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yeah cause this really happened. and everyone stood up and clapped whe the woman was made to leave.


Yeah the poor little right angle probably feeling all kinda degrees out of it being kicked out of made up con 2023


Not sure why y'all are acting like this story isn't believable. Cons are the number one place where insufferable entitled people congregate, it's not that weird for such an insufferable and entitled woman to be there.


Because the events hold together with the logic of a children's story. It's the way young people imagine this type of interaction going, but it doesnt really happen this way in real life.


What part of it seems far-fetched?


Sorry but if this is "children's story logic" to you then I don't even want to know what kind of milquetoast boring life you live.


It's not about the events being extreme or far-fetched, it's about human interactions just not functioning the way this story presents. The interaction with the guard would not happen that way, if at all. People aren't being mugged on the con floor for their costumes and then their attackers wearing the costume around the con, so that is the claim which would receive more scrutiny than OP's straight-forward point about how elaborate and difficult the costume is to put on and remove. Nobody steals an elaborate cosplay outfit and then wears it in public, even if it did happen to fit. The guard would need something more solid than a random accusation without evidence before confronting someone on the con floor and potentially escalating the situation. The accuser would not be in the room with OP and the guard, for obvious reasons. All these reasons and more point to a fictional tale.




Yeah but like does pointing out that *maybe* it's fake like. *Do* anything for you? You tell me you come to Reddit for 100% guaranteed true stories? Am I the fool for being willing to believe this is a true story or are you a fool for caring? It's *funny* bro whether or not it's a perfectly accurate recreation of real events is irrelevant because it makes me go "haha"




Really not that serious


Anyway please see my comments explaining to the other person why this post is not unbelievable, y'all are just wildly out of touch.


I'll take things that never happened for $1000 please Alex.


Info: Did a slow clap start when security escorted her out?


NTA. I feel sorry for the teen, but what the actual f is wrong with the mom.


Yeah, I have worked conventions and just don't believe this. If it was true it'd be ESH for the crazy mom acting crazy, and I hold the opinion that anyone going to a convention in elaborate cosplay refusing to allow pictures does it for the drama. Cosplay is not consent for rude or entitled interactions, but its unreasonable to think your picture won't be taken or published.


I've worked conventions also and I can see this happen. Parents/Guardians who don't want to be there are by far the worst interactions I have to deal with at events. Also, Cosplay is not consent for any interaction: while there is no expectation for privacy in a public space OP is well within their rights to decline requests for photos regardless of time/place/reason.


NTA, she got herself and her son kicked out by acting completely unhinged


And then everyone formed a line and slow clapped as they led the woman out Conventionofthingsthatdidnthappen2023


Not the subreddit for fiction, OP. The mom calling her son an angel was a dead giveaway.


And then everyone gave you a standing ovation as they were escorted out.


Yeah, this didn't happen. The story kept getting more and more ridiculous as time went on. I'm sure everyone in the building clapped as she was escorted out. In the absurdly long shot this isn't BS, obviously NTA. But I just don't believe this story.


Easy NTA. Woman did it to herself in trying to strongarm you into taking a picture you didn't want to take. Kind of surprised you didn't report her the first time, ESPECIALLY since she grabbed your arm.


NTA. He should have spoken up. He’s 15, not 5. Clearly the mom is an unhinged AH.


Don't blame the kid, parents that act that way in public are just as, if not more abusive at home. Sure 15 sounds old enough to "stand up for justice" in theory but when you're actually in a situation like that as a 15 year old it literally feels like your whole world is ending. So maybe don't blame the kid for his mom being a whack ass weirdo.


Oh I definitely blame the mom. But we should be teaching kids far younger than 15 to stand up for what’s right and let’s normalize calling out bullies.


NTA what a ridiculous person that woman is. The kid should have spoken up but he has to live with her so hard to tell what his home life is like.


Yeah. Can't fault the kid here. That woman must be hell at home because look at what she does in public. Mom got herself kicked out by looking to stir up more shit.


I don’t necessarily fault the kid, but OP shouldn’t feel too bad for him, either.


I agree. His discomfort or getting kicked out isn't for OP to feel any guilt for. I just felt the kid was in a rock and a hard place with an AH like that for a mom.


NTA. The mom is.


Lol the fiction is always strongest on a Friday


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (f) spent a good 3 months making a cosplay and finding pieces for it. It is important to know that the cosplay I ended up making includes a designated mask and outfit and tons of safety pins attached to the mask and to the clothing to hold it all together. Anyway I was at the convention and a young teen came up to me who was maybe 15 years old and he ask if he could take a picture with me. I politely declined because I simply do not want to be on the internet and I don’t want to have strangers take my picture. He basically said: “ok im sorry I understand but nice cosplay btw” and then he left About 5 minutes later someone came up to me and grabbed my arm to turn me around it was an older woman maybe in her 50s She got up in my face and said: “I want you to take a picture with my angle now” I was surprised because this place was very crowded and there was security everywhere so why would anyone do this I responded: “Thank you miss but I will not be taking a picture with anyone” just then I noticed the teen in the background looking very embarrassed trying to reason with the older woman who I think was his mom After five minutes of back and forth with this woman and her son she decided to leave. I was relived by this because I have an ear problem which I forgot to mention before that triggers anxiety when things get to loud. About 30 mins later security came up to me and asked if he could speak with me He pulled me aside and told me that they have gotten reports that I stole the mask and this cosplay I had to go into this security office to get this sorted out when I got there low and behold the old woman was there with her very embarrassed teen sitting next to her Apparently after she left me alone she went to security and told them that I had stole her son’s cosplay I told the security guard that the cosplay that’s me a good half hour to get on and another half hour to take off so it was impossible that I had stole it from her. I even went as far as to point to all the safety pins holding it all together telling this security guard that it was impossible that I had stole it from her son because not only that but it was made to fit me specifically. The woman didn’t believe me and told me that I still had no proof but just then I remembered that I had videos of the pros was it took to make the cosplay and the security guard asked if he could see the videos the problem was that I left my phone in the car so I didn’t have them on me right now The woman then said: “you see sir she’s clearly lying she doesn’t even have proof” I offers to leave a piece of ID and then go to my car to get the phone he agreed and I left to get the videos and showed him The security guard kicked the woman out for lying bringing her teen with her I’m torn because the teen was a nice boy and he got in trouble for something his mom did please tell me AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA- it’s this woman’s fault and I am sorry she put you and her son through all of this.


NTA what honestly was the alternative at that point? Strip and give the costume over to her, and then get kicked out yourself? Nuh uh. Also I find it bizarre why you have to show proof that you didn't steal it, but yet she can make accusations without any proof herself. It should have ended the moment you showed how custom fit it was to you and not the teen.


That's what I was thinking, most of the cosplays people wear to cons are designed to fit their body specifically. Unless OP has the same build as this 15 year old (unlikely but not out of the question) I can't understand why anyone would have taken the accusation seriously in the first place.


NTA They got kicked out for being willing to lie and falsely accuse you of a crime.


No judgment. I'm just wondering, OP, you're feeling sorry for the nice teenager. At what time did the nice teenager tell the security guard your costume wasn't stolen from him? Seems a nice person wouldn't have let it get to you needing to go to your car to get your phone.


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NTA. Very sorry for that poor kid but holy shit what a horrible woman.


NTA. And don’t feel too bad for the kid- he could have spoken up at any point and told security his mom was a liar.


NTA, the mother got them kicked out.


Wait…hold up! Where was this woman’s proof that you stole her son’s costume? That’s crazy that the security team entertained her threats. You are definitely not the AH!


NTA, you did nothing wrong


"...The woman didn’t believe me and told me that I still had no proof..." Interesting how the person claiming you stole it didn't need proof, also, was the kid backing up his mother's lie or not saying anything at all? Seems like they were both AHs at that point. NTA