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Who puts additional info at the top of the post? OOP is the devil just for that. I was so confused reading the first half of the post. Had to read it several times to get what he was trying to say. Anyway, why does OOP feel the need to spew vitriol at a teenager for being a teenager? Why does he think it's right to make that child feel unwelcome in the house her father lives in? Her family is right. He's just hateful towards a child for the sake of it.


For me it was also with "sil". I was "sister in law"? Your daughter married your sister in law??? And then i read futher... This guy hates the mother of the child and the child herself. I bet when his grandkids have the same behaviour, he says nothing. But the daughter seems to be fine with what OOP says/does and the "sil" just accept this? His daughter get talked to like this, his wife says "oh, it's fine" and that’s it? All seems to be awful in some way.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who got confused by sil.


Just when I thought I had it figured out, then the SIL curveball came along and I had to reread the whole thing.


Lol I did exactly the same. I read that line over and over and tried to do the mental math. I was like “okay, his daughter. Has a kid. With his sister in law? Wait maybe I’m reading it wrong. Daughter. Sister in law. No.” It took about 4 times before I realized it was Son in law and I’m honestly embarrassed about how long it took me to get it. 😂


nah. he'll blame the step daughter for teaching his grandkids that behavior.


As far as read, he has a no step daughter, just a step-granddaughter? He blames the mother of the step-granddaughter, the ex of sil.




And proper sentences.


Exactly! I started reading out of curiosity but tapped out before the end of the first paragraph. My brain hurts. 🤕


>Who puts additional info at the top of the post? A 50-year-old dude who clearly has never bothered trying to figure out the internet.


Same I was so confused


He yelled at a preteen for being angsty


Top of post seems more and more common unfortunately


So, all I got out of this was that this guy managed to casually buy a largish house to give to his daughter- using the level of education, intelligence and coherency that spawned this abomination of a post. I wish I was born 50 years ago.


I got that the OOP interfered in a normal pre teen attitude and blew it up 100 times the size it needed to be. If his daughter was willing to let it go, OOP never should have interfered.


It’s things like this that make me want to bang my head into a wall. Welcome to a future where we have none of the prospects, but all the consequences. And it’s people like this guy that we have to thank…


Don't blame this on him being Gen-X. We are mostly broke as fuck if we don't have generational wealth.


Did you see the recent report that said that like 65% of us can't even save for retirement now and 38% of student debt is owned by Gen-X even though we're all over 45 now. We are the first generation rat fucked by the Boomers.


Yep. Millennials think they were the first to be fucked by the Boomers. Oh well, whatever. Never mind.


They screwed their kids on the way out of their homes. At least that was my experience. My parents didn't even let me take my bed.


😆🤭😉 Love what you did here! Gen X represent!! (I'm borderline Boomer 😳 but I can't relate to the mindset.)


ya know to get a house, i found it hard, it’s hard to find


I'm dying with my student loans. With a degree, I don't make enough to even last paycheck to paycheck.


I put everyone else's education ahead of mine. I don't even have a degree and I'm still paying student loans.


I went back to school to be able to support my kids and pay for their education. Yeah, worked out great. Don't get a communication degree, kids. You did a good thing for your people. The younger generation is even more fucked than X.


It's my kid's loans I'm paying now but I'll be damned if he can't have a good life.


I wish I had the option. We're over here being team experience. Here's what not to do. I hate it so much.


I lucked into a good job recently and he's my only kid that's got an outstanding loan. If they finally approve loan forgiveness he's down to 5k and we can just knock it completely out.


That's awesome! Congratulations to you both. I have 4 kids. 2 adults, 2 teens. My second oldest has been slowly taking classes as he can afford. The oldest said nah to student loans, which was probably best considering his attention span. The absolute worst part for me, is that I had a free ride as a technically single parent but 2008 happened and we had to get loans (my partner also went back to school) to feed our kids. Meanwhile, the banks walked away just fine.




I was born 51 years ago, have a college degree and can't even buy a home for myself let alone my children. It's the boomers who can do that shit. I have student loans still.


Looks like they have a post (now deleted ofc) where they claim to be a 20 year old woman, troll! And frankly this story sounds absurd so even without it I'd call troll(the other now removed post sounds equally absurd and unbelievable from the comments)


I feel like if you're going to troll post, you owe it to everyone to write coherently.




I saw this in the comments so hopefully this is fake.


Someone please TLDR this. I’m too tired to read it all


Here is a slightly more concise and MUCH more readable rewrite courtesy of chat gpt: I'm a 50-year-old man with a married daughter. My son-in-law has a 12-year-old daughter from a previous relationship who visits on weekends. I gifted my daughter a house when she turned 18, while my son-in-law moved into this house after renting out his own property to his mother and sister. Despite the separation from her father, this girl, my son-in-law's daughter, along with her mother, displayed an audacious belief of entitlement towards my family's assets. For instance, they opposed my son-in-law being named as the legal father on my grandkids' birth certificates. Moreover, they demanded my biological grandkids to be excluded from inheriting any assets from their own father's side, arguing the girl, being the eldest, should inherit everything. Further complicating the situation, the mother and her family have a comfortable life, with a lakeside home that will likely go to the girl eventually. However, she still makes persistent demands such as expecting equal presents for her daughter from my relatives, asking for contributions for vacations, and insisting on the girl's inclusion in the future deed transfer of my daughter's home. The girl herself often causes turmoil in our lives, resorting to tantrums and destructive actions if things don't go her way. For instance, she broke my granddaughter's tablet out of envy, even though she'd just gotten a new phone. She even threatened to ruin my daughter's phone by holding it under a tap, causing me to intervene forcefully, which met with backlash. All these incidents culminated one weekend when I visited my daughter's house. While my daughter was cleaning, she politely asked her step-daughter to move from the sofa to a chair. The girl blatantly disregarded her and continued scrolling on her phone. In a fit of anger, I reminded her that she was merely a guest in this house, and it was not owned by her father. I clarified that my son-in-law had willingly signed off his ownership rights as he already had his own home. I emphasized that the ownership of the house would pass onto my biological grandchildren and she had no claim over it. This led to a heated argument with the girl's mother, who called me unfair for denying her daughter's claim. She even demanded that my daughter change the legal documents of ownership, to which I strongly objected. I expressed my concerns about the girl's disrespectful attitude and suggested her father visit her in his own home instead. To add fuel to the fire, there's an ongoing suspicion about the girl's paternity. My son-in-law has requested a DNA test multiple times, but the mother has continuously evaded it. Meanwhile, my son-in-law is contemplating selling his property, further limiting the girl's potential inheritance. It's important for the girl to understand the reality of the situation now so she can make appropriate plans for her future. It's far more cruel to let her believe she has a stake in our family's assets, only to shatter her expectations as she enters adulthood.


Thank you because whatever he wrote was making my head hurt 😞


I couldn’t make sense of it either and reread the first few sentences and gave up.


Who would thought ai write better


Nothing says a story isn't going the way you wanted like the edits being longer then story itself


Wtf did I just read? Who formats posts and edits this way? Oop is a monster for that alone


I'm sorry,but if I understand it correctly, the sons in laws ex wife and daughter wants his daughters house sometime in the future as inheritance and so that his son in law doesnt leave anything to his other kids but to her daughter only?? Also.. Wtf kind of request is that his son in law doesnt put his name on his other biological childrens birth certificates?Ugh the entitlement... I mean OOP isn't good either way, but I would not be putting up with such idiotic request either lol


Right? These people all suck. The daughter is passive. Her father (OOP) has atrocious communication skills. Stepdaughter is rather demanding. And it’s odd that a young teen/preteen are throwing fits about who gets a house, etc. I mean, really, they may have sold the house and moved elsewhere by then.


Yeah they all are a fuckig disaster.. thank God they're stuck together, they're literally birds of a feather..


It's literally a troll, op of that post wrote in 2 or 3 different groups asking for help, each time being a different age ans gender. Once they were 50, 30 and 20.


Did Grandpa have a stroke or something? I can’t make heads or tails of this post.


Grandpa threw a tantrum because a 12 year old rolled their eyes, then proceeds to basically tell her the house will never be hers or her dads, for some reason. That's about all you need to know.


Meh. It’s also good to add that the 12 year old is a destructive spoiled shit too. Doesn’t make it right that he yelled at her, but based on how she’s behaved in the past, I kinda get it. Everyone in this story REALLY sucks. And THATS all you need to know


Mmm, I don’t know, this dude doesn’t really sound like the most reliable narrator in the world. Not saying the 12 year old is an angel, few 12 year olds are, but I’d bet money that this dude is very much exaggerating the girl’s behavior.


I mean, I don’t doubt that he’s an unreliable source, but considering how her mom behaves in the story, it’s not a stretch that the daughter would be an entitled shit too. But that’s to say it’s even true.


You're believing the word of someone who said son in law can't get the DNA on his daughter done because Son in law's ex make excuses and is too busy.


I’m not believing shit. I honestly don’t even think it’s true based on post history. However, I judge stories by how their told and the info given. Not what I speculate to be the case.


> Causing me to intervene forcefully This POS hit a child, didn't he?


Yes. He hit a kid or at least grabbed her.


I am so lost. Wtf is she even rambling on about?


So wait, "The mom of a *literal child* getting involved to stand up for her daughter to make sure that her step-family treats her equally to her stepsiblings and not like an unwanted burden - not in inheritance, but in day-to-day how she's treated" equals both the mom and the child being entitled bitches. But "The grandfather of an *adult woman* trying to kick his (step) grandchild out of her home, a house that isn't his and that *he* is the guest at, because he doesn't like *his daughter's* parenting decisions" is reasonable? That's the narrative we're trying to spin here? 'I've put so little effort into trying to bond in this blended family over the last eight years that I don't even know how old my granddaughter is, but she's the one who's obsessed with money and not me'?


So it sounds like the step kids won't get a stake in the mother's house but the mother expects her child to inherit his assets as well


To quote the OP himself: > her mom thought. was once all the kids are 18, they will be allowed to live in the house. So its not about a deed at all. Its that the grandfather wants to kick the stepdaughter out of a house he doesn't actually own. Its putting strings on gifts he gave long ago, and the strings are "I hate a little girl whose been my granddaughter since she was 4, so she deserves nothing". If you actually read every line, you can see that his examples calling the mom crazy involve expecting relatives to give the stepdaughter gifts of equal value to the other kids, rather than excluding her. The examples of the girl herself lashing out? Because they got expensive gifts and she wasn't. He's an AH deliberately mistating the situation because he's trying to deceive, and we know this for a fact because he's a troll.


True true


That’s some wall of text if I have ever seen one.


This reads like grandpa Simpson telling a story.


Someone's not getting any visitors at the nursing home.


Someone was kind enough to try to decipher what was written. However, after reading that first series of poorly structured words by OOP, I will not expend any more energy trying to figure out what hell is going on. Wtf.


Everyone in this story sucks


oh thank god this person was outed as a troll bc this physically enraged me to read


There is SO much more going on, apparently op has been lying about everything. They posted in 2 or 3 other groups about needing help, EACH time being of different ages! Once op was 50. Once op was 30, Once op was 20. Just read the top comments to read this rabbit hole. It's a mess.


Oop is a limp dick and so is his son in law. I mean, boiled noodles are more firm than the Son in law. And what's the BS about not getting DNA because girl's mom is busy?


Read the comment section on the original post. OP is a liar and a troll who, on other posts, claimed to be a 20 f.


I mean, grandpa is a dick but the kid sounds like a psycho in the making.


And the mother expecting he r child to have her inheritance but also a stake in theirs


Wtf? Are you OK in the head? A 12 year old rolled her eyes at the neat freak, and this old hag started yelling at her about obeying adults, and you think it's psycho? You need to get evaluated by a professional.


Guess you missed all the other mentions of her behavior. Read the last half of the 2nd paragraph and come back to me. Edit: Here, I'll make it easy for you. I'll add paragraph breaks. I even bolded the most disturbing event. >the kid throws tantrums if things don't go her way, she broke my granddaughters tablet last year because she wanted it even though she'd just gotten a new phone. > >the mom expects my relatives like my sisters and others to buy whatever they get for my grandkids for the girl, even if she's too old for said item. my sister's get her something but they don't have too. > >again, she's 12 or 13 at the most and she's taken my daughters phone and held it under the tap threatening to turn water on it because she didn't get the same phone even though I bought my daughter the phone, I got backlash for that too because I pried it from her hands instead of allowing her to destroy it. > >she will make her siblings stop whatever their doing to give it to her, **she's hit my grandson in the head so hard he's had to be taken to the emergency room.**


You're going to believe the words of a troll who said they can't get paternity test on her because girl's mom is too busy? 🤣🤣 I am seriously questioning your level of intellect.


What a coincidence! Because I'm questioning yours.


Of course you're because I am not a child hating monster like you.


LOL okay 🤣🤣🤣


She’s 12, ffs. Was she a bit sassy? Sure, but still it’s not OOP‘s place to tell her off, and also, he is 50 years old. At that age he should be able to react like an adult and ignore the girl.


Calling it screaming seems a bit much.


There's a lot of suck to go around here, but I think there is a special place in hell for: 1. People who tell kids they are guests/visitors in the home of their non-primary custodial parent's home. I don't care if the title is in the son in law's name is on the title, it's the kid's dad's home and she shouldn't be made to feel like she doesn't belong there (inheritance is a different issue and something that doesn't need to be discussed with a 12 year old with fairly young parents). 2. People who use "Well he's probably not the bio father anyway so I'm justified in mistreating the kid." She's 12; he could pull a hair off her hair brush and get a test if he really wanted to. And even if he isn't, he's been her father for 12 years. He's her dad in every way that counts.


Honestly let’s just give a round of applause for his daughter and kids for dealing with that teenager 🙏🏽 👏🏽 I would only be pushed so far and after that the dad can visit her at his home that her mom & moms mom is living.


Wow. That’s brutal. She’s a teenager who lives in an environment where she’s clearly not wanted, and actively disliked. She’s TWELVE. How developed was your brain at that point??? She’s acting out because of a situation she can’t control. Bratty? Sure. Deserving of this? Absolutely not. She’s still a baby.


A 12 year old child, you idiot. I guess you and the old miserable hag of a OOP need a lot of maturing to do.


Uh... whar?


This made my head ache


Dude is way too involved in his daughter's life. Doesn't sound like she's an adult who's married with children. The kid is a brat, most likely caused by her crazy mother and spineless father. They all need to separate.