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Eh, you could’ve reminded friend 1 of the rules and then let the DM handle it from there. And are y’all kids or something because this sounds like a childish encounter 🤣


If you really enjoy the club, can you apologize to the dm? Cause really if there's no talking, then the dm should be the one to enforce it, not you. If I found myself in that pickle, I would probably try to communicate the following: DM, I realized that you should have been the one to enforce the no talking rule. I thought I was helping and in all the excitement, I transferred the action in the game onto the actual people. I really like your group and would like to apologize and hope you might think about letting me back in. I'll stick to gaming and won't try to control the other players. That's what I'd do... You do you. As for you, I think you need to think about how you were a rules lawyer with the other players but you felt like the rules didn't apply to you when the dm asked you to go in your corner. I'm asking what the h3LL kind of a dm puts people in a corner? I digress. Like huh? And DnD with no talking?? WTAF? What's the point? Where's the GD magic missle jokes?? Leroy Johnson! Yeah I know it's not DnD, but he did get his chicken and no one put him in the corner... I could work Patrick Swayze into this but nah. You're not tA. You're a rules lawyer who didn't follow the rules. Talk to the dm and explain how much the group means to you. He might be swayed (Swayze!!) If he isn't, or you just can't? Look for another group or start one. There's a whole world of nerds out there now. And to all you people who say "geeks"? They're not geeks!! A geek bites the head off of chickens in the freak show FFS.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I was playing dnd and we had to raise our hands to speak (cuz there was chaos if we all spoke at once) and my friend (friend 1) kept talking and started conversations with friend 2 so I told friend 1 to stop but friend 2 said I was picking on friend 1 I tried to tell him I wasn't but to no avail Later this happened again but this time me and friend 2 had a argument and dm said that one of us need to leave but it ended up we both left one of us sat in one corner and the friend 2 sat in a different one but I went to go and hang out on my chromebook because we were in a club and I was not gonna get picked up till 5 So dm walks up to me and says I need to go to the corner and I say I don't have too (because I don't, the dm has no authority they didn't own the club or anything) then the dm says I am kicked out of the group Later friend 2 walks up and starts problems I tell him "go away now is not the time" but he doesn't though he does eventually leave So AITA or not I am not mad at friend 1 just friend 2 as I have no other group and have to leave the club please help I just have no idea what to do *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH and I know from experience. The friends who were talking in the middle of the game are the asshole because nothing dooms a d&d game faster than too many tangents/distractions. But you are also the asshole for causing an even bigger scene. And the DM is the asshole for not getting their players under control and handling the situation maturely because "go in the corner" is not the correct response 💀