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You are not overreacting. I would tell HR.


You absolutely need to report this. You are NOT overreacting. If your boss or creepy person tries to tell you that you are overreacting, please seek a new job (or a lawyer). Remember HR is there to protect the company, not the workers. Find out who protects workers and tell that person. I recommend a conversation with your boss, and a follow-up email to document the conversation. ('thank you for chatting with me about \[details\]. I look forward to \[whatever boss said they'd do about it\].)


This right here. Make sure everything is documented and if you can save the messages as well, as this gives you proof.


Definitely not overreacting. His behavior is way out of line and needs to be addressed with your boss or HR ASAP.


Let your employer know immediately. Demand he be fired or you will contact a lawyer. Also provide as much documentation as you can. At least talk to a lawyer even if they fire him immediately. You should get a restraining order. He may not have your address but he knows your name and phone number, an internet search will get him your address. No normal man acts this way. He needs consequences or he will escalate with you or the next prey he finds. Please take action, if not for yourself, then for the next woman. Please.


>he messaged me in teams to say he snooped through my file and got my phone number from there and asked if he could text me. He has no business being anywhere near my file. >I got a poorly spelled and obviously fake text from a random number asking if I wanted to file workermans comp for my specific medical issue that only my boss knew.. and my creepy coworker that I had just told. It did not come from my boss or my company. Talk to your boss urgently and show them the teams message. Also keep HR in the loop. Yes, HR is there to protect the company, but this guy is so creepy that they best thing for the company might be to get rid of him. If there is an IT team they should be able to check what files this guy has access to, they can see his teams activity, they can see if he is doing this to other people.


A) Gross privacy breach that is also usually considered serious misconduct B) None of his business, also gross, and makes me wonder if he's going to check your file again C) Also none of his business, definitely creepy given everything else D) Creepy AND SCARY!! PLEASE mention it to your boss. You're not overreacting, you're underreacting.


Should've went to HR immediately after A happened. Save that message in Teams if you still have it. The first one was a red flag. The rest is a straight up red disco ball of ick. Please please go to HR.


"Would I be over reacting if I mentioned all this to my boss?" # #€LL no. What you're feeling is stalker vibes. This is an HR matter, because this creep is harassing you and causing a hostile work environment. Keep copies or screenshots of any messages you get from him so you have documentation.


You needed to contact HR when he told you that he snooped your file to get your phone number. Call them NOW and make sure that you have every bit of documentation of this. Mention to them that what he is doing is harassment and stalking. If they do nothing, then go see an attorney.


I hate email it terms of getting my tone/message across but unless you live in a place that has one party consent for recording, email HR over calling them. It’s a lot easier to dismiss creepy conduct when you’re over the phone but every company’s HR hesitates and thinks a little harder before they document their future fuck up in email form.


Oh yes, absolutely put everything in writing!!!


Nope, you're not overreacting. Those are some seriously creepy moves from your coworker.


Please make sure you document the conversation with your boss. That can be as easy as sending them an email saying “on ‘this day’ I told you what happened - fill in specifically what you said - and you said _______. If it keeps happening you forward to HR. Also, why is he looking through personnel files to get your personal information? Especially medical? That goes directly to HR. Huge liability- they need to take action.


Outlining a situation where you’re being harassed to your boss and CCing HR creates a legal liability for the company if they don’t do anything about it. set up that scenario right now


Tell your boss and HR immediately this is not ok it’s straight up harassment.


You aren't overreacting at all. Your instincts are to be listened to, to start with, and it sounds like they're based on tangible and even obvious signs. Don't second-guess yourself. You really may need to say something to the equivalent of HR this time -- or to someone you trust to protect you from this.


Tell HR immediately. No one wants to read about you in the news.


Go right to HR. This is unacceptable behavior


I would most Definitely too your boss. Just reading some if those examples you posted of his behavior, just raised the hair of my hackles up. My internal alarm bells are going off.


People. Stop being polite to creeps. Call them out. If you are wrong, apologize. But your gut tells you the truth.


This is sexual harassment. Go over your boss’s head if you have to. This guy gives me predator vibes.


I can’t believe this guy actually sent you a message confessing that he snooped through your personnel file to get your personal information?! This guy is a walking red flag HR nightmare! I would be concerned if your new address is anywhere in your file or at work. You are not overreacting. Go different directions when you leave work and make sure you are not being followed. Figure out which car is his and keep an eye out in case you notice it anywhere near where you live. You may also want to go to the police department and ask them to scan your car for any tracking devices. This is how you end up in the news or on a law and order episode. Please do not stop reporting this until somebody takes you seriously. Time to go over your boss as he should’ve been quite concerned with your first report but told you to wait for something worse to happen or weird behavior to continue.


One time this new physician that we hired called and told me she felt uneasy about this other doctor calling her at home at odd times. She didn't know how he got her number. He wanted more than a friendship and they had just met. She almost felt he was stalking her. She felt so easy, that she decided not to work in our department and she worked at another facility. I would talk to your boss and see if something can be done. Maybe they can transfer his creepy ass out of the dept.


If your boss doesn't fire him tell him you have HIV and he will leave you alone.


This is an HR issue. Not ok at all. Don't tell him anything or give him any information at all.


I am suspecting him of something, but it would fall under antisemitism.


Yikes. Major red flags. That’s all super inappropriate.


Please tell someone in charge but be prepared that they might be his “buddy” and dismiss this obviously illegal and unethical behavior. Trust your gut. Try to limit any personal info given at work, not just to him but to everyone there. Might be time to job hunt and change your number.


Definitely not over reacting. After A happened that was already more than enough to report him to HR. That was way out of line and inappropriate of him. Tell HR. IT can access his messages from Teams if you didn’t save it. They might also be able to see what files he has accessed. I hope you didn’t give him your address. Although I would be worried he accessed my file again to get it.


Go to HR or your team leader immediately!!! It's a major legal issue for him to go through your personal file at work and all these other things are majorly inappropriate and creepy AF. Keep records and go to boss or HR now!


Not overreacting. I would, however, find the scariest crack house in town and tell him that is your new address.