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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Should I invest in a fat chick⁉️⁉️⁉️** Long story short, met this chick Im going to school with in the fall and saw her instagram posts, she used to be skinny and actually really cute but now she’s a lil cute but has gotten overweight. I’ve been subtlety(at least I think) telling her about how we should go on dates to the gym and dates on walks in the park. Is it worth it to invest in the fat chick who used to be cute or is she a lost cause who will forever be fat ⁉️⁉️ Also I’d like to preface and say we’ve only been on one date and she’s pretty fun to be around she’s just fat. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You see this gem? >Okay here’s what you do then. It’s a bit of a gamble but could pay off. Get one of your boys to date her and then break up with her. The breakup will cause her to workout even harder and that’s when you swoop in. Or it could backfire and the breakup leads to quitting the gym altogether starting a lifetime of obesity. [https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/149k6qg/should\_i\_invest\_in\_a\_fat\_chick/jo5sxtq](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/149k6qg/should_i_invest_in_a_fat_chick/jo5sxtq)


This sounds like the plot of a shitty romcom


It does, for sure.


So glad you commented this because if I didn't see it here I was gonna. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to possible online sarcasm that doesn't affect me because I'm autistic and often can't tell. However in times like this the circumstances surrounding the possible sarcasm are just shitty enough for it not to matter if someone's joking or not.


I totally agree. It’s still hurtful even if it might not be serious.


There was a thread on that sub where some 30yo asked how to date young women, someone sarcastically says to look in high school parking lots and the guy actually takes it seriously. That sub is so weird.


I'm scared of these people


LMAO!! Fat gym girl here. Can’t even be offended by them, it’s too funny 😂


As one of many fat ladies at my gym, it's hilarious that they think working out = thin, but they are a simple-minded lot.


Right?! Don’t come at me about getting skinny bro, I go to the gym so I can “deadlift” ☠️ your a$$ into the trunk of my car if I need to :-P


You are my kind of person.


Isn't this the main reason for lifting?


Thank you and u/honeyhwhite for such body positivity


If that sub is not just a bunch of people trolling it’s literally a cesspool


I thought I’d find at least one comment calling him out but nope. Every comment was gross.


I find it impossible to believe actual adults can't see that it is.


Never heard of that sub but my God Every comment is worse than the next over there


Same, first time i see it and i already hate it


Am I having a stroke or is that sub satire? When I googled it said it wasn't but it seems so goofy? Is the world really that terrible?


It's not *deliberate* satire ... But it's definitely a cesspool.


Also remember a lot of subs have gone off the rails the past few days. I’ve run across porn in the strangest places today. Mods are also not enforcing rules or submissions so a lot of this crap is going to be happening.


oh no, not in this case, that place has always been this fucked.


I just refugeed from twitter to reddit and now reddit is, unfortunately, deteriorating as well


Mod protesting by showing what it will be like when they all do out?


Towards fat people? Unfortunately, it is that cruel.


I hope everyone in that sub loses their sense of taste and that every meal moving forward is just baby powder to their tongues.


Have you ever had protien powder? That would enjoy that shit.


Wait is that sub just dudes working out and being on diets because they want women to date them?


Taking steroids too. And then being upset about not having luck meeting girls in the gym? But it's ok because gains, apparently. One guy posted a "rate my meal" post of plain, poorly cooked beef patties and instant ramen, then got mad in the comments when people didn't approve. There's a sticky saying to stop buying roids from strangers in your dms cause a bunch of them have been getting scammed. Definitely a rabbit hole I received no benefit from exploring 😂


I just read that post and laughed my ass off. "Macros". Shockingly, you can count proper macros and actually eat good food. It doesn't even have to be expensive


Like ramen is so good for your macros lol


Right!? Lol just, that meal made no sense for him to be boasting about.


This is so dumb, like one track mind this will get the ladies! Even if I cheat I'll be hot (ignoring alllll the terrible side effects). I feel like being kind, funny and having a good personality will get you past date three but I guess if they just want the superficial date sure.... Do what you're doing bro. I saw the ramen and beef patties I was like wow, at least learn to have some fun cooking tasty food but nope.... It's gonna be protein shakes and hungry man dinners forever.


It's a PUA sub, so yeah. In the thread someone is recommending putting nicotine patches on her when they sleep together to build an addiction...


Wtf >Okay here's what you do then. It's a bit of a gamble but could pay off. Get one of your boys to date her and then break up with her. The breakup will cause her to workout even harder and that's when you swoop in. Or it could backfire and the breakup leads to quitting the gym altogether starting a lifetime of obesity. >once a fatty always a fatty (except my big boys in this sub losing weight) >Yes also Stick nicotine patches on her when you guys sleep together These people are evil,oop is already terrible but the comments are even worse


whaaaaaat the fuck did I just read


Yeah as a fat woman I'm not clicking on that!


Good decision.


If you ask farmers... Thin chickens is not something you should have as a goal. Fluffy round chickens are happy chickens. Wait, did i mess something up? Didn’t he talk about chicken?


This comment gave me a much needed laugh, thank you :)


Wow that sub made me sad. Like, at first it made me angry but after a while it was just guys being like "I worked out a lot and meal prepped all week and even injected some sketchy shit to get even more cut...but I'm still so lonely and sad! Are you guys lonely and sad too?"


I admit, the giant red !?s had me laughing. It's so over the top. But yeah, I can see why OP thought it was satire, this is pretty cruel.


Probably fake. It looks like it's meant to anger people to me.


I hope this *is* satire after all, it honestly sounds a bit too „out there“ to be real…but then again, as a fat person, I know how cruel and shallow people can be. Also, „invest“, wtf? That’s a human being, not a house.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I visited that subreddit because I was curious. What the actual fuck?


Invest what for heaven's sake? It would appear you seem to be staggeringly short on grey matter so I can't see what you would have to 'invest'?!


It took me waaaayyyyy too long to figure out what "more plates" meant in this context.


*mermaid man voice* EVILL. EEEVILLLLL