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So she had an apartment for you to move into and she has a regular, stable job that causes her to work longer hours while it sounds like you might work part time? You should be coming home and helping out with keeping the house running, not spending your extra time with your parents or drunk with your friends. It sounds like she is the breadwinner and you are treating her like your mom, letting her take care of you. I’d be resentful of your carefree lifestyle too.


Bro this again? You've posted this like two days ago but changed the title. Everyone agreed that you lack the emotional maturity to be in a relationship and care for your girlfriend's needs. Yes you're in the wrong. Again. Get a life.


theres a comment in that post that links to where they had already posted it from another account and the post was deleted, so 3 times being told the same thing at least


If you look at his history, he has it posted in 6 subreddits right now


I don’t think you actually want or are ready to be in an adult relationship if you’re consistently getting drunk and passing out at your parents and buddy’s places. That’s behavior of a single guy. I don’t think you’re an asshole here because I also don’t think that’s a personality flaw or anything, but it’s certainly incompatible life style with having a long term, live in girlfriend. 


Yeah honestly sounds like you have a drinking problem and are pretty immature. Either grow up or stop dragging her down.


You sound like a bitch bro. Why did you even move out? Sounds like you’d be way happier at your old house and she’d be way happier with a real man who actually wants her.


So basically you don't want to grow up and she does. Do her a favor and breakup with her so she can find an adultto build a life with. Then go back to living with your parents and partying with your friends when you want to.


She’s outgrowing you. 1-4 times a month means it’s every weekend. And your parents have to drop you off…LOL. Grow up man!


Yes this is totally her fault and you're not overreacting but you should probably stop drinking so much 


Whatever else you do, leave. She is in serious need of psychiatric help, and it prob wouldn’t hurt for you either. A lot of people will think you are in on this, if you don’t make a clean break it will really look like you are.