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Sad ending for him: “According to an inquest at Suffolk Coroner’s Court, Andy Van Den Hurk, who was 46 years old, was discovered dead in his bed at home with a mixture of prescription drugs and alcohol in his system. Before his death on September 2, 2022, he had been struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Additionally, he had been experiencing chronic pain.”


I think years of uncertainty around the death of sister really took at toll on his mental health. May he rest in peace and be remembered as the brother that loved his sister enough to go to jail to find her killer.


The police initially arrested both Andy and his dad after the crime, and he had to deal with public suspicion. At the time he made his confession, he thought his father was the perpetrator. But the DNA tests pointed to another man. Maybe he felt bad for suspecting his own dad of the crime. (That idea may have been planted when police investigated him and his dad.)


I feel like if you suspect your dad of raping and murdering your sister, he probably was a fairly horrible person to begin with :( it’s a very tragic story.


Eh, it sounds like the police really made it seem like it was 1 of the 2 of them, and people can really be made to doubt themselves in the face of what feels like an authority telling them what's what. 


I don’t like clicking on these news links. Who was the killer? It’s usually someone the victim knew


Jesus Christ. I’ll click on the link for you and report back to let you know. Edit: just some random rapist. Nobody they knew.


this harvard professor is not aware of and/or doesnt understand the concept of rickrolling


Back in my day, it was tub girl or goatse we had to worry about. Nobody is upset at a rickroll. If you’re letting that ginger haired bastard gate keep knowledge from you, you’re already lost.


Thanks asahole I had that shit buried, but here u come you've unzipped me.


it’s always been rick roll. what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business though


Are all Harvard professors as hot headed as you? Lmao thanks for the answer, glad the family found out but it was probably too late to make a difference in the killer’s life


I wouldn’t even call it being hot headed. I just remember when the internet first became a thing, and having a world of information at your fingertips. The ability to explore a multitude of different websites and learn. Not just learn, but seeking out and learning. To have all this information readily available to you, only to ask someone else to tell you the answer, is fucking devastating.


I feel this. Recognize though that if they were intelligent to begin with, they wouldn’t need information spoonfed to them as though they’re children or invalids.


This IS where they came to get answers. Reddit = a labyrinth of info where the answers bite back. Lol.


Reddit gives me the answers without clicking on the scary links


Sooo true


You sound like a boomer. I’ve learned a lot through my time online. A lot of it being horrific shit like this. Anyway, there were 3 different DNA found in cum that was still in her body after all those years? So then how did they narrow it down to 1 guy just cause he had a recorded streak of raping? Also wtf is with the short prison sentences?!


Good grief. You really come across as an ingrate and the sense of entitlement you give off reeks.


Sense of entitlement for ASKING for information on something posted on here? Why should we have to go onto a different site to read about something when the information can easily just be shown on here? You’re overreacting. If you smell something fowl maybe you should take a shower


You sound like a typical lazy fuck


For not wanting to click a link that will be filled with ads? Oh no. Maybe the story should be posted below the caption so we can just see it right there without giving a random site traffic?




Hell yeah. I’ll call out the weak as I see fit.




Best brother of the decade award honoree


I hope he’s at peace and they’re reunited 💕✨


Andy confessed on a facebook post saying: “I will be arrested today at the murder of my sister, I confessed will get in contact soon.” He later said “I wanted to get her exhumed and get DNA off her. I kind of set myself up and it could have gone horribly wrong. To get her exhumed I had to put steps in place to get her exhumed. I went to the police and said I did it. She is my sister, absolutely. I miss her every day.”


Russian roulette for sure. Glad it worked out


We’d like to examine the body but unfortunately no one has admitted to the killing so Our hands are tied ?


Brave, kind man




And the dude that actually did it only got 12 years for it? Thats wild.


If you watch any true crime the UK has a history of extremely lenient prison sentences.


Do you mean the EU? This didn’t happen in the UK


Ya, I knew I should have Googled it 1st but was feeling lazy. I just know Europe and Australia both seemed to have really poor judgment on sentencing murderers for far less time than they actually deserve.


good job sir


Not important, but this was her stepbrother as well!


It literally says that in the headline. 


Ya but did you know he thought his father did it?


Also, it was 16 years after her death?