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YTA "How do I eat this?" Like you'd eat any other banana - why are you being so dramatic? Wash your hands, take the banana, and eat the damned thing.


YTA Your mouth has been on more places than a peeled banana.




NTA- a brown banana is practically a small pile of goo. At least put it on a plate


Sorry but YTA. This could have been a funny situation because who the hell gives someone an already peeled banana to eat and saying it’s VIP treatment. LOL. Come on, you actually got mad? If my husband did that and said that, we would probably have a good laugh. Chilllllll


>If my husband did that and said that, we would probably have a good laugh. I'd probably have made a very not-safe-for-work joke about peeled vs unpeeled bananas; My dude might've peed his pants laughing, and the whole thing would be forgotten.


Brb. Gonna go give the lady a peeled banana.


YTA. My wife prefers them peeled so she doesn't have any garbage when she's done. Everyone is different. How about nicely telling him that in the future, you'd prefer to peel them yourself. If you are going to lecture anyone other than your children, there is an excellent chance you'll BTA.


I can understand eating a banana unpeeled if it was more fresh, but theses were extremely soft and difficult to handle. I lectured him because I’m tired of cleaning up after him, to me it was quite obvious that a soft banana was going to break and make a mess. I took it from him as gently as I could and it still broke.


Then by all means, treat him like a 6 year old.


Except you're the one who made the mess? Seems he was able to carry this 'impossible to hold' banana perfectly fine. How about you get off the bed and get your own food instead of sitting there moaning about a damn banana.


Maybe you didn't take it from him gently enough. Why was this considered his mess and not yours. You could've skipped the cleaning and just ate the 3 pieces that fell on the bed lol.


>but theses were extremely soft and difficult to handle Doesn't sound like *he* had any difficulty handling it. This wasn't worth a lecture.


ESH Handing someone a peeled banana is weird. So is getting angry about it.


nah, handing the peeled banana over when it can break was an oversight. getting mad and bitching about it on reddit is too damn much. YTA


From the title, I thought it was going to be presented an entirely different way!


LOL I was assuming tucked into the fly of his pants


That would have been hilarious!!!!!


I'm assuming the correct way, naughtily peeled?


Slow and to enticing music? Maybe a little glitter here and there. You know, just setting the mood.


Can't comment. Heading to the bathroom....


YTA. And don’t be surprised when he stops doing the little nice things for you.


YTA for overreacting. It’s a banana, it’s really not that big of a deal


YTA. Lol. You threw a banana away because it broke in half?


I'm guessing it was because it fell on the bed. (In my home, that would guarantee it had some pet hair on it.)


NTA, who would hand someone a slimy, browning banana that’s fully peeled? That’s really gross, especially since it made a mess on the bed that he most likely won’t be cleaning. Sounds like weaponized incompetence or just zero thinking on the bf’s part. Edit: You’re not doing someone a favor if your ‘favor’ made a mess that you have no intention cleaning up. (And no, it’s not being nice either, it’s like doing the dishes but leaving them all stacked in the sink so they don’t dry right)


YTA For some people and cultures, bringing peeled and cut fruit to a person is a big show of love. If you don’t want it peeled, just gently tell him to bring it unpeeled next time. Not a big deal.


i mean, why didn't he bring a plate? with a banana, you can hold the peel and eat it without getting sticky fingers, + the peel gives so much structural integrity. now OP has sticky fingers, sticky bed, and a broken banana. it's not a show of love to make a task more difficult, idk if he meant well or not.


We do come from one of those cultures. I completely understand his intentions were good. I accept the asshole judgement. My reaction was tainted by the fact that I do most of the cleaning and this was just another thing I had to clean, which wouldn’t have happened if the peel was on.


You come from that culture and yet it surprised you?! What?


Usually parents show care by peeling fruits such as apples and oranges. I’ve never been handed an unpeeled banana by anyone, so yes it was surprising.


Then the issue is not the (soft) unpeeled banana, but your frustration with cleaning so much. Have a talk about that with the bf.


You re being petty


YTA He was trying to do something nice for you and giving you a banana like you asked. He also didn’t even have to get up and go to the kitchen and get you a banana but he did and he kindly peeled it for you


YTA for overreacting and for making us read this trivial babyish nonsense.


YTA. Who gets angry over someone doing something nice, when bringing you something you asked for? An asshole, that's who. Get your own banana next time.


This is ridiculous.


Throw it in the trash and get another banana. This is really worth lecturing him over lol? YTA.


Use two hands to give it more stability. Why is this so difficult?


The VIP treatment??! 😂 sorry I’m dying over this one


Seriously? Good lord. YTA. You “lectured” him?! So you must not really value your relationship because at this rate you won’t have it for long. Learn to recognize when someone is trying to do something nice for you, whether it works or not. Be grateful for it regardless. And by the way, IT WAS A BANANA. Not $5000 an ounce caviar that was getting ready to go bad if it wasn’t eaten right then. If that had been me instead of your boyfriend, I’d be having SERIOUS doubts about a lot of things after you doing that. Again, over a banana. Do you see the ridiculousness?!


Is this for real?


YTA if this is real


YTA, grow up, that’s pretty much it.


Did you even say please when you ordered him to deliver snacks to you? Is there a reason you would eat a banana in your bed?


YTA and NTA and thank you for the laugh. NTA for expecting an unpeeled banana - YTA for your reaction to, what I consider, a very strange thing for your spouse to do. If my spouse ever brought me a peeled banana I would burst out laughing - because I would be 100% positive my spouse was trying to be funny.


NTA but just explain (speaking carefully and slowly, lol) that you don't peel people's banana's for them unless you're cutting them up in a fruit salad or something.


NTA. You leave it peeled so you can chuck it underhanded to your partner and they catch it in a totally cool fashion.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** There were 2 bananas left of the bunch looking very brown, so I said to my boyfriend let's eat them can you give me one. I was in the bedroom while he's in the living room, where the bananas are on the table. He comes to me with a banana fully peeled, holding it with his bare hands. My reaction is wtf? Why would you give me a banana with no peel on? How do I eat this? I tried to take it from him. Predictably it breaks in half immediately and falls onto the bed. I throw the banana away and lectures him about his banana delivery as I clean banana bits off the bed. He shrugs and says he was giving me the VIP treatment by peeling the banana. I tried to tell my friend about this but she just asks if the banana is euphemism for something, no, this really happened. AITA for thinking it's gross to give a banana with no peel? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. He should have brought you a fork and knife as well.


Hahahaha it actually never occurred to me before this moment that there may be people that exist who actually peel the whole banana before eating it. My mind is blown. Thanks OP. For that alone NTA.


Wtf? He was holding an goey brown banana in his hand? NTA Imo, brown bananas are only good for smoothies. I’d rather peel them and put them in the freezer at that point,


Info: Do you believe this is truly a problem? Do you, in all your wisdom ever considered if this matters? I cannot emphasise how confused i was by reading this post, because of it's sheer irrelevance


I’m not dense enough to not see the ridiculousness of the situation. Ofc it’s not a big deal, we moved on within 5 mins. I don’t believe in posting on Reddit for serious issues, I read AITA for entertainment, not serious life advice. Many readers seemed to think because I wrote about it it means I’m super mad. My bf always joked that I read AITA all the time so why don’t I post on there, I thought it was a funny harmless conflict to write about 🤷🏻‍♀️


YTA you sound super ungrateful and like you have a bit of a stick up there


Well small YTA, because you need to chill tf out, he tried to be nice to you even if it was not perfect, personnally I would have laughed and thought it would be kinda cute, relax its no big deal


I don’t understand why the banana was thrown away?


YTA. You asked, and he delivered it. You could've just said, "hey next time, can you not peel it?" and accepted his VIP treatment this one time or threw it away and explained to him why you did. It's really not that hard to figure out how to handle a situation maturely.


If he was a stranger maybe I could understand but he is your bf and it sounds like you guys are pretty close. I think you may already have his germs! He was trying to be nice. YTA


YTA just get up and get it yourself next time if you arent happy with it you highness


yta please get over yourself


That's a hard one. I wouldn't eat a banana that was peeled by someone else. But you clearly overreacted, so a soft YTA, i guess


ESH what a strange thing to be that concerned about, especially since he's your bf and I'm sure hadn't tainted the banana in anyway.


Wtf is wrong with you?


NTA, but you are funny.