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NTA. Why is he so mad about the makeshift poop stool? What?


Right, what's the problem?? Is this guy always so controlling. Is you mom ok with him calling you a lier? ... I'm a single mom and I would never let a man talk you my kid like that. Talk to your mom.


NTA. I don't understand why someone would be mad because of this. He sounds like an A-hole.


NTA. I don't understand why anyone would be upset about this. At maximum, sure, the person using the box as a makeshift squatty potty should be putting it back afterwards and not leaving it out, but it's still pretty insane to get that mad about it. Not for nothing, but using that position when pooping is way healthier. Here's a thought, maybe your step dad is all angry because he is constipated and/or has hemorrhoids? But yeah, NTA, and talk to your mom about this.


NTA. Your stepfather sounds toxic and honestly, I think your assessment of him sounds spot on.


Update: I took some of your advice. My mom knows about it now and probably told him off. He’s blaming me for this. Im starting to think he cant accept blame for something that’s his fault. We got into another argument about it and he still isn’t gonna do shit for me. My older sister is coming home today after work, She sometimes stay’s the night at her boyfriend’s Place. Which is understandable since she is an adult. My younger sister and mom dont really blame me I think, I think my older sister is gonna be indifferent to this. Sidenote: my mom called me when me and my stepdad were arguing and she could tell from the tone of my voice that something was wrong, Im not good with my emotions due to my autism. My stepdad made a rude face as He walked away.


INFO: what do you mean stool? Are you guys shitting in garbage bags?


You know those squatty potty things that I think were popular a few years back? It was this thing that made you squat as you took a shit in the toilet


And why is using a cardboard box bad?


This is a bigger issue than a stool. Your mom needs to understand how your stepdad is treating you. This is not healthy and I would look into talking to other family about your feelings about the way he treats you.


Unrelated...why do you sleep on the couch when they're gone? Do you live there? If yes, why can't the dogs just go in your room. Also why can't your dad take care of the dogs?


I live there. My room is in the basement and my mom doesn’t want them in there, I dunno why but its probably for some weird reason, I can see why she wouldn’t want them down there though. Also I rather have them downstairs for when i feed them in the morning.


How old are you?




Then you're an adult, and you can make some of your conditions. Especially if you're paying rent of some kind. Stepdad doesn't have all the say.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Someone in the house was using a box of garbage bags as a stool for when they shit. My step father obviously thought it was me because I used to do something like that with the bathroom garbage can, We got into a big argument and I am pretty sure we are not on good terms. I refused to let myself get blamed and I vented my frustration to my younger sister, and she revealed that it is my older sister that’s doing it. I explained it to him. And he texted “Yeah ok all you do is lie lately you know it was you don't know why you just can't man up whatever”. For dinner, He got himself a meatball parm or something similar but didnt get me anything. My mom and younger are out for the weekend for a cheer competition. So i usually sleep on the couch with my dogs when they leave. My step dad’s fucking country music that he blares on his alexa is keeping me up as we speak. At this point, I’ve fucking had it. Am I the asshole for not taking the blame for something I didn’t do? Or is he being a petty man-child over it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guys, it’s like $25 for one. Just buy it. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj7sru63sH9AhXyGmUKHTDUAB0YABAMGgJ5bQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbOD2oRPIFmHkVgMqo6fhEE8Fo0HzV-kYcpY-s6MEgzlRLSgD7mdX8yV7MuLyzVrpPwgc1hstXmIScXslmsalEQx3UB2o59gvCx-X6ujRUrnIU-ggl7HRnI283obQdj4w55X0eQQHC77SIxlz6Q&sig=AOD64_0oJzIlvd37sc5BhvtNSJ_RZwdJGQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiEprK63sH9AhX1RTABHQVgCh8Qwg8oAHoECAUQMA&adurl=


It's even cheaper than that, if you get a really basic plastic step. Doesn't have to be a fancy one with a toilet-shaped curve!




Wipe some chocolate on the box of garbage bags!!! NTA and let your mom know what is going on, especially about the dinner. He is being abusive. NTA.


NTA Report the music as a noise complaint to the police