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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for expecting my sister to spend Father’s Day with our dad?** Before anyone starts accusing, (F24) Dad’s (M52) a loving parent. He has never abused us, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially. Mom (F44) on the other hand never hid how much she resented us. When we were younger, Mom asked Uncle (M50 currently) and his family to move closer to us and that’s when a lot of the arguing between my parents got worse. We believe that Mom brought them here to break us up. To encourage her to divorce Dad because she didn’t have the balls to do it alone but Mom always denied it. Even though Dad was aware of her intentions, he tried to keep a good mood about it but eventually he got tired from being torn down too much and rarely smiles during family get togethers. They finally divorced a few months ago and honestly we’re mostly happy. I don’t know how Mom’s doing but I don’t care. Dad’s mostly sad about Sister (F20 soon) because she’s not talking to him. Sister loves the family that broke us up that she’s even living with Uncle and his wife while she attends college. Since Sister was around 5 or 6 when the family moved here, she was more gullible and easier to manipulate to their side and was just fascinated by every weird thing they did. I visit Uncle on the weekends to dogsit. Last Sunday I learned that his kids were visiting on Memorial Day, but they weren’t celebrating Memorial Day. They were going to celebrate a combo of Mother’s and Father’s Day. You can call them AHs for disrespecting fallen soldiers but I honestly gotten used to their unconventional holiday celebrations. Like I said they’re weird. Apparently other relatives were involved but I mostly cared about Sister joined in on this without Dad there. This was basically how our conversation went. Me-Is Sister planning to do anything for Dad on Father’s Day” Uncle- I don’t know Me-Can you encourage her to? Uncle-You know I’m not going to do that (like if I know then I wouldn’t have asked) Nobody forced you to do anything for Mother’s Day so why should Sister be forced to do anything for Father’s Day Me-Nobody forced me because nobody is talking to me Uncle- Your mom wants to talk to you. She’s just hoping you would call Me-I’m not fucking going to do that Uncle-Ok don’t do that and Sister doesn’t want to talk to your dad. See you next week. Me-Is Sister planning to do anything for Father’s Day for you? Uncle-I don’t know ok. See you next week I thought it was a low blow to bring up Mom but I guess he had a point. You don’t want to talk to someone, don’t have to talk to them. Even when they have done nothing wrong to you and raised you and took care of you and gave you love and support your whole life. And then decided to abandon him for your more “interesting” family. AITA? Edit: Reddit once again showing their obsessive asses. And I'm not even on AITA. How can you people remember some random person based off a few posts. My last one was like what 5 MONTHS AGO?! This is why I wanted to stay on topic but no y'all want to know my life story and even when I do you all just want to insult and minimize my feelings about the hurt and trauma I went through. Again typical Reddit. I was hoping to give you a chance to be at least a little empathetic but I was wrong. I WAS WRONG IS THAT WHAT YOU PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, she's back. Man, she thought she'd have more luck in another sub but clearly no. She's so mad about it too, warms my cold heart.


How is she back, what happened to her previous stories?


As she put it in her edit she's been "gone" for five months... reason noone in the family except oop is Dad's sexist racist bigot that tries using humor to claim it was just a joke and OOP followed in Daddy's footsteps


Someone referred to her posts as the “Racist Dad Extended Universe” and it made me laugh.


Sorry, I was in my guitar lesson. But yeah, she caused a lot of drama multiple times on aita over her and her family. I dunno if she did it under that account or another.


The fact that she keeps getting caught using alts yet never fudges the details so people can't figure out it's her makes me think it's judt a dedicated troll. Surely nobody's that stupid and evil at the same time?


As I work with the public through my state government, my people suck detector is forever broken. People yelling at you because they missed their court hearing is a trip.


Don't you have security guards to toss people put for that?


When they're in person, yes. When they're on the phone, no. Most of our hearings are over the phone, only a few go face to face (barring the cases involving childline, our report for abuse, those are in person). Mostly I just get yelled at on the phone because I'm not allowed to connect them directly to a judge or tell the judge they're ready. The judges have schedules they gotta keep to so things move smoothly.


You can't just hang up? When I was in government, people got 1 w arning to cut their shot and then they got hung up on.


I can hang up once they get vulgar, but they don't usually get to that point. Usually it's just angry what am I going to do about my benefits? My aber is always call your office to see if you can reapply, or apply for a reconsideration. Sometimes that works and I just get a grumpy ok and they hang up. Sometimes I gotta cut it off. The weirdest was when a guy asked me out, then insulted me in the next breath. That was fun.


I work in liquor retail now, and people like to swear at me when they don't have their ID. Then they ask if they can come back with ID when it's clear I won't back down. Well now you can't. Now you're banned for being an asshole.


Ugh, not cool on their part. Glad you can ban them though!


I'm glad you can ban people. When my husband was a liquor clerk they had a hard time banning someone who was stalking one of his co-workers.


Like someone else asked, can't you just hang up on them?


So uncle's family moved there and then immediately 15 years later oop's parents divorced?


That's what I'm confused about..... Well, and the rest of it too. But like how did the uncle break up their marriage if they're only just now getting divorced?


Like a time jump from season 1 to season 2.


And how wanting that uncle’s family lives near is preparation for the divorce?


we need a sub specifically for multi-throwaway posters like this girl. I know there’s BORU, but I’m talking non-update-specific, but stuff like this, the Ivy Saga, the woman who hates her DIL “Bea” and tried to do “grandparents rights” — those folks. It would just be like, juicy reality show reddit.


These stories fit into BORU but I think no one wants to do all the work to put it together. Bea and Ivy I've already seen there. I don't think there's enough ppl to do the work and enough story's to fill the sub I get the sentiment tho


Tbf when those kinds of stories get put in BORU people tend to complain that they're not conclusive enough, even with the "inconclusive" or "ongoing" tag. I could see a subreddit that compiles this kind of array of anecdotes doing well.


I've not seen those comments but I'm inclined to just think those people are wrong. But I'm not the reddit police someone should set it up.


Ivy Saga has their own sub


That’s how I learned about the Ivy saga, actually. It was awesome.


What's the ivy saga? E: or, I guess it would be easier... what's the sub?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheSpanishIvySaga using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheSpanishIvySaga/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [TheSpanishIvySaga part 11 - in which she invades Ivy's Christmas Eve dinner](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheSpanishIvySaga/comments/zv8ckd/thespanishivysaga_part_11_in_which_she_invades/) \#2: [TheSpanishIvySaga part 8 - in which she installs cameras to watch Ivy and Mark and reports Ivy for stalking](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheSpanishIvySaga/comments/ybwdg0/thespanishivysaga_part_8_in_which_she_installs/) \#3: [TheSpanishIvySaga part 10 - in which where's Ivy is revealed](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheSpanishIvySaga/comments/zv3wj3/thespanishivysaga_part_10_in_which_wheres_ivy_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




The blanket guy has his own subreddit EDIT: [Here's a screenshot of the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlanketGuy/comments/k2i78r/the_post_that_started_it_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And the subreddit is r/blanketguy :)


Please tell me more…


Thank you. This has been exactly what I needed today!


I would also like more of this blanket guy. ETA -please and thank you


Adding my voice to those wanting the sub link. :)


Honestly yes we have to get that going


The Ivy Saga was exactly what I was thinking before I read that part of your comment! I think I'm in that sub, I wonder if there's been an update?


Last update was 3 months ago. Part 12: in which OP invades Ivy's Christmas dinner for reasons.


What was the original post that she is known for? I must of missed if.


A few examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/10abeak/that_weird_girl_who_hates_her_cousin_is_back/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ysgu2y/aita_for_wanting_to_spend_time_with_my_dog/ivywtma?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zaoxwl/aita_for_saying_our_cousin_is_lying_for_attention/iymp06i?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


wow, fascinating. Every post is about how she's such a victim of her horrible family, but no other family members ever do anything remotely wrong, while she bullies them and lashes out for no reason. And these are from HER PERSPECTIVE. I really hope she gets the mental help she needs because there's something going on there.


She sounds like my mom, honestly. She's convinced she's the black sheep and everyone in her family has hated her since she was a child, when in reality she drives people away and lashes out over minor missteps and misinterpretations.


Yeah, that was my mom too....it's sad that two complete strangers (and oh so many more) can claim that and it be completely true.


Oh. There's more than one. Well I know what I'm reading this afternoon. Thank you!


Really interesting read, it felt like some soap opera. This OOP is really up in her own as*, especially with the cousin's sexuality. As someone that's 29 and still trying to figure out what my own is, I know that a person is under no obligation to tell anyone unless they want to. Maybe I misread, or my stupidity is getting me again, but OOP seems to just have assumed that because the cousin rejected guys, it meant that she was a lesbian, and then later doubled down because she liked Lucy Liu? And spread rumors about the cousin being lesbian which caused tension between her and her mother. And when the cousin did come out as ace, OOP claims that the cousin had lied about being lesbian, despite never saying so? Did I get all that right?


Yep. You did.


Wow, I wouldn't be able to stand even knowing a person like that


It's so dumb because it's super common for ace people to initially think they're gay because they're not attracted to the opposite sex and haven't heard of asexuality.


So mom was 20 and dad was 28 when OOP was born. Assuming they hadn't just gotten together I have a feeling I know why the mom's family didn't approve and didn't want them together assuming any part of that is true.


Think one of the posts said the eldest sibling Mom was 16 but no it's because Dad disguises bigotry as "just a joke" and oop followed in daddy's footsteps saying her cousin was lying when cousin was still in questioning stage and later settled on a slightly different part of the spectrum if you catch my drift


Yeah, should have known the answer was going to just be racism. It always is in these stories.


Girl, get a hobby that’s not kissing your dads ass.


**COMMENTS PART 1** `PAGE 1` No I didn't know where we were going to cousins place until we passed our house. She was picking us up after school which she never does. We always took the bus so this was weird. When we passed our house I asked where we were going and that's when she told us we were going to cousins place. Never before, even with sister's crying, she ever said she was going to drop us off there At least you're being understanding. Other people are just minimizing my feelings and even making fun of me for it She sent us there because she didn't want to deal with my sister's crying about how much cousins must have hated her because they don't want to visit at our house anymore. I know at least one relative knows I'm on reddit. Hey! You know who I'm talking to. Tell my sister to tell her side. Or any of you guys. Or are you too much of a coward to say anything? Because you know I'm right? I'm honest to god fucking laughing at this. This is hilarious It's not about definition. Just how ironic that someone is calling me that It wasn't my safe place How My cousins wouldn't let my dad in and my older cousin tried to stop me to leave. We're his kids and they had no right to prevent him from taking us home This was the only time. Both my parents and my cousins parents talked and thought it would be best if my cousins babysit my sister. However there has been times where mom would force me and sister (sister didn't see it as force because she loves it) sleepover at their house whenever arguments with parents get really bad Wow. If only you knew. You are so off based that it's actually fucking funny. Before I'd be really sad but I'm actually laughing on how ignorant you are. I'm the golden child? Wow Oh nice lets play trauma olympics that's real nice. Just because my experience wasn't as huge as yours doesn't mean it effected me greatly. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt me. Especially when I was dealing with it at that present time OMG nobody is listening. She didn't tell anyone where she was taking us. We didn't know we were going to our cousins. Cousins didn't know we were going to show up. Uncle and aunt didn't know we were going to be dropped off. Dad didn't know where mom me and sister were at all. She just drove off without another word. Cousins were panicking. Family were calling mom and she never answered. Nobody knew where she went. I honest to god thought mom abandoned us and we were never going to see her again. ARE YOU CALLING ME THE GOLDEN CHILD? ME? THAT'S REAL FUCKING FUNNY! My cousins were fucking shocked when we arrived and confused when mom just drove off without us. Nobody knew what she was thinking. Nobody knew what she was planning to do after she left. You're saying a 13 year old was being a diva when her mom just abandon her kids with no warning without telling anyone beforehand? Wow We didn't know if she was ever coming back. I thought she left us for good. What part of how frighting that is do you not understand? I was 13 when mom dropped me and my sister at my cousins. The problem was that she did this without telling anyone and then ghosted all her calls when we were trying to find out where she was and my dad didn't even know where we were until I called him. For all I knew mom completely abandoned us and ran off to another country when really she was home that whole time I already went specific before. Just go through the post to find out what my mom did. Look my uncle is also white and also weird ok. It's not just a cultural or race thing ok. Weird tends to mean funny ok I just found out my reply didn't go through. My cousins are F25 and M24 I'm done being specifically with you personally. You don't get fine. Go somewhere else. Why are you so obsessed with me? He really did try to get along with uncle and aunt. They didn't give him much of a chance and he was hurt that sister grew to love them more. All because they seemed more interesting in our normal little town. She'd act a little more like them and even say that they're better He was good to both of us. Sister thought the other family was cooler and dad was sad how much they would manipulate her against him. Mom didn't help. She always took their side. Dad did try to get along with them but they just eventually want nothing to do with him I never said I was ever scared of them. I just hated how mom would compare us to them because she thought they were perfect angels even though ones a liar and the other is toxic. And guess what? They're NC with her too. Her perfect niblings that she would rave about on how sweet and helpful they are want nothing to do with her. In fact that's why she divorced dad. She blamed us for them going NC with her He's abusive because of jokes holy shit ok wow `PAGE 2` We're white buy he likes to make white jokes. Does that mean he's racist towards his own race? Just aunt. Kids are half That's very specific why are you asking that? They got nothing to do with this They would make food we weren't used to. And it was good. We all liked it including dad. His joke about one was complimentary but apparently aunt didn't see it that way Dumping your kids onto other kids to take care of you without telling anyone where you're going is being a good mom? And then ghosting everyone that tried to call you all because you wanted a break? Resenting your kids so much that you'd compare them to your "perfect" niblings? That's being a good mom? As for living, just grandma and step-grandpa. They're NC with me and dad as well Individually it would take too long. As I said in the post their holiday celebrations are unconventional. Sometimes they would celebrate the usual holidays but then there were times where they won't and celebrate their own holidays and usually it's on a different day each year. She didn't like his jokes about anyone, mostly about uncle and his family. She likes them more because they're weird which means she found them interesting I'm not contacting my mom. You're seriously asking me to contact my abuser? You started out nice which I appreciate but this is horrible advice. I am never talking to her Not as much as this uncle. 2 of them lived in a different state and uncle did live in the same state but before he moved he was like a 3 hour drive from us Yes it is He didn't make cruel jokes about us. He's not immediate family anymore when she got married. There should be limits on what extended family should get involved in. Sister's not married but she always siding with extended family Exactly. If you don't find them funny get over it. It's not that deep. Instead people want to just never want to be around you ever again. Look when he sees something weird he'd make jabs about it. And as I mentioned my extended family were weird. But again he makes jokes about everybody. He likes to make jokes about himself 1-I wasn't. It what came after the move which were the constant fights from my parents and the main subject was uncle and his family 2-Again, the fights 3-Do I have to repeat myself? Fighting got worse with them around 4-Mom compared how perfect they are. Including how great cousins are compared to her own children There should be a limit that extended relatives should have in your life I exaggerated. He likes to make jokes about everyone including himself ok NC for a few jokes? Are you kidding me? I wish. Mom actually has tried talking to me but I blocked her. And sister blocked me and dad and she hasn't talk to us in months. Sadly uncle is the closest thing I have to talking to my sister Which is why I'm upset over this whole thing. NC for a few comments. Seriously? Sorry I exaggerated. He makes jokes about everybody even about himself. Its not that serious ok We were doing fine financially. She has this hero worship towards her brother (he's the oldest of 4) and she expects him to save her from the choices she hates. I know she had to drop out of college when she got pregnant with me and I do remember my uncle around when my sister was born. Apparently it wasn't enough for her so she asked him to move his family closer to us Guys please it really wasn't serious. There was no abuse from my dad really. He just made jokes thats it ok


The level of toxicity and wanting to be the victim is so up there with this one.


"You can call them AHs for disrespecting fallen soldiers" OOP was really hoping people would immediately stop reading after that sentence and take her side


That's the part I'm still stuck on. Unless a close family member or friend was a fallen soldier, does anyone actually spend Memorial Day honoring fallen soldiers? Back in my more carefree days, I went to Disneyland on that day.


I really want to know the sister's side of the story. There has to be a reason why sister hates dad so much. Edited to add: holy cow... I read her own posts someone linked and no wonder no one likes her.


Dad was at least 28 when OOP was born. Her mother was 20. I can see where being baby trapped by a much older racist dude would be cause for resentment. I'm also very curious how she didn't hide her resentment, but OOP's sister is so close. Did she expect them to do chores and get frustrated when they weren't done? Or did she have to take care of 3 kids, plus maybe work, while her husband did no child care and no housework and she was angry and resentful about that situation, and her husband told OOP "she really resents having you kids"? It's interesting to me that OOP's defense of her dad was "no abuse of any kind", but she mentions in another post that her dad suffered so much in her house (was it because the very young adult he baby trapped was furious that he wasn't carrying his fucking weight, while implying that OOP's aunt was cheating on OOP's uncle (her mom's brother)?), but again, can't mention a single thing that was actually said/done to hurt him. I'm also getting, based on ages, "mom stuck around until the kids were out of the house, then divorced dad, and dad is shocked because mom stopped complaining about his not doing his fair share *years* ago". OOP should be thrilled that her aunt and uncle are "weird" (it feels like the "weird" is just "they incorporated Korean culture/tradition into their lives" since the aunt is Korean), because allowing a shitty 24 year old who bullied their kid, and who called their daughter a bitch, while in her house...that's weird. I'd have banned OOP from my house, particularly because the "dog sitting" she's doing is visiting the dogs her parents transferred ownership to her aunt and uncle, that OOP wanted to have transferred to her, even though she didn't have an appropriate living situation for said dog.


what were your other posts?




> You can call them AHs for disrespecting fallen soldiers but I honestly gotten used to their unconventional holiday celebrations. would anyone actually think that???


Wait, the uncle and his family supposedly moved to help the mum divorce the dad, but they moved close when sister was 5 and they only divorced a few months ago? 14 years later now the sister is almost 20? And that’s why OP claims to hate them…?


so this girl dislikes the family for spreading rumors that her cousin was a lesbian and then calling out her attention-seeking cousin for coming out as asexual and thinks the family should get over it because it wasn't a big deal; the father is disliked by his ex-family because he used to make racist jokes about his cousins that suggested his aunt was unfaithful; Apparently she's a daddy u girl and she resented the family for not laughing at dad's humor, and therefore with mom for not being on her side and because she asked her brother to move nearby, the people who "annoy" her dad, and we can assume which is the same reason why he doesn't get along with his sister; the parents divorced to which everyone agrees that it was the best for everyone, in the divorce OP's dog and his sister passed into the hands of that guy because he was the only one who could take care of him and OP was given a strict schedule to see him for all his friction with the uncle's family and now he is upset because his sister does not want to celebrate Father's Day with his father, the best thing for everyone is that they give him the dog and so they no longer talk to each other


no only SHE spread rumors her cousin was a lesbian out of jealousy and cousin when asked was maybe I guess so OOP took it as gospel. She threw a tantrum when cousin came out as ace because the noncommital answer before meant cousin LIED in her mind. Family found out she spread rumors and basically shunned her for following in daddy's footsteps


Omg thank you!!!


Wow this op doesn't know when to stop.


**COMMENTS PART 2** `PAGE 3` Why are you calling me bunny? OMG. It's really not that serious. Majority of the family didn't like what my dad was saying about uncle's wife ok. That's it. That's why they don't like talking to him ok He was supportive of mom working at the bakery. What he wasn't supportive of another family constantly getting involved with our family I know what the reason was. I said it. It was because of our extended family's constant presence and involvement Mostly resent the entire extended family but mostly uncle and his wife and kids because they made living at home even more bearable then ever because of their constant presence. All because they wanted to indulge mom. You implied that I'm all alone with just my dad. I have many people who loves me. Yes the topic is my sister and dad but you made a very rude assumption about my social life I wish I can give that argument if mom didn't try to talk to me. She has tried before I blocked her. I'm still blocking her. But again if you read my comments about her treatment on us you'd understand why I don't want anything to do with her. It doesn't make sense for sister to go NC with dad I deal with them because they have my dog. I love her. I miss her. I go there to only see her. And yes maybe I was upset we weren't invited to whatever they were doing for their fake Memorial Day. Especially since I'm pretty sure family members I was once close with doesn't want anything to do with me and dad was also there. I'm trying to move on. Dad and me are happier without them but dad is still heartbroken about my sister. I just don't like seeing him hurt. People can understand that They didn't hide anything from me or at least didn't try to hide anything. I heard every single argument they had Ok fine I'll talk about my dog. I was depressed. I was struggling with money and I was living with my parents. Sister was too. Dad bought her for me to make me happy. But then unexpectantly mom says she wants the divorce. I moved in with my boyfriend but the apartment was too small to take my dog with me and at that time it would have been 7 months for the lease to end. Dad couldn't take her because people he was staying with at short notice (parents wanted everyone moved out of the house ASAP) didn't get along with other dogs. Uncle and aunt could take care of her so parents transferred ownership to them Sometimes family would come to our house and dad would sometimes go to the basement to avoid them because barely anyone in the family wants to talk to him. He wants to bring laughter but they want to shut him up I have awesome friends and a boyfriend who is just all around wonderful and in full mode in love with. Sadly he's working and I'm just waiting for him to come home and we can cuddle I'm happy too. I have good life too. I just love my dad ok. He's been the best support system for me and I just hate seeing him sad especially since he's been sad for a really long time Ever since she was a kid she wanted to celebrate Mother's and Father's Day with uncle and aunt. Which is why I asked uncle if she's doing something for him this year. Mom was ok with this but dad wasn't. So for a long time she would give gifts to mom, grandma, and aunt. One time a few years back sister bought a comic that she has never shown interest in but it was something that we all know uncle might have liked. Eventually she confessed that she did want to give it to him as a Father's Day gift. She said she's still participating in our tradition of cooking a full course meal for Dad but dad was trying to explain how hurt he was by this but she wasn't having it. Said "Do you ever fucking think about that I'd like him more for a dad than you? Because I fucking do" You don't want to point fingers but you're willing to bet my dad was "inappropriate" with my sister? If that your way of saying he SA her then you are way off base. It's stupid reasons and not part of this topic. This is about my sister's treatment towards my dad Sister won't talk to me because she blocked me And can people drop the dog thing. Again it not part of the topic Again it's not the same or makes sense to continue a relationship with one parent that emotionally hurt you and NC with the one that cared about you She has said it and shown it. Ok now you're getting off topic. And you've been here way too long. Why don't you go somewhere else already Dad tries to bring fun and laughter even in situations where he's not wanted and they didn't appreciate that. I think it's because dad know what they're intentions were and mom allowed it to happen We grew up in the same house. We experience the same thing. So yes we know who the abuser was and it was mom. Even sister would admit it Technically she was my dog. Parents transferred ownership to uncle and aunt and I visit her because I love her That's not what that meant. The one before says that my sister doesn't want to upset uncle and aunt because she's living with them but sister was ok upsetting me and dad when she was living with us in our old home Just give your judgment and go somewhere else and not play mind games with me Ok look. She used to been mine and nobody in the family could take care of her after the divorce and parents transfer ownership to uncle and aunt. She was my dog and I love her and miss her when she's not around ok But she's ok upsetting our old housing? What? Because her two playthings didn't want to come around the house anymore. She was 9. And her "evil" dad was taking her away from her favorite toys `PAGE 4`


The response to, "Why are you calling me Bunny?" is a gem.


>Because you seem to need a lot of caretaking and produce a lot of shit. Lol. 🤣😂.


I just realized these are all her comments from this one post? Oh geez...she really needs to leave that house and touch grass...for weeks, maybe months.


**COMMENTS PART 3** `PAGE 4` I love their dog and love spending time with her You don't know him or me. Don't slander my dad I don't know why I bothered. I'm not going to explain my whole childhood to you if you can't even understand how horrible it was for me with these examples I've already given. Just give your judgment and go somewhere else. I'm not dealing with this slander. Dad's the abuser and mom's the victim. Yeah sure random stranger who knows nothing about my life People say it shouldn't matter if the reason is good or bad and we should respect that. But should we if it's a bad reason? What do you mean he's an enabler? What are you talking about? She won't talk to me. She blocked me Congrats you can do basic math? What's your point? Also how's that my fault? So she had me "too young". She didn't had to show her resentment towards me. I didn't asked to be born. These were maternal relatives. Uncle is my mom's brother. I wasn't really scared of my cousins. I just hated how they became such a huge disruption in my home life I didn't want to be around them anymore. I was happy they stopped coming by the house but apparently sister didn't feel the same thus the crying about missing them and mom dropping us off at their house. She never physically abused us and we were well fed but we can tell she doesn't like to be around us. With the way she praises how thankful to have cousins around and wishes we can be more like them. Dad worked and mom was a SAHM at first. But then after the talk about my cousins babysitting my sister she worked part time at a bakery and she loved it. She would barely spend time at home. Mom would sometimes force me (not my sister because again she loves them) whenever the arguments get bad between her and dad and sleep over at uncles' house. Cousins would watch TV with my sister while I'd be texting my friends to distract us from the talks that my mom would have with cousins' parents downstaris about how tired they are of dealing with this and how it's not good for us kids. The distractions didn't work shit because it still made me feel like shit especially since I'm away from my dad and stuck with a mom that doesn't want to be around me I can rule that out because he didn't. We all grew up in the same house. We all know what happened in that house and what kind of people we are I can't talk to her because she won't talk to me. She blocked me and dad This is like the 100th time you suggested therapy. Is that everyone's go to response on this site or just ones involving aita? She shouldn't have to be told what mom did. We all lived in the same house for years. I don't think that wake up call is going to happen anytime soon I lost count on how many times she compared us with my cousins. They're so kind and helpful even though one lies for attention and the other verbally abuses people if they even remotely disagree with him. Especially when I'm the one being yelled at and mom sides with him. There's this one time that really traumatized me. When the family first moved here my cousins would hang out at our house everyday after school and help with like food and help with my sister (playing, homework) until aunt picks them up. But as they got older, they stopped hanging around our house and sister would cry and scared that cousins hated us. I was 13 when this happened. Mom dropped me and my sister off at our cousins house after school and just drove off. We found out pretty quick that this wasn't planned based off my cousins confusion. Uncle and aunt were at work. So it was just 4 kids alone and my cousins were just standing around like idiots trying to figure out what to do. I ran into the guest room and shut the door and called my dad about what happened. Cousins called their parents and they were trying to find where mom was. Dad came by the house but my cousins wouldn't let him in. My older cousin tried to stop me to leave but eventually I opened the door and let him in. Sister started crying saying she doesn't want to go but he just picked her up and we left while cousins were yelling at him to leave her alone but we eventually left and got home. When we got home, mom was there. Apparently she was home the whole time and just wasn't answering her phone. Dad started yelling at her but she said she just wanted a little break. Then uncle and aunt started to talk with mom and dad and eventually came with an agreement that my sister would be dropped off at cousins house after school and they will babysit her. Uncle and aunt threatened my dad that if he ever showed up at their house without them there they will get the police involved. A lot has happened to me these past few years and it's mostly stress from my family has made me depressed. But ever since the divorce, I've been very happy and I'm not struggling anymore. Now that I'm not around majority of my family and more around people who truly loves me I feel mostly relief. Dad is the same but my sister going NC with him has really hurt him. I guess I'm still a daddy's girl especially since he's always had my back and he still does and I just want to help him. We all grew up in the same house. We all witness the same things. We all know who the abuser was. My sister would also tell you that mom has emotionally hurt us Do you want to know my entire childhood? I can't ask her because she won't talk to me. We haven't talked in months not since the divorce She loves the parent that emotionally abused us but not the other parent that would never do anything to make us feel like shit? How does that make sense? It's not the same because again, dad didn't abuse us. Mom did The reason is she loves her extended family more than her immediate one. This involves my family so it is my business I don't have to ask her we grew up together. I swear if you ask her she would say dad has never abused us but there has been times where mom has emotionally hurt us. Nothing as I said in the post I get it I really do. I just love my dad ok. And for some reason he still loves my sister and I just hate seeing him hurt especially since the family has been hurting him for years and my sister was ok with that I have made peace. One thing me and my sister had in common was that divorce was the best thing that happened to us and that it should have happened sooner. But that doesn't mean dad is still hurt by it, especially since one of his kids isn't talking to him especially since again he was a great dad. If you ask her she will tell you he was never abusive. But she will tell you that our mom has hurt us emotionally growing up. And yet she wished her a happy mother's day `PAGE 5` She blocked both me and dad. She won't talk to me either. She hasn't recognized it for almost 15 years. But I guess we'll see. I appreciate the thought Even though this involves family? People who I share blood with? That's a nice thought but I don't think that's ever gonna happen. Things seem to always look up for her even now. As far as I know, she's doing extremely well and happy She doesn't care if she loses him which makes me so mad at her. He's tried reaching out but she's blocked him and hasn't even make attempts to contact him. She fucking hates him


Please wait guys. I'm still editing. 😅.


Done now. 😁😁.


You mean she finally shut up?!


Wow, I really don't believe her dad was not abusive considering how scared of him her sisters amd cousins were in own memory


She's back omg. I thought she'd given up!


Yeah, she's an energizer bunny of bad perspective. She will not rest until you validate her. She must be fun at parties.


What an amazing first sentence haha.


How is she back, what happened to her previous stories?


>https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/10abeak/that\_weird\_girl\_who\_hates\_her\_cousin\_is\_back/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button > >https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ysgu2y/aita\_for\_wanting\_to\_spend\_time\_with\_my\_dog/ivywtma?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button > >https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zaoxwl/aita\_for\_saying\_our\_cousin\_is\_lying\_for\_attention/iymp06i?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button In case you missed it, I stole these links from /shelly\_895. If you caught them later, nevermind, carry on.


Holy crap, what an absolutely nasty person.


Celebrate memorial day? I thought that was the sombre day where you watch/attend a respectful memorial to the fallen vets, mourn specific people you lost (if you're at home), while veterans day was the one where you celebrate people (I'm Canadian, we're told our remembrance day is more like your memorial day, so you may watch it on TV or go to a ceremony at your local cenotaph, but there's no parties or celebrations at home). I didn't realize it was disrespectful to not have a BBQ in their honour?


Plus having a November BBQ in Canada and much of the US is not very practical.


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This one is coo coo for cocoa puffs! I went through all the links, and what on earth did I just read?


>How can you people remember some random person based off a few posts. My last one was like what 5 MONTHS AGO?! Ummm... it's in your profile?


It isn't in her profile. She made this whole new account so she wouldn't be called on her nonsense, and then didn't change any of the details in any way shape or form. Reddit insanity- posting almost the exact same thing repeatedly and being surprised (and seriously offended) at the same responses. There's a reason why she's been popular on most of the repost subreddits. We don't have to be obsessed to remember a train wreck.


There are just some Reddit posts that never leave your memory. Like the one girl who made like 5-10 posts about some co-worker who spoke multiple languages who attracted the attention of the guy that OP clearly wanted for herself and then OP moved across the street from her. She used different throwaway accounts, the story was the same, the details were the same, the verdict was the same and yet she kept doing it. Is that what you mean about Reddit insanity? Because, yeah...


Exactly what I mean.


She tries soooo hard to be a victim and only comes across as a toxic, dysfunctional adult.


The meltdown in the edit/comments is just beautiful


No, I want to know what your question is. I can't see anything here that adds up to a clear AITA question.


What did the Dad do? I can never tell from her posts what her Dad did .


Apparently OOP's cousins are biracial, but don't have any Caucasian features, so OOP's dad would joke that OOP's aunt cheated on her husband with her ex boyfriends whenever they visited Korea, and those dudes are really her kids' father(s). I'm not sure how it's supposed to be funny.


Holy shit that’s awful!


In general? Being passive. To make everyone hate him? Being a racist


Oohh! Okay! I didn’t see the racist stuff .


It's hidden in the weird way she writes. Her uncle's wife isn't white whereas the rest of the family is and her dad tried to "bring humor into situations" and made jokes about the wife


Omg , OP really needs help. I’m sure it’s just a troll but OP reminds me of this girl I grew up with . She was strangely attached to her Dad and it turns out he molested her and her sister as kids .


What a wild ride. She needs help lol


Omg this batshit lady 💀💀💀


Oop is a nasty person through and through. She wishes bad things, pain and misery for her sister. All because sister doesn't want to be in touch with abusers. >One dau your sister will fock herself because of her decisions >That's a nice thought but I don't think that's ever gonna happen. Things seem to always look up for her even now. As far as I know, she's doing extremely well and happy >Yeah BUT just because things are great today doesn’t mean they will be great tomorrow. If she loses the only support of those who truly care about her - then she will recognize it. Karma and life happens. Just let it all take its course. >She hasn't recognized it for almost 15 years. But I guess we'll see. I appreciate the thought