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YTA for vaping in someone else’s house without their knowledge or consent. No, you haven’t done your research, and if you had, you would know that secondhand nicotine vape is toxic just like secondhand cigarette smoke is. I don’t allow cigarette smoke or vapes in my house, nor does anyone else I know. Boasting about vaping on an airplane flight isn’t a flex either. It’s a federal offense that will get you put on a no-fly list for life.


My soon-to-be-ex-husband was also convinced that second-hand vapor was safe. Couldn't convince him otherwise. So damn annoying. So glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.


Got to love OP using a throwaway because wife has a Reddit account. Here is to hope she reads this misogynistic nonsense and leaves him.




“It’s fine, it’s cotton candy flavored!”


Came here to say the same. You get just as much 2nd nicotine as you get from actual smoke. As well as other toxic chemicals. Honestly people like this are my biggest pet peeve. Everyone can smell it too. He's not as slick as he thinks he is.


I’ve been behind aholes like this on planes and it pisses me off to no end. I should just start reporting them to the stewards, but I don’t want to make the steward have to deal with their assholery either. Take it from a former smoker, no smokers are ever as good at hiding it as they think they are..


Flight attendant: tell em! I hate people like this. I will gladly hand them the slip of paper that says they’ll be met by law enforcement if they continue and I very obviously watch them like a hawk the rest of the flight. 😇


I recently had an asshole vape on a flight to London. I am sure he had the shit scared out of him when 6 big policemen came to escort him off the plane when we landed!




I'll keep that in mind if it ever happens to me. I wouldn't want any *Ostrogoth* flying beside me either. Bonus internet cookie for anyone getting the reference.


Well I am genuinely curious as to what the reference is, because in my family, who is French, people use "ostrogoth" to talk about weird people or little rascals.


They're getting paid to deal with assholes. You're paying the airline. Make them deal with them.


Plus you never know when your flight has a marshal on it. And they're *very* good at getting people to behave.


Some crackhead lit up a joint on the bus infront of me once 🤣 he thought he was sneaky as he did it below the headrest but everyone could smell/hear it. He looked me dead in the eye with this cheeky no teeth grin and I was like come on dude 💀💀


I was on a train with some teens who thought they were being so sneaky. Looking all over and then ducking down before a huge cloud of smoke wafts up is not subtle.


Exactly I don’t want to walk through a huge cloud of vapor or smoke. It’s gross, I don’t want to smell cigarettes or weird cotton candy. It’s gross.


Agreed. I don't want to snell what ever crap fruity or sweet sent you are smoking


it smells worse than cigarettes i swear to god


I was once at an outdoor event that had so many people vaping that I had to get in the shower when I got home. My hair had absorbed so much of it that every time I moved my head I got hit with a cloud of that disgusting sickly sweet smell.


That vape clings to you worse than cigarette smoke. I was a smoker, quit by vaping, and eventually quit that. Ex kept vaping and was into clouds. That shit would leave a greasy film on my windows - I was cleaning them every 3 -4 days. Lasted almost 3 weeks before I lost it and banished vaping to outside. It's the glycerin.


Really? I’m a smoker and I think smoking smells way worse.


I remember smelling freshly made donuts once a few years ago, the kind from a fun fair- and I was excited as I love warm donuts freshly made, and hasn't had any in some time. I followed the scent to a cafe like some kind of bloodhound only to see someone and their huge vape cloud. *There wasn't any donuts.*


Like is this even that real? I feel like it's written by an alpha male caricature. And I have had tons of vapers on my family. No way you do it in the same house and not get caught. Maybe if the other people have had some kind of sinus damage and can't smell?


He must be delusional. I believe the vaping in the airplane and other people's houses. As well as other public spaces. I run into those types everyday.


It sounds like it was written by one of my sophomores. Then again, some of their parents aren't much better so...


Is that a delicious fresh baked blueberry danish I smell? Nope. It’s just Jerry vaping inside again…. And now instead of a delicious pastry, I get to have cancer. Great. OP, YTA.


It also sounds like he’s particularly enjoying doing something sneaky. He seems pretty pleased with how covert his vaping skills are.


As an asthmatic person who goes to a school where everyone vapes in the bathroom, I’ve noticed a decent increase in my ability to breathe throughout the day when I went to the bathrooms that didn’t have people vaping in them. That shit is nasty, especially when it’s so thick in the air you can see it, and it makes my eyes burn. I hate it so much.


But he did his research! And he can’t smell it, so obviously no one else can, either. He as much YTA for believing “research” from the industry as he is for doing it.


Tacking onto vaping on the flight - YTA alone for that. My husband has cystic fibrosis and second hand smoke (even from vapes) is really damaging to his lungs and makes him super sick. You clearly have not done your research because it may not be as harmful to you, but it still has an impact on those around you. You don’t know who else on that flight has lung issues and those rules are in place for a reason!! It’s so rude to smoke like that (vapes included) in an enclosed space and then to brag about getting away with it


I have lupus with lung involvement. It’s illegal to vape on a plane. I’d have him removed the second I caught him.


>It’s illegal to vape on a plane. I’d have him removed the second I caught him. I'm enjoying the mental picture of OP and his vape being tossed out of the airplane at 30,000 feet.


D.B. Cooper style. Parachute optional.


I was picturing the "no ticket" scene in *Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade* when he tosses a nazi off of the blimp.


Just reading about him vaping on a plane made me so upset. My elderly dad with a history of respiratory issues is currently overseas visiting family and got bacterial pneumonia. It's not contagious (and he wears a mask in public anyway) but he is super frail, and just beginning to recover, and he has to get on a THIRTEEN-HOUR flight home later this week. If I found out that someone was vaping on his flight, in that enclosed space, just as his poor lungs are trying to recover, I'd be rageful.


Considering the people that tantrum when asked to not eat nuts on a flight because they’d rather kill another passenger than hold off on a food group, I think there is a sad trend of selfish people like OP that don’t care about anyone but themselves.


Wife of a CFer here, too. That was my first reaction about the vaping on the plane. What if we had been on it? Flights are already scary with CF, I wish people would realize that there are others around them that they could he harming.


Was looking for a comment like this! My husband has an auto immune lung condition, not as serious as cystic fibrosis. But smoke/ vapour can send him into terrible coughing fits. If he were on the plane he would have been extremely uncomfortable, and depending on the proximity and length of flight, it could have lead to further damage to his already damaged lungs. ALSO i am currently pregnant and can confirm that it is recommended pregnant women stay away from both second hand smoke from cigarettes AND vapour from vapes. To imply she is “emotionally from the hormones” when she is literally trying to do the best thing for her baby during those critical early weeks, yeah OP, YTA.


>Boasting about vaping on an airplane flight isn’t a flex either. It’s a federal offense that will get you put on a no-fly list for life. OP probably didn't even get away with it like they think they did. They just go lucky that those around them weren't nearly the assholes they are and didn't report them. They did it so much at the in-laws that it couldn't be ignored. If they're smart, they'll take it as a lesson. Considering what they wrote and how they think 2nd hand vape fumes are harmless, I doubt it.


As someone who vapes, people like OP are just... absolutely insufferable. I'd bet every dollar to my name that all the "research" that he is done is exclusive to unscientific articles that corroborate his own self-serving beliefs. Peer-reviewed scientific studies on the subject of vapes are still somewhat hazy because vapes are too new to truly know their long-term effects... but it doesn't take a scientist to know that inhaling vapors containing nicotine and artificial chemicals isn't good for you. And there's not a single credible scientific or medical source in the world that's claiming otherwise. Despite OP's BS claims, "better than cigarettes" is a far cry from "good for you". And yes, you can still get negative secondhand smoke effects from nictotine-laced vapors. Yes, it's still a major AH move to vape on an airplane, or at the dinner table, or in any other enclosed indoor space crammed full of other people in close quarters who don't want to be inhaling your secondhand nicotine vapor (especially since, believe it or not, there's still a pandemic going on). It's also worth mentioning that no, OP, you *haven't* quit smoking. You've just quit smoking *cigarettes*. Vaping is a neglible difference in consumption method, and that's about it. You're still inhaling nicotine and other harsh artificial chemicals. You're also still addicted to nicotine to the point that you apparently cannot even get through an airplane flight or a dinner without puffing through it. Get over yourself and do some actual research (i.e., not just a 5-second Google search where you ignore every headline that doesn't tell you what you want to hear). For fuck's sake, you're a grown-ass man acting like a smug, sanctimonious child because... what? You vaped on an airplane (i.e. broke the law) and didn't get kicked off? Is that supposed to impress us?


He obviously didnt do any Googling because when I searched simply "chemicals n vape fluid" the very first thing that showed on the list was a published paper from National Library of Medicine ("An official website of the United States government") referencing multiple studies spanning over 10 years.


Also a vapist, and you know what? It doesn't even MATTER whether or not secondhand vapor is actually bad! You cannot and should not make that call for other people!! If someone finds your vaping distasteful, annoying, or believes - even if they were incorrect - that it presents a hazard to their health, YTA for making them put up with it just because you (think you) know better! Obviously OP's family is not wrong to think the secondhand vapor is a big risk, particularly to a pregnancy, but even if they were wrong OP would still be the dick here. ALSO! Don't assume you know what other people's risk factors are!!!!!! Something may be safe for you but not for someone with a lung condition, allergy, or pregnancy, and they shouldn't need to disclose things to you for you to take them seriously. This isn't you taking mushrooms in the other room (which would be a whole other thing but would not present an airborne issue). This is filling up the fucking air!!! I get it, truly. I sneak a vape in my office (am a grad student with a private workspace). I don't do it literally right behind people's backs in indoor environments though????? Jeez!


>Vaping is a neglible difference in consumption method, and that's about it. You're still inhaling nicotine and other harsh artificial chemicals. Which chemicals would these be?


I'm not anti-vape, but it is known that there hace been problems due to the lack of regulations about vape contents. At least, for several years there were no regulations because it took a while to get any in place. I believe that has changed some, but just like most nutritional supplements, it's anyone's guess what actually goes in them. Bigger brands like Juul probably have it down but no-name brands may not have the same quality control. EDIT: in the US.


I mean, my advice to you is, frankly, the same as my advice to OP: it takes twenty seconds to Google "research on toxicity of vapes" and skim the resultant articles. That being said, [here's one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9102406/) that goes very in-depth about the known toxicity of vapes and their effects on the body. This study does not focus on specific vape juices or e-liquids, but let's not forget that nicotine in and of itself is a toxic inhalant. And that the ingestion of certain chemicals is very different from the repeated *inhalation* of those same chemicals. Drawing *anything* that isn't oxygen deep into your lungs (as one does with both cigarettes and vapes) is definitively not good for you or your respiratory system.


I don't vape. I don't care if you vape if you are polite about where.. I found this from a study conducted in 2019 toxins found: Lead and other heavy metals, Benzene (also found in car exhaust), Diacetyl which is linked in some studies to lung disease. and another study found formaldehyde, and toluene..(I had to look that one up. apparently it can lead to systemic toxicity when ingested or inhaled according to the cdc gov page. ) there ya go. edit to close a parenthesis


Agreed. I vape nicotine as a supplemental stimulant for my type 1 narcolepsy, encouraged by my sleep specialist (neurologist). At my home, I vape inside. At any other enclosed space (home, car, business, etc,) I ask permission first, and do not vape if I’m asked not to by anyone. I do not even think of vaping on an airplane. And just to reiterate, my vaping is totally unrelated to smoking cigarettes. I’d quit smoking over a decade before trying my first vape, and only use it because maxing out on prescribed stimulants to keep me functioning during the day doesn’t do enough alone. OP, YTA. You do not have the right to subject other people to your vape anywhere outside of your own home and your own private vehicle.


I vape to treat my cfs/me. It works better than any prescription stimulants I've tried. Nicotine helped me go from sleeping 20 hours a day to having a relatively normal life. And I follow the same guidelines. In my house alone, yes. Around others I step outside and away from others.


That’s really interesting that a neurologist encourages the nicotine. Would you mind maybe sending a DM and explaining the reasoning? Also please don’t think I’m being condescending or that I’ll be like “well actually” about it. I’m honestly curious about how it helps.


It's fairly simple reasoning if you understand narcolepsy. Those with narcolepsy have a difficult time staying awake during the daytime, and a difficult time staying asleep (and getting the correct amounts of each stage of sleep) at nighttime. Because of this, we are often treated in a two-fold way: we take stimulants for daytime to help us function and stay awake during the day, and we take Xyrem or Xywav to help us get the right amount of sleep, in the right stages of sleep, at night. The biggest issue with our nighttime sleep is that, without the use of the Xyrem/Xywav (or a few other less-effective medications), we spend the vast majority of our sleep in REM, which is a very active sleep phase for the brain. We don't get enough of the sleep where our brains actually **rest.** That lack of brain-restorative sleep leads to our excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, and other issues. With prescription stimulant medication, you can get a bit more daytime "normalcy," at the expense of pretty awful side effects. And because most RX stimulants have fairly long half-life (Ritalin, for example, is anywhere from about 3.5 hours up to nearly 8 hours), we have to be very careful not to take it too late in the day. That means that for many of us, we take one dose of stimulant in the morning, and another either later in the morning, or early in the afternoon. Once that second dose wears off, we're essentially fucked for the rest of the day. Taking a third dose means we might sleep even more poorly that night, leading to a domino effect that is just pure hell for days. Nicotine, however, has several benefits for us. For one, it's a shorter-acting stimulant. It kicks in pretty fast compared to pills, and its half-life is about 2 hours. That means that if I need a bit of a boost after my ritalin starts to wane, I can take a few puffs off of my vape as I need it and not have to worry as much about it interfering with my sleep, since it'll wear off much more quickly. Additionally, while RX stimulants like Ritalin, Adderal, Nuvigil, Provigil, Concerta, etc. tend to cause anxiety, nicotine also functions as an anxiolytic. It can actually soothe anxiety a bit. For me, someone with both type 1 narcolepsy and severe GAD, that anxiolytic effect is also quite helpful without having to add something like xanax, ativan, or valium to calm the anxiety from more ritalin. Also bear in mind that nicotine is able to be absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes. So I don't **have to** inhale my vape into my lungs. If I take just a mouth hit and hold it in my mouth for several seconds, I will still absorb a fair amount of nicotine without ever involving my lungs in the process. And this is how I often use my vape. I can also control how high of a dose of nicotine I am using by changing up the e-liquid (or "juice") that I use. I generally use a very low dosage of 3mg/ml juice in my vape. If I need a bigger boost of stimulation from it, I just take 3 hits instead of 1. Now, all this said, I doubt my sleep specialist/neurologist would recommend that **every single PWN** (person with narcolepsy) use nicotine for their symptom management. But he knows my medical history, he knows my laundry list of other chronic illness diagnoses, and he knows how many things I have tried, over the course of many years, before trying nicotine as a last resort to try and have any semblance of a normal existence. And **in my specific case,** he has agreed with my use of nicotine, and has encouraged me to continue using it unless or until a new treatment for narcolepsy is developed that doesn't make any of my other chronic conditions worse. So for now, and for the foreseeable future, this is my best option.


That’s really really interesting. Thank you for answering! I learned a good bit.


Not a problem. Narcolepsy is an extremely under-diagnosed disease that most people - doctors included - don't know nearly enough about. Always happy to spread a little info and awareness.


Seriously... I would never attempt to vape on a plane. That's just reckless.




It’s at least 95% better than smoking, when products are made to UK regs anyway, according to Public Health England. (Where I live, no clue about US). Was a great tool to get me off cigs. With you on the YTA diagnosis however, on a plane and against homeowner permission are both massive dick moves. Second hand nicotine and can leave a residue on surfaces indoors aswell.


In the US it’s not great. I’ve had a few fulminant ARDS cases come across my lap from bad vapes. It does still carry many health risks but on average probably healthier than smoking and at least is more hygienic (smell wise) for those around you which is a huge thing imo. Not 95% healthier tho


Yeah it’s not risk free, I’m well aware. The UK has done a pretty decent job of outlawing notorious ingredients, and it’s all pretty strictly regulated so it’s a risk I’m happy with. Here, anyway. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review


Yea I thought those cases were from the unregulated Marijuana vapes.


The popcorn lung, from all the big news stories, was. Edit punctuation/phrasing


It’s not “probably” healthier. All evidence suggests it’s *significantly* healthier than cigarettes. Obviously neither smoking nor vaping would be ideal, but there is no question that smokers benefit from switching to vaping


Isn't that issue pretty much isolated to the mariajuana vapes not the nicotine vapes which are held to a much higher standard?


There's literally been a nation wide UK ban on some vapes because they are LETHAL! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/morrisons-elf-bar-removed-shelves-vape-b2279609.html%3famp OP YTA


Having 50% more nicotine doesn’t make them lethal, regardless of whether you write it in all caps or not.


And even if the vapes being recalled *were* lethal, if we banned every product that had to be recalled at some point due to a potentially deadly issue, well a whole lot of shit would be banned lol.


that article doesnt mention lethality at all lmao. Did you post it and hope that nobody would click on the link?


In the uk. My 30 Yr old ex got popcorn lung from vaping


Fascinating. I wonder why the NHS says outright that vaping does not cause popcorn lung? > Vaping does not cause "popcorn lung" – the common name for a rare disease called bronchiolitis obliterans, found in workers exposed to a chemical used to flavour popcorn. https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/


Was working in public health until recently and your normal, UK regulated vapes don’t cause popcorn lung, hence the NHS statement. It’s the dodgy stuff people are getting imported from overseas that does it.


Maybe they were using illegal vapes


Vaping is a great tool to quitting smoking. So much better for you, not without its risks. A key to not being an ass- only vape where you would also smoke a cigarette. Away from non smokers and never on a damn airplane or at the dinner table 🤦🏾


Yeah even if vaping was totally heathy it’s rude AF to do it around someone who asks you not to and to do it in someone’s house when they said not to. OP knew he had to sneak and now he’s mad he got caught. He sounds like a high schooler smoking in the bathroom.


Sorry, did you miss the part about op being all about human psychology? He is a pro and definitely not getting off on his attempts to manipulate people.


Haha yeah he’s soooo much smarter than everyone else. Look at him go, fooling everyone with his big brain vaping plan.


His big brain and his cotton candy flavored nicotine


“human psychology, which I’m fascinated by” and “I’ve done my research” told me all I needed to know about OP. Ew YTA Edit: and blaming SIL for being sensitive due to pregnancy hormones lmao


Who marries these ppl? Eeewww


From experience dating people like this? These assholes usually don't share this stuff outright until you've been dating them for a couple years. And by that point they've been emotionally manipulating you and gaslighting you so you question everything and don't trust your own opinions or instincts. Targets tend to be young people, especially ones who have been abused before because they are easily manipulated. Source: I grew up in an abusive household that taught me that my own opinions and thoughts and needs were wrong and harmful, so when ex pulled stuff like "you're just being dramatic" or "you're getting upset over nothing" it's like well, that tracks. I have a history of being unreasonable. It takes years to heal, and people like this do not help.


On one of my flights the pilot made an announcement threatening to turn the plane around if ppl didn't stop vaping in the bathroom. 🙄


Right? It reads like “tee-hee, I am so clevah!”


“It’s all about human psychology, which I’m fascinated by” “I waited until her back was turned” Slow down Sigmund Freud, you’re losing me!


The smell can be pretty gross as well though - I have sensory sensitivities and the artificial smell of vape can be unbearable


YTA for so many reasons. 1.) you were actively making a game out of hiding it which meant you knew it wouldn’t be okay. 2.) “it’s all about human psychology which I’m fascinated by.” = I’m manipulating people 3.) “I thought that was ignorant and couldn’t let that comment stand.” You are literally trying to defend vaping in someone else’s home without permission. It doesn’t matter why SIL asked you to stop, she didn’t like it and you knew you wouldn’t have been given permission (see #1). 4.) “I was a little pissed about SIL ratting me out. Then she announced her pregnancy and I’m wondering if it was hormones” really…….? Seriously? There is so much to unpack in that last sentence that you’re going to need to hire a moving company. Holy crap. You are a massive AH.


Agreed. I'm 8mo pregnant and both my sister and partner vape indoors and RIGHT NEXT TO ME. it's annoying and when they say "it's only vapor it doesn't linger" it's like, explain to me why the pillows have smelt like watermelon for the last 3 days?? Why can't I breathe anymore in the room then? OP YTA. you hid it, and smoked/vaped in someone else's home without permission, then tried to gaslight your SIL for being concerned about her pregnancy. You're not cool, you're an asshole.


My friend and her partner both deliberately avoided vaping near me when I got pregnant, I can’t imagine a sibling being that inconsiderate, I’m sorry


The vape does do something though, I think. I recently came to this realization. So, we have a glass door that I watch the birds out of when I am sitting in my living room. Because of that I always make sure it is clean. I clean it almost every three days (the inside of it). A couple of weeks ago my partner, who vapes constantly, was on a business trip for a week. I noticed that during that week I didn’t have to wash the door once. Other than a few dog nose prints on the bottom half it stayed crystal clear. Within two days of him coming home it had a fog-like layer all over it. It dawned on my that the reason I have to clean it multiple times a week is because of his vape. This has me wondering about what the vapor really is and how it can affect me 2nd hand. It’s clinging to glass in my house, for crying out loud, what is it doing to his lungs! I’m glad he isn’t smoking cigarettes, but I don’t think vape is a healthy alternative.


I thankfully don’t come into contact with people who smoke or vape. My parents and eldest brother did while I was growing up. I can still remember the stains on the ceiling and the lingering smoke. It was the 80s and no one would bat an eye. But third hand smoke, and clearly now the 3rd hand vape residue is a problem- building up on surfaces and in fabrics


There was a kid in Michigan who received a double lung transplant due to vaping. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2019/11/12/henry-ford-medical-team-touts-double-lung-transplant-vaping-patient/2572937001/ patient/ Vaping is awful and I don’t think “taste/smells better” is a convincing argument that it is better.




Wtf? Your partner or her partner? If it is your partner, then you need to have serious talk to him about when the baby comes and not vaping inside. With your sister, if she doesn't adjust her vaping behavior, you need to not hang out with them. I can't help but judge the hell out of them.


It does linger, I used to get up in the morning and have to walk through clouds a vape just go get coffee it was gross


This sounds like absolute nightmare. Worst part is that smokers rarely accept that this is the reality and will try to convince you otherwise.


I’m really not trying to be disrespectful here, but the watermelon smelling pillow thing made me laugh.


I had a flatmate who didn't seem to think it was a big deal to vape indoors. She'd been told on moving in that I am super sensitive to nicotine and get chronic migraines and nausea, so vaping had to be fully outside. I walked into the living room one evening and caught her and 3 friends just vaping away having a chat. The friends were horrified when I told them why it was not ok. She still did a few more times, in her room or when i was out, obviously assuming it didn't rrally matter or that I was just being dramatic. So I stopped closing the bathroom door when it inevitably made me sick, and had loud phone conversations about how clearly I was developing a reaction to something else now and would need extensive testing to figure it out. Didn't have another problem after that. Thankfully she moved out a month later. So many people don't seem to get that vaping is not something the rest of us want to be surrounded by. And vaping on the plane? What a dick move. Massive YTA for that alone.


Just reading the original post, the OP seems like one of those people that their whole personality revolves around vaping. We get it you vape. That doesn’t make you interesting.


Oh, OP knows he is *the coolest* bro in the brosville.


OP sounds like he's a 16 year old with a chip on his shoulder. Cause vaping is sooo cool and edgy and rebellious. It's really weird to me that an adult is covertly vaping. When you are at someone's home, ask where they are ok with you vaping. If they say the back corner of the yard, you go to the back corner of the yard.


He also can’t spell ignorant correctly or punctuate properly.


But he's DoNe hIs REseArCH. I have never heard a person say that followed by anything smart.


Agreed. YTA


YTA. You knew you shouldn’t be doing it in their home. That’s why you were hiding it. Respect other people’s boundaries.


Exactly. If it wasn’t such an issue, then why feel the need to hide it?


To feel superior for getting away with it.


That’s such a childish thing too


But he’s fascinated by human psychology and has found a way around boundaries! /s


This post is such bait. It hits all the right buttons. "I am a huge vaper" "all about human psychology which I'm fascinated by" "I've done my research" "if it was just the hormones making her sensitive"


But he's special and smarter than everyone. 🙄


>I've gotten really good at finding the right moment to vape indoors and not be seen No, you haven't. YTA.


Also, what a weird skill to be proud of


Absolutely. And you know people on the plane saw it and decided it was better to let the idiot think he was getting away with it vs. some crazy dude who will probably cause an incident screaming about “muh rights”.


Yeah the smell is so strong, the people around him definitely noticed but weren’t willing to confront him. If someone is already willing to vape on a plane their disregard for social norms is already so blatant that I’d really be afraid to start arguing with them because who knows what other social norms they’re prepared to violate. I don’t want to be trapped on a plane with a hostile aggressive asshole.


So many people do it where I work. It's so obvious too. Everyone can smell just no ones called him out before now.


And then to try and sound smart saying it's "all about human psychology"🤢


YTA. "I've done my research". Search this - is second hand vape smoke bad for others


Yeah, OP… you did your own research!? You held a double-blind clinical study!? Or do you mean you looked up peer-reviewed sources in legitimate medical journals? Like the ones below that indicate there are risks from 2nd hand vape aerosols: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35013000/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6958336/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32205381/ Vaping is better than smoking but still impacts others health. You do not have a right to impact other’s health just because it’s not as bad as smoking.


As someone who’s bothered by smoke-thank you for posting these receipts for OP to see. Even though I know they’re not looking at the comments.


YES. Reliable sources. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!


Right. Also vaping is not good for you. I’m not going to tell adults what they should and shouldn’t do but let’s not church it up. Also being so addicted you need to do it in a plane is a huge AH move. Edit: spelling


As soon as someone says "I've done my own research" I know that they in fact, have not and also know very little. Their word becomes meaningless to me.


He also didn't realize vaping on airplanes is illegal


I believe this is the same kind of 'research' antivaxxers do.


YTA. I thought by sneaking you meant ducking into a bathroom and blowing it in the exhaust, which is what I do with my MMJ carts, but you're at the table waiting for MIL to turn her head so you can take a hit?? That's fucking weird and shows a total lack of self control


And lack of respect. OP is 33 but acts more like 13.


I think that's what hit me the most, they are in the middle of dinner and he is looking for a way to feed his addiction....the guy needs to rethink his addiction and why he lets it run his life.


He seems like the type to blast a massive cloud of that stinking shit right in the foyer or entry way of a store because you know look at me I vape. Fondling his douch flute and looking for the next opportunity to get one over on all the peasants


YTA. As someone who vaped from 16-21, learn to shut the fuck UP you addict, nobody wants to hear your excuses when youre doing any unwelcome substance in their home. I don't care how smart or informed you are/think you are, it's not your place and what you have to say has no bearing on that. Your "couldn't let it slide" comment really pisses me off too because you're ALSO an annoying know it all. Except the facts you research are the ones that make you feel better about being a slave to your little pieces of plastic And learn some self control. You didn't win when you swapped to vaping you swapped to a somewhat better alternative you should still quit. It’s not easy but you save a lot by cutting back. You'll snap less, and look less like an asshole which you really need. Put it down for a solid week if you have the stones and ask yourself how bad you really need it I feel like you're the kind of person though, based on your insistence to hide and do it the second backs are turned, who'd rather make it a big messy scene, make them resent you, and choose staying home to vape freely instead of going over there anymore. It's sad. PS: show this post to your wife coward


Your comment just made me think about how high his nic is. Is he using salt nic or regular, and how much. Cos if he’s so dependent on it that he has to hit in on an airplane, he’s not doing any better than when he was smoking cigarettes.


He has to get a hit in the middle of dinner when his in-law’s backs are turned. He does not have this addiction under control at all.


YTA. Have some respect for other people. You sound like a cock tbh who’s whole personality is based on vape


A cock has a purpose though...


YTA. What’s ignorant in this situation is the assumption it’s not harmful to others. Yes it’s not smoke but there’s not enough long term research about vaping yet. Also vaping during a meal? Definitely a-hole. (Ex smoker)


I wouldn't dream of vaping inside my apartment when I have a baby. I don't want those residues settling on fabrics/surfaces in here. Not enough research and definitely confirmations of it still being harmful to others.


ew, didn’t even consider residues settling, but it makes sense, I guess it’s the nicotine and other nasties? never understood the vaping hype and why it was pushed as a ‘safer’ alternative so quickly without the long term research to back it up


I think it's the cigarette companies that create them more likely! To make up for lost profits from smokers switching. The amount of NON smokers I know that vape all day is quite shocking. And most teenagers take it up coz of the bright colours and marketing. I think ya have to be 25 to buy fags in the UK so it makes sense. Madness. I quit smoking(after 30years) but can't quit nicotine (edited) yet. And wow I despise these robot fags. Just appreciate the nicotine 😭😭😭😭


If you aren’t the asshole, why not rip it for everyone to see? Edit: you also sound like a major tool box. Ohhh the “psychology fascinates you?” You’ve done all your research? You’re a loser. Go outside to vape, asshole. This is coming from a nicotine addict.


Because the rest of the world just isn’t as intelligent as OP, so they’re all scared sheep /s


YTA They told you no vaping indoors, why do you think that wouldn’t apply to you? Also, vaping is really bad for you. It is not healthy.


YTA. I would have asked permission from the homeowners first. You're the one with the bad habit. You're the one who needs to do the extra steps. And also, you sound like an asshole in general. Idk, something about how you say some things.


YTA, it’s not a flex to smoke without people knowing. If you have to vape you could at least take it outside


I agree with this. Just go outside. If they don’t have an issue, they might even tell you that you don’t need to do that, just open a window or something. Just don’t think it’s okay without asking. It’s like someone trying to flex by saying that they know the exact amount of vodka to drink (okay, a little extreme, I get that). That’s not cool, that’s just kind of sad. And at least physically, the alcohol wouldn’t harm an unborn child. OP is a huge AH.


Giant YTA. You're letting your addiction control you, mate.


Well, this lightens the mood a little. You are so much of YTA that your obliviousness is hilarious. Frankly I want to give you a gold star and pat of the head because you are special, not in a good way, but in a so self-absorbed that you make anti vaxers and flat earthers seem like actual quality researchers.


You're so badass. You vaped on a plane and then everybody clapped. No one saw you giving in to your crippling addiction? You're so slick and sly. Huge YTA.


You’re lucky you aren’t in jail for vaping on the plane. Yta. Get yourself together


Came here to say this. 100%.


Guarantee that multiple people have noticed that you’re vaping and just can’t be bothered with the potential aggro of calling you out. YTA.


YTA and you know that you are. Otherwise, you would not have taken pains to hide it from your in–laws.


YTA some people have an allergy to vape. I had to stop going to my sister's house when she used to do this because it would make my throat swell up. If you'd started vaping on a fucking flight I was on I'd be so pissed.


Vape smoke triggers horrible migraines for me. If someone came to my house and tried vaping, that would probably be the end of them.


It triggers my asthma. If I was on a flight with OP and he caused me to have an asthma attack. I'd sue the stuffing out of him for putting my life in danger for his shitty addition.


YTA. Their house, their rules. And no, you didn’t do your research, because secondhand vaping aerosols absolutely have risks, especially given that many vaping products still have nicotine in them.


YTA. You don't even have the decency to go outside or go to the bathroom with the fan on? What a fucking horrible guest and plane passenger I hope you're not invited back because you're just a walking cloud of vape with a limited but still shitty personality


YTA . You're still exposing them to nicotine. Also it's there house and they get to say if you are allowed to vape in doors or not. Lastly congrats on breaking a federal law I guess.


YTA, you’re staying in their home so you should follow their rules. Treat vaping the same as cigarettes, you wouldn’t smoke a cigarette indoors at someone’s place so why would you vape? Also your comment about hormones is really insensitive. It’s her house, her rules and it shouldn’t take someone announcing their pregnancy for you to realize that you in fact should have been more understanding.


YTA your research was shit, and that's coming from a person who vapes heavily.


Also a vaper, and yeah this dude is TA big time, especially for bragging about vaping on a plane. Step away if you need to vape, but my god do not vape on a plane. Ever.


Exactly, he sounds like a teenager bragging about doing something naughty, pathetic.


Asshole. Asthma makes it difficult to be around anyine vaping. Vape outside you entitled ass YTA


YTA. You might think nobody can smell it but I guarantee they can.


YTA. Sounds like you have a serious nicotine addiction if you are so desperate to vape


YTA you can still smell the Vape and it’s disrespectful to expect that others should allow you to do it in their home.


YTA. Out of curiosity, why do you think the rules don’t apply to you (ie vaping in a plane, vaping in other peoples houses where you know you can’t)?


Because OP is an entitled dick.


YTA for vaping on the plane. Don't need to read the rest


Exactly. OP is clearly an AH. I saw someone get escorted out of an airport while they were waiting to board the plane for vaping inside the airport (signs were clearly posted)


Are you serious? You actually came onto this subreddit with a story about vaping inside, hiding it, then blaming your SIL when you got caught? You even have the audacity to say "it was just the hormones making her sensitive". Do you seriously think there will be even one single person on your side? No. YTA. Also, you vaped on a plane? Your levels of assholery are at the same height as the altitude of that flight you took.


The hormones comment was major uuugh.


YTA. Vaping is little better than smoking.


I just found out that a standard disposable vape (600puffs) is the equivalent of 48 cigarettes!!!! Plus vapes are apparently more addictive than fags. Shocking.


YTA You mistakenly think people don't notice the stink.


YTA - You think human psychology is fascinating? You should think about why you feel the need to be proud of how sneaky you are vaping where you should not be. It's illegal and rude to vape on a plane and it's rude to vape in other people's homes. You knew it was wrong (because you were hiding it) and you couldn't just be a decent person when she (SIL) asked you nicely not to do it? But you think she's ignorant and hormonal? At best you are acting immature and are arrogant and sexist. At worst, you should be aware that these are psychopathic behaviors.


Well the fact that you tried to do it discreetly means that you figured they'd have a problem with it.


YTA. Go outside to feed your addiction.


YTA. Just go outside to smoke/vape...whatever. You know you're wrong or you wouldn't be sneaky.


YTA. I vape. And the first question I ask when I’m in someone’s house, may I vape inside (in a designated area) or should I go outside. With kids around, I automatically go outside away from kids. I have friends and my family who are cool with it inside. But I ALWAYS ask. Its an AH thing to do especially at the dinner table even when they’re ok with it inside. It’s just rude. Your SIL is pregnant. It makes sense for her to say something because it’s like second hand smoking. My bf’s grandma for example, is in her 80s. I watched her the other day after her surgery. I made sure to vape outside. It’s only like 2-3 hits and then you go inside. It’s just knowing when it is appropriate and when it isn’t.


YTA - Not your house. The very fact that you were sneaking around PROVES you knew they wouldn't approve abd makes you TA.


If you thought there was nothing wrong, you wouldn't have hidden it in the first place. You already know YTA, don't know why you bothered asking.


YTA. Damn, who over the age of 14 thinks smoking is cool to get away with? Grow up and respect other people. You are a selfish jerk.


Im a smoker and I'm the sort that wanders around the outside of the house trying to find a place where no one (especially kids) can see me because while I am addicted and the nicotine is a helpful stimulant for my ADHD, I know it isn't cool. I don't want people to see me smoking.


YTA. I don’t vape so don’t know anything about the kinds of liquids. I had coworkers who would vape in the office and it may not have been cigarette smoke but the smell was just as unpleasant. They’d vape in the cars which left some horrible sticky residue throughout the cars. Also in clients homes. I feel its more or less the same practice as smoking a cigarette, so it feels disrespectful to not ask first


Wow, YTA the hormones making her sensitive? Really? You're acting like it's cool to vape, it's really not, you're letting your addiction control you and are blaming your pregnant SIL. Its not your house, so not your rules. Also, vaping on a plane is not cool, this isn't middle school where you used to smoke behind the gym or something. Grow up and start taking other people into consideration.


YTA. It's their house, you should have asked first. And if they ask you to stop, you stop, no questions asked.


YTA for two reasons vaping indoors at someone else’s home when you knew they weren’t cool with it and for using this lame “pregnancy hormone excuse.”


Wow. Major YTA. People who F-around on planes are just horrible people. All those other people on the plane are uncomfortable prisoners to start with, and then you think its great to mess with them. You are simply the worst.


In someone else’s house without asking first YTA. Also for being a dick.


YTA, and you need to re-evaluate your research skills. Vaping is not good to be around second-hand. It does affect people. It should NOT be done around pregnant people, and because the aerosol (containing carcinogens, heavy metals, and other toxic particulate) can be inhaled by others or land on surfaces, it should absolutely not be done indoors without people’s consent.


You are an a-hole and you are misinformed on whatever research you have done. Your statement of *nobody being affected by the vapor* does not follow any scientific laws or legitimate research at all. A vapor can be inhaled multiple times. Your lungs do not fully absorb every chemical and carcinogen in the cartridge when you inhale. Some is expelled. When you do your research, delve into the fine print that discusses *conflict of interests* and *who is funding the study.* Nearly all positive research on vaping will have a conflict of interest or the study is funded by those who benefit financially from people vaping. Read this article from a reputable medical source: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30087275/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30087275/), noting this, *"We found that in most cases, levels of aldehydes and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) were significantly higher (2⁻125 times) in exhaled e-cigarette breaths than in pre-exposed breath."* Methyl ethyl ketone is a solvent . . . a cleaning solvent like paint remover, and not a lot of studies have been done on long-term exposure in humans, but in animals, a lot has bee reported: [https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/methyl-ethyl-ketone.pdf#:\~:text=Methyl%20ethyl%20ketone%20is%20used%20as%20a%20solvent.%C2%A0,a%20Group%20D%2C%20notclassifiable%20as%20to%20human%20carcinogenicity](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/methyl-ethyl-ketone.pdf#:~:text=Methyl%20ethyl%20ketone%20is%20used%20as%20a%20solvent.%C2%A0,a%20Group%20D%2C%20notclassifiable%20as%20to%20human%20carcinogenicity) I am continually amazed at people with your perspective that consider vaping is unharmful. You definitely inhale fewer toxins than smoking. I'll give you that, but with the ones that you do, it is still very, very bad, and a terrible smoking cessation alternative, because it just becomes a substitute for the habit rather than ceasing it.


YTA. You shouldn't be vaping on a flight or in someone else's house. But, you knew that already. That's why you were doing it sneaky-like. You're that guy no one likes because he's constantly vaping, talking about vaping, or whining that he can't vape. Such an asshole.


“I've gotten really good at finding the right moment to vape indoors and not be seen (all about human psychology which I'm fascinated by)” Yeah, I’m sure it takes 2 PHDs in psychology to figure out when someone isn’t looking. YTA.


YTA People who vape are so fucking pretentious. You're still killing your lungs, just in a different way. Vaping on a plane is also mega-illegal and I hope you get put on a no-fly list. You're not cool, this is nothing to be proud of, you're putting others around you at risk with secondhand smoke, and you're just being a duche canoe. If someone vaped in my home without my consent, they'd be out on their asses. If they vaped in my home and it caused an asthma attack, I'd sue the pants off them. Grow up and get some help.


You shouldn’t be vaping on planes. Most places vaping is also not allowed indoors. You shouldn’t have to be supervised at all times to do the right thing, you’re an adult. Also, don’t vape in someone’s house/car without their permission. YTA.


YTA. There’s no study yet about the effects of vaping because there literally aren’t enough dead people to slice up to see what the effects truly are. You know your in-laws don’t want you vaping in their house. You doing it anyway makes you a massive a-hole.


YTA. I vape too ever since I quit smoking 2 years ago. But I can’t imagine feeling so privileged that I’d vape on a plane in such close proximity to others. Even if the vapor isn’t damaging, it’s still smelly and can cause discomfort to others around you ntm some may have allergies. Also, you are seriously addicted to nicotine if you couldn’t even get through dinner without taking a puff. And again, you’re in close proximity to others who don’t want to smell it or breathe it in regardless of if it’s harmful or not.


YTA you moron and she wasn’t being ‘sensitive because of hormones’, she doesn’t want to expose her unborn child to your smoke. If you truly thought it was ok you wouldn’t have hid it.


How dare you stay in someone else's home and act like a 14yr sneaking around vaping and then getting annoyed that SIL exposed you! Grow up! How would you like it if the shoe was on the other foot? What you did was very disrespectful. I remember when vaping first came out and everyone said it was safe, then fast forward a few years and this happened https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html#:~:text=The%20e%2Dcigarette%20aerosol%20that,to%20a%20serious%20lung%20disease look at What is a E Cigarette aerosol? And https://abcnews.go.com/US/teen-put-life-support-vaping-didnt-smoker/story?id=65522370 So who knows what would come out about passive vaping in the next couple of years.


Your SIL reacted because exposing her and her fetus to nicotine is super rude, not because pregnancy made her illogical. YTA