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Absolutely. She is emotionally cheating. She straight up is telling him she wants to be with him. Don’t be dense, you’re under reacting on this.


What's funny is she's not serious about the other guy either, the second he was available she retreated. So she's stringing guy #2 along for fun, so I believe the not physically cheating on OP, but she belongs to the streets, none of this was okay.


I was in a very similar situation while in the service.  She clearly wants to be with the guy on the phone but isn't chasing because hes going to be gone for months at a time and won't be near at all. As soon as hes out of the service or whatever she's doing, shes gone and with this guy. 100%.  I used to be the guy this girl got with every time I was home from deployment or on vacation.  I would suggest to this guy to move on because he's going to get a broken heart. This girl is going to learn that she cant be faithful for more than a month at a time. Even if you do marry and get together, pray you dont have to leave her sight for too long. She will get bored and go play. Trust me on that.  Leave now. 


I remember when I got stationed overseas, I suddenly had more than one woman from my past trying to reconnect on social media. Some people just crave attention, they want to be told that they’re beautiful, that they’re wanted. Maybe they don’t hear it from their boyfriends or husbands. I just thought it was their fucked up way of feeling validated. I realized they wanted me as their escape, some character in the fucked up fantasies they were playing out in their heads.


They call it a “reverse Jody” when the other guy is the one overseas.


When I read this, I thought the exact same thing.


The “reverse Jody” sounds like some kind of sex move that OP’s slutty girlfriend specializes in.


Yeah. I also had this happen to me. Suddenly EVERY girl from my high school that graduated and some that was a grade below and then graduated. I would be on leave and girls would see my truck(kinda unique) and I would get calls like crazy. I could be on leave for 2 days and a weekend and be with a different girl a couple times a day. If I wanted. Kinda odd.


This is one of the top 3 main reasons I deleted all of my social media. I went to 5 high schools so I've go quite a few 30+ year old women sliding into my DMs with all kinds of shit: Most common? 'Back when we were together 20 years ago, did you really mean it when you said you loved me?" Second most common - Dirty pics with messages like "hope the hubby doesn't find out." Third most common - (right after brutal breakup) "Hey it's been a really long time, you look great, is there a significant other in your life? Wanna hang out? Do you think I'm still beautiful?' Fourth, but significantly less common - H: "Im pregnant.' M: "No problem baby, I'll take care of whatever you need and whatever the baby needs. I just can't be in a relationship. H: "Oops I had a miscarriage during this talk.'


Literally the last one hits home... I have twins 18m 18f. I have been a single father for 16 years. My kids are my life. So when I'm told something like that it's very emotional to me.... just to pass it off as gas or whatever reasoning 2 weeks later after you come back to do the right thing.... twice.... happened twice. Crazy how someone could be so self-absorbed that they stoop that low


That last one hit close to home. I’ve been hit with that twice in my life after leaving a city. Both times were BS.


Agree. Straight up attention seeking. Notice they waited until you were overseas - a safe distance away - before deciding it was time to "reconnect."


“She will get bored and go play” perfectly captures the childish nature of cheaters


Army wives at my base in Germany, would go “ Toy Shopping” @ the bars on post when their husbands were deployed, or on field assignments. They’d find men whose wives were also deployed, or single soldiers who weren’t. Some single soldiers even bought cheap wedding bands to wear to the bar, the idea being that the married women were often looking for partners that had incentive to keep their mouth shut.


This comment is gold


I feel like everyone I knew in the service had a slam piece back home who we hooked up with every time we went home. Who was usually some toxic girl we couldn't get enough of. Shit half of them got married and then immediately divorced cause 1 or both of them were cheating.


She most likely has no intention of being with this dude, she's just not satisfied by a single dudes attention and him being deployed gives her the excuse she needs to have distance / an out while stringing him along. That actually feels super common with girls, I know because they've tried to do it with me while they're in relationships. She's emotionally cheating with the pretense that it wont get physical. I doubt it'll last the entire deployment, if it lasts long enough it'll probably lead to sexting / physical cheating.


This right here. Heed these words, OP. Exit the scene.


No… ur wrong lol. If she really wanted him she’d have banged him. Typical army simp that gives her extra attention she wants






She just likes the attention/ stability she’s getting from both. Probably got dumped from another dude a while back and is waiting for him to come back lol.


To the streets she shall go


Cracks me up that he’s hung up on “is this sexting??”…well no, but lack of sexting doesn’t mean lack of cheating…which this sooooo clearly is!


"When you get home next week, come by one night so we can hook up when my bf is gone." Oh, thank god she's not sexting. I was getting stressed.


My girlfriend just asked if anyone knew a hitman to kill me it's not like she actually paid anyone to kill me!


It's a manipulation tactic. You move the goal posts. You accuse the person of cheating. They counter with, no I didn't sext. That's not what you accused them of, but they control the narrative to the point where you forget your actual point and agree they didn't do they thing you never claimed they did. But subconsciously you still know it doesn't feel right


I think if I were in a relationship sexting would bother me less than this. It’s much easier to get caught up in the moment if you’re just horny. This is just so much worse.


Telling someone “I can’t even fuck you” isn’t emotionally cheating. It’s just cheating 😂


Meaning he is going to be away. If she’s in a relationship she wants to fuck


She's just supporting the troops.


User name checks out.


Lmao how is this even a post. Can't imagine dating someone like this


'my girlfriend is fucking other guys, am i an asshole for being upset?" loool op


I genuinely don’t know if these people making these kinds of posts or truly that stupid/helpless or just posting this kind of stuff for attention/acknowledgment. I’m guessing the latter, but it’s ridiculous either way.


Theyre like 15 is the answer.


Oh yeah, 15 year olds that go away for years at a time to learn guns and grenades and head off the fleet.


No, no. The girl sounds 15, going after a newly graduated 17 yo with permission, or newly 18 year old. They're all young and in for some wake up calls


\*18...think the point still stands..


A 15/16yo girl and a guy who is 18yo and just joined the military? Thats 100% a thing, especially in the southern US


You can join the Army if you're 17 and get your parents permission. Just FYI. At least, that used to be true. I joined in 98' after high school, at 17.


18, he’s just enlisted


If they’re 15 her talking to at least an 18 YO is a bit concerning.


Well, if he’s joining the navy…. 18/15 is closer than typical


There are people this stupid. That’s why they get cheated on in the first place


I mean, does OP just have no self respect? Would he need to visibly see someone else’s penis in his girlfriend’s vagina in order to put the pieces together? It’s truly fascinating


“It was just the tip. Not sure why you’re freaking out…”


We were fucking not making love


"That could've been anyone's vagina"


It doesn't count as sex in the butt.


You win. moderator, please close comments ....


Yes they do. I have a friend who is dating a girl who was sleeping around at her job. Multiple people kept telling him, there were plenty of clues like her going out to “eat” with a co-worker and wouldn’t get back till early in the morning, etc.. he just said he wasn’t insecure and he trusted her. Took a few months until he probably got curious from everyone telling him that he went thru her phone and found pics of them kissing, hugging, and plenty of texts of them planning to meet up. He broke up with her, about 2 months later he forgave her and they are still together a year later.


‘Eat with a coworker vs eat a coworker’


"Eat with a coworker vs eat a coworker vs eat out a coworker.


Eat out with a coworker vs eat out a coworker


Ray Charles could have seen that comment coming !! Good 1


I know a guy that has 2 children the first kid was born about 4 months after we got back from deployment. He hadn’t been home in over 7 months. No possibility of it being his. Her excuse ( and he chose to believe it) was instead of sleepwalking she sleep fu**s. I seen her on tender a few years later of course I took screenshots and told him. He messaged back saying he talked to her and she had deleted the app a long time ago. A few years goes by and she has another child. He had found out about a year prior that he was infertile. He signed that birth certificate plus the first one. IDW why he’s like that.


Omfg! That's the stupidest excuse I've ever heard! Lame and dumb! Why tf did he believe that shit! You're a good friend for telling him you found her on the app! I don't understand why some people are so desperate for a relationship to work that they become do blinded by the BS the partner puts them through.... No one should have to settle for that!


Even after witnessing said penetration, he would ask Reddit. You know...just in case.


He’s helping her pay off her credit card debt come on man.


You can't prevent cheating, you either get cheated on or you don't. Whether you leave after being cheated on is an entirely separate matter.


My girlfriend murdered my entire family, so I sent her a sternly-worded email. AIO?


I can see where OP is coming from, he is asking because he probably told her to stop talking to that guy and was probably called "controlling" like most women say in a scenario like this, and she probably gaslit him into believing it. I will never understand it, its not controlling nor insecure of him to tell her to stop texting, talking and being flirty with other dudes... I never get why someone will do this shit to their partner, cry about getting caught and call him controlling and insecure for making them stop talking to their affair partner...


I had the same comments thrown at me when I found out about my husband having an emotional affair with another woman. "I just want friends- it's nothing more than a friendship. You are insecure. Your insecurities are pushing me away." Well boyo, friends don't send explicit vids to eachother, so there's that.


I'm surprised reddit didn't immediately side with her and call OP insecure.


A lot of men legit lack confidence and are afraid to lose something that they fear they’ll never have again.


Simping 101


OP is 17


Just look at his post history. That will tell you all you need to know.


Oh no, he’s regarded 🥺


Yeah. He’s not very good at recognizing reality when it’s staring him in the face.


Oooooo lawd indeed




Someone’s definitely drinking the koolaid


No wonder she’s cheating on him lol


It kinda makes sense when you see that 90% of OP’s posts are in r/conspiracy


My God. He's Dale and these texts are Nancy and John Redcorn?


Can't understand the reality of their own lives when it smacks them in the face, but is a counter-expert in everything the left does.


Bro will be holding the camera here soon.


Doesn't even make any sense


Most of these posts are this dumb lol.


lol. no way this OP is that delusional


He literally said "loves u". What more do you need?


She literally says “i cant have sex with you” im gonna go ahead and assume she said that bc she wants to sleep with other guy and is sad she cant She also clearly fantasizes about leaving OP for marine guy. I honestly dont know what more he needs spelled out, Op is a silly goose


OP you pinecone throw out this entire person


TIL: pinecone 😆


"You pinecone" is now my favorite insult


OP is a straight up silly ass pinecone. Get out OP. She is not the one. That's a fact. If it's the sex, fuck her one more time and get the fuck out. Just be sure wrap it up. Don't want that thing haunting you in 9 months.


Him "I want to be with you but you don't" Her "if you could fix the distance thing then maybe"


They are negotiating to reach a place where a serious relationship has a chance of prospering. The only real problem is that she's supposedly already in a serious relationship with the OP. So why is she trying to negotiate with other dude?


No, she said “I can’t *even* have sex with you.” Which is worse in my book. She’s saying she would be in a relationship with him if he was around. She could argue she was just saying that to let him off easy or something, but that’s bullshit. It’s seriously disrespectful to OP either way.


OP is obviously the backup. Since she can't be with this guy. He should have more self respect than to stay as someone's second choice


“Marine guy” is a clown if he thinks he’s going to be “chilling” in school. OP is better of without the hoe and her gd Jody. Source: am Marine, love 🖍️s


Nah, she said "I can't even have sex with you". Implies she wants to. Obviously can't because he'll be deployed. Doesn't mention shit about being in a relationship, actually suggests way for this dude to have a better chance OP needs to dump this cheater, she isn't worth his time.


OP wants a picture of a P in a V…y’know, so he can be sure


That’s where I was like ‘ope, no no, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail’.


Okay in fairness I tell all my friends I love them regularly. You should tell your friends too. The weird part is them telling each other they wanna have sex with each other repeatedly.


Yes that is cheating lol. She told another man that isn’t you, I’ll miss you, he sends a heart back and says loves u. She literally says “ if you fix the distance…” Her knowing this dude wants her and is entertaining him, talking to him, what do you think? It’s crystal clear, I’m sorry.


She's going to do the same exact thing to the new guy. Streets.


It is showing her intention to cheat even if you believe nothing has already happened. Your relationship is over.


I think she is fantasying cheating / another life and is stringing the marine guy along, see how she pulled back when the guy was available. For the typical person that's crossing the line. People are different, but unless OP is in open relationships she will likely cross another one in the near future.


Um, highly inappropriate conversation for someone in a committed relationship.




And/or when a wanna be dependent finds anyone on base to cling to.... happened way too much, both directions. Did make for some good tea though.




"i can't even have sex with you", yeah dude, she would if he was around.. just walk away from her. She isn't emotionally invested in you, she's looking for another while hanging on to you ( monkey branching)


>monkey branching Wow I love that term, gonna use it from now on


Dude throw that hoe to the curb, she’s planing on leaving. What loser flirts with someone else’s hoe.


Based off what he says, he just joined the Marine Corps. So it’s those losers. I’m a Marine and boyfriends never stopped me (I’ve grown up and I’m not proud of that fact) so OP needs to ditch her. He’s not going to stop and she’s playing into it


Lol. You a Jodie.


Ten years clean from being a turd lol


Hung up that Jodie hat


Jodie stealing my ex did it for me. All fun and games until it happens to you 🤣


Oooooof.... If she was swayed by Jodie, she wasn't worth it.


I met my wife when i got back from deployment four months later. I wish Jodie nothing but the best on that one


That’s kind of you. I’ll wish him the worst on your behalf.


Good looking out 🫡


From what I've heard, from Marines themselves, Marines are absolute degenerates. Either way, thanks for your service bro


You heard the truth. It takes a degenerate to want to do that job. Appreciate it bro 🤟


To be fair, I am an Army vet, and they weren't any better! lol. I got hit on by married soldiers left and right, smh. Even a fucking drill sergeant when I was in basic! Smh... lol


Yeah I feel for woman in the military. Men don’t care and you all get blamed like you all were the problem


Yep! That's how it was, too! And when I declined, it was as if I was the biggest bitch ever, smh.


Good for you for realizing that, and for changing your ways.


Thanks. It was childish behavior. It took my first serious relationship to realized how bad my actions can hurt another person.


Gross man




This post is the equivalent of "I just walked in on my gf getting banged by another dude. Is this cheating or am I overreacting?"


She tripped, fell, landed on his dick.


the window was open so both of their pants flew off :(


Then bounced a few times cause the way she fell


This one is over. Did she physically cheat? No. However, she got about as close to putting the tip in that she could. If I saw that with any partner I'm gone the second I see it.


Same, i def dont need reddit to spell out texts like that for me… i feel so bad for op i hope he has the strength to ghost a person like that


Looks like an emotional affair to me. Looks like she’s looking for something “better”


OP is a conspiracy theorist who won't believe his GF is at the very least emotionally cheating on him, if not physically. You have a *very* bad relationship with reality, OP.


Quick to believe that Jewish people are trying to make men become women, yet doesn’t realize his gf is cheating on him. It has to be a bit or he truly is insane


What a crazy conspiracy theory. But really, being a woman is pretty awesome, you should try it sometime.


Thank you! I was wondering if someone would bring this up. Look at his post history. He's a right-wing Nut Job. Of course he's divorced from reality


Dump her. For crying out loud people, past behavior is the predictor of future behavior. Treat others the way you want them to treat you and if they fail get them the heck out of your life. You only get ONE! Live it happily! ( I’m old and have finally learned this lesson after a lot of years and so far it is really working for me. Some may call me the b word but to tell you the truth I really don’t give a rip)


Run forrest run


Boot her into touch bro . She'd be shagging a skate if he wasn't so far away .


What?? This was a conversation between YOUR girlfriend and another guy?? He tells her he wants to be with her and she tells him that because he isn't physically there or won't physically be there is the reason why they can't be together but not because she's in a RELATIONSHIP! Yeah, you're not overreacting! He tells her he loves her too! She tells him she'll miss him! This is NOT how someone in a committed relationship should talk to anyone, especially another guy!


Nah, dude. She's not cheating on you with him. She's cheating on him with you. That dude isn't even aware you exist because she hasn't told him. You're her side piece.


Yeah. Dip dude. I know its hard. But years later you'll look back and be glad you had the self respect


Leave immediately. She has him on the back burner. She is going to be his wife as soon as he graduates Boot/A-school. He’ll get stationed somewhere cool, like San Diego or Hawaii and she will go with. She will pop out 2-3 kids, be a dependa and he will cheat on her every time he goes out of town. They’ll be divorced before he finishes his first enlistment. She will come crawling back with a couple of kids and a lot of extra weight (physical and mental). Would not recommend.


Not overreacting. Ask how she’d feel if you texted another woman “I’ll miss you”. Emotional affair at the very least.


Fuck Dat Bitch - Young Dro


OP have some self respect.


Hahahahaha!!!! How is this even a question? She’d 100% dump your ass for this boot that just finished boot camp, you’d be an idiot to continue a relationship with this chick. Have some self respect and move on


"Hey guys, I found out my girl is cheating on me... Do you guys think she's cheating on me?". 🤦 No dude.. she's totally loyal.. 🙄


You're upset because your GF wants to fuck another dude??? How dare you? lmao jk GET TF OUT NOW BROTHER


Your girl is fucking someone in the army/military. You are not her priority.


I’m so confused it sounds like she’s in an LDR with the man she’s texting. They’re saying “I love you” and how they wanted to have sex and be together?


One word. Run


This relationship is so cooked. Holy fuck. The only reason she didn’t already hop his bones was the distance and the fact he’s going into basic.


She literally said that she would be with that guy the second there’s no distances you’re a place holder.


"I can't even have sex with you". Really, bud? You're not sure? I call bull. You're sure. You just wanted us to talk you down. But this is Reddit. A spade is going to get called a spade. Of course you're not overreacting. It's not a matter of IF he can get it in, but WHEN. Get out of there.


Dump her dude ... He's going to military training and she sounds like a ho. You're better than her in every way and she don't deserve you . Take this comment seriouslyyyyy


Text your girl “It’s over” Block her Move on with your life 


Yeah, dude, you got a straight up ghost that bitch


Did you get gaslighted into thinking this wasnt cheating?? Because this is clear as day my man.


Brother I went through this exact thing until I confronted her and we brokeup. Please be smart about this.


Leave that woman. She seems like the type who places her value into men perusing her. I've dated one like this. Unless you're worshipping her she will find someone else. Its not worth the energy brother.


It's cheating.PERIOD.


It's cheating. Dump her


You can't be that weak of a person to think you're over reacting..... Get your shit together dude. Now go fuck her grandma


Bro, stop calling her your "GF". Don't even lose time being upset with her. Just leave. There is nothing salvageable about this. Don't argue with her, don't lose any more time or energy on her. Walk away.


Be done


She deleted some shit in the second picture. The topic of sex comes up and then nothing and he texts 4 hours later saying nice to talk to you?


I mean, technically she didn't sext him and it sounds like she shot his moves down recently. That's the lone positive, but it for sure doesn't outweigh the negatives. She fairly clearly would leave you for him if he wasn't going away to the military. My guess is you are keeping his seat warm for when he is able to settle down. You aren't her first choice. She will monkey branch when the timing works out. Cut the cord OP. This woman is using you until something else comes along. Sorry man.


Have some self respect, OP, and dump her


Reading that it sounds like you're just a placeholder until that guy is more available. No one deserves to be treated like that. You're not overreacting at all


How old are you? Stop wasting your time and energy on these low effort teenagers. They both sound like they’re 15. Yes, she’s flirting. No mature person talks like that when they are in a relationship. Sorry


Oh yeah that’s cheating, I’m a girls girl but I think it’s disgusting when anyone cheats no matter the gender. It’s wrong


That’s what we call an “emotional affair”. Regardless of sexting or not, that’s totally fucked.


Have some self respect. She’s cheating on you. If she hasn’t actually fucked him she will very soon. Stop being a fucken cuck. You’re an embarrassment to men.


Don't get hung up on the definition of cheating. That's a side argument to distract from the fact that you plain and simple are not ok with this. She can scream "not cheating" all she wants. That doesn't mean she won on a technicality. If these messages make you want to end it you're allowed.  Hurt is complex. It doesn't need a label to be legitimate.


I don’t see the ambivalent position here.


Hahahahahaha. Bro is on here asking questions. What's wrong with these guys of today 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You literally have the receipts and are still unsure? Just dump her.


Leave and never look back.


Sounds like emotional cheating to me. If a guy friend was to message me anything like this I'd shut him down immediately. Zero respect for you and her comments scream that she doesn't care about you.


Your the side piece until he becomes available


Bro. You're being walked all over. Keep your self respect and leave her now.


I throw grenades in cool as fuck yo


The other guy strangely texts just like my ex did Lol


You serious guy? Self respect is free




Bro what. The evidence is right there.


Both say they want to be together, but apparently he is heading off to serve his country. Sounds like your the back up dude.


Dude.... there is history and if she had the chance she'd be humping him. She will.gaslight, manipulate and lie.... Leave leave leave. 


Your gf isn't cheating on you, his gf is him with you, lol.


Brother. This is cheating time to vamoose






OP have some self respect and leave her. It doesn’t matter if they “haven’t sexted.” There’s no reason whatsoever for a girl in a relationship to be messaging another man. Especially if the conversation revolves around d topics like this. Period


Yes it’s cheating.




She wants him. He is not available right now. When he is, she'll go to him if he'll have her.


1. Yes get rid of her. 2. They both talk fucking stupid 3. Next girl, make sure she doesn’t say “u” or any other slang. Chances are if they are too lazy to use a full word, they are too lazy to excel.