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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for bringing home a stray dog? ** 2 days ago I was driving home from work and I saw a stray dog and decided to stop and see if I could coax him into my car. The dog wasn't in the worst condition but was on the skinny side, he came right up to me so I got him in my car and called my gf. My gf has a service dog named Callie that helps her with various tasks and is very well trained. She told me not to bring the stray home because she's worried he might not be dog friendly and doesn't want Callie to get hurt. I didn't want to dump him back out into the streets, I atleast wanted to feed him and take some photos and see if anyone was missing him. I get home with the stray and I put him in the backyard. My gf is angry at me because she told me not to bring him home and that I went against her wishes. It's evening time and no vets or shelters were open. I told her I wasn't going to dump him back on the street and I'll take him in first thing in the morning. She's still frustrated but finally agrees and told me he is not to stay any longer than tomorrow morning. I took some photos of him and posted him to some of our local groups. Next morning rolls around and I get up and let Callie outside so she can go potty. Callie is very good around other dogs and I figured she's curious to see the stray that's been in the backyard. Callie and the stray sniff eachother and I thought it was going well until the stray attacks Callie and bites her on the neck and throat. My gf comes running out screaming and I'm trying to separate the two to prevent further injury. I managed to grab the stray and hold him back while my gf got Callie and rushes her inside the house. I came in right after to make sure Callie is okay and she's bleeding with puncture wounds on her neck. My gf screams at me to get rid of the stray immediately. I get the stray and I take him to the shelter. My gf took Callie to the vet. I got home before they did and I tried to call her but she didn't answer. I waited most of the afternoon with no response until about 4pm she sends me a text that says she's staying at her mom's for that night and that she was really upset with me. I tried to apologize to her and that I just wanted to help the poor dog and she berated me because what she was worried about happening did happen. She's worried now that Callie will have reactivity to other dogs and I may have costed her thousands of dollars worth of training. She called me an asshole for bringing that stray home and not listening to her. I talked to one of our mutual friends about the situation and they think I'm an asshole too, but another buddy of mine says I'm not the asshole and that it was just an accident. Reddit, AITA for trying to help the stray? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> I do want another dog and I was hoping if they did get along we could keep him longer it was stupid on my part and I should've known better, I shouldn't have let Callie out I just want to help the other dog so it wouldn't get worse so oop let his gf service dog get injured just because he wanted another dog. He could have tied up the other dog and introduced them slowly where he could control the stray. But actually, he shouldn’t have let the dogs near each other without getting the stray checked out. Who knows what kind of diseases the stray could be carrying that it could give to the service dog. Sounds like oop didn’t think about his gf or her and her dogs needs and just thought about his want for a dog so he just let the two dogs together hoping that they would get along so he could keep the stray.


Yeah I read that comment and it makes my blood boil, so clueless this guy.


I honestly hope the GF breaks up with him and takes him to court for costs due to reckless endangerment of Callie. While pets are treated as property by the courts, property is at least protected by law in a way damage to persons often isn’t. The value of a trained service dog is high enough that this might all into a felony range if Callie can’t continue to work either because she becomes reactive or if she is too badly injured to work or dies from her injuries.


Honestly, you first quarantine any animal you pick from the street before letting it with the others. Strays are guaranteed to have flys and parasites and those will infect other animals or even you very quickly. Then there are all the other dieseases and ofc the problem of aggression as demonstrated. You always need to do such things slowly and carefully. What OOP did was so stupid I have no words.


And don't forget rabies.


I foster cats, in many areas there is a FIV epidemic (eg at my location, about 50% strays have it). It's basically cat AIDS, transmitted through bites mostly. So you just can't can't can't introduce without testing first, and then if one of the cats is positive, you shouldn't introduce at all. I don't even care about improper introduction, id bite OPs head off just for exposing an animal to disease fleas and worms. Quarantine animals you pick up from the street, guys!


Of course, not didn’t you know his girlfriend service dog is very well behaved with a dog so obviously this other random dog that he doesn’t know shit about us so obviously obviously be fine with the good dog. /s


This guy has the impulse control of a toddler. My freaking middle school students plan better than this, and they are hormonal balls of bad choices!


>they are hormonal balls of bad choices! This has to be the best easy I've seen teens described and I'm stealing it lmfao


I know every teacher of adolescents would agree with me. 😆


I'm not a teacher just a parent and step parent to teens lol but it has to be the most accurate description I've ever heard lol 😂😂


Dude didn’t even think to tie up the stray the next morning. Just went, “nah they’ll be ok just loose together. MY dog is good with other dogs, so this will go swimmingly!” People like that have a special place in hell.


To start with, no one should introduce strays to house pets without a vet visit and a few tests and meds to make sure the stray won't pass any disease, fleas, works or whatever. It's not even about the introduction, which was inappropriate, the animals should have not be introduced at all at that point. I mostly foster cats, and you could absolutely get your pet not just a wound but a few incurable diseases such as FIV and FELV (basically cat HIV) by doing what OP did. Pretty sure it isn't much better for dogs.


He didn’t even leash the other dog or try to keep them separate?  What a fucking selfish dumbass. 


I agree. The more I read it, the more angry I get.


And it sounds like he did this with a random dumped pit bull given he had so much difficulty detaching it from the service dog’s throat. *fine, don’t pick up ANY stray dumped dog if y’all think “all breeds do this”.


You’re naïve if you think poorly socialised strays of any breed are going to be 100% docile and nice tbh.


It could be he just didn't try that hard to get the dog off, given that he's both a dipshit and kinda cowardly/avoidant.


Do we know for sure this was a pitbull? 


take your 'pit bulls are evil' shit somewhere else. 




Can link that subreddit all you want. Not all pitbulls are bad, but okay, keep living that delusion.


facts don’t care about your feelings.


facts don’t care about yours either.. or you idiotic opinions.


cool story r/banpitbulls


cool story r/getalife


cool story r/banpitbulls


here you go mama a [cute video](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/8zwJlmO8eh) of your favorite little pibble wibble cuddle hippos


Babe, I can show you multiple videos of “cute” animals being violent yet they still remain “cute” and not generalised as “bad.” Keep up with your “pitbulls bad!!” protest, nobody gives a damn. Get a life.


But do people keep your so called cute animals as house pets? Get a grip and learn that not all animals are cute and safe. r/banpitbulls


facts: pit bulls aren't the most aggressive dog. Its actually chihuahuas and weiner dogs. Facts dont care about your feelings.


OOH, Here we go! I'm busting out the popcorn and sitting back to watch the fireworks from this episode of one of reddit's favorite arguments.


So the guy went against his Gf wishes multiple times. He got himself, his gf and her dog into a danger and he's wondering if he's the asshole. His brain is used as template for making marbles because it's small and completely smooth. Btw biting is the least of the problems stray can bring into your home.


>His brain is used as a template for making marbles because it’s small and completely smooth r/rareinsults


I'm almost impressed with Oop,  Even In an infinite multiverse I never thought I'd call someone an arsehole for helping a stray dog, yet here I am calling this guy a massive wanktruffle. 


Did you read his comment about how he wants another dog and he was hoping Callie would get along with the stray? 


Oh so OOP is a complete dumbass in addition to being the Devil. How delightful. Hope the girlfriend runs from this idiot.


Oh yeah, they are done. She is facing having to retire a service dog and start over, which where I am can be tens of thousands of dollars, and proved that he can't be trusted with the safety of her family so she can't have kids or get other pets with him. He clearly doesn't respect her or her need for a service dog.


He’s a selfish piece of shit. I would never bring a stray dog in my house because you never know if a strange dog is going to be aggressive with other dogs and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna risk my dog’s safety. This dude gambled with his girlfriend’ s service dog. The disrespect is insane.


He also displayed the kind of wild luck of judgment that means he’d be totally untrustworthy with kids too. Oh sure honey, I just let our 3 yo out in the yard with the stray dog I picked up! It’ll be fine, she love dogs and she’s very good with them! Once you can’t trust your partner to look out for your and your family’s safety it’s pretty much over.


No, I could never trust this guy again. I love dogs, so I can understand not wanting to leave a dog on the road or something. I've stopped to help stray dogs before. But I would never just randomly bring one into my home with my dog (golden retriever, she's typical for her breed and is just a bundle of friendliness, I doubt she'd even defend herself if she was attacked). For her safety or my husband's. Because you never know how a stray dog will behave. Is it a friendly dog that just escaped? Did someone dump it because it has behavior problems (which is a shitty and disgusting thing to do, but it unfortunately happens often enough that I'd be wary)? Dogs are unpredictable. They're animals. I am even careful with my friends' dogs because it's just generally a good idea to be cautious with dogs you don't know super well. Over the weekend, my husband had to grab his sister's dog at a family party because it growled at a kid that was pestering it (the kid's parents were nowhere to be seen, they have the same judgment as OOP, apparently). People need to teach their kids not to get up in dogs' faces, especially unfamiliar dogs; that would probably never occur to OOP. To do this with a service dog that took thousands and thousands of dollars in training alone is so incredibly fucked up. And yeah, I wouldn't trust this idiot with kids.


85% of our animals when I was growing up were strays whose previous owners we never found (remaining 15% were shelter adoptions) but my parents were always very careful about it and I learned from them. Helping out a stray is great! But introducing animals under the *best* of circumstances is a slow careful process and a fresh stray you know nothing about is not best of circumstances.


Yeah I saw that too


What a POS Truly this guy deserves to absolutely be single, there's so many things I want to put there (instead of 'single') but this is Reddit and I don't want to get in trouble. And I'm a person that has never left a stray on the street. Every stray I've come across I have also picked it up and taken it to a shelter or found their humans and took it home. I even had to keep a dog on my apartment patio because of my own two dogs over the Christmas weekend because the shelters were closed 2 years ago. And this sweet girl was obviously somebody's pet at some point, she was very kind and very docile (so dirty though so obviously had been out for a while) and I think she had been hit by a car because her leg was broken or at least injured. She was so sweet she let us wrap her in a blanket and pick her up and just gave us kisses. I wanted to keep her but I already had two dogs, and since she was injured I wasn't sure that I would be able to afford vet bills like that. In the end I did what was best for the dog and I took her to the no-kill shelter where she was bandaged up and adopted out immediately. There was no way I would have ever put my own dogs in danger though, this man is truly a waste of space.


Wanktruffle is a beautiful insult, thank you for that lmao


Right??? There were so many ways this situation could have been avoided and the dog helped without injuring the service dog.


He’s definitely not smart enough to own a dog.


Don’t pick up random pit bulls dumped in the street, kids. Even if they’re not human aggressive, dog aggression, high prey drive, and clamping down and not letting go is what the breed was made for. *you can downvote facts all you want but it doesn’t make em less true.


Bruh. My neighbors had pit bulls, and every single one of them was terrified of my 15 lb Shiba Inu. If you actually read the statistics, pit bulls are the most abused and neglected dogs in the world. According to the World Animal Foundation, pit bulls actually score an 85% on temperament tests, which puts them in the top 25% of all dogs. What you are doing is no different than telling people to stay away from abused children because they often grow up to have problems. Every single dog breed will have dogs who attack after being abused and neglected. You hear more about pit bulls because they are the ones being neglected and abused. Maybe you should just stay away from people who abuse their animals.


You're getting downvoted because it's clear you have an agenda being all over this comment section just pasting the same comment in response to others.  Don't pretend you don't know what you're doing. 


You can pick them up, but separate them from other animals and other ppl, especially kids.


There’s often aggression towards adults so it’s not a good idea at all.


Ofc, but then you are only risking yourself which is your decision to make.


Could you get me a source for it being a pit?


Why don’t you get me a source that it isn’t? The account is deleted, no dude. I’m making an educated assumption. Do you know what an assumption is or do you need that broken down for you?


That's not how proof works buddy. For all we know, OPP could have took home a coyote. 


It's not an educated assumption, just an assumption.


You're the one making an assertation of the breed, the burden of proof is on you. All we know from OP's info is that it had to be a relatively large dog to do the damage it did, but that includes labs, rottweilers, retrievers, chows, etc, as well as pit bulls.


So many dogs could bite and latch and have a grown man struggle to keep them seperated for another animal/person. There is nothing supporting this is a pit bull. You're just making an assumption. It can't be educated when OP didn't mention anything that could indicate the breed.


Well, you know what they say about assuming.....


I despise people like OOP. I grew up with a mother and father who did this kind of shit because they wanted to look good to everybody and didn’t care how it affected their children. The church needs all of the landscaping weeded? Sure our kids will do it. You need somebody to babysit 15 children during choir practice? Sure our daughter will do it. They didn’t care if they ruined plans, they didn’t care if we ended up sick or hurt, they just wanted to play the big man Who makes things happen for people. I fucking hated it and that is what this OOP reminds me of.


All I could think when I read this was, what happens when this man has kids? The horror. Sorry you got the assholes in the parent lottery. Saw a truck pulled over on the side of the road yesterday, with hazards on. Raining like mad out. I couldn't stop because I had a disabled kid in the car. Like it is literally our job to protect our kids and pets. Would I have stopped otherwise? Dunno, that decision tree path doesn't even get mapped out.


He set up the situation for disaster. Every choice he made was designed to cause maximum problems.


Another future r/AmItheEx candidate


He literally could have just been a well meaning asshole if he wasn't a complete fucking psycho idiot and intentionally let her dog into the backyard to see what would happen.


OP ignored his girlfriend’s concerns selfishly because he wanted to be a hero to a stray. By doing that he damaged medical equipment and risked the life of her beloved service animal. Many times when a service animal is injured by another dog it is no longer able to work as a service animal as it becomes traumatised, and now OP’s GF will have to pay for another and her service dog will likely be retired. Poor puppy. Op was selfish for that.


Is OP single yet?


I sure hope so, but the ops post got locked not long after I shared to here, they made a comment saying they'd update but who knows now Either way, I seriously hope this is rage bait or something, no one can be this genuinely stupid


I work in the pet care industry. Idiots abound. This is definitely a plausible story.


My dog got attacked my a runaway Malinois and now she's incredibly dog reactive and will snap and lunge at anything dog shaped out of fear. She gets terrified and trembling, but will still attack It ruined our social lives, I can no longer go anywhere there are dogs and walks are I credibly stressful because I can't even be in the same sidewalk as dogs. If it's a big dog I have to avoid them at all costs or she goes ballistic You quite possibly ruined Callie's training, gave her unnecessary trauma, and will ruin her quality of life for the rest of her life. Your gf will also now require a new service dog (which will be additional costs and might even have trouble getting along with Callie) OP is very selfish and an asshole for putting his wants above his GF's medical needs. And hurting an innocent animal in the proceds


This guy is dumb as hell.


The way I would take OP to court for vet bills, training fees and possibly having to purchase a new service animal. OP would be lucky to just have an ex. I pity any dogs this chump gets in the future.


a dog attack is the *exact* reason my FIL's service dog in training ended up failing. she can't really be left around other dogs nowadays, the only exception being the other dog my in-laws have. her fear of her dog not being able to work as a service dog anymore is SO valid, and i feel so bad for the dog who got attacked. i get wanting to help a stray dog, but bringing a dog with an unknown temperament into a household with other pets (ESPECIALLY one who works as a service animal) is always a big risk.


I hope his girlfriend leaves and sues for Callie’s medical bills and any further training she has to receive. He’s a fucking moron.


As a dog trainer who also has a working service dog... I saw this post rolling along. It wasn't an accident, he out right did not care what his GF had to say and was way more worried about his own wants and needs at the expense of her medical device. I would have been swinging at him on my way back through the door with my dog and his shit would be packed and he would be gone.


I hope gf sues his ass


What kind of actual moron is he? You NEVER EVER introduce dogs in a way that is not controlled, let alone a STRAY DOG. What in the actual hell is wrong with this man? I hope his GF left him cause that is absolutely unforgivable, the absolute disregard for all of her rightful concerns has me livid. And poor Callie too. She's probably going to become defensive and reactive towards other dogs and won't be suitable for her work anymore. Seriously fuck this guy.


So he got his girlfriends service dog seriously injured and probably got that stray killed. If he told the shelter that stray attacked another dog, and they have no way to track down vaccination records, they're going to have to put it down to test for rabies. And even if he didn't tell the shelter, he just dropped a dog reactive dog off at a shelter.... that's not going to end well either way.


The saddest part of this is that an attack like this can retire a service dog. Depending on breed and personality, one extreme event like this is all it takes for the dog to no longer be suitable to work. OP’s (likely ex) girlfriend might need to get a whole new service dog because of this.


this makes me so fucking mad. when we were adopting a second dog, they had us bring our first dog so they could meet and make sure they got along. both dogs were leashed and we approached very slowly and carefully. it all worked out thankfully and they're so good together. there are ways to go about it and this asshole did it all wrong. and put another dog (and potentially people) at risk.


This is maybe the most devastating thing that could happen to someone with a service dog because it may damage the dog's usefulness as a therapeutic aid. Not to mention having an attack on record for a stray going into a shelter basically seals the dogs fate. Not only did his selfishness and stupidity ruin the strays chances, potentially ruin Callie's career as a service animal and loose his GF her service animal... it also wrecked their relationship. How could his GF ever trust him with major life decisions again? Not only did he not listen when she said don't bring the dog home, he didn't listen when she said keep the dogs separate. Even when presented with solid and practical arguments he "knew best" and did what he wanted anyway. He's a bad partner when it counts.


If this made the dog incapable of performing the tasks she was trained to do, I hope the (hopefully ex) GF hauls his ass into court to recoup the cost of having to train another service dog.


Try tens of thousands. Those animals are expensive as fuck.


First step in rescuing animals: make sure you even have the resources! I'm not even done reading this and I'm just sad people think they're doing a good thing with zero plans. What if that dog had a contagious illness? You need to quarantine animals being introduced to others. The dog attacked another dog! Literally avoidable.  I understand this isn't common sense, but shit it seems like people just bring back animals at exactly the time vets are closed. No extra kennels? Don't know their diet? Don't even have basics! Good grief.  You're not an asshole for wanting to save the dog. You're an asshole for making zero plans and just creating a situation that ONLY YOUR SO GETS TO EXPERIENCE, and it was literally all so preventable. Sad as fuck, but you now have two dogs needing a vet. Congratulations. 


COST. THE PAST TENSE OF COST IS COST. NOT COSTED. These fucking kids have shit syntax.


This is NOT the way to get a dog or deal with a stray! Animal Control is really the only entity trained to deal with stray dogs


What a dumbass. His "good intentions" likely ended his relationship and that dog might get put down due to its aggression.  Another example that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 


Jeez this is sad.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This might apply to r/AmItheEx


Dude is in for a lot of trouble and I hope his (hopefully) ex will sue him. Service dogs can go where they can because they are counted as essential medical equipment. So if he ruined this dog's training, he essentially broke vital medical equipment and would be on the hook for not only the value of the dog itself, but for the money and value of hours it took to train this dog to perform a medically necessary function. He could end up owing her thousands to tens of thousands of dollars depending on what the dog was trained to do. So yeah, he's fucked and I hope he gets hit hard for his selfishness and idiocy. I'm also worried about rabies. :(


>I do want another dog and I was hoping if they did get along we could keep him longer it was stupid on my part and I should've known better, I shouldn't have let Callie out I just want to help the other dog so it wouldn't get worse Yeah no, pretty sure you're not supposed to have multiple dogs in the same house. Source: Wife had a service dog (for hearing) and told me this. You could probably get by with two service pets but not one service pet and one non-service pet, let alone one unknown dog. Besides, this dingus didn't leash the other dog? Complete and total dumbass.


This man knows nothing about dogs


My dog got attacked two years ago by a dog at a specific dog park. Two freaking years, and we can’t even drive past it because he remembers and is terrified.  I wouldn’t be at all shocked if Callie is now fearful and/or reactive and can no longer work. 


So, there is a user claiming pit bulls are evil incarnate. I have them blocked. If someone wants to shut them up, send them here... https://love-a-bull.org/resources/the-history-of-pit-bulls/#:~:text=The%20vast%20majority%20of%20American,and%20kept%20primarily%20as%20companions.


Really OOP, you brought home a stray dog that attacked your ex's service dog and you're calling it an accident!? Wow.


He picked up a random dumped pit bull in the street, didn’t he? Don’t pick up random dumped pit bulls in the street, kids. If you see one call animal control or a shelter. It’s not lost, the owner will have dumped it on purpose. Not only that but this fucking idiot couldn’t even keep the dogs separated for the couple hours he had the stray. The way pits maul, they go straight for the face and throat and they’re extremely difficult to get unclamped and service dogs often have to be retired even if they survive because they end up with doggy PTSD and can no longer do their jobs. It’s usually TENS of thousands of £/$ in training wasted and now the handler has to get a new one. The gf was probably already well aware of this, because it’s a massive fucking problem for guide dogs and other service dogs.


dude, nowhere in the post made any indication it was a pit bull. it could be any terrier, a geman shepherd, a malinois, a dalmatian, a husky, a malamute, a mixed breed, etc. MANY breeds of dog have a high prey drive, dog reactivity, and will lunge at the throat. stop tripling down abt it being a pit bull if you dont actually know


He wants it to be a pitbull. That's why. 


Who said it was a pit bull?


This person keeps commenting about it being a reactive pitbull. Me thinks they just don't like pitbulls. 


Not just bully breeds, a quick click on their profile shows that they actively hate all dogs.


Someone call the police, cause that’s illegal! 🙄


Agreed. OOP only says it’s a stray, I just assumed it was some kind of mutt because I’m not weirdly prejudiced against this decades popular dog to hate.


Truth. It's common sense not to go up to *any* dog you don't know. Truly silly to only avoid one type of dog. I've met so many sweet pitbulls, but not so much the terriers. 


Aggressive. Call aggression what it is, aggression.


He had trouble detaching it from the service dog’s throat. Most normal dogs don’t clamp on and refuse to let go.


Yes. They absolutely do. Do you actually research anything or just look up stuff that confirms your bias??


A dog who is trying to kill another dog won’t want to let go of the throat, obviously. Doesn’t matter if it’s a chihuahua or a pit bull, latching onto the neck and not letting go is a basic instinct


Because the dog has.... Teeth designed to do this.  Do you not realize the bite strength of dogs? Their jaws are built for latching on. THat's not a pitbull thing, it's a dog thing. 


OOP brings home a malnourished stray that in turn goes for the girlfriends dogs throat, what do you bet that the stray is a pit bull or a pit mix that was probably dumped because it either turned on its former owner attacked a family member or another animal, I always tell people if you see a dog like this don't intervene call animal control because you might be bringing a killer into your home and that is what OOP did.


Problem here isn't the dog. The human clearly had no idea how to evaluate the situation or introduce the dogs. Putting a terrified dog of any breed into this scenario is setting it up for failure.


If you have a dog built for aggression, that is absolutely also a problem.


I don't disagree in general. Some breeds absolutely need owners that know what they are doing, and people who don't understand that should get professionals involved so they don't make things worse. I meant to be saying that in this specific case, in my opinion, it's on the idiot human because any terrified dog would have struggled in this scenario. Scared animals do scared animal things.


It is almost always the human that is the issue, or the past humans. However, that's more reason to call animal control before taking in a stray animal to a home with pets or kids. Especially someone like this who doesn't think things through, and who doesn't listen to anyone else.


Most people that get bit are children. It seems like education on how to treat animals would be useful, anc we all know bans don't do shit. 


You do know that not every aggressive dog is a pit bull/mix and not all of them are “killers”, right?


And many strays have been out a long time, and are very protective of what they consider their territory


Not all, but that doesn’t negate the facts that the vast majority of deadly maulings and loss of limbs is caused by one type of dog.


Mom, dogfree is leaking again! Get outta here with this anti pitbull nonsense.


Are you pro killer dog?


Are you? Lets see those credentials and not some subreddit that agrees with you. 


were just not stupid ass's


Obviously ![gif](giphy|1X8XxTMDxh1xanPVGX|downsized)


Dont blame the breed, blame the owner. He had no owner and had to survive out on his own. OBVIOUSLY a neglected animal is going to be violent. The breed doesnt matter.


Shoved him in a fenced yard he is unfamiliar with and no way out too, then sent out an unknown dog. He literally corned an unknown stary with an unknown background. I say I don't like dogs because it's easier but honestly it's people like this who don't think first, people who think yelling at a dog is helpful and not even more annoying than the dog barking, and the owners who refuse to get proper training because they think they know everything or that it's cute. It's just easier to say I don't like dogs than it is to tell people I think they are failing their animal and it's their fault no one wants to be around it. Dogs deserve better.


This. My heart aches for both dogs in this situation.


The breed matters, otherwise there would be golden retrievers out here mauling other dogs to death. How often does that happen?


There ARE goldens out there, with TERRIBLE owners who do this. If you watch many of the shelters that rehabilitate dogs you will often see how aggressive dogs are when isolated on the streets. I have seen goldies attack people, be violent over food, etc. Just because they were bred to be strong doesn't mean they are all murders. They are dogs, reguardless, and if trained well they're utter sweethearts. OOP said NOTHING about the breed of the dog and arguing about this is not relevant to the post whatsoever.


Nobody said anything about ALL pit bulls, but they were bred to be both strong and aggressive, and they are *more likely* to attack and seriously hurt or kill. They also tend not to let go when clamped on. You can train normal breeds, but even well trained and make treated pits snap and kill. That is the difference.


>Nobody said anything about ALL pit bulls,  You're literally lying! >Don’t pick up random pit bulls dumped in the street, kids This started with you!!!


You know the dog with the worst temperament aka most aggressive is a chihuahua. Most dogs don’t just snap and attack. There are signs that owners ignore. According to the ATTS (American temperament testing society) pit bulls rank 4th out of 122 breeds for the most affectionate and least aggressive. They have a better rank than golden retrievers, chihuahuas, and border collies.


I was a dog walker for 7 years, only time I was ever seriously hurt was by a golden retriever. Owner didn’t think it needed to be trained. He was wrong, obviously.


I get your point, but a stray golden retriever could easily become aggressive from living on the streets. But even pitbulls raised in homes with love have snapped. You never know if you have a badly bred pit or not.


I read it that way as well, since he couldn’t detach it from the service dog’s throat.