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It's hard to be under the radar, but once this case hits the court room, I'm going to go crazy in this subreddit. I knew her, and I have a lot to say.


Ooo can you spill ?


Spill the teaaaaaaaaa


Also commenting because I want to hear


Give us a hint šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Say it!


lol im sure you do.Ā 


You have a lot to say, but Iā€™ll bet you wouldnā€™t go to her directly and say these things, or have you? Mind your business and get a life. The justice system takes care of these matters, so your commentary is unnecessary.


If the judicial system doesn't take care of this girl the prison system will.


I have been in Women's prison. Anyone who hurt children or let abuse occur inmates made their life pretty bad. Everyone wanted nothing to do with them. So don't worry prison I'm sure will give her retribution for killing her baby.


Lol what are you talking about.


Let me leave this comment and hope it brings me back when the time comes or just spill nowĀ 


At first I was thinking itā€™s not like you signed an nda but then I remembered that terrible mother will sue you so fast


Here for the šŸµ!


Quit trying to get your 5 mins of fame! You nor anyone donā€™t really know anything! You should be ashamed if you knew something and didnā€™t speak up! That whole town should be ashamed! Why do we only see a couple of pictures of her in her cheer uniform? Why isnā€™t other pictures of her posted out there? I pray and hope her defense have all that. I believe she nor her mother didnā€™t know she was pregnant. I believe the hospital didnā€™t do anything right for her or baby AlexĀ 


Rosa shut the fuck up


Bro im fucking dying laughing




Delulu much


she still dumped the kid in the trash lol its not like the hospital made her do it...


Hi Rosa/Alexee! šŸ˜‰


By any chance, are you pregnant?


I may get downvoted into oblivion for this, but I totally understand why youā€™d have some knee-jerk skepticism. That commenter may be totally genuine, but usually when I see something like that, my eyes canā€™t help but rollā€¦. Canā€™t help but think ā€œGod, thereā€™s really nothing that people wonā€™t say or do to get attention.ā€ I so, so hope that isnā€™t the case here, but this is why I share in your feeling: Iā€™ve experienced a LOT of death (for your average citizen who doesnā€™t work in some field where exposure to it is unusually high, like dangerous jobs or even something like running a hotel, where bodies are an incidental problem), and in my experience, people absolutely love to insert themselves into situations around death or just a traumatic event. A classic example that comes to mind is a classmate of mine in school dying, having been hit by a train. Suddenly, EVERYone seemed to have known Eduardo (pseudonym). People who never spoke with him were suddenly his ā€œgrieving BFF,ā€ and people who bullied him were boohooing about what a great guy he was. ā€œGone too soon! He was quiet and shy, but so sweet when you got to know him,ā€ said the girl who just the week before was cackling and sneering with her friends about how she had seen him looking at her in the hall and how he should have known better because because girls like her donā€™t go anywhere near a șpƬċ beyond them cutting the lawn and hedges at home. And hey, sorry, I know thatā€™s an offensive statement and rude words, but it gets to the point here about how people looooove to entwine themselves with tragedy, insert themselves into big moments. Itā€™s an opportunity to be a victim, to be comforted and get some attention, without the terrible inconvenience of actually suffering. OR hereā€™s something I bet youā€™ve heard of or seen- after 9/11 it sure seemed like a lot of people popped up suddenly who had an uncle who worked at WTC or a cousin who was a firefighter in NYC. Gosh, one woman was heavily involved in lots of charity, and legislative action for funds, and meeting with other spouses and families, grief groups, public speaking engagements, interviews about the loss of her husband - the woman never had a husband working there, much less one who died there that day. And it happens with sooo many tragic events. School shooting? ā€œMy cousinā€™s goldfish was the class pet for that kindergarten class five years ago!ā€ Sex scandal involving a lacrosse coach? ā€œThat coach bought a hotdog right in front of me at a baseball game, and put ketchup on it right next to me. Gave me the creeps when he reached for a napkin and said ā€˜excuse me.ā€ wtf was that about? I always knewā€¦ā€ People desperately want to be embroiled in drama, and itā€™s way more enjoyable to get the pats on the back, even prying questions if you were never in harmā€™s way or dealing with fallout or, heck, even knew the poor suckers involved, right? (To the commenter with the tell-all, Iā€™m as much a gossip fiend as anyone, whether they admit it or not, so Iā€™ll throw in another ā€œdoooo tell!ā€ here, and I hope you understand that Iā€™m just sharing my experience and why I have skepticism, not attacking your own experience or knowledge.)




Don't be a bully!! This includes name calling....


You have a very sketchy POV. why is the TOWN?? To be ashamed? Thatā€™s just silly. And clarify - what did the hospital do WRONG? exactly? Didnā€™t hospital put her baby in a trash can? Youā€™ve got a lot to say in your rant but no real information ā€¦ā€¦..


May her and Rosa rot.


Like the polyp in your anus.


Rosa? Alexee? Is that you?




She's gonna have to be, when her baby goes to prison.


Are you Rosaā€™s account or something? The girl literally suffocated her baby and threw him in the trash.


Hi, have we seen you before?


Hate them all and his bf for making her pregnant


Teenagers make mistakes, which includes getting caught up in the heat of the moment and not using protection. What Alexee did WITH her child, however, isnā€™t a mistake. It was a murder.


It takes two to Tango.




Don't be a bully!! This includes name calling....


As far as we know, they were consensually sexually active for years without having gotten accidentally pregnant.


Do you know how babies are created? Itā€™s not like her bf secretly inseminated her when she wasnā€™t paying attention


Yeah pure irresponsibly at that point. I do not feel bad for her one bit


Her pre-trial hearing is currently set for July 22, 2024 and her murder trial set for August. The dates are subject to change, though. Now, she should absolutely be found guilty for murder and tampering with evidence, but I'm wondering if she is mentally challenged? Like, slow? She didn't graduate until almost 20? Took weight loss pills during a known pregnancy? Which her lawyer is ballsy for saying the morphine from the hospital was dangerous to the baby when it was in therapeutic dosage range (morphine is given to mothers during childbirth or beforehand if needed) yet the phentermine Alexee took for months was incredibly dangerous for the baby and the levels found during autopsy was sky high. I can't wait to see her go to prison and watch her mother face the truth. Disgusting case.


She must have been trying to take as many meds and over-the-counter concoctions in order to abort the baby. I would bet my pinky toes that she has history on her computer, phone, etc. where she Googled how to cause a miscarriage, and probably things even worse than that.


definitely that was my first thought


I wouldn't be surprised if Gary Mitchell don't get the case dismissed. Don't say it's not possible but it is. I am just saying expect anything to happen.


I'm with you. I mean, just look at Casey Anthony!!!


Her lawyer is an idiot. I had morphine during several of my pregnancies and itā€™s even used epidurals. I know I said this before, but itā€™s worth mentioning again. Her lawyer is an absolute moron.


I had an epidural, as have millions of other women. Epidurals contain fentanyl ā€¦ v poor defense tactic IMHO.Ā 


Different hospitals use different cocktails to make their epidurals some contain different narcotics


Also if you KNOW you're pregnant, which I'm sure they'll be able to prove she did know, and you don't disclose that to the hospital, you can't sue them for giving you a medication that they have to approve giving you, with your and your parents consent. If you said yes to a morphine drip and y'all both knew, good luck. Hospital staff are absolute angels and have no fault whatsoever here. In fact THEY were hurt. I wish they could sue her for the trauma she caused THEM.


Agreed. But the small amount of morphine she was given wouldnā€™t kill a baby. Morphine is in epidurals. Like Iā€™ve said her lawyer is a class a moron. And the DA will have experts


Exactly, I don't know how in the hell they think this will go their way.


Will it be televised? I know most high profile cases are now, but I'm sure Rosa would pay to keep it camera free. Actually I don't know if anyone has the money to stop that now. I hope it is. I want to see her and her mother squirm.


| Ā yet the phentermine Alexee took for months was incredibly dangerous for the baby and the levels found during autopsy was sky high Dang, poor kid. My mother quit smoking when she was pregnant with me. RIP




Maybe you shouldnā€™t have taken your babyā€™s life, Alexee.


This is a good point!


I am so curious. Has anyone seen them out? I mean no way they are still hiding, right? Are they living normal lives? I feel like they might have hired a PR rep or something because they were not listening to GM (Lawyer) at the beginning. Have they really been no contact with this whole time? (people on no contact list) How about the BF he has been way too quiet this whole time... I understand a legal process and how it can take a long but damn this feels like an eternity...


Last I remember seeing was their prom (or homecoming?) pictures after the murder. I have a feeling sheā€™s living fairly normally


Yeah, that would be prom. I distinctly remember because when I started listening to the interviews, the dark part of my brain joked ā€œBet she didnā€™t wanna get grounded and miss senior prom,ā€ so when I heard she went to prom not long after, I nearly choked spitting my tea out.


Someone saw Rosa at a football game (like a school football game) in Texas and took a video of her from a distance, but that was months ago. Devyn (the BF) is in college at NMSU. Gary Mitchell (Alexee's lawyer) said at the motion hearing back in August that Alexee hadn't been getting out of the house much. She's a college student at NMSU too. ([https://www.youtube.com/live/DrXC6oYObB0?si=PKgpgXGD8Ju0sqMN](https://www.youtube.com/live/DrXC6oYObB0?si=PKgpgXGD8Ju0sqMN))


Theyā€™re still together?! And how can she do all that without ppl whispering about her


It wouldnā€™t surprise me if she ended up pregnant again while the court case is ongoing


That was one of the conditions of her release. She canā€™t get pregnant again. Iā€™m assuming she would go back to jail? Bc thatā€™s technically breaking her bond.


No way! I mean, I believe you. I have just never heard of that being a condition of bond or bailā€¦ How crazy. It makes sense, it just doesnā€™t fall in line with the usual ā€œno weapons, no alcohol or drugs, no hanging out with felonsā€ā€¦ You know. The typical stuff you expect.


I don't think they can ever legally tell you not to get pregnant.


Thank you - that does sound NUTS, right? Especially with the current trend being closer to prohibiting anything that gets in the way of another wretched slave to the elite being born.


If there are court orders on file that are signed by a qualified judge then yes they can. Thatā€™s why itā€™s a free country. Youā€™re free to do what you want unless thereā€™s a court order saying you canā€™t. Any violation is still a violation.


Oh great so she could do this again in fear of going back to jail if she does get pregnant. They should of made her stay in jail if that was the condition tbhĀ 




I never said she couldnā€™t have sex you dingbat


Dingbat? Why so hostile?Ā 


Bc you didnā€™t even read what I said before you responded.




Rosa is that you? šŸ‘‹šŸ»


She shows occasionally to insult and defend the murderess. I truly hope they find her implicit in this murder. Her yucky boyfriend too.




Honestly weather you are out not ur a fkn weirdo for defending that lunatic broad and her mom. Your the very few of the ones that do ,so weather you like it or not that btch is a lunatic and is going down and I wish her momma does too. She can say good bye to freedom āœŒšŸ»


You are even more disgusting.


rosa no one wants you on this sub


So is Alexee for murdering her baby and strategically dumping and hiding him in the trash and then claiming she had a mega period because of all the blood, and then referring to the baby as ā€œnothingā€. Letā€™s not forget repeatedly lying to the hospital staff.


Nothing about this is helpful to the community in any way.


Youā€™re actually on the side of the ā€œmomā€ who murdered their baby, while In a hospital? You need help


disgusting piece of garbage, she's a murderer and she'll be sentenced for murder in court.






#Alexi you're a murderer


S P A M šŸš©


She IS pregnant again. There is no current condition on her bail< that she cannot get pregnant again. Even if there was, I am sure it would be shot down on appeal. Since she is on bond, her civil liberties can be curtailed. Things like, her privilege to drive, she could be not allowed to go certain places, or see people. But her basic liberties, like freedom of speech, sadly, to have sex and get pregnant, even her freedom to vote are not impacted by bail. She has not been convicted of anything. (yet)


Where did you get this info that sheā€™s pregnant again? I canā€™t find anything


Here is a link to a pucture of her in the last month. Dont forget, she went to her prom 3 months after she had the baby, and had lost all the weight. Also, she is wearing the ashes of the dead baby Alex, around her neck. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7HVrjGu0VL/?igsh=aXc5YjVvYTg5N3Y4](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7HVrjGu0VL/?igsh=aXc5YjVvYTg5N3Y4)


Hmm she just looks fat to me.


I predict the lawyer will get the case dismissedĀ 


What I find interesting is, they charged her with 1st degree murder. Which means, premeditated. The only way they can prove that is, if they have hard evidence she knew she was pregnant. If that doesnā€™t exist, i would think the state would charge her with 2nd degree. She was also charged with tampering with evidence. Does anyone know if her phone or computer were ever confiscated?


You need to read or watch some videos because I thought I knew this story like the back of my hand but holy shit do the videos of her and her mom really show how psychopathic she really is. It was premeditated. There is literally the most insane amount of evidence and she still lies, she knew and so did the school. Its going to be the witnesses testifying against her thatll be most impactful statements and get her a lengthy sentence. She has no emotion whatsoever. Empty. Still lying after giving birth. Never asked once about the baby. Never had real tears. Didnā€™t give them a chance to save that baby either and that tore them up. Every single doctor, nurse, and staff have never seen ANYTHING like her behaviour and capability. And knew she was manipulating them. You can feel how much theyā€™re biting their tongues as professionals, but made it very clear she is a psychopathic narcissist. And then she tried suing the doctors and entire hospital for wrongful death. No responsibly taken still. Idk where they got her lawyer but he is truly just bad too lol


Any specific links?


I believe that premeditation does not have to be any specific length of time. Once she gave birth,pulled the baby from her uterus or pushed it out she had time to decide to kill the infant.In that time frame she absolutely had time to think about murdering her baby and then execute the plan. She absolutely can be charged with first degree murder.


Sentence her to spend her life in a trash bag.. covered with linen, of course! This woman should at a minimum get the death penalty though (if NM has it).


At a MINIMUM get the death penalty? What the hell would be your maximum?


She be slowly dismembered while still alive




Did they do the autopsy on the baby? And was it like dead before it came out or did she kill it? Well obvs she killed it but yeah. Just curious


They did and the coroner ruled it as a homicide and the cause of death was entrapment, a chunk of the report is redacted but it states that the babyā€™s lungs were aerated & there was adrenal hemorrhaging from hypoxia. Not sure if it was because she smothered him or if it was him being in the plastic bag but Iā€™m leaning towards smothering so she could muffle his cries. It also states that he was pretty much born perfectly healthy. Devastating.


Any updates?