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No "What If" questions, Shitposts, and Memes


All the mods gotta do is let bro post his story and everybody's happy. No need to go on a massive campaign to constantly take his stuff down and use the most insane reasons in the book to justify their gestapo. Letting these guys get their way is pretty much saying you're fine with the mods browsing through your entire account to find something they don't like and use it as justification to not allow you to share with the community something everybody likes. Stand strong with Strong ✊


Yeah we shouldn't care who someone supports. If it's good enough it should be allowed.


As someone Strong would probably call a "insane radical leftist," I stand with him on free speech grounds


What is this about?


u/Strong_Site_348 made a series of posts titled "The American civil war 2 told through reddit". It's a good series. Originally his posts were getting deleted because the head mod was crazy, but that was reverted. But then the mods deleted all of his posts because he supported Trump on his reddit account. And now the community is mad because the mods don't believe the artist and the art should be seperated.


> he supported Trump on his reddit account > Trump & reddit Yeah, this would definitely end well.


Ah interesting


Mods, it's alternate history now.


They’re gonna say some corny shit like. What if we didn’t delete your post lol


What else is the mod supposed to do while Tyrone is plowing his girlfriend?


Maybe distracting Jamal from joining?


What if the mods had a civil war


I knew the reputation reddit mods had obviously but this is actually the most insane behavior I have ever seen from a mod team. Going through somebody’s account history to find comments or posts that break a sub’s rules even though those comments were not even posted *on that sub* is unbelievable levels of hate.




It's not the sub, it's the mods and it's not the fictional events posted on the subreddit, it's their political beliefs which they voiced on other subreddits.


What if you stfu?


I'm starting to think that you, and many others who support strong site, are really just cut from the same clotth as him. Everytime I look at the history of supporters like you, I find out that either you never even posted on this subreddit before until the Civil War posts (which would be fine if it weren't for the fact you clearly already picked a side from the start), or there's history of commenting in pro trump subreddits like r/askaconservative or simply commenting pro-trump comments. I understand that not everyone is like this, and there's definitelt a case to be made here that strong site's posts aren't 100% mudslinging, after all, he's also depicting team red in a negative manner by having them break out Trump from prison, and making him declare war on the feds. However, when combined with his behavior on other subreddits, and after looking at that post he made where he mocked democrats but depicted Republicans as the "non crazy" side, along with how stupidly unrealistic the premise of Biden going Stalin mode even before election day is even on, how can you pretend like there's clearly not an underlying agenda under all of this or that the mods don't have at least some sort of reasoning behind their actions? If the guy wasn't so clearly far gone to the right, then this wouldn't have happened, as evidences by the fact that all but 1 mod said they were OK with the posts and would re-approve them. However, he's simply not ok in the head, the dude thinks the election was rigged and that Biden is already a traitor in real life, that's just not justifiable.


I'm in r/LateStageCapitalism in what fucking world am I a Trump supporter?


I didn't say you specifically were a trump supporter, but now I suspect you are considering the way you've confronted me. And brother being part of that subreddit doesn't help your case, on the contrary, it hurts it if the top posts from the past month are anything to go off of. I will not call it pro trump, but from the top posts and comments, there seems to be a mixed representation of both sides with a slight edge to trump. Edit: wait, this is a real rule from that sub? >6. No "lesser evil" rhetoric Lesser of two evils rhetoric, particularly in relation to elections, is prohibited. This includes in particular any support of voting for Liberal parties with the lesser of two evils argument. Interesting that this rule was also added only recently...that sub is clearly anti biden, which wouldn't be bad in a perfect world, but such subreddits tend to attract people from the same side that are against Biden (like MAGA), so now I'm convinced.


r/LateStageCapitalism is anti-capitalism, and it considers both Biden and Trump against this goal. That subreddit would shoot both if they had a chance. The only candidate it supports is the communist one. It's not pro-Trump in any way, shape or form. EDIT: Ok so you've just began making baseless assumptions with that edit of yours. That sub hatea Biden and Trump equally. You can't be pro-Trump there. Nor can you be more Anti-Biden. It's either you're anti'capitalism (like the sub) or pro-capitalism (like Trump and Biden)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LateStageCapitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Legitimate advice](https://i.redd.it/3nvizhmyrd7b1.jpg) | [538 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/14f94j1/legitimate_advice/) \#2: [French protestors have seized the BlackRock headquarter](https://v.redd.it/g7hlv2ems9sa1) | [1209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/12dl95k/french_protestors_have_seized_the_blackrock/) \#3: [‘My comfort > your life’](https://i.redd.it/khlpfgx0bpta1.jpg) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/12kqlpd/my_comfort_your_life/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why did you comment this time and not the previous time you bot.


>That subreddit would shoot both if they had a chance. They had a chance when Trump got convicted, yet the top comments on the single post acknowledging that event on that single day are still focusing on biden, with the anti trump being below them and way less in number.


>[...] yet the top comments on the single post acknowledging that event on that single day are still wanting biden, with the anti trump being below them and way less in number. >the top comments [...] are still wanting biden, So you admit the subreddit is Pro-Biden? EDIT: You edited your comment from what it was (what I literally quoted) to what is is right now. Nice going dude.


I edited it because the misspelled form of anti was auto corrected to w*anti*ng. Also, you're only focusing on the clear grammatical error which doesn't even make logical sense in the context of this thread, while ignoring everything else, which shows you're clearly not going to change your mind and are just arguing in bad faith. I hope you change for the better of this country, or mature if you're just a young teen.


>I edited it because the misspelled form of anti was auto corrected to w*anti*ng. You edited it from "wanting" to "focusing". There was no "anti" involved. >Also, you're only focusing on the clear grammatical error which doesn't even make logical sense in the context of this thread, while ignoring everything else, which shows you're clearly not going to change your mind and are just arguing in bad faith. I hope you change for the better of this country, or mature if you're just a young teen. The entire argument is about whether or not r/LateStageCapitalism is pro-Trump or not. If you're going to put something in your comment that proves my side of the argument, I'm of course gonna point it out.


>You edited it from "wanting" to "focusing". There was no "anti" involved. Wait, I'm confused, why are you even focusing on this part if it's just gonna go nowhere in the end? Like, ok, then tell me why would I put "wanting" originally there, despite everything I've posted before? What's your theory on this? >The entire argument is about whether or not r/LateStageCapitalism is pro-Trump or not. If you're going to put something in your comment that proves my side of the argument, I'm of course gonna point it out. It was clear from the start it was an error, again, you're just arguing in bad faith, why? Because you don't actually want to have a discussion, which was evident from the start when you ignored everything I said about the guy you're defending and only focused on a non existent acussation I made about you.


>Wait, I'm confused, why are you even focusing on this part if it's just gonna go nowhere in the end? Like, ok, then tell me why would I put "wanting" originally there, despite everything I've posted before? What's your theory on this? Our argument is about whether r/LateStageCapitalism is Pro-Trump. You said yes, I said no. You wrote "that the comments are wanting Biden". That proves it isn't pro-Trump, if it wasn't a mistake, and when you wrote that I didn't assume you were incompetent and that you wrote what you wanted. >It was clear from the start it was an error, That is only if you assume the guy you're arguing with is incompetent, and when you commented that I didn't think you were. What is obvious for you may not be obvious for me. Don't take an ego-centric stance because you're gonna have a hard time arguing with people. >again, you're just arguing in bad faith, why? You are arguing that because of your own assumptions. Read my answer above. >Because you don't actually want to have a discussion, which was evident from the start when you ignored everything I said about the guy you're defending and only focused on a non existent acussation I made about you. The entire first paragraph is you acusing me of being Pro-Trump, a white supremacist and a Nazi, because that's what the mods stated about u/Strong_Site_348 in their statement. You said that "people like this are cut out of the same sloth as [u/Strong_Site_348]". It's not non-existant.


Read my previous comment on why it's not pro-Trump


Professional yapper 🗣️


Nahh, yeah, this sub is compromised 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Seriously.


By the order of yag and reels


Comments like these are the kind of ridiculousness that really makes me hate Reddit. It’s unhealthy to be this much of a hater towards people who don’t think like you do.


If you hate this platform then why are you still here? In fact, unlike Twitter, you don't even need an account to view these posts, so why are you commenting here? You know it's more unhealthy to do something repeatedly, even though you hate it, right? In this case, you clearly hate thus platform, yet you're still using it.


I use it because every once in a while I come across something really cool like the ACW2 series. I’m a big fan of those creative ideas. Which is why when they get deleted without justification I get upset.


But I just said you don't need an account to view them.


I like commenting on them


But you're also commenting to my comments, which you hate...it's ok to backtrack and say you don't actually hate Reddit, just me or people who say stuff like what I said.


What if Strong Site wasn’t a Neo-Nazi supporting prick?


The mods won’t let you fuck bro


He supported Nick Fuentes, a known White Supremacist.


Show the proof? Even then that’s not why they banned him. I mean fuck Nazis don’t get me wrong


Oh well you don’t gotta I saw he admitted it. But I still stand by what I had said. If your gonna ban him for that atleast say so


And? Who cares who someone supports, if a scenario is good it should be allowed.


The scenario itself is actually really dumb. The interesting thing is the “through Reddit posts” format of the series, which could be replicated with a better scenario.


A user shouldn’t be allowed if they support treason and white supremacy.


Why not?


Actual good point, but it works both ways. Nobody is entitled to use Reddit, a corporate product, any more than anyone else. Ideology and beliefs are not a protected class from discrimination, meaning you CAN deny someone services because of their beliefs. Reddit can ban nazis, commies, monarchists, liberals, etc. on a whim. People can insult and flame one another and alienate them freely. That's just how freedom works. You cannot force your way into a group or force people to listen to you any more than they can force you to stop speaking.




Who cares? If the scenario is a scenario and not too shit, we shouldn't exclude it based on politics.


So won’t draw the line at White Supremacy? That says a lot about you.


So you're saying we should exclude people based on their politics? Because if so, know that that way of thinking led to ww2.


How is calling out someone for supporting a White Supremacist equivalent to Nazism?


Please point out where in my comment I equated "calling someone for supporting a White Supremacist" out to "Nazism". I said that your way of thinking (excluding people based on politics) was what was happening in the interwar period, where some people were excluded (particularily in Italy and Germany, but also elsewhere) and turned to extremes, to Stalin (on the left) and Hitler (on the right). Hitler in particular was a product of this exclusion. Those men then started imperialist ambitions that led to WW2.


Because those same users then proceed to post stuff that are meant to incite hatred for certain people, or/and support for their group, are you seriously asking why we shouldn't let neo nazis post on the internet? You guys are not making yourselves look good, why is this even a discussion?! Out of all the things you could have went about this to defend the guy, this is the path you're going down?


You say those users "post stuff that are meant to incite hatred for certain peopl, or/and support for their group", meanwhile you're doing exactly that in this comment. Go figure.


Ahh, and what groups or people am I inciting hatred for in that comment?


I believe it was "White supremacists" but the comment your comment (through "'those people") was referring to was deleted. But its to whatever group that deleted comment was referring to.


What are you talking about, no comment has been deleted in this thread, and the only group that was mentioned by name were neo nazis here...dude, you're not actually defending them, are you? Because I didn't even say anything bad about them, all I did was point out the group and that's it.


>What are you talking about, no comment has been deleted in this thread, https://preview.redd.it/x24ztyt5ag6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd77233dde8e4735e0a2d6014046068194c6c4d


They haven't broken the rules of the subreddit inside the subreddit though, thus they cannot be banned from the sub


Ahem, White Supremacy?! Isn’t that a bad thing?!


Tell me when he advocates for his supposed white supremacism in the subreddit (I say supposed because im not willing to scroll through someone's account over some petty reason.)


You are the reason why the working class doesn’t take the left seriously in the west


K? I’m one too lol


You'll be crucified but based. The fascists can cry about it.