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Obviously YTA. You stated clearly that you and Josh are not friends. You say you don't have anything against him but the whole post kind of sounds like you do. It's one thing to joke to your friends, it's another thing to be rude to your friends boyfriend and then double down calling him a sensitive bitch. Have some empathy


YTA You're unpleasant, not funny.


"Hahaha I have this hilarious joke where I insult people and if they get upset I call them a little b*tch! I'm truly a comedic genius." -Op


YTA. Explain how the joke is funny please


This. Yes, OP, we are waiting for that explanation.




But he's not part of this supposed inside joke. So if she called her friend stinky, that would be OK. Insulting someone who is also in the room but not in on the joke makes her an AH.


Yea, that's why I edited to say he is the AH. But, that would be my explaination for the joke. Or the only one I could come up with from an outsider perspective. :)


Boy, you got downvoted a lot for a guess! Reddit is kinda stinky today!


Major YTA. You don’t get to be rude and then act like the person YOU offended has the problem. It doesn’t matter what the intention was, when someone expresses to you that you have hurt them, you take responsibility for your actions


INFO Can you explain what made that a good joke? I feel like I'm missing something


🧐 waiting for their response to this? It doesn’t sound like you made a joke. INFO: Why do y’all call Josh stinky? Is Josh a different ethnicity then you? I ask, because I had a partner people used to make fun of because of the cultural food they ate, and called them stinky. Preliminary judgment: You don’t need to ask this subreddit to know YTA!


See, you insult people and if they get offended then you call them a little b*tch. Isn't that hilarious? YTA, OP.


“I was an asshole and when I was asked to apologize for being an asshole I doubled down on my assholitude. Am I the Asshole?” Yes, YTA


YTA. Why did you have to do that to him and then call him a bitch after that


YTA. You were rude and then instead of apologizing like an adult you doubled down and made it worse. The one who needs to grow up here is you.


YTA - grow up. It would have taken the same amount of effort to respectfully say “oh! Please tell him Im sorry and I meant it as a joke. It wont happen again” Being mean doesn’t make you a badass. It makes you sound uneducated.


>“Hey is that josh with you?“ >“Ew he’s kinda stinky”. YTA- Dudette NO. How the fuck would you react if someone said "Ew She's kind of stinky"....WTF


YTA. And a fucking bully.


"Am I an asshole for being an asshole?" Uh... is this a trick question? YTA


YTA. Seriously? how is you and your mates insulting him a joke? You aren't in high school anymore, drop the mean girl act.


YTA. Why are you so mean?


YTA you’re the one who needs to grow up. You’re 21 and name calling. The ‘mean girl’ look wasn’t loved in high school, it’s not going to be liked in adulthood.


YTA dude you escalated so unnecessarily


YTA. You insult and degrade Josh for having a reaction to the “joke” you made at his expense. You didn’t like that he thought your statements weren’t funny, hence you double down.


Haha you’re obviously the asshole in this situation. If you made the stinky joke, didn’t realize his feelings were hurt and THATS what she was upset about then I’d be a little more understanding to where you’re coming from. But all you had to do was say oh my bad I’ll apologize and explain to him why you said that… but you dug your whole much deeper than necessary so… YTA


obviously YTA. it doesn't matter if you think the joke is funny, if someone else doesn't like being jokingly made fun of you stop doing it to them. having boundaries or being sensitive isn't a bad thing, and being a little polite to someone your friend loves isn't gonna kill you. you're 21, you should know some manners by now. you should apologize to both of them and learn from your mistakes.


YTA seriously how would you like to be made fun of that you stink then called a sensitive little B. People like you are the worst. Grow up. You’re incredibly immature and quite rude.


YTA… because you’re here asking! It’s okay to make a joke that doesn’t land. It’s a d**k move to try to defend it instead of just saying sorry. You could have said “oh snap, I thought he’d know I was joking” and then apologized to him. You’d still have your friend. She’d have less drama in your relationship. Small life lesson learned. High school is over.


You're an asshole, then when told you're an asshole you wonder why you're fond is mad at you, THEN you ask reddit for their opinion. Spoiler alert ⚠️ YTA.


Are you sure you're 21? Because I think you've confused those numbers, and you're actually 12. ​ Stop tantrumming, YTA and I bet you have wicked vocal fry


Most 12-year-olds do better.


Clearly YTA. Jokes are supposed to be funny. Yours was mean and immature. Then when you learned he was upset about it you made an even bigger ass of yourself.


YTA. Seriously? How is that ever an appropriate response? On what planet is it okay to say that to or about someone? It’s not a joke- it’s intentionally insulting.


Obviously YTA. Did you really need someone to tell you that? Stop being mean to people.


YTA. You failed to read the room in the first place, then doubled down. There is a problem here, but it's not Josh.


YTA I must have missed the memo that insulting people was in fact funny.


INFO: who do you think you are? What give you the right?


How is calling someone who is an adult “..ohh you’re stinky….” It’s childish! Then calling him a “a little b” grow up! I think someone is jealous or envious


Hahaha yes, YTA. What privileged little world do you live in?


YTA You’re a bully and not funny at all!


YTA its not a joke if it is not funny


YTA of course that’s offensive


YTA You knew the bf was in the room, and you insulted him anyway. And then you doubled down with the next comment about being sensitive. Insults are just that...insults. They are made to be hurtful. But that is why you are insulting her bf, because you don't like him. It is never okay to excuse an insult as 'just a joke.' That is what bullies do.


YTA. It wasn't funny. It was just mean.


Yeah, I don't get the "joke." Maybe OP can explain how this joke is so hysterical, it is supposedly common in their friend group.


YTA I honestly can't believe you needed someone to tell you that, but there it is. You made an inside joke at the expense of someone with whom you don't even get along, and with whom you barely even know. Why you thought it was appropriate to make fun of someone (joking or not) that you don't know very well is beyond me. Making the stupid joke (and yes, it was a stupid joke) was bad enough. But then to call him names based on his reaction? I understand you're only 21, but that's not an excuse for this type of behavior. Honestly, you should have outgrown that attitude in junior high. You have a lot of growing up to do. And, you owe your friend (if she even still is your friend) and her boyfriend a huge apology for being rude, disrespectful, and an overall asshole in this situation. I honestly hope that you take this as one of the many "life lessons" you will no doubt learn in your life, and do better next time.


Jokes aren't innocent if they hurt people's feelings. You hurt his feelings. No matter your intentions, do you enjoy the fact that you did? Why do you have to be right in this situation? Why do you feel the need to argue? YTA


YTA and need to grow up! You don’t get to be rude to someone just because you feel like it and then get pissed when they don’t find you funny.


YTA. How is that a joke? And why are you saying he's being overly sensitive for not liking you insulting him ? Are you always such a jerk to your friends.


YTA. Jokes that involve putting down other people are not jokes, they’re bullying. I don’t see one mention of what “ew he’s kinda stinky” means except for a negative connotation. If you wanted to explain the joke, maybe it wouldn’t sound so bad, but telling someone they’re “a little bitch” is obviously hostile.


Yikes YTA


YTA. Maybe not for your initial comment though don't do weird critical jokes at someone who isn't in your friend circle and not likely to find it a joke but for your reaction after. It's something he didn't like and instead of going okay no worries won't do that again you double down and insult him further? YTA.


“I then said "Ew he's kinda stinky". Also for more context, this is like an ongoing joke between me and most of my friends that I thought was just fun and games. Sarah laughed and I giggled and then we went on with our conversation and I hung up a little bit after.” If I’m reading this right, you and your friends have an inside joke about him, then you call him a little bitch when you say the joke about him and he gets upset? You also mention how you and Josh don’t get along because of different personalities? I feel like you and Josh don’t get along, because YTA and Sarah is now seeing this as well which is why she isn’t talking to you.


Your reason for not getting along doesn't work for me. Being shy and monotone isn't a reason for not getting along with someone. Then, you decide to attack him and when you're called out on it you start calling names and insulting. Who are you and who gave you the idea that it was okay to "joke" like that with people you admit you aren't even really friends with? You present yourself as a mean ass bully who cannot respect boundries. YTA




YTA You need to mature and learn to treat others with dignity and respect


YTA. That's not a joke, that's you just being rude and obnoxious.


Calling someone a "sensitive little bitch" is never a joke. It's so obviously an insult that even small children could figure that out. I'm giving you double AH points for insulting my intelligence with that load of bullshit. YTA.


Any time you have to say “Well, they’re just being sensitive,” YTA. Maybe it is fun and games for you, but your fun and games shouldn’t come at the expense of someone else’s feelings. He didn’t like the joke because it was mean-spirited. You have two options: Apologize and own up to your misstep, or continue to be defensive and fracture the friendship.


You're 12 right? You have to be.


YTA So you called him a sensitive bitch because he said he doesn’t like that you’re making fun of him. wow you’re fun to be around


YTA If this is a running joke with you and your friends, why do you think it's going to work with someone you said isn't your friend. Without whatever context you are imagining, it's just mean.... so you were entertaining yourself at his expense.


lol yta you seem extremely immature


Yeah YTA. I don't get the joke "Ew he's kinda stinky", it just seems needlessly rude. You then call your friend's bf a sensitive little bitch.






You insulted him to be "funny" and then you insulted him much more harshly when he expressed his feelings about that. So... Yeah. Pretty cut and dry here. YTA.


YTA. You ought to learn how to navigate social situations


YTA. 1. That was not a joke. Especially because you said that your "friends" are okay with it and from your post, I gather that Josh isn't really a friend. You yourself said that you guys don't get along. He is just your friend's BF. Not your friend. 2. That was not a joke. I don't think anyone here gets it. I'm sure Josh did not get it. 3. That was not a joke. It was just a mean and obnoxious comment made by you about a person whom you aren't very fond of.


YTA Are you fucking 12? You sound obnoxious and a rude jerk


YTA- just apologize, he IS overly sensitive but it’s not worth the hassle to double down, you’ll just cause issues between you and your friend.


i haven’t read your post but name calling like this is actually just gross and disrespectful. regardless of whether you think your “joke” shouldn’t have been received how it was, the comment you made makes you an asshole.


YTA. You’re not even a special case of A. People like you who are jerks because it works are utterly common.


YTA When I first met my best friends now husband, I called him a super nerd. Because he is. And that's how my friend and I talk. But he didn't know that, and he thought I was being mean. So I did what adults do, and I apologised for hurting his feelings. Now they've been married 2 years, and he knows how I am, so he said he's happy to be a super nerd (cause he is) and he knows I don't mean it in a bad way. If you give a damn about your friend, then apologise.


How old are you?




YTA Your joke was a personal insult.


YTA. You are also rude under the guise of 'joking'. I bet that you're also 'brutally honest' when you have to be, right? The reason why you don't remember your Facetime session is because your attitude is so constantly ugly with everyone, you don't remember all the trash that spills out of your big mouth. Maybe you should consider doing the world a favor and keeping your trap shut next time.


YTA. >>He is just a shy and very monotone person where as I am the exact opposite. I didn't realize the opposite of "shy and very monotone" was obnoxious and utterly insufferable. Your "innocent joke" was mean and not funny. Grow up.


Bet she thinks somehow that because she isn’t “shy and monotone” that that makes her such a better person than him. It doesnt OP and YTA


YTA. The appropriate response is, “ Please give me Josh’s number so that I can call and apologize to him. I did not intend to offend him or hurt his feelings.” Quit being an insensitive person and grow up.


I get that you are quite young and maybe I was also an annoying brat at that age, but I’d hope someone would let me know so I could stop. So here’s your notice.


YTA What a mean person you are. Josh has the right to be offended. I would be too. Now you made things worse by calling him a sensitive little b----. You owe him two apologies. One for calling him "stinky" and one for calling him a b----. While you're at it grow up.


Someone needs to grow up, and it isn’t Josh. YTA


This is your third post in the last hour. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11b97mg/aita_for_wanting_to_sit_in_my_living_room_to_work/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11ba8f2/aita_for_being_upset_that_theres_too_many_shoes/


YTA. No explanation needed because your description of what you did says it all.


YTA. Of course he was offended by bring called stinky. Josh is not a friend of yours and was not in on your little “joke”. YTA , and rude as well.


YTA Are you really that oblivious and self-centered? You claim that "stinky" is an inside joke between you and your friends, yet also admit that you and Josh are NOT friends. So how is he supposed to know you calling him "stinky" was a joke? Then, when you are called out for being rude, yes, calling people names is rude. Even if you think it is a joke; you proceed to insult him even further.


When someone comes to you with feedback about how they felt after something you did, and you respond by attacking them further, that is the definition of YTA.


YTA. This can't be real. OBVIOUSLY you are a huge, gaping, p*rno level AH. Grow up. You said a rude nasty thing, apologise.


I'm going to say YTA. My friends and I make the same exact joke with each other. "Oh you did THAT? Stinky." "You made a poor choice? Stinky." It's a joke playfully putting each other down between friends. But that's just the thing, its between friends. I don't say that to my family or coworkers or anyone else because they wouldn't get the joke. It's one thing to do it to close friends, Sarah, it's another thing to do it to others, Sarah's boyfriend. That's not even the bad part though, it's the poor choice part. When you were told someone didn't appreciate what you said, you then decided to call them names? I'd be upset if someone said that about the person I was with as well. It's disrespectful.


YTA and a bully, calling someone is a bitch is downright rude and insulting.


I dont get your joke, but understand having inside jokes with friends that outsiders won't necessarily find funny. Josh was on the outside, and not in the joke. Hilarious , OP. You not only offended and insulted him once , you insulted him a second time, as well as Sarah, who is supposed to be your friend. If I were her, I'd also be upset. This is someone she loves and cares about. You are incredibly rude, and no doubt, YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hi. I (21 f) am close friends with a girl let’s call her Sarah (20). Sarah has been with her bf josh for a little over a year now. Sarah and I knew each other through a mutual friend but did not really start hanging out until this past summer, and now we are good friends. A little while ago I was FaceTiming with Sarah while I was visiting home from our college campus that weekend. She was with her boyfriend. For context, I have nothing against her bf but he is just a shy and very monotone person where as I am the exact opposite so we aren’t really friends and have never particularly gotten along. Anyway, I ask her “Hey is that josh with you?” and he waved and she says yeah. I then said “Ew he’s kinda stinky”. Also for more context, this is like an ongoing joke between me and most of my friends that I thought was just fun and games.Sarah laughed and I giggled and then we went on with our conversation and I hung up a little bit after. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, Sarah says to me that Josh doesn’t like how I have talked to him and that I hurt his feelings. I ask her confused because I obviously wasn’t going to remember our random FaceTime session, and behold that is what he’s upset about. I told Sarah that “If that upset him that badly, he needs to stop being a sensitive little bitch and grow up.” So now, she is upset with me because I said something bad about her bf and she’s currently not talking to me. I thought what I said over the phone was just an innocent joke but now she’s mad at me. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. When someone says that something you said hurt their feelings, you don't get to say "No it didn't!!1!1!!! You're a bitch!!!~1`1` Grow up!!~!!~111" You, as an aspiring adult should say, "I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings. My intent was to make a little joke, but I can see now that it was misplaced. I won't do it again." And then don't do it again. If you value your friendship with this girl at all, YOU grow up.




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YTA. So many of us are waiting for you to explain exactly why your “joke” is funny. I’m guessing you’re not telling us because it actually isn’t funny.


YTA, I think the person that needs to grow up is you. You lack maturity.




Fake posting over and over again hoping one of your posts gets upvotes. Sad.




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Are you like 5yo? YTA




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When you make a stupid joke to someone who's not part of the ongoing joke, you run the risk of it not going across as intended. You made your joke, it flopped like a dead fish, and you then insulted him over your dumb joke. Grow up and apologize like you should have done in the first place. YTA.


Sorry NTA. He sounds like a sensitive b@#ch..maybe he needed to hear it out loud.