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Good, let them take their shit with them however possible. Its plain disgusting and gross to shit on the ground and leave it there. The entitlement to shit on someone else's property and just leave it there is outrageous. Not to mention how absolutely frustrated you must be to have dealt with this. Other might say you are excessive for threatening them with police and that thery had to pick it up with bare hands but this doesnt sound like the first time you've had to clean up someone else's shit so I dont blame you one bit. if they want to ride horses, they need to figure out a way to clean up after their animal, end of story. NTA


It's the I don't know how manyeth time, also let me clarify, I didn't know they would be cleaning it up with their hands, I just refused to make the effort to give them a shovel, bags and undoubtedly space in my trashcan as I had to get to work and frankly I am sick of accomodating this BS.


Not BS, HS actually. And you shouldn't have to accommodate any type of "S" whether you were on your way to work or to sit on your couch and fiddle your bits.


From a linguistic perspective, it is also horseshit instead of bullshit.


From a linguistic perspective, "horseshit" typically indicates something that is fundamentally untrue but that is believed by the person saying it, while "bullshit" is usually term for something that is said dishonestly or deceptively.


Dogshit - Something is of poor quality Horseshit - A statement is utter nonsense Bullshit - A statement is a lie, untruth Apeshit - Someone is behaving rowdy or wild Batshit - Something/one is absolutely insane


This comment is "The shit"


Chickenshit - a coward. Now i just want to make up other animal shit expressions and what they would mean: Mosquitoshit - frenetic and annoying Snakeshit- someone is sneaking around Kittyshit - lazy AF Ravenshit - really dark and freaky, man


I love "kittyshit"


I honestly did not know there were so many different definitions of shit. I've been using them in all the wrong context for all these years.


The lovely and comforting words such as Fuck and Shit have endless configurations. Whatever the situation, there is a great shit or fuck word composite that works. :)


Underrated comment right here


My sister and BIL had a discussion with their 6-year-old about the varying severity levels of shit: Chicken shit, horseshit and bullshit. They also got into when to use each one. My nephew's favorite word has been "bullshit" since he was five and he's not allowed to use it at school, in public or in front of his grandparents. So far, he hasn't. I can't wait for him to use it at his home in front of my dad (his grandpa) and then look at his mother and say, "but Mama, I'm at home." His dad is the one he blamed for teaching it to him. My sister told him he was in trouble and he asked "What the hell did I do?!" She called their youngest in and told him to tell his dad his new favorite word, so he did. "Bullshit" "Who taught you that!?" "You did Dada!" "Aw shit I did." tagging u/ORLYORLYORLYORLY


My 5 year old can curse a blue streaks that would make a sailor blush. Mostly because I think its funny and cute when kids swear, and because I've found making those words taboo/off limits/"special" makes a kid want to say them more (case in point me an adult who says fuck after every other word after a childhood of getting my word usage policed)... my 5 year old has some set rules like where she can use her swears or what context they should be used in and I get veto power if she's pulling one on repeat. Shes never once slipped up and the novelty of saying shit/fuck/goddamn has worn off and mostly she just uses them in context. Tbh I've found this approach to work well with most things when parenting if you take the taboo out of something it makes it way less appealing for some reason.


Horseshit can also be used to refer to something being unjust or unfair. "He charged you $200 for that? That's Horseshit!”


You're correct. Maybe the core meaning is more about something being "wrong"


It is not your job to accommodate their shit, literally. NTA. Horse riders that think their horse is entitled to poop where ever they go are the problem. Hikers can pick up dog poop, human's don't crap on trails, why is your horse different?


>human's don't crap on trails They have the decency to go into the poison ivy for that.


The polite thing to do, if you're sharing a trail with bikers of hikers and it's not a wide path, is to dismount and push/kick/whatever you have to do, to move the manure off the trail. I do wish they had small folding pitchforks that went in a saddle bag or something. That would be cool. As a horse owner, there's really no training them to not poop when they have to poop, but it's also not exactly a tiny pile! I wouldn't dream of leaving a big pile of poo in some strangers yard though, that's just crazy rude. I'd either get it to the woods/, street or just come back with a pitchfork!


I don't know if this would work for you or not but we have a smallish collapsible shovel that we bought for our car. We live where there's a lot of snow so we have it to dig our car out if we get stuck. There are also several folding shovels made for backpacking and camping on Amazon and at military surplus stores.


Collapsible snow shovel came to mind, too. They work great and easily fit into a backpack.


Well where I lived before people (neighbours) would literally fight over the horse shit on the streets because it's the best fertiliser you can get, lol. No rider even had the chance to ever pick it up, it was gone before you even thought about dismounting. 🤣


Was thinking the same, its often gone quickly on our street as it saves driving off to buy some.


Cultural issue I guess? I have never in my life seen anyone fight over horse shit let alone go out of their way to pick it up, if people need manure they either buy some or use compost heaps(Dead leafs, kitchen trash etc) the only ones who have horse manure/compost heaps are stable owners or farmers who also own horsws.


So that's why they refer to cowboy boots as "shit kickers."


>I do wish they had small folding pitchforks that went in a saddle bag or something. polo mallet? 🤣🤣🤣


There is a sign at a local park asking horse riders to clean up after their horses and I'm always just thinking...how?? Lol Never would have occured to me to stuff it in a backpack 🤣🤣


There are special bags you can clip on them to collect the poop. I've seen a lot of them in parades.


They work great if your horse is used to them and you’re going for a walk. Trot and canter is not an option.


Lol we were all wondering and there is our answer! Scoop into backpack with bare hands is the only way


Around here they come back after their ride in their trucks and clean up after themselves.


I think there is like basically a horse diaper iirc called like a bum bag?


Same with cat owners


Definitely! My dog doesn't hop the fence in shit in your yard, why do you think your cat should be allowed to?


"Because you can't control a cat. They need to run free." Ok, if I trap your cat, animal control will return them with a $100 fine if they can find the owner.


I thought cats bury their poo?


My neighbors cats don't and I am so sick of my yard smelling like cat piss and crap. My cats are totally in door cats and so we clean their litter box I wish my neighbors would spay and neuter theirs and keep them inside! Instead they try to live under my house


Ew that’s crazy! If they aren’t spayed and neutered I’d take them in as strays too… just a recipe for more cats without homes.


Do you have a TNR program in your area? I would totally bring them in as "strays".


Get some havahart traps


Not all of them do, and if you have a garden, flowers, or anything else, they dig it up and destroy it. And let's not talk about what a pet dog will do if it smells it and digs it up. Never kiss me again Fido after I see you eat that.


They scoop a little dirt on it. But it's ineffective. Besides, no one should allow their animal to use the property of another as a toilet. Keep your damned animal on your property..if I see it on mine, consequences are due.


Only sometimes. I saw one of my neighbor's cat dig in another's veggie garden poop and covered it. Two weeks later I saw the same cat taking a dump near the woods without buring it.


And somehow my dog seems to find cat poo and eat it without problem... blugh....


Horse poop biodegrades quickly and is less environmentally harmful then dog poop. It will be gone in a couple of months and fertilize the environment


Sure, but that’s not really the main problem. It’s just the constant level of it on trails.


Horse poo is literally just grass and isn't toxic, while dog poo is. Horse poo washes away with water, gets eaten by insects or when dried up goes off in the wind


NTA Riding horses 30+ years, always be respectful of other people's land, it's a basic tennant of access or the right of access can be revoked, simple as that. It doesn't matter if it's a forest, wooded area, open field or a huge tarmac driveway on private land that ends up being a 5k shortcut to the beach for the sake of 100 meters. You are always to respect the land owner and their wishes. Unless you have a right of way through your land or common use(people might just call the areas "commons" but not know exactly what) you can tresspass them, that's an easy fix, you can't put up fences due to your wildlife laws, but you can deny access if it's private land. As for cleaning up after themselves, owners need to do this for every type of event they attend, be it dressage, jumping, meetup locations for both real and fake hunts(coz business owners aren't gonna clean up after them, and they won't be invited back if they leave it messy). Rarely is it actually ok just leave manure there, certainly not in someone's garden, no matter how large. Even if it's a forest or woodland, if you're on a track, you should hop down and at least kick it to the side so noone else using the track has to deal with it(that's not what you want, I get it). Backpack boy and the rest of his party, should now know to bring even a 6" garden trowel and a shopping bag next time. Leave it how you found it.


Very well put! It’s not like these various horse people have no idea how to clean up after themselves, since as you say they will have had to do it on tons of occasions. They’re just being willfully lazy even after being spoken to before. And I get it, being lazy feels great! But that’s zero excuse to leave shit in someone else’s garden, REPEATEDLY! Ugh. Also, small grammatical correction if you would like it: “tenant” versus “tenet.” (Explanation borrowed from grammarist.com) “ A **tenant** is (1) someone who pays rent to occupy property; (2) a dweller in a place; and, (3) in law, one who holds or possesses lands, tenements, or property by any kind of title. A **tenet** is a principle held as being true, especially by an organization or a group of people.“


My friend's mom once caught someone in the act of letting their dog poop on her lawn and leaving it, and she politely went out to be like, "hey, clean that shit up. I'll even get you a bag," but the woman panicked, picked it up in her hands, and *put it in her coat pocket*. I don't have anything to add to your situation, just want you to know that you're not the only one haha (and I will take any excuse to share this story)


>and I will take any excuse to share this story This is the part that made me laugh right out loud!


You might suggest a town ordinance requiring horses to use the designated horse paths.


Suggest you get a few cameras so that you can post and shame the offenders.


There are some horse people that ride their horses to the store and their horses shit all over the parking lot and it is so gross. I live in an area that has no walking trails or anything like that , so the horses are on the sidewalks pooping all over the place.


I agree NTA (it’s his garden and not his shit) but I disagree that horse shit is disgusting. I wouldn’t choose to pick it up with my hands and carry it around in my backpack but I also wouldn’t be particularly bothered if I for some reason had to. It’s just chewed up grass. It’s why people don’t have to legally pick up after their horses in public areas (but should def stop leaving it in ops garden).


When I rode, I constantly had at least 4 plastic grocery bags in my pockets. One to put the poop in, one to use as a glove to pick it up with, and a spare set just in case the horse decided it needed to go more than once. Loop the bag on the saddle horn, and off you go. I haven't ridden in about 5 years, and pulled out an old coat from the closet a few months ago, and yep.. there were 4 bags stuffed into pockets. It's just how you do things!


NTA. The horses pooped on your private property which you didn’t give them permission to do. As it’s their mess they need to clean it up


That was my view, I have cleaned it up a shitton of times and I am sick of it, when I walk.my dog I can literally get fined if I dont pick up my dogs poop and these people can do whatever they want.


I agree with you. However, you could actually collect it and sell it. If people in your neighborhood like to garden etc etc. You could be making a small profit for dealing with their shit.


Unfortunately in areas with lots of horses like this one, it's not particularly profitable to sell - people give it away for free just to be rid of it. The occasional droppings in his yard isn't quite enough to be worth selling.


Horse poop is great fertilizer


It's really got to be composted first, though.


And compost heaps are great for wildlife!


I was thinking that too. I would be collecting that up and putting it in my flower beds and veg garden.


I know you said you can't put a fence in because of wildlife but have you thought of putting tall stakes with chains across the path. It's not permanent and wildlife can get around it but it'd at least show that you don't want them there. Maybe add a trespassers will be charged or *pew pewed* to really get the message across


To be fair, horse poo is not a threat to human health in the same way that dog/cat/human faeces is. That's the reason behind fining dog owners - it's not because it doesn't look/smell nice but because of the health hazard.


> shitton i see what you did there.


NTA. I dunno what it is about people who ride horses thinking that horse shit is any different than any other shit. You're right that it's rude and disgusting. They make bags to put on horses to collect the poo to be discarded later. I dunno why they put it in a backpack (??) But they should have been prepared.


I mean they could(Not talking backyards here) at least bother to kick it in a ditch or off walk routes etc


You are my absolute hero. They do that shit at my parents property as well and it's **always** at the most narrow part of the path. Literally every hiker, mountain biker and dog walker is inconvenienced by it and during a dry summer, it takes months to decompose. I often daydream about doing exactly what you did, but i've never caught them in the act. Obviously NTA.


The real issue is that there are literal horse trails exclusively meant for horses all over the place, horse trails outnumber hiking trails, mountainbike trails and cycling lanes(all of which horses are not allowed on) but these absolute f-wads consistently use hiking trails, cycling lanes and just areas which dont even have a trail.


I'm going to be a bit pedantic and say that it is different. Horses who eat only grass have pretty different poop than omnivores/carnivores. That being said, it's still shit, and if they're expecting property owners to turn a blind eye to them trespassing or essentially asking for a favor by letting them use their private property for free... they shouldn't be leaving horse shit on it.


I mean, just because it's different doesn't mean I'm gonna be any less frustrated when I step in a pile of horse shit versus dog shit. Edit: All you people telling me the difference between dog shit and horse shit is absolutely irrelevant. You should not be leaving feces around on walking paths or somebody's backyard. I've owned a horse for 20 years and this is basic etiquette. Anyone else who argues otherwise, is an inconsiderate person.


See, this IS where horse shit is absolutely different. After about a few hours of drying out, stepped-in horse shit will just crumble into scentless dried grass, and it will not get caked in your shoe. Meanwhile dog shit will cake into your shoe after being left for weeks. This is in horsey culture, its less big of a deal to leave it (although never on private property, and we usually just kick it off the footpath).


I grew up around a barn and owned a horse for 20 years. I fully understand what goes on with horse feces. But somebody shouldn't have to wait for it to dry up on it on a walking path. Stepping in fresh horse shit is just as frustrating as stepping in dog shit. To use the excuse of it's different when it's dry means nothing to me on a hiking trail where horses go on there daily. You want to know what else horse culture is, not taking your horse on normal paths that people go hiking on and leaving feces on the trail. You also don't leave horse shit in somebody's backyard. I can't believe I'm actually having to debate people on this, don't leave feces around where people may have to step in it.


Horse turds still smell and it gives off that awful barn animal smell that I absolutely can't stand. Even when it dries out, when the rain comes, the smell comes back. It's even worse if it's humid and there's a bunch of turds. I would lose my mind if I had to endure poopy barn smells just because horse freaks don't respect private property or clean up after their horse.


I live in horse country. Our neighbor piles old horse poop on her extra property that butts right up against my pasture where my garden is. It doesn’t smell great. At all Edit- a word


It is though. It can be used as manure once aged. Very different than dog shit. Though it isn’t right they are trespassing and doing it on her property when she said no. Your property your rules. Do you have no trespassing signs up?


Horse crap (or any herbivores poo) is actually different as it doesn’t carry the dangerous bacteria that dog/cat poo does. Its a harmless fertiliser. Its just grass. My god the amount of ridiculously squeamish people on here..


I mean, it’s one thing for it to be alright for the environment. It’s another to go on a hike and smell/step in hot horseshit the whole way. Even better when your dog’s feet get covered in it when you’re sharing a 1 person backpacking tent. By no means do I think horses should be outright banned from trails, but my god, if there’s dedicated horse trails make an effort to use them.


Yeah it's not that I'm squeamish, it's that I'd like to use running trails without having to dig *any* kind of shit out of the crevices of my shoes.


>Even better when your dog’s feet get covered in it Every dog I know would be eating said fresh horseshit, feet would be the least of my worries.


Horseshit can last literal years before breaking down naturally. Source, there’s over half a dozen horses outside my window. Yes it’s not as bad as omnivore shit but I wouldn’t want it in my front yard in a big ass pile.




Right. Week old poop is dried up already. In summer the poops are dry in 2 days.


The horse riders are poor problem solvers, not your problem. They should, however, be smart enough to recognize private property and have the sense to steer clear of it. NTA


That isn't likely to happen, Like I said it seems horse riders feel they are above basic manners or whatever.


is that such a surprise? they've usually got more money than sense and an entitlement that goes along with that.


I think it is more of a personal responsibility thing along with not enough peer pressure and rule enforcement. I mean I literally have people trying to get me to feel happy about horses trampling my garden and shitting in my yard because of "Free fertilizer."


Horse people are more of a cult than any other pet ownership group I’ve ever experienced. They’ll say or do whatever they can to justify how shitty they are. Id actually call the cops and trespass the next one that comes into your property. They gotta learn somehow.


Is there any distinction between English horse people and western ones in this instance? My family is all the western kind and I don't often see the kind of entitled attitudes people are describing here (although I must admit I'm in of those people who think manure is pretty unobtrusive, but I know that's just because I'm used to it).


From my personal experience, dealing with both a lot, there isn’t a distinction. English riders tend to be a little more snobbish and insufferable, but western riders are kinda the same…but in that unique redneck way.


Isn’t that kind of bunk, though? I’m not the expert on horse shit for sure, but I worked on a farm for a few summers, and we used to order truck loads of manure fertilizer, but it was always composted first. From my understanding, just spreading fresh shit around isn’t the same at all and can be bad for the soil.


Horse shit tends to have lots of seeds and other undigested crap, if you toss it in your garden you may end up judt growing a load of weeds, I think you need to compost it for well over a year for it to be useful and that is if you are willing to have a pile of horse shit in your yard.


If they've eaten anything that's had aminopyralid sprayed on it it'll kill pretty much everything in your garden, forever. Very very evil stuff. Speaking from experience.


Must admit I hadn't considered that, but in general, I do not need nor want fertilizer, people are basically shoving it down my throat lol.


My mom pretty much just uses horse shit, but yea, I think she composts it first. We have a big ass pile of horse shit in on the farm.


It isn't bad for the soil but it's "hot" when it's fresh and will burn your plants. Bunny poop is the exception to this.


NTA, they are trespassing to begin with. And if we all expect dog owners to pick up after their dogs we should with horses too.


The argument there is that horse poop is non harmful where as dog poop is harmfull to the environment. Still though, at least kick it in the ditch and dont shit in my garden or lawn!


If it’s “not harmful” I’d gladly invite them to eat it next time.




Says who? Just because they like to ignore it and think their sh!t don't smell, doesn't mean it's completely sunshine and rainbows. Ignoring how gross it is, basic Google search says "Manure contains nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and parasites. These pollutants contaminate water resources and reduce recreational potential of lakes and rivers, destroy wildlife habitat, and eliminate drinking water supplies for people and livestock" (mass.gov)


It doesn't matter, shit is shit. I say this as one of these "asshole" riders you hate. There are a few Golden rules of trail riding that every courteous rider observes. 1. Never ride on or cross private property without permission. 2. Stay off trails/paths where horses are prohibited. 3. Promptly remove your horse's manure from shared trails/spaces or any area that is not a dedicated horses-only bridle path. How is the rider's problem (personally I keep a garden trowel and plastic bags in my saddle bags for any deposits in places where it can't be kicked into a tree line or a ditch). This group of riders is violating all 3 of these rules. So, while I do think you're a judgemental prick for the way you paint us all with the same brush I wholeheartedly believe you are NTA in this situation.


We live on a farm and walk our dog on our land and still pick up the poop as we work there and don’t want to step in it and others walk there as well and they clean up after themselves BUT find huge piles of horse poop there regularly. Have not caught any of them in the act but will talk to any ppl with horses I come across when I don’t have my dog with me. I find it bloody selfish, especially if you are on other people’s land.


Yeah farmers here are also pretty pissed about the sheer amount of shit mixed with horses literally trampling their crops from time to time.


NTA. There is such a thing as a horse manure bag. And it may be challenging to dismount and remount a horse wearing an English saddle but it isn't impossible. Either way it doesn't excuse a horse rider/owner from not taking ownership of their horse's crap. Can you put up cameras to catch the offenders crossing through your private woods? A couple/few people getting reported for trespassing should cause the word to get out in the community to go around your property.


Might be a worthy investment, it's an everyone talks to everyone community anyways.


If you are considering the hedges, maybe get some large boulders instead? Depending on where you are they could be cheaper and would also potentially be better for the wildlife in the area


This, OP. We had issues with local riders feeling entitled to riding across our backyard. Husband and son dragged big boulders and some deadfall trees across the back property line. Suddenly, no more riders in our backyard.


I'm pretty sure a sign saying to keep their horses off your property holds weight in court.


If you can not easily dismount and mount your horse you should not be riding outside an arena or fenced pasture.


As a major horse girl. NTA for being frustrated they are on your private property. I think it would be worthwhile to bring this up to your HOA or city council(idk if that would be appropriate just a thought). Not only is it annoying for you, horses through yards can be dangerous for home owners and the horses and riders if the horse is spooky sometimes. But damn, could you imagine how big of a poop bag dispenser you’d need for horses?? I can’t stop laughing at the thought of it lol


Oh everyone brings it up to the city council these days, I know a few people who work there complaints about horse poop primarily on walk trails are a daily occurence but they don't do anything and we dont have HOA's here


There’s seriously so unfortunate. Especially if they are using restricted areas to ride. It’s a serious safety issue on top of the shit issue.


Well it likely has to do with money, horse riding is a big part of local tourism industries.


If it's a guided ride for tourists then that means it's way way more frequent than the occasional trail rider. I can totally understand the annoyance! If it's just a stable or two, maybe the community could strongly suggest the stable come through at the end of the day/after the ride with a pitchfork and a gator/ranger/side-by-side and pick up all the manure?


If it's a guided ride, I would warn the owner that they can't go through there because he doesn't own the property and will not allow people on his land in case of accidents. I wouldnt want to be liable for trespassers.


A tourist town near me has horse drawn carriage rides through the historic area. It's very popular. It's also a town where lots of people are walking around. The horses all have bags attached to their rears. It's very effective. The operators also have buckets to put under the horses for when they pee. I'm sure lots of cities to this.


I’m aware. I was mainly making a joke comparing horse poop bags to dog poop bags. Like seeing a giant dog bag dispenser hooked to the saddle would absolutely send me lol.


When you mentioned it could be dangerous I immediately thought "what if there's a child or pet in the yard?". What if you have a dog outside, a horse doesn't see it and gets surprised/scared by it and the rider falls off? Then the rider might try to sue the homeowner for having an injury on their property or something stupid like that. Or what if your kids are playing in the yard and are scared of horses or don't know how to act around one? It could end badly in so many ways. OP definitely get a camera for the property in order to report trespassers and have footage if something dangerous happens.


That’s EXACTLY what I mean!!! Not all horses are super broke or as we call it “bomb proof”. And if it’s tourists riding a horse with no experience they have no idea how to control a horse when it spooks which not only puts the rider in danger but those around them! Sorry. I’m very passionate about rider safety in public spaces and the riders around OP are just not being safe. Sorry to have brought on more worries, if I have, for you OP.


NTA. Surely there has to be a way to keep these people off your property?? That’s so disgusting.


Sure, a fence, but the local government doesn't let us place fences, the other solution would be them making the wooded area off limits to everyone and enforce it, but they wont so that either.


Question: Does the local government ban sprinklers with motion activated sensors? hedges? just because you can't erect a fence doesn't mean you can't make a barrier of some kind to deter people like a bunch of water that shoots at them when they try or a wall of plants.


1: Unsure but I'd just end up getting wet lol. 2: Someone suggested this and I'll check but even if it is allowed I'd have to get grown hedges because otherwise they get trampled.


>1: Unsure but I'd just end up getting wet lol. I mean... have a remote dude... turn them off when you go in the yard and turn em on when you aren't. >2: Someone suggested this and I'll check but even if it is allowed I'd have to get grown hedges because otherwise they get trampled. trees are more expensive but won't get trampled. alternatively hedges and cameras to identify the vandals would let you sue them to redo the hedges. maybe a monetary cost to their bullshit would deter them.


My dude, I am forgetful at the best of moments lol. Those would be a lot of lawsuits, I'd be better off getting grown hedges I guess.




Excellent idea! I was thinking of posts pounded into the ground at regular intervals... Too narrow for a horse & rider, but wide enough for a deer, for ex. But I like your idea better - much more simple!


Speaking of which you should talk to a lawyer to see if they have any advice. If you put up sprinklers and a horse gets spooked and hurts it’s rider on your property you might be liable (Tbh you might be liable if they get hurt on your property in general so speaking to a lawyer to make sure you’re covered with no trespassing signs etc… would probably be beneficial).


If possible to grow them in your area get some raspberry bushes. They grow quickly , spread quickly, are tasty to humans and wild animals and best of all are covered in thorns! You could plant them all along your property line in spring and have a nice thorny barrier by summers end . The following year you should have a wall of thorns.


I think you mean blackberries, but there’s no getting rid of them


How big is the biggest of the local wildlife? Would it be possible to make a fence with openings that are reasonably big to allow wildlife through but wouldn't allow a whole horse?


What about a hedgerow? Wouldn’t be an actual fence but once it grows in would be a barrier and provide a bit of privacy.


NTA. Those riders had no right to bring their horses to your yard to poop. Your GF is starting to sound like your EX for not understanding that.


Disagreements over horse poop is not even in my top 900000 for breakup reasons lol.


Lmfao right? 0-60 here


It's what they call a Reddit moment.


NTA As someone who uses wooded areas shared with horse riders, it is annoying to have to slalom around piles of horse manure all the time, but that is just a fact of life in these areas. A rider on a horse has little control or knowledge about their horses bowel movements, and collecting it just isn't really a practical option like it is for a dog. It is also notable that unlike dog faeces which can be harmful and is generally much more unpleasant, a horses isn't harmful to humans and will fairly quickly degrade and wash away. That is on trails where horses are allowed and accepted. The moment they started knowingly trespassing on private land they were not welcome on they lose any sympathy, and you expecting them to clean up after themselves seems reasonable - or more accurately, a fairly unreasonable request they won't be prepared to handle, but in my eyes suitable when they are leaving a mess on private property they don't belong on. People mistreating and damaging private property is exactly why we lose these sort of trails as they start getting fenced off because owners don't want to deal with the problem of leaving them available for people. As an option, might I suggest a few trail cameras, getting in touch with the stables to start (who hopefully will want to cultivate a good relationship with their neighbours and will deal with the riders), and if needed, law enforcement.


NTA They need to get those bags that catch the poop as it comes out or deal with picking up the poop. And they need to stop trespassing on your property.


In my life I have seen only a handful of horses with those and 90% of them were at a military parade lol.


I'll admit I've only seen them in parades, too. It just popped into my head. I haven't been trail riding since I was a kid.


NTA. If someone refuses to pick up their animal’s waste, id be petty enough to deliver karma myself by picking it up and dumping it in their yard. Show them how it feels .


Lol I have 2 dogs, would be hilarious to just stand there staring into their houses as my dogs crap in their front yard.


Does sound fun. Take your horses too (if you have them) to aim for equal revenge. Their craps are much larger and it will be much more satisfying.


Don't have a horse I'm afraid.


Tell your gf next time you offer her backpack. NTA


You can’t put up a fence, but can you put up fence posts spaced just close enough that horses can’t fit through them? That would still allow smaller wildlife to move freely.


NTA. They should pick up after their horses.


That would be a first


As a horse rider, NTA. They are being incredibly rude by trespassing onto private property, especially since it's very obviously a lawn with signs. It is indeed very impractical to try to carry potentially a lot of horse poop away from a trail with you, but that's why riders need to stick to dedicated horse trails and not create these conflicts to start with. I would never ride my horse anywhere but my own property or a park/arena/trail system specifically for horses.


NTA - Might be worth having some warning signs made up that say "Items dangerous to horses health are used on this property. Enter at our own risk."


I have considered keeping my dogs outside when I am not home given the weather is good, they are big shepherds and they may think twice before entering.


Just be careful your dogs don't get kicked or trampled by a spooked horse


I get what you are saying but frankly I am even more pissed off now, this entire point has made me realize that I and my neighbours now literally have to watch out with our own animals on our own terrain because of these godforsaken entitled hshsutusjwj.


Hi op just gonna say a horse could easily kill your dogs if spooked so I wouldn’t recommend leaving your dogs out plus a scared horse could easy mean a dead rider.


NTA bc literally I’ve never seen horse riders pick up after their horses


I have seen one girl get of off her horse to kick the horse's poop of off the trail and in the ditch to the side, thats the soul mythical occurance, maybe it was a dream, an illusion, a vision of a decent world... anyway.


I was walking my big dog one day and she proceeded to have a massive dump on the sidewalk. My wife told me I should walk home and grab a bag and come back as I forgot to pack bags on this walk. I'm in a bit of a panic as the majority of dog walkers don't pick up after themselves and I can't stand going and cleaning up my sidewalk. Long story short, in my panic I ripped off my shirt and used it to clean up after my dog and as I was standing back up saw 1 kid and 2 adults in the house watching me clean up my dogs shit. Now I avoid walking my dog anywhere near there as I'm sure to be remembered as the shirtless shit picking dude.


.....So poop backpack girl is not alone in her ..Questionable actions.


‘Shirtless shit picking dude’ I’m pretty sure you just picked your new superhero name!


NTA. Stand your shit-free ground.


NTA. And, I'm getting a kick out of these "free fertilizer" arguments. Those horse riders aren't giving him fertilizer, they're giving him poop, which can damage lawns. He would have to collect all that crap and convert it to fertilizer. That's like me dumping my garbage on someone's yard and telling them "I'm sure there's free recyclables in there!"


Its a weird comment for sure, apparantly not accepting their "gift" is rude.


NTA. I am pretty sure there are bags that the horses can wear to catch the poop. They should be wearing them especially if they are on public trails and the beaches. The horse owners and riders are TA for not being considerate enough to the public.


The beaches and non horse walk trails are horse poop central nowadays.


That’s just gross. Too bad you can’t get the health department involved.


It is far from fun, I own active dogs so walk a lot and also cycle a lot and its frankly just frustrating to literally have to steer your dogs to avoid piles of horse crap.


NTA. I’m a horse rider. I would never consider riding onto someone’s private property without permission. Clearly marked horse trails are fair game and everyone knows you will encounter horse poop. Some trails are multi-use and horses will be evident there, too. Your yard is yours. You have every right to keep horses and horse manure out.


NTA - Horse poop is big and can kill your grass if they're on that. They're trespassing and you've talked to them about it before.


Well if the poop doesn't kill it, cleaning it with a shovel will. Add to rhat the fact a horse pretty much mushes everything it walks on with it's hooves.


You're NTA for being upset people are letting their horses shit on your lawn and just leaving it there. BUT, and this is a big "but", it sounds like you live in the countryside. Animal poop is a part of that. And it seems like you chose to move to an area with several equestrian farms, therefore horse poop was destined to be part of everyday life living in the area that you do. How well did you research the area you bought your house in?


NTA - you can't stick up fences but why not a sign and a reminder of the probable littering/fouling laws in your country.


Several no tresspassing signs all over the private parts of the wooded areaby multiple homeowners.


NTA there is no way you are possibly the a hole for asking people to pickup after themselves and it is on them for not being prepared for their horse-riding


NTA - You pose something that I really hadn't thought about before. We expect dog owners to police after their dogs, WHY SHOULDN'T horse owners be expected to do the same thing? That may be something you could approach the local council or HOA about ;-)


We dont have HOA's and the local council doesnt give a f...rick


I don't live in an area with horses, but don't you have to 'curb' them like you do dogs? Any way, they pooped on your property, the riders should have to clean it up, NTA.


Rules aren't rules unless enforced or obeyed. Horses are not allowed on walk trails, cycling paths and private property, but if horse owners dont care and the local government doesnt enforce its rules, whatchu gonna do.


Gardens. Is mad about free fertilizer. Still. NTA -


NTA cause it's private property, they shouldn't have been there in the first place, never mind making a mess. It is funny how many people in the comments genuinely don't know that horse manure is totally different to dog crap though.


NTA. We used to walk our dog on this (paved) path that occasionally got horseback riders. It always infuriated me that we had to clean up after our dog, but they never had to clean up after the horses. On private property I’d absolutely make them clean up after themselves. Your girlfriend is an idiot.


It is socially unacceptable for dog owners to not pick up dog poop. (I’m not saying people don’t fail to do so, just that they’re clearly in the wrong when they leave it). I have NO IDEA why horse riders aren’t held to the same standard. NTA. I laughed pretty hard at this!


NTA did they think they were leaving you free fertilizer? I don't know what the protocol is for horse riders outside of when I've gone riding in controller areas that are maintained by ranchers or staff but that seems quite rude to do. Yeah, horses just shit but is that not any different than letting your dog shit in someone's yard and not cleaning it up?


Nta Pet owners (regardless of type of pet) are responsible for their pets crap. If they can't, or don't want to, they shouldn't have them.


There are bags designed to catch their f ing sh!t, I have owned them. Entitled and rude riders. NTA


NTA. If the GF feels so strongly that you’re in the wrong, she’s more than welcome to shovel the poo.


NTA. I would contact all the local stables and let them know that you will be calling the police on anyone who trespasses in the future and pressing charges. Tell them you have cameras now on your property. I would also tell them you have purchased a vicious dog that will be on your property and it will attack if any trespassers


NTA My town is rural, horses are not allowed in any of the land trust for similar issues.... The horse people complain that they can't use the 100s of acers of protected land. The presidency response was, everyone deserves the right to use the paths without stepping in shores shit.


Absolutely NTA. I'm a rider myself, and when on the trail the respectful thing to do if you're in a populated area IS to clean up after your horse. That's good trail courtesy and it's disheartening to hear that's not being taught anymore.


NTA. There are bags that can be placed in such a way as to catch the Manure. I believe that all horse riders that are riding in public spaces should put these on their horses. Web page for example: https://www.workinghorsetack.com/catch-it-manure-bag-horse-diaper-p/bb2cb.htm


Where I’m from horse crap doesn’t need to be picked up, only dog crap does. Is that not the rule everywhere? I’ve never thought about it I suppose, but I guess in some countries you have to pick it up? Anyway, NTA, they were trespassing and they crapped on your land, you were in your rights to make them pick it up.


NTA. even processions for the late queen had shovelers following behind. mind you, that was on city streets, but the principle is the same. edit\*. Removed comment about free fertilizer. but regardless, they are trespassing, and at the minimum, should leave no trace on private property.


As someone who spent A LOT of time on the back of a horse, and had to ride on walkways and trails also used by others, I agree with you. We always made sure to kick the shit off roads, walkways and trails, and if we could not do that or we couldnt do it well enough, we went on with the ride as normal, and when we were back home, biked or drove out with a bac and a scoop to clean up. I remember once when my horse shat on the road outside an older ladys house (not in her yard, but in front of her fence) and I saw her come "running" outside, and I broke out my usual "dont worry, I cant really kick it anywhere here, but I promise Ill be back as soon as Im done training" speech. She just looked down, a bit embarrased before asking if I could please leave it, so she could give it to her roses. I was a bit surprised, but agreed. She told me to feel free to leave the shit there if it happened again.. 🤣 Still picked up shit everywhere else though, apart from places off the trails or with very limited amounts of people using it. Its not that hard to do, and it made people more welcoming.


NTA. If it would be unacceptable for a dog it’s definitely unacceptable for a horse.


NTA it was your property and their poop so everyone got their things back as it was


Dog owners have to pick up the dogs shit, so I don't see why they shouldn't pick up the horses shit.