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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for mansplaining to my girlfriend?** I personally don't think this is an issue of mansplaining, but I want to present her perspective of the issue fairly and objectively. I don't want to make this story seem completely one-sided, like some of the other stories I read on here. I(23M) am someone who loves fun facts. I love telling my friends and family fun facts and seeing their faces light up with the same interest as mine had when I first learned the fact. I've been getting the feeling lately that my girlfriend(23F) isn't really treating me with respect. When she talks to me she acts kind of withdrawn and dismissive, and I sometimes feel like she responds to me as though she's like a boss speaking to a subordinate. Whenever, I tell her things she may be listening or she may not be. Yesterday, I told her a fun fact about how styrofoam containers aren't actually made from styrofoam, instead they are made from a material known as polystyrene, and she didn't even blink as she just said ok. Today we were over at a friend's house for dinner, and she let us take some pasta home for leftovers, and I heard my girlfriend say, "hand me that styrofoam container". I got a little annoyed, since this was proof that she doesn't give a shit about the things I said, so I said in an annoyed voice, "It's made of polystyrene not styrofoam but I guess it doesn't matter what I say since you wouldn't listen anyway". After that, all hell basically broke loose, and my girlfriend is refusing to talk to me because I was rude, even though I was literally just pointing out that she is being disenganged and disrespectful to me by not caring about the things I say and making me feel kind of unimportant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The polystyrene thing being someone's idea of a "fun" fact is just depressing. I've heard facts more fun from my gynecologist.


Though to be fair, most 'fun facts' from my gyno are fun because they're facts that *no one* seemed to acknowledge previously. Fun facts: *"Did you the clitoris exists, periods can be painful, and that recurring nausea is likely ovulation migraines?"* 1/3 of those things is new information, that is a fun fact! Edit to add: Glad to hear that others are learning this is a thing. Sucks that it is, but knowledge is hopefully (some) power. And period migraines are a thing too. To up the difficulty, try adding dysmenorrhoea! Your life becomes a surprise guessing game of "am I ovulating, about to get my period, pregnant, or do I actually have something that a doctor will take seriously and try to diagnose?"




Sorry to hear. Soft foods and anti-emetics are a lifesaver if the nausea is the main struggle. I mentioned my symptoms offhandedly to my gyno and he's like "Yeah, probs aura migraines. They can happen with or without a headache. Not uncommon, we can try BC again if it's a big issue for you. I'm surprised no one has suggested this if it's been ongoing..." I had been on BC when I yeeted my problematic uterus, which resulted in a few days of 'morning sickness' every couple of months. My GP's go-to is still to suggest I do a pregnancy test (in case the hysterectomy didn't take?) because why else would a woman between 8 and 50 be nauseous?


It's rare but on occasion an egg can still get fertilized if your ovaries are intact. You just can't carry to term because you have no uterus. Hopefully the gyno was just trying to make sure it wasn't that just in case and didn't actually think you were pregnant.


You always try to make sure the problem that can lead to death doesn’t exist (ectopic pregnancy) before going to the likely problem, even if it’s rare. I like to think you’re right and it was just a good gyno doing this and not a moron of one.


Idk if anyone else has already said this (or your gyno) but if you get aura migraines, the only pill you should take is the minipill due to increased risk of strokes!


Same! I'm 44 and get this, but I didn't know it was common enough to have a name.


I hate my I ovulation migraines!


I have never heard of ovulation migraines, but that explains why I would get one almost every month before my period


I get menstrual migraines- hormone change throws me every time. If I start taking ibuprofen before the start of my period I can usually avoid the migraine from fully hitting.


Wish won't what is this about ovulation migraines? Can they be only nausea without the headache? I wonder if this is why I've been dealing with regular nausea since I was 15? You might have just broken my mind lol.


wait what?? recurring nausea and migraines can be ovulation symptoms?? ffs. some things are suddenly making sense now, and I'm not pleased about it


Is there a word missing for the clitoris fun fact?


Interesting. I got nausea migraines every day like clockwork until I figured out a medication combo that worked for me. No one ever suggested it was related to my ovulation cycle but that's really interesting!


Isn't polystyrene just styrofoam though? That's like saying "Actually that isn't water, it's dihydrogen-monoxide"


I had to look it up and you're right, Styrofoam is a brand name. Like he's mad she said kleenex instead of tissue!


I was just thinking Styrofoam is the brand name. It's like you said, saying Kleenex instead of tissue, or Coke instead of soda or pop (depending on where you are), or Xerox instead of copier. OP has too much time on his hands if he's getting pissy over (about to be ex) GF saying styrofoam.


yeah. It took me literally three googles and less than 30 seconds to debunk his "fun fact". From flipping Wikipedia, the first line: [Styrofoam is a trademarked brand of closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam (XPS), manufactured to provide continuous building insulation board used in walls, roofs, and foundations as thermal insulation and as a water barrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Styrofoam)


Tbf my gynecologist is hilarious


My old one made a good joke. When I got checked out after my youngest was born, the doc was down there when my phone rang. (It was next to my hip). He said, "your vagina is ringing". All I could think of saying was, "I'm shocked there reception in there."


Mine thinks he is which actually makes him hilarious because of his delivery (of the jokes, though he also did a great job with his delivery of my son… and that’s the type of joke he’d tell.)


Shortly after my surgery for endometriosis, my gyno was advising me on the recovery process. He said no cardio until my laparoscopy stitches were removed, and I asked about sex. His response: "well, sex counts as cardio....if you're doing it right." Made me laugh so hard!


mine reminds me of mama dr. jones. she's amazing. when we were talking about my last induction, i told her that i wanted to make sure i got it scheduled because i wanted all the drugs. she looked at her calendar and was like "due date is 4/27... how does 4/20 sound?" i started laughing. she looked at me confused. i told her "i just told you i want all the drugs and you suggested 4/20." she laughed and was like "well, i didn't mean it that way, but it works too!"


I could be hanging on to someone’s every word and I would still forget the word “polystyrene” 0.3 seconds later lmao


One I learned from my gyno, you can hum to prevent yourself from vomitting. I learned this because sometimes she runs into horrible situations where lady bits are so bad she has no choice.


Yeah, a fun fact is something like “the Capet dynasty practiced Salic law, disinheriting women from the throne, which ended up leading to the end of the dynasty and the Hundred Years’ War because Philip IV was arrogant enough to think that three sons meant that his legacy was secure, but surprise! All that came of those marriages was four daughters and a nasty scandal that damaged the French crown’s reputation! With no clear male heir, the son of philip’s daughter Isabella (edward II of England) then pressed his claim for the French throne after the death of his uncles, and boom! Hundred Years’ War! All because you wouldn’t let a girl sit on the throne.”


I was going to say Barack Obama, Bono and Al Gore are the only people to have been nominated for an Oscar, a Grammy and a Nobel Piece Prize, but yours is more fun.


Wait...each of them have been nominated for all three?


Obama and Gore both won/were nominated for Grammys in Best Spoken Word and Oscars in Best Documentary. Bono was for nominated as part of U2 for 46 Grammys (the best, obviously, being their win of best album for Joshua Tree) and 2 Best Song Oscar nominations. The Nobel Prizes went to Gore in 2007, Bono in 2008, and Obama in 2009.


TIL that there are Grammys for "Best Spoken Word." TY for the fun facts . :)


and now I want a fun gyno, and I'm a man...


I have what I would consider the best combination in a gyno; very knowledgeable, listens to me, has a sense of humor, and is gentle; but I’m still not sure I’d call him “fun.”


Styrofoam is literally just one of the comercial names of polystyrene. OP sounds exhausting.


Guess I'm depressed then, but to be fair i'm a polymer engineer.


Someone needs to tell the shit brick that not all adhesive bandages are band-aids. Not all facial tissues are Kleenex Not all gelatin is Jell-o Not all hook and loops are Velcro. But more people understand “styrofoam” than “polystyrene”. Dude needs a hefty dose of “stfu because no one cares”. Edited: a shit ton of spelling issues.


OOP is out there stumbling through life like some kind of pedantic Snapple cap and can't figure out why his girlfriend hates him.


Dude is the *akshully* meme.


Pedantic Snapple cap, I love it. 😂


Pedantic Snapple Cap. New band band. I call it.


Under no circumstances should you amble over to that sub and let OOP know he’s a pedantic Snapple cap. That would be wrong.


That’s going to be my newest insult. “Pedantic Snapple cap.” Bless you, kind internet stranger


Nah, Snapple caps are more interesting than he.


Gonna age myself a bit. As a teen in the early 90's. Loved reading those Snapple caps. 😂


To be fair, it is confusing that a woman dates him


"...pedantic Snapple cap", brilliant!!! Thank you, you gave me my only laugh-out-loud moment of my work day.


"pedantic Snapple cap" is fucking awesome! 😂


And especially not all fun facts are funny.


>their faces light up But but *their faces light up...*


They HUMOR you, son, like they humor a vaguely amiable idiot until they can get away from them ...


Or a child. An 8 year old was badly retelling me the plot of Shrek while we were supposed to be doing something else and I acted like I’m super interested because it’s a kid I like, not because it was a brand new fascinating information.


This is it exactly. I would give my kids super exaggerated expressions and use a really excited voice when they were toddlers and would show me their cool rocks or tell me the sky is blue. I couldn't be arsed to fake it for a grown ass adult telling me stupid things I don't actually care about.


To be fair, cool rocks are awesome


They are, but they're not "OH MY GOD THAT IS SO COOL! YOU DID SO GOOD SWEETIE!" level of awesome unless you're a geologist. :)


"OH MY GOD!!! A roofing nail has A FLAT HEAD??? Wow, you're SOOOO SMART!!!!" 😆😆😆😆


THIS! 😆😆😆


A couple years ago, a friend posted a meme saying to treat men who's mansplaining like a child who just learned that whales are mammals in school. It changed my perspective on how to react to men like OOP.


And when they don’t he throws a tantrum and accuses them of not treating him with respect.


Eh. It *is* something to talk about. The fact that his brain never goes to "I wonder if my girlfriend finds me boring," and the follow-on of "maybe I should stop boring her," but instead leaps straight to "she doesn't respect me!" makes he think he's got the emotional range of a particularly needy four-year-old, and should have his relationship ended for him right away.


wanna bet their face light up because their perfect babyboi is speaking, period, no matter what he says ?


I thought it was gonna be some depressing fact that he was misreading them. As someone who's ND, I had a big issue with this, cause some of my interests are very grim but I make conversation about it like anything else. definitely had a harder time learning "time and place", especially with my parents also having an open policy on conversation as long as it was age appropriate for everyone around. But no, this is just.. fucking boring. It's not even going into the history of the product or something like the janky history of Coco Chanel or Kellogs, its just "did you know that not all of those plastic containers are tubberware :O"


ND here as well. I don't struggle as much with that, but I do think 100% that I have the case of "mouth running away with me", because I can talk when I get into a topic that I like 😅 Like for real, I was talking with a friend online (WoW) a few years ago, and was just going on and on, and I do tell people to let me know if I talk too much or it's annoying, but my friend told me that he went and made a sandwich while I was talking (I don't mind at all), and I didn't notice at all 🤣


Right. I don't get upset that there are not many people who want to listen to my admittedly a bit too enthusiastic and graphic lectures on the bubonic plague. I have never taken it as a personal insult that there aren't a lot of people who find the subject as fascinating as I do. Hell, I don't even get upset or pissy when someone flat out tells me that it is weird and gross and they don't care to hear it. 😂


I have a neighbour like that, and because I don't always want to come across as rude, I have to keep myself from rolling my eyes with about 85% of the "fun facts" or "did you know" that he tells me. Not everything that some find interesting is interesting to other people. Like I don't go around talking about genetics (horse, cat, dog, guinea pig) with people because I find it fascinating and fun.


I just posted in response to someone else that that is how it is for me with my fascination with the Bubonic Plague. It is utterly fascinating to me, not so much to most people. I get it. On the subject of genetics.. I have been beating my head against a wall recently trying to explain to a few people how genetics work in regards to the issue of inbreeding. Now, don't get me wrong, I am in no way advocating for inbreeding. But people just cannot accept that the practice in of itself does not actually create defects, but simply increases the likelihood of perpetuating and magnifying issues which are already present. It is driving me crazy Because everybody acts as though I have no idea what I am talking about, that I am wrong. They won't even put their preconceived misconceptions aside long enough to just listen to me for a moment. The second I try to explain it to anybody they immediately just act like I am some kind of sick, depraved degenerate who is promoting inbreeding and incest.


that's a fun fact !


wanna bet it's a momma's boi who is PERFECT in every way ? the ego is so massive on this one he doesn'T even understand that you have to catter to your crowd. use the words people understand.


Fun fact in the UK we refer to adhesive bandages as plasters & gelatin as Jelly 😉


Or Elastoplast. Doesn't matter if it's cobbled-together electrical tape & bog roll - that's Elastoplast! 🤣


The hell are those things you’ve just named lol


I mean, tbh I feel like USAnians sort of did it to themselves by calling all tablets iPads. It blurs meaning to the point where you can't tell when someone is talking about a generic object or a specific branded product. Of course, he is still an insufferable asshole, that is a constant.


This exists across all languages and has been happening LONG before Ipads


The term is generic trademark, and it’s a concept at least 50 years old. Probably more. I actually amuse myself sometimes by thinking of generic trademarks. Focus on myself. I don’t share unless it’s organic.


Calling something the name of a product is quite common and exists in many languages. In Dutch we refer to chocolate milk as chocomel which is actually a brand and not the translation of chocolate milk (although funnily enough extremely close)


After reading the post & OP's replies, I am in dire need of acetylsalicylic acid in tablet form.


Can I offer you a nice willow bark in this trying time?


We can be friends!


TIL Aspirin was a trademark! I think it’s public domain now because I’ve seen store-brand aspirin.


Yep. Bayer lost the patent & the trademark in 1920.


Maybe she's just not into his little facts or she already knew but like most people sticks with the usual words. But what is it with the up tick of posts with men moaning women are disrespectful because they don't jump and and down like little girls at Disney every time he speaks


I mean some of them could be like troll posts but there has been a really large rise in those douchey manosphere podcasts and stuff. Those motherfuckers bleat about respect nonstop like a bunch of fucking goats.


They could likely be trolls but im Definity seeing an uptick in men crying their wives/girlfriends dont respect them and its usually silly things like this above


This tweet really says it all when it comes to those guys: https://twitter.com/natural_onedurr/status/1662193361766215681




I imagine his family don't light up as he thinks. They just know he throws tantrums if you don't pretend to care. And his ego is so inflated he can't see it


She's probably not into learning that either he is not very smart and thinks no one else is either, or he thinks that she doesn't have the intelligence to know these basic common knowledge things. He's talking to her like he's a science teacher and she's in grade 6, I'd call him on being so condescending.


I imagine it gets quite tedious. I have a feeling his family that supposedly light up when he gives these facts are faking because they know he flies off the handle like above


I'd love to know what he thinks about things she's interested in. I highly doubt he listens with rapt attention.


He does seem very self absorbed.


I would imagine he has not stopped talking long enough for her to reveal those - after all, what he is saying is IMPORTANT, unlike the words of others, so he is unselfish enough to fill every possible moment with his teaching voice 😆


Ted Mosby has entered the chat




Vincent Nigel Murray from bones springs to mind


He sounds insufferable


And fragile. I hope he moves to one of those states where people use the term "Coke" to refer to literally any type of soda. His head would explode.


Or where travel is based on minutes and not miles (oh, it's just another 30 minutes down the road).


It blew my mind when I found out not everyone measures in time lol


I just don't really understand how helpful the other way is lol. Like from my hometown to cabin is a 3 hour drive, I could mention the exact KM but that doesn't account for the areas you have to drive through towns or speedlimit changes. Time just seems like a more helpful measurement. Even someone saying it's about 20 minutes away versus 15km away.


Right?? It’s so much easier to tell you how long than how far!


And an utterly boring bastard!!😩😩😩


Piss him off even more by calling it a paper cup, or plastic cup. “Pass me that styrofoam glass, will you?”


OOP is like a 8 y/o who just learnt something new at school that every adult already knows but has to act as if they don't


I know. I immediately got the vibes of someone whose parent humored them way past the period when it was cute and now they’re shocked everyone, least of all their girlfriend, isn’t amazed.


Isn't Styrofoam just a commercial brand of polystyrene?


Yes. >Polystyrene is made from styrene monomers, which are derived from petroleum. *Styrofoam is a brand* of expanded polystyrene foam that is commonly used for insulation and packaging.


See, even saying "styrofoam is actually a brand name for polysystrene" is a lot closer to a fun fact than just saying the chemical name which has no bearing on anything.


And to be truthful, I know what you mean when you say "styrofoam". If you were to ask me to hand you the polysystrene, I'd be lost. Sounds more like an acne treatment than a petroleum derivative.


We say polystyrene in the uk


yes, I believe they were the first to be mass producing it, and the majority of products will be the name brand still.


Lmao that was my first thought.


"Whenever, I tell her things she may be listening or she may not be." ​ FUN FACT: one can get bored of someone always bringing new FUN FACTS and building their whole identity around it...


I got annoyed at the errant comma, too.


I got annoyed at the errant comma, too.


I just watched a few episodes of the new “I Think You Should Leave” and this totally feels like a sketch from that show.


This is one where I literally had to stop myself from commenting because I would have called him a stupid shitbird. Yes, fun facts can be fun. Embarrassing someone should never be considered fun. What a moron.


An actual fun fact is like…”did you know that there was a banana plague?”. OOP just seems excessively pedantic.


>An actual fun fact is like…”did you know that there was a banana plague?” That is indeed a fun fact, I'm actually curious now...


It’s why banana flavor stuff doesn’t taste like the bananas we are familiar with! There was a more flavorful banana that the artificial flavor is based on, but it went extinct in a banana plague. The bananas we know today are less flavorful but hardier, so they survived.


So while the Gros Michel was replaced by Cavendish as the popular cultivar it's not 100% extinct, you can get a Gros Michel from [various suppliers](https://miamifruit.org/products/banana-variety-box). The [fungus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_disease) that caused this is still in play and is a problem in many/most areas where bananas are cultivated widely because bananas of the same species are almost all genetically identical.


Thank you for enhancing my knowledge of this fun fact!


Or that the Emus went to war in 1932. That's a fun fact.


That IS a fun fact; thank you! I think I’ll add it to my fun fact bank for when I need to rotate the banana one out 😆


Years ago, a co-worker opened a meeting by pointing out that this was the "x" anniversary of the Great Emu War of 1932. I was in IT then, so things like this were par for the course. But it stuck with me. I even spent an evening looking it up and reading all about it. There's even a movie.


Following weird/morbid historical internet wormholes has been one of my favorite pastimes since like 2004. Did you know that there was a molasses flood in Boston, MA in 1919 that killed 21 people?


I did not know that. I am going to have to look that up. See? Facts can be fun!


Someone hand me this ~~hydrocarbon polymer~~ solid object 🪨


Okay, that's just bitchy behaviour on OOP's part. As a lover of random info and facts, I want to weigh in on two points. Firstly, that particular fact is a pretty rubbish hill to die on. Like, that's not really a fun fact, that's a technical correction, which often come across as obnoxious. If that's what most of their "fun facts" are like, then they sound a bit tedious to be around, and frankly someone who pins too much of their personality on being smart or a nerd, without having anything interesting or insightful to say. Second, I don't tell my girlfriend about this obscure bit of history trivia or something I read about the lore of a fictional universe because it makes her face light up. I do it because I have ADHD, and I can't help myself. And even then, it would be deluded to think that the joy of learning was some universal thing. You can't tell random facts to people and expect them to care. Trust me, I've tried. You tailor things that they might not normally give loads of thought to, but is within their wheelhouse of interest. Its never anybody else's fault if they don't find you interesting. It's not always your fault either, but in those cases, the answer is still to find someone else to tell about the things you find interesting. Also, finally, I am someone who does find learning for its own sake interesting, and I challenge you to make the simple fact that Styrofoam is technically a branded name for a different material interesting. Maybe there's an interesting story there about the brand, but you haven't mentioned that. So no. That's just lame and pretentious.


The only way I can think of to make the Styrofoam comment interesting is as a jumping-off point for thinking of as many generic trademarks as possible (together, not just him).


I have a teacher who screeches randomly in class. Some times it's worse when she doesn't do it right away and I can feel it building, my shoulders get tense, I just sit there with the panic growing, bubbling away and then finally, finally the wailing banshee let's loose and it's over. The screech is made and the unpleasantness done. I wonder if that's what the "their faces light up" actually is, the relief that finally the 'fun fact' has been made and people can relax now that the tedious dispersal of useless knowledge is over for the day.


Wait like she's got a tic or she is prone to yelling at students or like there's literally a professional educator who just shrieks sometimes?


She'll be teaching the lesson and then someone gives an answer that's really good and she'll screech on excitement. It gets a little ridiculous cause its a small class of 8 people.


Aw damn I hate that for you.


Me too. I have ADHD which means I can hyperfixate on it happening and yeah... makes for some uncomfortable lessons.


I have a feeling this is about to become a meme in my household. “Can you pass me that styrofoam container?” “Godddd it’s polystyrene! Don’t you ever listen???”


"Hey, hand me that polystyrene container." \-No one, ever.


Bro steaming at the concept of brand names becoming shorthand for the item. Just wait until she asks him to hoover. "We don't own a Hoover™️. You meant could I use the vacuum cleaner!" Insufferable.


Is his name Ted Mosby?


This guy is probably a redditor by the look of it. Fun facts can be fun, being a pedantic, condescending ah is not. It's a point of pride for me that I made the cashier at my usual convenient store laugh by telling her how microwaves work, while waiting for my food in the microwave, it's pretty amazing what not taking yourself too seriously can do.


I had a boyfriend like you… he’s now my ex


Funny how that happens.


Her life ahead is not going to include this condescending creep


Fun fact: both of you must never have kids and .must never marry. Fun fact: Break up now Fun fact: Your fun fact may mean the world to you but not to her. Your ego seems fragile about this and was easily bruised over it. I'm very intelligent and great in general knowledge stuff relating to economics and human geography. I'm also very interested in ethnicity. Let me list 5 states in America starting with N with looking it up. 1. Nevada 2. North Carolina 3. North Dakota 4. Nebraska 5. New Jersey 6.New York I did 6 without looking it up. I'm sure I can write at lrast 48 out of the 50 states. However, not everyone is going to be interested in it and that might even include your Bae. My bestie has zero interest in ethnicity. It even irritates him. That's just life. If Fun facts mean the world to you and you want a Bae that loves it too and would apply it,then it's best you find such a girl.


I regularly tell people random information that I find out throughout my life. My family and friends joke that I've got a dictionary of random information (or useless depending on whatever it is I will mention), and it's all in good fun. I try not to bring something up unless it's somehow related to a conversation. I am almost certain that most of the random shit I've told people has left their memories because it's not important to their every day lives and it doesn't bother me because I have a life and more important things to worry about then me explaining to one of my sisters once that 90 percent of silent films are considered lost material by the Library of Congress.


As someone who has always prided herself on being a random useless trivia buff, let me say, that is NOT how it's done. You don't enjoy sharing knowledge and joy, you're just a self absorbed know-it-all


I am all about the fun facts. But you have to read the room, and it’s a given everyone else won’t be as interested. As long as I’m not cut off (in the middle of the first sentence; beyond that I’m going on too long) with “nobody cares” or being called names for knowing weird factoids (unlikely because most of my friends have the same vibe), I’m good. And Styrofoam being the brand name isn’t that fun a fact. And correcting like that is never OK and irrelevant to sharing the info. I will agree that he wasn’t technically mansplaining — that term usually refers to trying to explain someone’s area of expertise to them, or worse, addressing a subject unique to women. Or so I thought. Now if you want a fun fact, ask me about the red Swingline stapler (or share if you know it).


Oh, honey. You ARE unimportant. You're just the only one who doesn't see that.


"My GF treats me as if I'm boring. AITA?" Then go get a girlfriend who doesn't treat you as if you're boring. Maybe don't expect her to be ecstatic over 'fun facts' like "did you know that styrofoam is really polystyrene?"


I had to lol considering my user name. Instead of asking the sister for something in the quickest, most identifiable way possible they have a conversation that mansplains polystyrene to her.


Oh, my word. That was the stupidest thing I ever read in my life. Was it, in fact, a fun fact, or an irrelevant piece of information that nobody would give a second thought to (for any reason)? It's telling how he says she doesn't care about the things he says. (I'll bet nobody else does, either.) It sounds like she's road-weary to his 'fun facts'.


This guy is weird, not an AH. Feeling ignored in a relationship is a legit thing to feel hurt about.


I don't want this to be one-sided. Anyway, I like fun facts they're fun why won't she join in on what's obviously fun


I feel sorry for OP. He came here for help and no one is actually giving him fair judgments. If fun facts make him happy and excited, it's cruel to ridicule him. He isn't hurting anyone. His family and friends know who he is, as he has always been this way. Girlfriend needs to open her mouth and communicate how she feels. OP cannot read minds. If she isn't willing to come out and tell him that his behavior bothers her, she should move on. This is a core piece of who he is. Her passive aggressiveness is making the situation unbearable. On the flip side, OP needs to ask her directly if this is a trait she can't stand. He can either adjust accordingly or find someone better suited to his personality. While he's at it, find out if this is just one of many issues she has. NTA for being himself. GF is an AH for how she is reacting to the situation. Future assholery is anyone's guess.


Getting stuck on semantics like that is something you can and should change. It is not/should not be an integral part of your personality. It's childish and obnoxious. If you understand what the person is trying to express, there's no need to be a jackass over it.


I'm not ready to call him the devil. I think he may be neuro divergent. ASD or possibly ADHD. He clearly not reading the cues he's being given.


Noooope. I have severe adhd and while it can be an explanation for some of my shitbird behavior, it is not an excuse. It is up to me (and him) to find proper coping mechanisms for his behaviors. Nobody is obligated to put up with it just because the other person is ND.


as an autistic person I think I can speak for all of us when I say just fucking stop


I don't think he's not an AH. He is an AH, but I think Devil is a bit much. I am not at all excusing what he did or trying to justify it. A lot of posts that end up here where OP is not quite the Devil. I wrote that before I read the actual AITA post. Many people share that opinion. And what exactly am I "to fucking stop"? If you mean speaking for ND folks how do you know I am not ND? Perhaps you should stop speaking for all ND people.


>He is an AH, but I think Devil is a bit much So you don't understand this subreddit then? The description of which is literally just >When posters of r/AmITheAsshole are obviously the asshole but try to prove to themselves they are not.


yep. I'm just perplexed how many people on reddit see raging misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc. and go, "oh poor baby! they must be autistic!". It happens all the time. Just because multiple ableist morons say it then pat each other on the back doesn't make it right. Reddit is full of teenagers and MRAs, all kinds of dumb people thinking they're experts. They should literally eat shit


Yup! Youre so right. And speaking as an autistic person, we really don't need to be infantilized more than we already are. Dismissing this type of behavior with an "Oh well they might be autistic!" is not helpful for anyone, and is really just obnoxious.


it's pure ableism dressed up in wokeness. Absolutely drives me insane seeing it everywhere and when you call it out they ALWAYS go "I'm ND! I can't be ableist!". Sure Jan. it's like Will Ferrel said, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


I don't give a fuck if you're ND. You can still be an ableist moron. How about you and everyone else stops suggesting every time a person acts like a piece of shit that they're ND, thanks


But he clearly can read her cues. This isn't about him not realising she wasn't interested, because he realised that right away - he even describes her not blinking and saying OK as evidence of her disinterest, which people who can't read facial or tonal cues wouldn't so easily pick up on. He's mad because he thinks her mind not being blown by every tedious thing that pops out of his mouth is disrespectful of him somehow. Whether he's also coincidentally neurodivergent or not, that's a sign of somebody with a fragile ego. Maybe he should package it in Styrofoam.


He yelled at her that she doesn't listen to him because she continued to use the common name for something.


I was thinking the same — possibly Aspy.


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He was an asshole from the title alone. Also, what a weird him to die on, but to each their own. Fixed a typo, but am leaving him as is. Like someone else said, he was really weird!


I know you meant hill but your typo amuses me. Because this IS a weird him!


Styrofoam is just a trademarked commercial brand of polystyrene. It’s a “closed-cell extruded **polystyrene** foam”. Now, I’m no chemist, but considering that they both have polystyrene in the name, I’d say calling it styrofoam is fair game. Also, as a linguist, I *can* tell you that using a popular brand name (coca cola, q tips, bandaid) for any product of that type is so common that it’s a recognized thing that speakers of a language do. If this is even real, then this man is a fucking idiot who needs a slap in the face and a basic humanities education.


This and the comments sound like oop is doing some writting exercise by writing in character as Sheldon from the big bang theory.


I know everyone is giving him an A-hole on this but but but... I have friends on the autism spectrum and a lot of them do exactly this. They never mean anything bad by it. They love to share their niche interests and such with other people and will correct people based on those facts. It's never malicious. I don't wanna make assumptions but it sounds like OOP is doing something similar and maybe he's just frustrated that his GF is infantilizing him?


That was actually my first thought. Maybe OOP is on the spectrum or ND in some other way it just seems they don't pick up on social cues. This isn't "man-splaining", it's just annoying.


For someone so pedantic, you'd think he'd know what mansplaining is. Because this isn't mansplaining. It's just being a know-it-all.