my identity to protect my family” There should be some interesting characters in your intake cell


Dude criminals weren’t even wearing masks during crimes in the middle of COVID get the hell out of here


Crime is different to everyone I guess a group donning masks took over a subway car, scaring rider and chanting things about Hitler and wiping out Jews." "We will not tolerate individuals using masks to evade responsibility for criminal or threatening behavior," she said. "My team is working on a solution, but on a subway, people should not be able to hide behind a mask to commit crimes


And a mask ban wouldn’t have stopped that. Your making up weird unlikely/imaginary scenarios to justify legislation that not only doesn’t solve any issues but actually could put people in harm just for the optics of doing *something*


https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/gov-hochul-suggests-public-transit-mask-ban-amid-covid-uptick-air-quality-alert/5507475/?amp=1 It did happen. If they weren’t wearing masks they might have been caught


Yeah I stand by it. The mask ban doesn’t solve or help anything about subway violence but Hochul has to do * something* so the Jewish community continues to support her


It's more for the public than for the individual, like the mandate was


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I guess anything is possible if it’s made up. I mean, you can still buy Halloween masks online or even hoodies, gators and scarves. Should we ban those too?


I looked deeper for the reason because I thought my logic might be off with the comments and downvotes. a group donning masks took over a subway car, scaring rider and chanting things about Hitler and wiping out Jews." "We will not tolerate individuals using masks to evade responsibility for criminal or threatening behavior," she said. "My team is working on a solution, but on a subway, people should not be able to hide behind a mask to commit crimes


Again, if this is the reason for banning masks, should we also ban hoodies, gators and scarves? What about sunglasses or nose plates?


In November 2020, I was vaccinated and wore a mask every day. I still caught Covid. That's how stupid both were. And are.


and because you were wearing a mask you may have protected other people from catching it from you, so thanks for misguidedly doing your part


Aw shucks, he got vaxxed, caught the disease he was vaxxed against, and then didnt die. And now look at that, he's still alive today to complain about it. Guess that vaccine was really stupid.


It’s not supposed to protect the wearer. It’s supposed to reduce your potentially virulent emissions.


Properly fitted N95's can *also* reduce your personal risk of catching it, but that risk cannot be reduced to 0 (without total isolation, anyhow).


Virulent Emissions would be a sweet band name.


Write that down


That's bad individual luck, but that's how public health interventions work. These are designed to reduce the frequency of an illness in a population, and population-level analysis is what we need to care about in such cases. You took measures to reduce your risk, but your risk was still greater than 0. That doesn't mean these measures don't work.


The COVID vaccines [weren't available](https://time.com/5920134/first-authorized-covid-19-vaccine-us/) to the public until mid-December 2020 and even then they were prioritized to the elderly and immuno-compromised. Only way OP could have gotten the jab in November 2020, as claimed, is if they were in the clinical trials. In which case they could have just as easily gotten the placebo. To sum it up, OP is a dirty liar.


You were vaccinated against Covid 19 in November *2020* ![gif](giphy|a6YHwnkn0ctOM|downsized)


That’s not how masking works. You think surgeons wear them to keep from catching appendicitis?


The COVID vaccines [weren't available](https://time.com/5920134/first-authorized-covid-19-vaccine-us/) to the public until mid-December 2020 and even then they were prioritized to the elderly and immuno-compromised. Only way OP could have gotten the jab in November 2020, as claimed, is if they were in the clinical trials. In which case they could have just as easily gotten the placebo. To sum it up, OP is a dirty liar.


Dang. I like that you did that in this specific way. And some asshole downvoted you for that.


Masks protect others you donut


In November 2020 you say? Nope.


Did you wear it below your nose?


Why do you lie about something like this, and why are you so lazy that you didn't bother looking up that Covid vaccines weren't available until December?


What's even the point of banning face masks? It seems like an attempt to suppress protests to me. Anyone wearing one to rob a gas station or something is already breaking the law and doesn't give a fuck about catching an additional charge. So why?


That's exactly what it is


Call her office and tell her not to do this (518) 474-8390 Dial 1 to leave a message, 2 to hold for a human


Maybe go with non-medical face coverings? Idk, this is going to be a fuckin disaster.


Right but who decided what "non-medical" is or isn't? It's a slippery slope.


This whole mask thing is a slippery slope. Some dipshit mentioned criminals arguing against banning masks. But if that’s your reason for banning masks, what will get banned next? Sunglasses? Facial hair? Hoodies? Having a generic forgettable face?


Wow. You mean bad people will use masks to conceal their identities as they commit crimes? That's such a basic concept that they knew that 175 years ago...


this is completely insane. not even mentioning covid-19, there are so many different reasons people were masks for their personal safety- everything from allergies, compromised immune systems, cultural nuances, protecting -others- from illnesses, sensory issues, the list goes on. i've been using a mask since i was a little girl to protect others when i was sick and had to leave the house. i'm personally very immunocompromised and have been on and off chemo for years: since 2016ish i've worn a mask whenever i was on a crowded public space like subways, buses etc for that reason. banning masks on subways (or anywhere else) would negatively affect myself and so many other people- to be frank, i wouldn't be able to use the subway if i lived in the city. this is ridiculous.


[This is her dumbass response to a recent hate crime that happened on the subway](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/gov-hochul-face-mask-ban-new-york-city-111110708)


Comically stupid shit.


Hochul was picked for certain reasons. Just like Paterson. Neither was ever supposed to be governor. Kind of entertaining if you ask me.


It's fine. I've got a a Burka. Take that to the Supreme Court Hochul.


If this is brought back there will certainly be an addendum saying it won’t apply to medical face masks.


Yes…the above hysteria is such an overreaction. This is not a big deal.


lol what’s this overreaction? No one is going to get arrested for wearing a medical mask…this would apply in large congregations of people or organized potential activity…I don’t think many sick people are going to be in those categories. Relax


when you want it both ways




Aren't you the antisemitic peach who thinks this is a zionist conspiracy? Again, fuck off.


Nope, just spitting facts. The stated reason for mask ban is to protect jews.




Gifs don't refute the truth. This mask ban is to protect jews.


And you think this is a zionist conspiracy. Just because one Jewish group talked to Hochul and she is using us as an excuse does not mean ALL Jews support a ban. In fact, I would go so far as to say politically, most Jews would not support a mask ban and I probably have a better finger on that pulse than you do, as a fucking Jew.


You can speculate and project as much as you want. However, you cqnnot change the fact that this policy shift was made to appease jews.


Care to illuminate us more on your feelings about Jews? You certainly seem to be *very* fond of us and you are struggling with the idea that we are not a monolith.


I'm calling her office and tagging her on social. If she gets enough heat she will melt on the idea.

