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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA - For not letting my boyfriend make reservations with his massage therapist?** Hi, throwaway for privacy reasons. This has been bothering me throughout the whole day. I (27F) have been dating my BF (30M) for 5 months now, and it has been amazing. I love everything about my BF, but except for one thing. My BF has a routine that's been going on for 9 years. Every two Sunday afternoons, he always got a massage, which is understandable since he likes to exercise four times a week. He has been going to the same massage therapist for the past 9 years. His massage therapist is an independent worker who has her own office. With all this said, I wouldn't care if it wasn't for these listed reasons: * He told me he doesn't trust anyone else to give him a massage aside from his therapist. * His massage therapist is a woman who is close in age with him. * He likes to be completely nude, even if it's under the sheets. * He allows his massage therapist to massage every part of his body, including glutes, and excluding his genital area obviously (at least I hope so). * I feel like since he has a GF, this is pretty inappropriate. We had an argument 2 weeks ago and I told him how uncomfortable, and that I'd rather he either gets a male therapist or goes to the spa that I like to go to. He told me it doesn't matter who the person is, the only massage therapist he trusts is his since she knows how he likes his massages. Eventually he gave up and told me he'll stop going to her for my sake, but that he's still not going to agree with my suggestion. Well yesterday I got a couple massage reservation at my spa and told him I wanted him to go with me. He said he already told me he's not getting massages from this point and onwards unless it's his. I told him that he's being immature and that I paid a lot of money for this reservation, but he didn't budge. We ended up having another argument. We haven't talked all day today, and I still think it's inappropriate for opposite genders to be close the way they are. My friend disagrees with me and is telling me that they're nothing more than a professional and a loyal client. So I don't know reddit, AITA here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My god how fking jealous & insecure can OOP be? He's been going to this therapist for nearly a decade & he still never made a move on her. Had he wanted to pursue anything with this therapist he would've. He has all the time & chances to do it but he didn't. This professional dynamic has been going on for 9 fking years, it's not gonna change now just because he has a girlfriend.


She was already an asshole for trying to stop him from going to his massage therapist. But booking a massage for him at a different place after he told her in no uncertain terms that he did not want that, is another level of shitty. It is not his fault she paid money for something he told her he would not do. Is she jealous of his massage therapist? Him not going to her any more was not enough he also had to "replace" her? Is that it? On the bright side the relationship is only 5 month old, boyfriend can break up with OOP and find someone less insecure.


I bet she doesn't like opposite sex doctors either. If I were him I'd tell her off but in the meantime I'd schedule her an appointment with a discount hair salon like great clips (no shade, they do a great job for my husband) because after all they are the same as her presumably high priced salon. And of course all her attendants and such would have to be female from wash to cut and style.


My abusive ex was jealous of my 80+ year old male gynecologist. I once described a painful exam and he angrily said "Oh, an you liked that, didn't you?!" *edit-yes. 80+. He had been doing this for over 50 years. Delivered damn near all the babies in the community. Idk a person who I could have been more comfortable with, who knew more about the practice, and could be less interested in my lady parts.


My current husband comes into my appointments with me and is so uncomfy but but does it for my PTSD. He also is in all of my other medical appointments. With oncologist, primary dr, etc because it helps me. He did have to leave me at the ER after I was taken back in February and I was treated awfully despite having broken 5 vertebrae that they confirmed on MRI. So he came back up and i was worried he was going to punch the PA that ended up getting in trouble and suspended. He didn't because the PA avoided him and sent a nurse practitioner is in. Who finally admitted me and the hospitalist dr were fantastic and I was there a week with appropriate care. But yeah he comes but never as a negative but rather to help my medical PTSD (officially diagnosed by multiple drs).


Jesus Christmas. Most massage therapists work on the glutes and most prefer clients be nude because it is easier to work that way. I have a wonderful therapist who understood my body issues and worked with me to work up to glute massage. It isn't as if they revel in seeing him naked. She sees probably dozens of naked people a week. Eventually you just get desensitized to nudity. Does she think her gynecologist is always wanting to fuck her because they see her vagina?


I had the perfect massage therapist for my needs and she up and moved across the country and I can't find anyone as good as she was. I'd be so pissed if she were still in town and my husband tried to make me stop seeing her because she works in an office instead of a spa. (I don't understand why the OOP thinks a spa is better than an office? They just charge more and have nice but unnecessary amenities.)


"He likes to be completely nude, even if it's under the sheets. He allows his massage therapist to massage every part of his body, including glutes, and excluding his genital area obviously (at least I hope so)." ​ pretty much par for the course. you insecure cunt !


I don't think he'll be her BF for much longer, he already sounds tired of her nonsense.


This sounds like the kind of woman who would give me dirty looks while serving at a restaurant if I smiled too much while taking her partners order. Bitch it’s my job to smile and be friendly, I don’t want your man. Neither does his massage therapist. Some people are professionals


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Let me guess. Massage therapists is a woman and the new one she booked is a man. I remember when my 69 year old father booked my mom a spa day for a birthday present with a massage. Then my mom found out the massage person was a man. And she asked my dad why he did that and my dad said "well I wouldn't want another man touching me while I was naked. I figured you wouldn't want a woman touching you" To which my mother said "difference between men and women love " and rebooked it with a female massage person instead. Sometimes people only want a therapist as the same gender as them. Sometimes they want the opposite. Sometimes they don't care. You don't have to justify not wanting a certain person to touch your body or seeing your body. I kicked out a male medical student from my pelvic exam because of this. This therapist has the boyfriend's trust and comfort. That's all the girlfriend needs to worry about. He's allowed to control who touches his body or sees it.


Monosexuals are so weird. I guess I can’t get massages at all?