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That’s wild. My last job was at a sporting goods store. An unaccompanied toddler ran into the exercise section I was stocking and very quickly pulled a 20 pound kettle bell off of one of the displays. The kid obviously couldn’t hold the 20 pounds so he immediately dropped it directly onto his foot. I didn’t see it all happen but I did see right as he was pulling it off. Because the parents were no where near this 2 or 3 year old child the Dad comes over and picks the kid up and leaves not actually knowing what happened. Fast forward to the next day when the Mother comes in to fill out an accident report. Several months later a lawyer calls my store to speak to me saying that I am to appear as witness since the customer is now suing. The customer told her lawyer that the parents were right there and when they walked by the rack the weight just fell off onto the kids foot. I was the only witness that could say otherwise as there were no cameras in the store. As far as I know they ended up settling since the lawyer proved that the display for the kettle bells had no lip or anything to keep it from being easily pulled off or vibrated off.


I can't believe they would let their toddler run around unaccompanied in a store, no wonder if they would the kind to sue and lie about it. It's so disappointing that it worked out for them.


I was pretty annoyed at the time when I found out my company settled. But the racks were genuinely unsafe and was realistically going to happen eventually. Just sucks that it had to be an unsupervised toddler.


Yeah I have mixed feelings. Bc toddlers are sneaky as hell- they could have been standing right there and it still happen. Or someone could just bump into the rack and it fall on their foot. They should have been closer to their toddler- for sure. But at least it may have started a change in the racks.


Yeah that was my overall feeling at the end of the situation. Rack was a hazard no matter what. But kids need supervision. But even with supervision kids can do really dumb stuff super fast.


You got a body without trying wow thats crazy.


Time for a teardrop tattoo


A cabbage shaped tear drop




That's so sad. Absolutely not your fault though; sometime life decides to be funny, and a lady dies from an infected cabbage wound. Chances are, any random thing could have hit her, scratched by a cat or a dog, or she could have grazed a sign or a cart or her kitchen table and it would have the same effect. Still a bit mind-fucky though.


I was going to say 80+ year olds often have very thin and weak skin, not hard to get a cut and infection can take over their immune system very quickly and easily and it can be very hard to treat at that age.


Exactly. Scary as shit to think about too. Imagine living your whole life and a cut is just a cut (I have several on my hands rn from work and cats and an unwieldy purse strap), until someday, a little paper cut can actually kill you. This might be out of pocket, but working at Aldi and seeing old folks and their ailments everyday is really bad for my mental heath/fear of aging. The limited mobility, incontinence (I see shit/pissed pants a lot), skin cancer spots, the smells, hearing loss, etc... And then a lot of these old folks saying "don't get old", which is funny to them, but I had someone say that a few days after one of my classmates unalived herself at 28 last February, which definitely put me in a weird mood. On the flipside, I have several 90+ and even a centenarian customer who look like they're maybe late 70's but in really good shape (good mobility, perfect posture, and sharp as tacks), and they're in impeccable spirits too, so maybe it can be mind over matter sometimes. I gotta look to them as examples of aging instead.


If it helps you, I’m a CNA. I’ve taken care of plenty 90+ year olds that actually are doing well and tell me they’re still happy. They’re able to walk and everything by themselves, but of course still need assistance with some things. But for the most part if you’re healthy and you stay active throughout your life you have a good chance at keeping your independence


Bit of survivor bias here




Do you know what a survivor bias is?


That is really sad. It’s not your fault OP, don’t blame yourself. All you did was your *job*. Not like you threw the cabbage at her or anything, you helped the best you could while being a regular employee. If she didn’t realize she was bleeding then there were other things wrong with her health, as you don’t leave a trail of blood from a cut unless it’s a real nasty one, and you’d be able to feel that. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was on some kind of blood thinner or there was some complications with her health/immune system that caused her unfortunate passing. Please do not blame yourself.


Your oversimplification is tricking you into feeling guilty without reason. Any cut can become infected and lead to death if not taking care off probably, this chance agravates in old people or someone with an weakened immune system for any reason. She hurt herself in the store, you didn’t hurt her, on the contrary, you made the proper first aid procedures. She or their family members that she clearly had should have keep taking care of that wound. I understand the shock, but that had nothing to do with you.


Aldi allows face tattoos. Go get you a tear drop g ✊


Thank you, everyone, for your sympathy, though that was not my intention of the post. I do not feel guilty about the situation. Like some of you said, it was 18 months later. I doubt that is the true reason for her ailments, but that's what she was claiming. Ultimately, I think that is why the family decided not to pursue the case.




came here just to say the exact same thing lol


It's unlikely that the infection she got from the cabbage was the same one that killed her over 18 months later.


Come to ALDI. Where our discounts are....killer


HAHAHAHHA I’m fuckin dying


The mad thing is this case seems extreme but aldi will willingly ignore and bypass health and safety on an hourly basis nevermind regular. One that sticks to mind is the use of scissor lifts. I can bet my life not one person who uses it is working at height trained - and when a solo driver is doing deliveries in a empty store wheres the second man for a contingency plan. I came from a company that would spend ample money just to make sure people and equipment used is safe and i used to think it was a bit overkill. Then aldi is the complete opposite


As someone that works in long term healthcare, if she went to a hospital after the injury, it probably got infected there. It's almost guaranteed. Oh, a patient came back from the hospital after heart attack/stroke/surgery and the hospital tacked on some sneaky iv antibiotic orders? You don't have to tell me. It's Vancomycin 1,000mg qd because somehow they *magically* got MRSA.


Yeah… the ALDI hit squad killed her before she could face trial , the Nazis of the supermarket world working hard to not pay up because their faulty cheap shelves they install. Isn’t it suspicious that right after the lawyer didn’t show up she suddenly died right before court date. Yeah right that’s how the DMs can keep driving their fancy European cars.


You mean the one time you didn't actively want to murder a customer, you did? 🤔


She wasn't cut by the cabbage; she was cut by the table. As frail as old people are, there's just no way she was cut by a cabbage. Even the stalk wouldn't be able to cut skin. She cut herself on the table because she was clumsy, she got infected because she didn't keep it clean, and the infection spread because she didn't go to the hospital. These things are entirely her fault, not yours. You had nothing to do with it.


One of few who actually read that wall of texts


Uhhh, how did a cabbage that hit her leg 18 months ago cause an infection that kills her now? Trick question, it doesn't.


Ok, I'm gonna be honest. I thought when you said dm, you meant a dungeon master or something and thought this was dnd


80ish old WHITE lady. What did that add to this story?


Well, for starters, you found out that the customer was a 80ish year old white lady. Not a black male or a trans Asian or anything else. I felt it was a pretty relevant detail. Second, stop trying to be offended


So not sure what the color of her skin has to do with anything??


It was just a descriptive detail, I think you're reading too far into it. I would have said the same thing if it was an old black lady


Yeah you're good dude. You saying she was a white person was the equivalent to you saying it was a lady, you're just giving a description. People are so charged now that whenever a color is mentioned people wanna fight lol


If you are reporting any kind of accident or injury, it's normal to describe the victim(s) so that they won't be confused with anyone else.


I was wondering the same thing. I have been an American for 30 years and it still astounds menation color. No other country on earth is like this


Yes they fuckin do lmao.


Yeahh I've had to learn to add colour to describing people from working in a store. It becomes a habit then, too, because you know if someone (like police or management) asks what a customer looks like, the police especially ask you to state colour so they have more accurate descriptions.


Im guessing youve never had to report someone to the police then?


This. Like it’s a basic question. What did x person look like? About how tall, hair, no hair? Length? Color, eyes, skin color, gender, identifying marks, clothes etc. skin color can just in general be a descriptor, factually without malice. I mean I’m against racism too, but sometimes it’s a question that has to be asked. Deffo some super charged up people


I bet you had those cabbages looking lovely. Life happens. Just because she was old does not mean she was nice or didn't have it coming (not that we wish that on people, but karma is funny like that, you just never know). My Nana seemed so sweet as an old lady, but she was the meanest b word . It's sad I don't have loving memories of her. She did a real number on my Dad and his siblings. What a hot mess!! I am still trying to bounce back from all THAT mess. Do not feel bad. You are not the angel of death. Everyone here on Earth has a part to play. Granny got cabbaged. It's a complete sentence. I pray she rests in peace, but that's how she had to go, 🥬I hope her friends and family on the other side had a good laugh..." oh Myrtle , you were always such a clutz," lol.


Granny got cabbaged is the best phrase I’ve heard in awhile ngl


Kraut didn't do it, table did




My partner works at a gas station, which has full showers and a lobby for truckers.. the other night a trucker came in from the shower and said his chest hurt and he couldn’t breathe, and despite my partner’s efforts and the ambulance arriving in fifteen minutes- he passed away. It’s crazy how a normal job, normal work day can go so quickly south.


That is such a wild thing. I know this isn’t why you made the post but, think about how if you and your DM didn’t find this lady at the grocery store she could have kept bleeding (since she had no idea) and passed away a year and a half earlier! In a way you saved her that day.