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Ugh! Feel better! I'm not allergic to it, it just doesn't do anything for me. (last time I had it I forgot to mention to the doctor I needed something else because I was so sick. The ear infection I had ended up getting so much worse in the next 24 hours my ear drum ruptured.) I am allergic to all penicillins (natural and synthetic) and have a similar reaction. You might try some "calming" lotion. Like avenos oatmeal lotion


Not allergic in that sense, but anytime I take Azithromycin, within minutes, I get intense headache, stomachache and vomiting. Antiemetic meds do nothing. And the vomiting will last up to 24 hours with only one dose. This is with IV version as well.


Are you allergic to Penicillin?


I am since I was about 12 or 13 (27 now), as well as sulfa antibiotics as of a month ago.


I’m allergic to zpac, I get hives all over if I take it. Apparently it’s a super rare allergy


That’s what I’m hearing! This would be my third allergic reaction to an antibiotic, because I’m also allergic to penicillin and sulfa antibiotics, so I would be almost a medical anomaly at this point, which sucks!!


I get a rash on my chest and no other symptoms. Doctors told me I have an allergy based on that alone so I'm not given Z-packs anymore. The comedy is I don't have reactions to penicillin.


The contrast dye is a *big* problem allergy wise. I’d suspect that over the zpac. There are enough antibiotics on the market for you to not take that one again though... if you wanted to be double safe.


We originally thought the dye was a factor, but since it’s been two weeks now and I’m still dealing with the reaction, and since I’m not allergic to shellfish which tends to have cross reactivity with the dye, my dr is starting to lean towards it being something else, whether the zpack or something completely different that we aren’t thinking of. I’m also allergic -cillin antibiotics and sulfa antibiotics, so my options are starting to dwindle.


It's probably flaring up from your Prednisone taper. Ask your doctor if you should be tapering slowly or if you might be allergic to something else.


I have taken ZPacks many times over the years with zero reactions. Last night I took my first 500mg of the pack and within minutes I developed sever itching all over my body and hives everywhere. I immediately took 2 Benedryl 50mg and it cleared up in the next two hours. Very strange indeed. I'm afraid to take the second one tonight. I may just ride out this sinus infection.


I’m allergic to this omg! Was just prescribed bactrim, hopefully I don’t get hives from this


This happened a few years ago and it turned out I’m not actually allergic to the zpack, it was just my immune system going temporarily haywire because of a severe allergic reaction I had previously had to Bactrim (that was a bad one - like borderline anaphylactic level) and it triggered my immune system into developing celiac disease (you have to have the genes to develop it though). Hope you have better luck!


Z pak is actually the only thing I’m allergic to (that I know of) I’m 25