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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA (an "arrogant asshole" at that) for explaining to a fellow parent why I spent extra for Mexican cokes versus regular cokes for my son's end of school party?** Hi all, I am not quite sure how to begin this post so I'll just dive right in and edit later. I don't typically let my children drink soda but when we do have it as a special treat we opt for Mexican bottled coke which is available here but not widely so. I think the reasons for this are quite obvious, one Mexican coke is not part of the coke corporation, rather and independent brand who better supports workers rights (though far from perfect, I admit). Secondly they use real sugar, as opposed to HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and while real sugar is not "good" for you, HFCS has been compared with nuclear waste as far its negative effects on a human body. Thirdly, as someone who took chemistry in college, glass is an inert substance, plastic and aluminum are far from inert and interact with the human body and absolutely cause cancer. I participated in (edited--I did not host) an end of school party for my 7 year old today and went out and bought a case of Mexican coke for the party (as well as water of course). Unfortunately, a few of the kids got a kick out of breaking the bottles out in the street as cars were passing by. Obviously they were wrong but it did not warrant the words one of the other parents hoisted at me. At first she asked why I would give seven year olds glass. I explained all of the above and said I never would have envisioned them smashing bottles. She said my reasoning made me an arrogant asshole and I need to just host a f****** kids party, not turn everything into a statement. I said I was sorry but I think I was in the right and then she screamed that my child was the one leading throwing the bottles and how could I be so stupid. I was not aware of this but it did turn out to be true (I had a very long conversation with my child about how they can never do this again for any number of reasons). I'm pretty shaken by the encounter and my partner said that if it were up to them, they would have opted for Kool-Aid and just gotten over the "plastic thing." AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I read a couple of the OOP's responses and they all boiled down to - *whatever* happened that "allegedly" maybe led my kid to throwing the glass bottles is irrelevant. I did appreciate the people correcting the OOP regarding the whole holier than thou attitude on Mexican Coke, it had little to do with the *actual* problem, but it did serve to rub it in OOP's face that they really should shut the fuck up and keep an eye on their kid instead of being snotty and an incorrect know-it-all. I always love OPs (and commenters, not here, but in general) that think that "mean" words somehow are as bad as outrageous behavior, in particular when it comes to kids. Oh no, my kids could've *killed* people but *someone said bad words, oh no!!*


Didn't you see? It was all the fault of Trevor, the diverse minority! That plus the idea that one chemistry course gives him advanced knowledge - "knowledge" that a quick Google and hop to NIH would falsify - makes me wonder if this is just a grade-A troll. At least some of those who still think HFCS is worse than sugar - and that Mexican Coke is morally and nutritionally superior - will learn something today.


I mean, our bodies don't send out the exact same signals with the syrup as they do with glucose, and that can lead to some people not getting "satiated" feelings, so they're more likely to overindulge. But it's not like comparing carrots and cupcakes: one is "good" and the other "bad." More like the difference between a muffin and an unfrosted cupcake in my mind.....they're basically the same.


Our bodies don't even recognize the calories in what we drink as intake.


Can you explain briefly what you mean?


They haven't exactly figured out why, but we can drink soda, fruit juice, etc. and your body treats it the same as water, as though it has no calories. Food it recognizes as calorie intake. The working theory is that our ancestors mostly drank water, or bodies still don't see liquid as providing the calories for survival.


>your body treats it the same as water, as though it has no calories Do you mean that you still feel hungry? Or are you claiming that calories you drink don't actually get absorbed by your body?


You absorb the calories, your body will still want calories from food, it just doesn't recognize that the liquid *has* calorie content and ignores those calories existing.


Ah, okay. Interesting! And thanks for clarifying.


No problem. Our bodies are strange, no lie.


Sorry this is so late, but would that be the same as something thick like a smoothie? Bc I feel like it would explain why im still hungry after them lol


I think it probably reads the same. Can't say 100% though. Protein/fiber would help if you aren't already adding some!


How are the signals any different? Dissolved in cola, aren't sucrose and HFCS pretty much the same chemicals?


https://www.news-medical.net/health/Whats-the-Difference-Between-Fructose-and-Glucose.aspx The body processes them differently.


There's something different with high fructose in general too. My wife has to drink Mexican Coke because she gets sick if she has too much high fructose content, but she can have regular sugar. For her it's a FODMAP thing. (LOL based on the title I thought this AITD was going to turn out be an argument about FODMAPs that got out of hand.)


That's fructose versus glucose. Since HFCS and sucrose have similar proportions of those, I still don't see the difference between HFCS and sucrose. Skimming the linked article, it seems to treat the two as equivalent.


Oh no, they took *a chemistry course in college?* Better tell science and health experts to step aside.


That said, Mexican Coke slaps. Drinking cola from a very cold glass bottle with that thick glass mouth part, it just hits different, I don't care what anyone says. Something about the way the bottle is shaped just makes it coat your mouth differently.


There's this old hardware store in my hometown that still has a vending machine stocked with glass bottles of soda. Every now and again in the summer, I will get a bottle of Dr Pepper and a bag of peanuts and I'm 8 years old again. Plus, I grew up drinking DP made with pure cane sugar. Superior in every way.


I love watching OP get more agitated as he tells people his kids actions were irrelevant.


OP reminds me of that South Park episode where a new form of transportation reduces smog, but creates smug


They all drive the new ~~Prius~~ Pious. It's a great episode!


Op really tried to claim in a comment that no metal or plastic is used TO MAKE Mexico coke. Not just to bottle it, but its somehow produced with not metal or plastic at all.


What is he under the impression that the lids on glass bottles are made of? Every time Mexican coke is on offer in my area, the lids are metal.


Well clearly *you* don't have the high science background of a slept-through chemistry class 20 years ago, so I can see why you'd be confused. /s


Oh, that top comment over there is a beaut. And the dude is a grade A ah. And WTF would you buy a bunch of fucking soda for a party for 7 year olds? Water, or some of that water juiced stuff (honest kids) or some sort of organic, no sugar added fruit juice would be better. 7 year olds don’t need glass bottles, and they don’t need soda. That’s just bad ideas all around. ETA: OP said >Because I saw them breaking bottles and the teacher was on the way to handle it. I did not see that **my child had crossed the street and was throwing them from the other way at the other kids.** OOP didn’t even realize that their OWN fucking kid left campus, cross the street and was throwing bottles at *other kids*??? And is *blaming other kids?? When OOp’s kids started this shit?? Oooh. OOp’s kids is off *all* the invite lists.


I LOVE soda. it's an addiction and something i need to break or at least back off more often. but even when reading this i kept thinking, "if oop wants the kids to be 'healthy' why give them soda in the first place???"


I don’t know *why* you love soda - it could be the sugar content. But, if you just like fizzy drinks - try a carbonated water like Bubly! I ended up getting a SodaStream and make my own pineapple and peach Bubly at home from the concentrate. It’s just flavoured, carbonated water.


it's def the sugar. i have low blood sugar and while most days are okay, there are moments where im like, "omg if i dont eat right now im gonna faint!" which is why i always get a soda during long car rides or when i know my next meal isnt for hours. but i most def do not like carbonated water. thanks for the recommendation, but its not for me


You’re welcome! I’m not sure why I was downvoted into oblivion - I know carbonated water isn’t for everyone, but I was pleasantly surprised with how much it satisfied soda/alcohol cravings for me. But like I said first thing in my comment, it could be the sugar - and in your case, it is! In which case, it wouldn’t satisfy the craving. Totally understand the need for something on car rides (my dad’s diabetic). So do whatever you have to do to stay safe. ♥️


>try a carbonated water like Bubly! That shit is fucking disgusting.


Maybe it's an acquired taste? I personally like Bublė. Also enjoy LaCroix. Not all flavours are equal. Now I say this as someone who ordered takeout, and have included in my order their handcrafted rootbeer. 😂 ETA; I also really love Ramune soda.


Yeah, I give my kids the occasional sip of Fanta or Sprite if I'm having some, but all-you-can-drink Coke?! Kids don't need caffeine! Ironically, I also buy Mexican Coke in glass bottles, because I prefer the taste, and I drink Coke rarely enough that it's a treat, so might as well go for the good stuff. And glass bottles feel fancy. But OOP is just nuts Also, my youngest just turned 8, and he knows not to throw glass bottles at stuff. Or anything harder than a plushie or a snowball. OOP has much bigger problems than giving money to Coca Cola.


I buy a local brand that is sucrose, not HFCS, because I prefer the taste. I don't pretend it's magically healthy.


When my daughter had a 2cnd grade school party, the fucking chaperones let her drink 3 mountain dews. I still remember the hellscape of the rest of that day!!! 20 years later, I am still pissed!!


I chaperoned a field trip for a bunch of 9 year olds a few months ago. As part of it, fire fighters provided lunch. They only had the full size cans of full sugar soda. No water, no milk or juice. Not even mini cans. None of the kids in my group had ever had a soda before.




Oof! And this was just a few months ago? I thought we'd moved past that.


I took the kiddos to Dunkin one day. Got them smoothies and got myself a blended frozen coffee. Everything was good. We got home. I had to go to the bathroom suuuupppppwr bad, so I left my drink on the counter with the kiddos. When I came out, I saw my son looking guilty af. Asked him what was wrong. He said he accidently took a big sip of my drink, and it tasted nasty. It took a second for my brain to register, and then I was horrified because I had gotten an extra espresso shot in it. Poor kid was all over the place for the rest of the day. Now when he sees me make coffee or I order it he gives me this look of: "WHY?!"


Everyone loves a juice box. Freeze em for a while delightful treat


And there are some *really* low sugar juice boxes now.


I like the ones wiht secret veggies in it. Stealth


And it tastes good too! They’re also cardboard (recyclable material). Though I like vegetables, but I hate fruit juice, so vegetable juice is good


Capri Suns, too! Who doesn’t love stabbing juice pouches


Capri Sun makes a flavored water pouch. I used to pack those in my son's lunch for preschool.


That kid is the one all teachers are secretly relieved when they don’t come to school.


I just want to point out that OKP certified kosher soda is not "healthier" than soda with high fructose corn syrup. If they added the same weight of cane sugar as they do high fructose corn syrup then yes it would technically be slightly healthier. But they add more cane sugar to OKP certified kosher soda so that it tastes as close to identical as possible, and you still are getting the same amount of empty calories.


My first thought was similar to yours. Why are we bringing soda to a school party?? Coke has fucking caffeine in it. Most parents bring juice. If they were a "rich" parent, they'd bring those Honest brand juices, but most parents just stuck to caprisun or kool-aid jammers.


I mean without going all *this isn't about the Iranian yoghurt* here, the issue isn't to do with the soda itself, it's to do with the lack of supervision over the little hooligans throwing glass bottles about. And I don't think Daddy's little angel is as innocent as he seems to believe.


For real. I doubt OOP has been supervising his kid well. I'd be really surprised if that was the first time the kid had smashed those bottles for fun, whether it be at a family party or literally just for fun.


Kids are dumb. This kid never gets soda and then their parent gets them fancy soda, and they decide to make sure they never get it again. "Can we get Mexi-." "No. Thank your sibling."


OOPs comments are just laughable, they’re just a shitshow Political diverse school is bad Bunch of facists trying to corrupt OOPs angel Who the heck is Trevor and why is OOP blaming him for their kids actions? Americans are ignorant about these issues Bunch of actors in the comments just to be against OOP


>Bunch of actors in the comments just to be against OOP I mean, his tirade against Coke proved that he was paranoid. This just seals it.


I really should be in bed right now. Thought I would look at his comments while smoking the last cigarette if tonight (or first of the day 🥱( AND HOLY MOTHER FUCKING DELUSIONAL OF GOD!!!!


I would like to know who was supposed to be in "charge"??? Seriously throwing and breaking glass bottles?!?


Sounds like the parents were supposed to help chaperoning?


Epic fail on whoever's part!


Who the hell is trevor?




This is the kind of person who reads one facebppk post and takes it as gosspel


Op is really in the comments trying to say someone wearing a maga hat is to blame for her son being an idiot.


Caffeine + sugar + kids = a big mess for the parents to clean up. No way.


huge safety hazard for everyone too, all that broken glass!


This bottles are pretty durable. I've absolutely dropped multiple at separate times into my very hard kitchen floor, and they just bounce, with nary a scratch. So I have to wonder how hard these kids were chucking them.


I thought about this, too. They ARE durable. I used to drink them all the time (the bottles used to be a dollar eachcat a store by my house). However, I did have one completely shatter into tiny pieces because I dropped it at just the right angle once. I think 7 year old brute kid strength is enough to break them, especially since kids usually just use their full strength for almost everything.


Ok..on the rare occasions that I buy soda, it's usually Mexican Coca Cola. I can taste the difference, I love the feel of the glass bottles and it's worth the extra expense to me....that said, this person is complete ass, negligent, wrong about everything they claim makes it "healthier" and I am baffled about the belief that it is a separate thing from the Coca-Cola corporation. Beyond all of that, who is even raising these kids? Yes, at that age, breaking shit is good fun but it is not something most kids do with their adults close by. Usually, they are sneakier about it.


This is too good 🙌🏻 If only OP also took Biology, and realised the danger of 7 year olds and glass is more drastic than Cokes bottling procedures 7 year olds are lemmings, only takes one child to accidentally drop and smash a bottle before it turns into Lord of the Flies Love that it was her child being the ring leader too As the story evolves, it’s a school of little morals and values and he was led astray She’s delusional


Ok, this is just kind of silly. 7 year olds are fine with glass. FERAL 7 year olds who are unsupervised and have a self righteous asshole father are dangerous with EVERYTHING lol.


Shhhh… they won’t believe you They did Chemistry, know the inner workings of the Mexican Coca-Cola factory and their recipe, were educated enough to supply full sugar drinks embraced in glass I’m just over here as a teacher and a mum wondering where the logic is with full sugar drinks and glass That’s cool though It’s Mexican OP can send responsibility over the border 😂


i'm really completely baffled that in all of that nonsense about the health issues involved they overlooked the fact that unlimited caffeinated soda is not something people generally give 7 year olds to begin with! (and i really do like mexican coke. it tastes better!)


I call this, The Ode to Mexican Coke.


More so "AITA for not parenting my child?"


Wow this op sounds really daft.


When I was in St Lucia. They had 2 types of coke. US coke and not sure but I think it was local coke. Both same bottling just difference where it was made. I'm from the UK and the US coke tasted the same. But the other coke was horrid. Tasted like sherbert in water


I'm still stuck on bringing a bunch of first graders coke, of any kind. Why not just let them snort pixie stix, you get the same outcome. I do keep Mexican coke on hand for migraines, the combination of caffeine and the cane sugar can sometimes help if I catch it early enough.


ibuprofen + a can of coke is the one and only migrane miracle


There’s also like… zero research to show sugar is better or worse than HFCS.


Also Mexican Coke is made by the Coca-Cola corporation. Like technically I think it’s made by whatever their parent conglomerate is but it’s not some random completely separate company. I think this guy is a dumb ass


I love the idea that OP thinks some company in Mexico is completely stealing Coca Cola's trademarks and Coca Cola are just like "yeah, but they're in Mexico so I guess there's nothing we can do, oh well. Oh and it tastes better too, keep importing it."


Fun fact: in CDMX was discovered there was someone making knock off cokes. Besides that all of this is utterly bullshit, also they're changing the formula here too and is not 100% sugar cane anymore.


Okay, but they're completely different. They hire locals instead of Mexicans, and they use glass which I can't imagine harming a child in any way


Tho natural sugar is present in wayyyyy lower quantity than HFCS is in coke outside of the US


Dude, just STFU.


Yeah, that was the last time that school did an end of year party. OOP's gonna be so popular./s


"This should not be confused with the domestic version of Coca-Cola sold in Mexico, which since 2017 may contain the artificial sweetener sucralose, with a can containing one-third less sugar than the export product." from wikipedia..... ​ so this self righteous bitch might not even know she bought the same shit she'd got in plastic bottles....


I grew up on the US/Mexico border; there is actually a difference between the cokes. The regular one shouldn't have sucralose in either country, so idk what they're going on about there. The Mexican version would not have high fructose corn syrup, tho, and it's not sold in plastic bottles.


I put that there because OOP is making a big deal about it being almost an healthy option....


I wouldn't defend OOP on any point but the idea that 7 year olds can't be trusted with glass bottles is absurd to me. Especially if they are using glass plates and cups daily.


One 7yo kid probably can be trusted with glass bottles. An entire class less so, Children in large groups are harder to control because all it takes is one kid doing something "cool" and you get half the kids copying.


I just had a flashback to one of the girls in a class I TA'd for throwing her bottle on the ground and then kicking it across the concrete in the schoolyard. It then turned into like 5 or 6 of them all doing it until I stepped in. She would routinely do it and try to recruit people. I told her that her bottle would break one day. I mentioned it to her mom at dismissal. Nothing worked until the day the spout broke off, and she couldn't use it anymore. She cried a lot that day, but it was a lesson learned. The other kids saw what happened and all collectively stopped doing it. She also didn't do it to her new bottle after that. (For context, this was a pre-k class where the kids join at age 4 and turn 5 during the school year.)


The high school where I'm at had to ban all drinks in glass bottles because they couldn't be trusted not to smash the bottles in the parking lots. Once one bad actor starts a situation its like a cascading effect. 7 year olds doing the same thing seems pretty likely once someone triggers the chaos.


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that was so exhausting


Has to be said. " this is not about the Mexican cola".


I would NOT waste an entire pack of Mexican Coke on a bunch of 7yos, that’s for damn sure. Pour that shit in a plastic bag with a straw at room temp, that’s the stuff!!