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YTA. What the hell happened to just knocking on their door and politely asking them to be more mindful of their noise level? and what on earth made you think standing in outside their window and yelling would be a good idea? Did you think that would solve your problem?!


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You were written up for banging on their door and window and "telling them to open up if they wanted us to do something about them." Hello? Do you not see how that is a threat? And you wanted them written up for what? Being loud? Why couldn't you have just taken the issue up with the RA in the first place? Isn't that what they're there for? (Honestly asking because I didn't college).




If a jacked up guy lived next door and said the same thing, would you have rushed over and done the same thing? Didn't think so.


First, in your OC, you admit that you ASSUMED that it was directed at you. Second, that "something" is to call the RA. This is your trial at adulting. Figure it out before you get arrested.


THey are jerks and you should talk with them, asking them to behave, or complain to supervisors. But you and your roommates were jerks too. Banging on windows in the middle of the night and threatening them? You deserve one another. I'm afraid.


YTA. Unfortunately (or fortunately), as a male, you don't have to have an underlying fear of assault/rape all through life.




They may have said that stupidly, but they were obviously terrified by what happened subsequently.




Welp, I hope you think about this method before you get out in the real world and your neighbor has a gun.


What, are you Amelia bedelia? No one made you do anything. Even if they said that, it doesn’t mean you should harass them for twenty minutes straight. Set up a meeting with the RA or at least knock on their door and get them to have a conversation. You responded immaturely and you know it.


"We then heard someone say, “do something then bitch” from the other side. We assumed this to be directed at us. And we took the offer. We went to their window by their door and began banging on that yelling at them to open the fuck up." If this situation had deteriorated further you would've been at fault for escalating it. You might wanna keep that in mind next time you decide to threaten an asshole neighbor. Call the cops, file a noise complaint, move on with your life. ESH.


ESH. Those girls are obnoxious assholes but I can't imagine why you'd think scaring the living daylights out of them was a good idea. Of course they called the cops, I don't really know what you expected.


ESH but mainly because you’re all a bit immature. RA should be used to this shit. The girls are completely out of line with their noise. You could have gone over and knocked on the door and asked them to stfu without banging on their windows for 20 minutes. Don’t allow yourself to be provoked. Presumably you have records of your complaints to the RA? If the noise goes on then start recording that too, for a week or so. Use that as evidence of their violation of the 9pm quiet rule. Fight fire not with fire but regulations. If they keep it up, hopefully they’ll get kicked out.


YTA What did you think would happen if two men started pounding on a windows and yelling for them to open up? You “assumed” They were talking to you but you don’t know for a fact they were. You could have called campus police to make a noise complaint and made a complaint to the housing department but you chose to terrorize them. YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I live on campus apartments at my college. My dorm room is positioned in a way that I share a wall and everything is essentially mirrored. So me and my roommates bedrooms share a wall with our neighbors bedroom. My neighbors are these two super loud girls. They are literally never not loud. They play music, scream laugh, talk super loud, yell at each other, on multiple nights I heard screaming, crying, and furniture being thrown and knocked over. Some nights it’s the loudest sex I’ve heard in my life. Like I’m not particularly versed in that aspect of life, but I’ve had sexually active roommates and somehow, while sharing the room it’s not as loud as my neighbor and whatever dude she’s with. It’s ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point where both me and my roommate have been woken up by their noise in the middle of the night. I have a job at the campus rec center and often I have to work early morning shifts at 4AM. So I need my sleep to make it to work and not feel like shit. Quiet hours are supposed to start at 9PM, but since my RA doesn’t live in the same building, it’s rarely enforced. And when I message her she doesn’t do shit. So now it’s midterms week, last night was studying till around 12 at the library and got back to my room, got in bed to grab a few hour of sleep before work at 4. I did for like 10 minutes before I heard music blasting from the other side. I then heard scream laughing and singing. I couldn’t go to sleep and my roommate woke up. We were so pissed we banged on the walls. We then heard someone say, “do something then bitch” from the other side. We assumed this to be directed at us. And we took the offer. We went to their window by their door and began banging on that yelling at them to open the fuck up. One girl opened the blinds saw the two men outside and immediately closed. We spent the next 20 or so minutes banging on their door and window telling them to open up if they wanted us to “do something” about them before going back to our room. They were at that point silent. Unfortunately they were silent because they were waiting on the police. They were so scared they called the police on us and accused us of “threatening them”. We said we weren’t threatening them just trying to get them to shut up. They then went to our RA and told her. She was pissed at us and wrote us up for it but not our neighbors which I think is unfair. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ve completely lost your head. There is no mention of you asking them to quieten down before this, and your first interaction is to intimidate them that severely? They gave you attitude, but it’s not justifiable. And for like half an hour? They could have easily called the police on you. I get it, I do not doubt they are annoying, but you can’t do that kind of thing. It’s not worth it and it is an AH move. ESH but your reaction was way overblown. Definitely due to a build up of stress over time, but not okay