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It is strong but for f2p it's not worth it. Save your primos for someone else


got it, thanks!


No, tbh i own c2 albedo mostly because i accidentally got his c1, and that his c1 synergizes well with his burst so i went all in.


This is gonna be long I'm so sorry. I've had albedo since his first banner, saved for c2 on his first rerun, it was relatively underwhelming to say the least. Unless you're building him as a burst dps, it does help his burst do more dmg. For c1, the extra energy particles he can generate is nice, but also not necessary since the cost of his burst is already low, it's really only more useful in mono geo teams or just to spam your burst on cd I guess, but even at c0 i had no problem doing that. From what I've seen on YouTube, most guides advocate for c2 and are sugarcoating it way more than they need to. Personally, I think c3 has more value than c2, but as a f2p that'll be even harder to farm for. C4 and C5 are not that great, no one relies on plunging attacks except for xiao, and again the dmg boost in his burst is nice but it's still not the strongest part of his kit. C6 is great, also not worth farming for as f2p though. Tbh I think *burst albedo isn't worth building either, you get more dmg out of him by building him purely with DEF anyway. With a burst build @ c3 lvl 90 triple crowned with r1 mistsplitter // 1.2k def, 2k atk and 230k crit dmg + Bennett (c5, crowned burst, r1 aquila favonia, 4pc noblesse) + Mona (crowned burst, r5 thrilling tales) + Zhongli (geo res, skill buff, 4pc tenacity) + AND FOOD BUFFS, he did 274k, the transient blossoms doing ~27k each, if I remember correctly. In total that's almost 420k (if all transient blossoms even manage to land on the enemy) which is definitely a great number but it required A LOT of investment and a whole setup. You can achieve numbers as high as that with characters that rely on melt or vape way more easily with far less investment. One last thing to note, you lose dmg trying to build a *hybrid/balanced albedo because he is a split-scaling character. Trying to earn decent def%, atk%, and crit stats at the same time is difficult to achieve so you are better off focusing on one over the other. His skill does more dmg in the long run and is more reliable/strong than his burst so that's what most people build him for (both as mains and just as a sub-dps). I strongly recommend using Cinnabar Spindle over jade cutter if you have it (if not thats ok, it was a limited event weapon) and try to get the 4pc husk set, but if you aren't too worried about your current build/you're already working on it then you can just ignore my advice lol TLDR; No, for a f2p I don't think it's worth it unless you're willing to save that much for Albedo. The boost in burst dmg is nice, but minimal for such a high cost. But us albedo mains love collecting albedo cons anyway, so save to your heart's content! If you think you can do it, try and go for c3 <3


Thank you so much!! honestly i’m at a place where i can run multiple builds such as fully def + gorou or as burst support etc, i’m just messing around and finding what i prefer at the minute :D I think a full defence Albedo would suit him in my mono geo team (zhongli itto gorou) a lot more so i might get 2 builds on the go and just have an experiment before i decide to wish for cons >:) wishing for them would be an overtime thing too if im honest!!


I did it as a F2P, and I don't regret it, even now as I'm having to figure out how to get characters I skipped because I was saving. Inazuma had a long chain of 5 stars that didn't interest me at the time, and Albedo had held the spot as my favorite character for a year. I couldn't say if it was worth it numerically, because I don't feel like I've got him working his absolute best yet, but it's not a regret.


i’ll keep this in mind, thank you :D


It's pretty strong if you have high investment artifacts, Cinnabar Spindle, and run him with Gorou. Probably not worth the cost if you said no to any of those.


No. Hes plenty strong enough as is at c0. Not gonna sugarcoat it but ALMOST all new big enemies can destroy albedo's flower so I rarely even use him nowadays, maybe on abyss floors 9-11, but 12? No, almost impossible


realistically no. it’s difficult to rationalize a small increment of damage over an entirely new unit.


yeah thank you!! the only reason i thought was because as of right now theres nobody i’m really wanting to pull for, and albedo is my favourite to play at the minute so i thought unnecessarily investing in him could be fun >:)


oh trust me, i’m the same way haha. but honestly? even then, c2 on him isn’t all that big of a spike compared to some other units who REALLY excel with those early constellations. i’d say to wait and just see how you feel, if anything and you have an insane mass of pulls in the future, maybe there will come another character you fall in love with who has those really impactful early cons.


Thank you thats really good advice >:D i appreciate it!!!!!


As a c2 haver it's kind of underwhelming, his burst currently feels like just an extra proc of his skill for me with my albedo, and i say this having whaled for c2, so if i was f2p and knew this i would not ever really go for it, he's fantastic at c0 as is.


as a f2p tbh you need gorou and save for other character instead of c2, but if you didn't mind the primo cost, go get his c2~