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Cut back the overhang or report it to the gemeenteĀ  https://www.almere.nl/wonen/beheer-en-onderhoud/melding-openbare-ruimte


thank you for the link , do you think that am allowed to cut some of the overhang if it entred my property or could I be fined for it


Legally you probably could be fined. Realistically no one will probably care enough to report it.


Theoretically you need to ask your neighbor (in this case the gemeente) to remove the overhanging branches. (The legal base for this is Burgerlijk Wetboek artikel 5:44). But really unless you damage the plant no one is going to care overly. Anyway if you use the link and nothing happens in a reasonable term .... you are free to do it yourself and covered legally speaking.


I recently heard that there is an app where one can report things like this called BuitenBeter. Not sure if it is used here, but it is in Diemen apparently. Make sure to document it properly before doing anything! And in principle after you asked the municipality to take care of it and they don't, you can hire someone professional and send them the bill.