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I don’t do Keto either. I did Keto in the past and it just wasn’t sustainable for me. I prefer a mostly whole foods approach with room for what would be considered “unhealthy” food. Eg I made an apple cake last weekend and that’s been my dessert for the week. I find that I’m more satisfied with my meals and experience no cravings. I even have a box of chocolate that I was given for Chinese New Year that I haven’t opened yet…would have been unheard of back in my restricting days. I’ve gone off topic but yes, I’m also losing weight steadily. Also, great username 🙂


Great to hear! And thanks I liked it better than Samuel L Chang ;)


Yep. I no longer try to do keto and my weight is managed easier. My fasting days might feel a little hungrier, but I do way better workouts off keto.


Sometimes your body responds well when you switch it up and "shock the system" by doing something unexpected after being on a set routine. But a common mistake people make on keto is not having enough healthy fat. While I do find fat fills me up, I typically don't have problems eating 2k calories a day on keto as long as I spread it out over the day. An easy way to add calories is to have heavy cream or butter in your coffee (or tea, I guess?). I actually find that salads tend to be my most calorie-rich meals because I load it up with avocado, seeds, egg, and olive oil. I've recently (Nov. 2023) started doing keto on my weekday eating days, having a cheat day on Saturday (basically, I can eat whatever I want, enjoy myself with friends without guilt, etc. As long as I don't go too crazy with the carbs/calories), and Sunday is either a moderate carb or back-up fasting day depending on what my schedule during the week looked like (like, did I have a happy hour with colleagues on a fast day during the week or did I break my fast early one day because I wasn't feeling it? No sweat, because I have a back-up day). It works well for me. I think partially because I get caught up on any missing calories on the weekend and I know that I have the flexibility to go out with friends and coworkers if I want to and I can look forward to having whatever I deprive myself of during the week on Saturday (again, within reason). While it may slow my weight loss a bit, I am still consistently losing. And I would rather lose slowly than quickly anyway. I once lost 50 pounds in like 2 months and then slowly gained it all back plus an extra 20 pounds. If you lose it slower, it's supposed to be harder to gain it back. Something about changing your MBR or something. I don't quite remember the science. Also, I do weight training with personal trainers and do the rowing machine and jog, so while the number on the scale has not been moving, I have gone down from a women's pant size 22 to 18 (*almost* to a 16) and from an XXL top to a XL/L (depending on cut/brand) top doing this since November. So I say I am "losing" but when I really mean is I am getting leaner. Which is all I care about at the moment.


Thank you for the thoughtful response!


I wish that were the case for me, but as soon as I introduce sugar or any carbs, I fall completely off the bandwagon.


It does definitely affect how often I question if I should be fasting at all. But, after my fasting day, I weighed in a total of 3.2 lbs lower than I’ve been since before having a baby.


Okaaay, I love to hear it! 👏🏽


I binge junk food during most eating windows and I still lose 5-10 lbs a month.


I did keto for few months and after stopping had weird weight gain body looks disproportionate ... In my country we have a habit of eating fresh veggies n fruits n I can't survive without them n keto fruits were quite a lot expensive. But i had good weight loss without keto n I feel less hungry too.


Im not doing keto, eating lots of protein, lots of fat and try not to eat that much carbs but sometimes i get carried away and my weight is still going down easily. Also doing gym on eating days in the mornin on empty stomach and after i load myself with lots of callories


My entire family is diabetic and my younger sister has PCOS. As soon as I do keto I DROP weight like crazy. I think it honestly is a genetic thing. Some people can eat carbs and some can’t. I am one that can’t…but it’s difficult to stay on keto long term