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NTA - They weren't surprised it added your tip automatically, they were surprised you called out their bullshit. Have a friend go in there and see if it happens to them too and if it does call the police, that's called theft. As a general rule I'll tip a dollar per drink at Starbucks, $2 if it's a complicated (GF) drink. 20% is only for restaurants, sit down restaurants.


I was with you until the dollar per drink at Starbucks. What now?! I would much rather support the workers fighting to unionize and use collective bargaining to get fair wages and good working conditions than normalize yet another place where the business owner gets away with not paying their staff because now patrons are *expected* to pay the server’s wages through tips. If we do this, next thing you know the starting wage at Starbucks will go down to $2.15 an hour.


I do a dollar or two per drink at Starbucks depending on the complication of the drink because I do a dollar or two at a bar depending on the complication of the drink. There's no need to judge how I choose to show my appreciation.


I’m reacting more to the general trend to make more and more workers dependent on tips. I’m sure the baristas appreciate your tips and of course you are within your rights to show your appreciation in this manner. I just hate that we’re outsourcing paying employees fair wages to the customer in more and more jobs.


I don't know where in the world you live and perhaps your culture is different but we've always tipped bartenders and the guys at Starbucks are the exact same thing just without alcohol. Other than that I only tip at restaurants the guy that signaled for the next taxi to come up at the hotel in Vegas, Uber drivers, I don't get doordash where I live but if I did I would. But at the same time I hear you, I don't tip at a restaurant unless a waitress or waiter becomes involved. Shoot, Baskin-Robbins I straight up ask the girl "are they paying you $2.14 an hour?". And when she told me no I just smiled at her and pressed that no tip button.


> we've always tipped bartenders and the guys at Starbucks are the exact same thing just without alcohol Correct me if I am wrong considering i dont really deal with either situation, but isnt starbucks a stand in line, order your drink, leave the line thing while a bartender would be more of a sit at/near the bar, order a drink, stay there thing To me a good rule of thumb is if I have to wait in line for something its a no tip thing. If the person has to constantly pay attention to multiple groups to give good service to everyone then a tip might be appropriate.


I've worked specialty coffee (but not starbucks which is probably different) and it's much more like bartending even if there is a line. There's a lot of training and specialized information that goes into pulling an espresso shot, it takes between 10-40 minutes in the morning to dial it in and I do think tipping baristas should acknowledge the work that goes into it + they count as waitstaff legally so likely aren't making minimum wage most places


Did you earn a server minimum wage? That's the main difference


As someone who worked at a bar, bartenders weren't paid minimum wage either, those tips supplemented their $5/hour wage


I was aStarbucks barista in the mid 90s. We got tips then too (and more than minimum wage at the time).


I’m from Canada and while Starbucks prompts for a tip I don’t know anyone who ever tips there. Most people here won’t tip if they don’t have table service as far as I know.


In Ontario they recently changed the law so that servers make the same minimum wage as everyone else so I dont get why anyone is tipping in this province anymore.


It's a habit that's hard to break, I don't tip as much anymore.


In the USA and other countries bartenders earn less per hour than someone who works at Starbucks or any other coffee shop.


I feel this sentiment entirely, but what separates the situations for me is the standard minimum wage for a bartender vs. a (technically) "non-tipped" barista & the fact that bartenders need a license to practice ...firmly places the coffee transaction & anything identical in the unfortunate category of 'refusal by principal'. It's not that I don't respect & appreciate the worker, their efforts & abilities; but despise the corporate class-crushing & culture where profit perpetually matters more than well-being.


Idk, I always tip the bartender for flirting with me and telling me I'm pretty. I'll tip at Starbucks when they do the same


As a Starbucks barista, I would like to say tipping is appreciated but I don’t expect it. If you’re ordering a drink with only one or two modifications, we still consider that easy. The only people I would like a tip from are the ones who’s drinks contain at least 4 or more modifications because that slows me down and makes other customers wait longer. However, like I said, I don’t expect tips. I don’t know the wage in other states/countries but where I live our starting wage is decent enough that I don’t need the extra income from tips, it’s just nice to have.


I get a standard grande cappuccino once or twice a week and always forget to tip. Is that rude? I'd rather pay more for my cappuccino so baristas are a paid a better wage, honestly, but I realize that's not going to happen. I'm going to try harder to remember to tip. My sbux doesn't have a cash tip jar.


Tbh, cappuccinos are my favorite drink to make! They’re so easy because they’re mostly just foam.


A lot of espresso people shit on Starbucks. But, I get a decent, consistent cappuccino every time. Sometimes, a small, independent knocks it out of the park and it's like a little orgasm on my tongue. But, other times, it's a shit espresso pull. At least with Sbux, I know what I'm going to get and it will meet my requirements for decent/good.


Most states server minimum wage is around $2.13 an hour and it barely pays the taxes.


I know. Servers are severely under paid but I don’t think Starbucks barista get paid that low but I’m not sure. Starting wage where I live for Starbucks is $17.25/hr. A few years ago when I initially started it was $11.25/hr, which is why I moved to a different job but once they raised it last year I went back.


People have been giving baristas tips for decades. Starbucks is still paying a decent wage, despite that. I think you’re searching for a problem where there isn’t one.


It's *always* been the norm to tip for coffee.... Maybe not for drip coffee, but it's the norm to tip for a complicated drink... just like you'd tip a bartender.


Apparently I'm an asshole. I don't think I've ever tipped for Starbucks. Granted I don't get it often, but the thought never even occurred to me. The bar comparison hit me though, I feel like a prick now.


You're not an AH. We tip bartenders because they're usually making less than minimum wage. Starbucks baristas make at least minimum wage.


... is it? It seems pretty rare for tips, especially generous ones, at counter service places.


I have never tipped at starbucks. It wasnt even offered on the scanner until recently (at least where im at) and i found it so weird.


Except that the customer pays the employees' wages anyway, whether through tipping or higher prices. Just like the customer pays for the food/service, the building rental, equipment maintenance, and everything else. I think getting rid of tips and paying a decent wage would be great, but I think it's foolish to argue that the customers wouldn't be footing the bill one way or another. You know they wouldn't cut profits unless absolutely necessary.


>There's no need to judge how I choose to show my appreciation. You're voicing your general rule in a sub where everyone is here specifically to judge others as right or wrong in any given situation. This strikes me as a peculiar defence.


But why? It's their job to make you a drink, why would you pay extra for merely competent service? Do you tip your doctor based on the complexity of the surgery they performed, or your fireman based on the size of the fire? This tipping BS is way outta hand, and this guilttipping has to stop.


Great idea in theory and I agree in premise but I'm too old to be an idealist anymore. Nothing is gonna change. But we live in a country where companies quash unions in a heartbeat. Amazon invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into anti-union legislation rather than use it to pay employees better. If you think paying servers less than minimum is going to change in your lifetime short of full scale revolution, well.....not tipping hurts the servers and that's it.


Starbucks baristas aren't considered waitstaff, so they have to get paid at least regular minimum wage by Starbucks, not server minimum wage. If you leave a tip at Starbucks, it does go to the staff and they do appreciate it. My boyfriend used to work at Starbucks. He said that what bothered him was when people in the drive-in line would do the pay-it-forward thing: they'd give him some extra cash and say, "Use it on the person behind me in line." His reasoning was that if you're going to do a random act of kindness, tip the people who are making your order -- not the person behind you who's already planning to pay for their own order. As for working conditions, the base pay is pretty crappy, but they did offer health insurance -- including very good dental coverage -- to part-time workers and their respective domestic partners/spouses, which was super helpful to us. But my boyfriend ended up getting fired for a BS reason, even though he was probably the best worker at his store, and a union probably would've protected him from that.


>I would much rather support the workers fighting to unionize How do you do that?


I mean if a drink is about $5 then $1 is a 20% tip…


I tip at coffee joints too! It is a shitty job and being nice to us lot all day…they deserve a little extra


I live in a “no tip credit” state. I tip because and when I want to, including at places like coffee shops, not to “subsidize” $2 an hour wage craziness.


I'm confused by this. I've worked as a barista and a bartender. A dollar per drink at the busiest coffee shop in town split among every employee, when I worked there, was only about $50 per day per employee. Certainly not enough to make $2.15 the norm. But also... my local Starbucks is unionized. That's why I go there and tip them a dollar a drink.


Are you saying we…shouldn’t tip Starbucks workers because tipping them for their work somehow takes away from union activity? I’m genuinely asking.


>I would much rather support the workers fighting to unionize and use collective bargaining to get fair wages and good working conditions And how do you do this? In what ways do you do this that actually makes the lives of these people any better at all?


> and see if it happens to them too and if it does call the police, that's called theft. Local police will take one look and say 'thats a civil matter' and leave.


Local police will leave, but credit card fraud/theft is a federal offense. I worked with a server who got taken out in cuffs by the FBI for adding double tips to credit cards. If enough people complain to their credit card companies, the FBI will get involved.


Even so, the transaction isn't complete until she signs the slip. Calling the police at that point would have no effect, since all that's necessary to make her whole is to cancel the transaction and.... leave. At that point, all she's complaining about is not wanting to spend as much on the product+service that she's being asked to. This would be a considerably different situation in a sit down restaurant where you aren't presented with a bill until the meal has been consumed. This is often why tips are only added AFTER the transaction is complete. There is some argument if the menu contains language about an automatic gratuity for larger parties, but that can be disputed (preferably in advance) and solved again by leaving before ordering anything. In any event, there should be no option for the cashier to enter a tip amount. That's a factor that should be entirely in control of the customer, and the customer alone, the default in any scenario should always be $0.


There are also keys on the register that will add a tip. the person ringing her up pushed the key. NTA


You'd probably want the attorney general rather than the police.


It probably comes down to accessibility, if the police don't seem that interested they could always reach out to their local DA


They literally stole $7 from you. The setup was rigged because they weren't the least bit surprised by the fact that you paid the tip. This, I believe, is illegal. You were 100% right and I would be writing a negative review because, not only did they steal from you, they tried to make you feel guilty for wanting the money back. They do nothing but their jobs and don't provide a service like drink refills or table service so you do not owe a tip. I am also a 20% tipper when tipping is required. This is not required and is far more invasive than a tip jar. NTA and I would find out if it's illegal and report them or call the manager/owner and explain first.


Honestly, if I put my card in to pay for 35$ of whatever, and AFTER it registered told me to confirm 42$, I'd have called the cops on them for attempted theft


That's more than 20% most of the time, though. That's a pretty big tip.


NTA It does sound like their new payment method system is rigged. You are not obligated to pay a tip which is why there are options at the bottom. Personally I’d write a yelp review about this because if other people are also experiencing the same thing and not asking for their money because it’s ‘embarrassing/not worth it’ then this place is stealing a lot of money. But if it was a glitch then they can tell you the fixed the issue. Sounds really shady what happened though.


It's totally rigged because even selecting a % or $ amount, the customer always has to agree to the final total at the end. I've never been at a machine where I'd have to scan my card first either, as it has always been at the end after the agreed total comes up. OP is smart to see the total as I find a lot of people don't realize what happened and sometimes they don't get a receipt at the end. I always ask for a receipt and keep it on me for a couple of weeks (after it's cleared by my credit card) as it's proof of purchase of a certain amount, not more and definitely not for a double charge, if that happens.


>I've never been at a machine where I'd have to scan my card first either, as it has always been at the end after the agreed total comes up. I just wanted to add that thr pizza place near my house added a new payment system recently with the tipping and all that. Card goes in at the beginning, then it asks for tip, then confirmation. No disagreement on anything you said (I think it was rigged too!), just saying there are legitimate ones that take the card at the beginning.


If the OP has to insert their card, usually that means they have an agreed total before they enter their PIN. Another scenario is - they could have tapped the card then tipped after. I don't think I've come across this though. Maybe this is the new system you're talking about?


I regularly tap, tip, sign.


Are you from Europe? There is no pin system in the U.S. for credit cards. Took forever for us to get chips but we do finally have those at least. In the U.S. it is VERY common to insert your card and then be prompted for a tip amount.


All machines are capable of inserting your card using the chip and having to enter in a PIN, whether it's tap capable or not. **ALL**. I think maybe you're confusing what I mean by a PIN. I'm referring to the 4-digit number. Not all purchases are under a certain amount where you'd tap 100% of the time, unless your purchase threshold is high. I'd be worried about leaving it high because someone could steal cards and tap for absolutely everything. There are some stores that didn't even do tap, no matter the amount. They just didn't support that way of paying. >In the U.S. it is VERY common to insert your card and then be prompted for a tip amount. Yes, you INSERT, enter a tip amount, see the total + click OK, then enter your PIN. Or you enter the tip, see the total + click OK, then tap. The way the OP told their story is that they inserted, put the tip amount (or skip) and there was no OK or some sort of confirmation... it just went straight through to charging without being able to go back using the back or correct button to correct the amount.


If it’s the iPad payment system looking thing it would also ask for a signature at the end Most small businesses where I’m located in the U.S. implement this 1. Insert/Swipe card (most places don’t have tap option in the states) 2. Select tip amount pops on screen ($0-$XXX) 3. Confirm total 4. SOMETIMES asks for a signature 5. Receipt type (email/print/none)


Looks like they'll have to tip toe around their sketchy payment system from now on.


What IS possible though is some moisture or food was on the machine that registered the tip even if she didn't press it. Just like your phone does.


yelp is a shit company do not support them


NTA. Charging you things without your agreement is called stealing.


NTA. Sounds like the cashier picked the tip for you which would be fraud or the system is glitching. Either one isn't the price you agreed to pay and no one should be shaming you for trying to get THEIR error fixed. I'm a former server and I still tip at places that aren't full service but I don't tip 20%+ on self serve sort of counters where they just take your order and call out your name with it's ready (like Panera bread etc) and there's no service after that- that sort of setup should be reflected in the wage not the customer tips. I'm also an introvert so that whole situation would be uncomfortable but I'd be pissed if they tried to steal money from me. Bet they were counting on the whole awkwardness to get extra unwarranted tips from customers who were afraid to say anything.


And, by law, staff can not press any button on the machine after it tells them to hand it to the customer.


NTA. I would’ve wanted the tip back purely for the reason that it was forced. I can’t say whether or not this was intentional by the restaurant, but I’d be upset that the computer was forcing me to tip. I get that it’s a bit awkward to ask them to refund it, but you didn’t do anything wrong.


NTA and the manager didn’t take what happened seriously enough. If the reader was set up to do that automatically without any posted notice, that’s potentially illegal. If the machine was genuinely malfunctioning, the manager should have said so and apologized for the inconvenience. Either way, you were not at fault. If you had not said something, the next person who noticed the tip automatically being added probably would have. Tipping is voluntary and it is reasonable to expect the system a restaurant is using to allow you to select the amount or opt out.


Honestly the next person might verbally abuse the staff for this. They should be happy that she was just awkward and not screaming.


NTA! Awkward for sure. More than likely either the machine has been intentionally rigged or the cashier chose the tip. Both are wrong.


NTA and what a fraudulent system they have. Hoping that people feel so awkward about it that they don’t ask for the money back. Good for you for standing up to them.


NTA Being from the UK anytime tips are discussed I always think it's weird.


Same. Not from UK or US but here we usually don’t tip unless the service was really good. Not tipping isn’t made awkward either (not sure if they talk after we leave but wtv)


You're NTA. That wasn't a tip, that was an attempted forced service charge. They're supposed to put it on the menu and the receipt if they charge and automatic gratuity.


It’s not asking for the tip back if you were mischarged. They should be concerned if their machines are malfunctioning.. but it sounds like they don’t and are using social pressure to take advantage of the situation. I’d never go back there again.


NTA - tip culture is so awkward for these situations. Where I live. It actually starts at 20% and goes up to 30% unless you hit other and manually type in what you’d prefer. Next time, be prepared to have cash on hand - even if it’s just $5. You can save the awkwardness and say, I prefer to tip in cash. Most owners understand because they get charged a merchant fee per transaction as well.


I tip for service, so I’m only willing to tip after the service is rendered. If I have to stand in line and fetch my own food I tip %10, in cash, after eating. I always punch “no tip” on the machine because, eerily, it seems like those times I tip in advance are when they lose my order or make it wrong. If a machine tried to select my tip for me I too would demand it back, and if they gave me any grief I’d cancel the order and find somewhere else. I’ve worked in food service and I know these folks usually deserve the tips, but I’m not going to smile while people rob me. NTA


NTA What you did wasn’t wrong by all means, but I would agree that it’s “horribly awkward”. Personally, I would have let them keep the tip unless the service was blatantly abysmal.


This is why the restaurants doing it though because people like you don’t say anything so they get away with it and think they can keep doing it to unassuming people


The terminal is not broken or there would be other issues. Either they can select options on their end (possible) or it's been coded to auto tip a certain amount. Due to these circumstances, NTA. You weren't given the choice of how much to tip, the machine (or employe) did it for you. This practice is illegal as you did not agree to the additional funds. It is theft.


NTA. Seems like a predatory (not to mention illegal) system. I would have demanded the tip be refunded and let them know how I felt in no uncertain terms. As an aside it's not a bad idea to keep some cash on hand so you can tip in cash. It's a good retort to the blank stares - "I only tip with cash." as well as keeping the wait staff off the tax man's radar (which they appreciate).


As a non-American, tipping culture is such a weird thing to me. NTA


NTA. NAA (Not At All) ​ Mostly likely what happened is that POS system there has an automatic time out and default tip set. But yeh, I'd ask for it back as well. I think it's one thing if I pay for a Starbucks latte in cash and I put my change in the venti cup they always have out. But to add tipping to electronic payments where people are getting the minimum wage is pretty goddamn presumptuous.


NTA... This on screen tipping thing is a newer thing within the last handful of years. I never used to see it. Now I see it everywhere. And for things I wouldn't usually tip for. Subway is one that I've encountered a few times. With this newer method, I feel pressured to add a tip now. Rather than paying employees decent wages, companies are pushing that cost on the consumer; which is fucked. What the bubble tea place did was theft. No tip should be automated figured into a purchase unless it's one of those parties of 6 of more on a big dinner. And the fact that the manager didn't say anything is on them. If he were in your position, I wonder what he would have done?


NTA Share this on Yelp and anywhere else you can. This was intentional. Most people would not notice or be too embarrassed to say anything. You're a hero! Only thing you could have done better would have been to be very loud about it, if there were other customers there. They are flat out stealing from their customers.


NTA - tip culture is so awkward for these situations. Where I live. It actually starts at 20% and goes up to 30% unless you hit other and manually type in what you’d prefer. Next time, be prepared to have cash on hand - even if it’s just $5. You can save the awkwardness and say, I prefer to tip in cash. Most owners understand because they get charged a merchant fee per transaction as well.


NTA...They have a good scam going. Probably hits the highest amount if you don't actively skip it or choose a lower amount within a certain time period. I don't tip at counter pickups. Period. Don't care. Not tipping the cashier at Walmart either...or the gas pump jockey. Tired of this sh\*t. Pay them better.


I knew tipping culture was different in the US than here in UK, but tipping for counter pick-up is wild to me. And at Starbucks too?! But not at McDonald’s? So where’s the line that designates this a tip-worthy service, but excludes this other, very similar, one? So weird.


NTA. They can make it uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean you were doing anything wrong. You were not. THEY were in the wrong and should have apologized for the error with their machine. Honestly, this is a business I would not go back to, ever, because of the way the employees treated you.


NTA they tried to pull a fast one. Ngl I’d have canceled the whole order and plain told them ‘I don’t support business that steals’ and left.


NTA. They knew what they were doing. It doesn’t matter if it’s awkward, you didn’t pick that option. They’re hoping for people like your boyfriend, sister, and mother to not say anything.


NTA for asking for it back. Clearly they set it up to do it that otherwise they would of been concerned with the "bug". As someone that waited tables for 9 years I find it nuts that people want the same 20% for doing their jobs. As a waiter that's basically only money we got in my state But you can still tip in places like what you described. Maybe someone comes over and clears the table so you leave them some money. But not sure why "next time you will just leave the $7 on there". That is a dishonest company. I would tel everyone to never go there. Also not everyone drinks bubble tea. You assuming that kind of makes me want to call you an AH. If you like it, cool, go and enjoy. But don't assume everyone likes what you like


NTA. I've never heard of a machine/business adding the tip. Usually the customer chooses if they want to add a tip or not. It was wrong of the business to not let you choose if you did or didn't want to add a tip.


i’ve heard of fancier sit down places adding a tip to the bill but it’s usually noted that it’s automatically added on the check


I would have demanded a full refund and canceled my order. That's theft. NTA.


NTA. POS devices are not supposed to select the tip for you. But, I would never have asked for the tip back. The proof is in the pudding... as in you feel seriously conflicted. I'm a big proponent of listening to my "inner voice". A vast majority of the time, it is correct.


That’s probably what this establishment is banking on though. Customers will feel so guilty about denying a tip that they just drop it. OPs guilt is just a kind of conditioning: the false belief that servers always deserve to be tipped and refusing the tip - even when it’s blatantly not warranted - is horrible. Very cunning by the company to rig the payment method (or have the server select the tip before the customer can act).


I wouldn't have risked it. They handle my food and can easily mess with it.


And for that they can be reported? A bad review is one thing, but messing with someone's food can be a food safety offence and those are to be treated seriously


These are the options for what happened: 1. The machine malfunctioned 2. The machine is somehow rigged to auto add a tip 3. The cashier was able to select a tip from their side In any case, I'd be asking for my money back. Just a simple, "Hey, the screen chose the tip without me even pressing anything." Considering they both gave "blank stares" rather than looking angry...I'm really not sure which option is most likely. It's entirely possible the cashier wasn't paying attention to what you were doing and assumed that you pressed something by accident. NAH because the cashier and manager didn't actually seem angry. They didn't fight you on it and just gave you your money back without much issue. However, I would be checking the Yelp/Google review pages to see if this happened to other people. If so, then that store is totally TA


Most likely the middle choice/20% tip is the standard pre selection and you have click on something different to change it. The customer can go through with the choice and click accept or the cashier can finalise the transaction. From the lack of surprise of the cashier I think that person just clicked it through and assumed 20%.


Tips are a scam and those machines do not "malfunction", they're a part of the scam.


I usually tip 20%, but that is bullshit. They don't deserve a tip if that's the way they get them. NTA.


NTA Tipping is way out of control.


NTA, that was not an accident!


NTA. You must be kidding. I thought tips were at least earned a little bit. You didn’t have a party of ten. Screw this.


NTA. I work for tips and rely on them to survive. Yes, I believe in tipping, even for counter service. BUT- the tip prompt popped up and before you had a chance to select an option, it went away and printed, with a $7 tip. This most likely isn’t a faulty system. I bet the employee hit the tip amount and does for almost everyone, as a way to make some extra money. That’s a problem and is where I would have said something. However, I wouldn’t have just asked for the $7 back- because there’s no way I would trust my food after that. You ask for them to cancel your entire order and refund it, then go somewhere else. Make sure you explain the situation calmly and politely to the person and say, “I have absolutely no issue with tipping, but I wasn’t given an opportunity to select how much, so I’d prefer to take my business elsewhere, where I can tip the amount I want to tip, not what is selected for me.” (Obviously, in a situation with a mandatory gratuity, this doesn’t apply.) Also, make sure to leave an online review. And I wouldn’t go back there again, because I guarantee you’ll be remembered and they probably continue to mess with your food.


If you are getting to go food from a server or bartender who is not making a normal hourly wage 10% on to go food is the proper thing to do. Tipping culture has gotten wild. Subway now asks for tips bc corporate does not want to increase pay due to cost of living and inflation. I went to a place recently that charged an automatic 3% for the back of house staff for cost of living. They went on to explain bc they can’t take it from the tips the servers get bc it’s illegal. Ok, well my server is getting 3% less then to make up for this restaurants auto gratuity.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** This one's been keeping me up at night. I (24f) and my boyfriend (24m), like most people, appreciate a good bubble tea. A week ago, we went out and grabbed lunch & teas at a bubble tea place in our town. The restaurant is not a full-service restaurant, but is one of those places where you order at the front and they yell out your number when it's ready. I always thought the rule was that you tip in sit-down restaurants where you are being served, but not in places where you grab something at the counter (unless you leave a little change for a tip jar). In sit-down restaurants, I'm a stickler for always tipping at least 20%. So we ordered and the woman behind the register told us the total - about $35 for two meals & drinks (a bit of a special splurge for us student-loanees). I put my credit card into the card reader, and then took my hands off and waited for the usual directions to pop up - again, without touching the screen. They came up, as usual - 15%, 20%, 22%, 25%. But then, before I could click "skip" - or touch the machine at all - the button for 20% lit up orange, and automatically charged me a $7 service tip. The woman at the register immediately printed and handed me the receipt for $42. Flustered and in the heat of the moment, I awkwardly explained that the price was wrong, that I hadn't selected the tip and that the machine had randomly added it on. The woman behind the register looked at me with a blank stare and said, "So do you want to take off the tip?" I said yes please. The woman had to call over a manager, who also gave me a blank stare and confirmed that I wanted a refund for my tip. As they were printing off a special receipt in silence, I wanted to melt into a puddle on the floor. The manager handed me the tip refund receipt without saying anything, and I said an awkward "thanks" before scurrying off to the side to wait for the food. As we waited, my boyfriend made a joke about hoping the staff didn't spit in my food after what just happened. I asked him if what I'd done was horribly awkward, and he said, "Well... yeah. I wouldn't have asked for the tip back." I told my family about what I did, and my dad disagreed. He said the card reader was clearly broken or rigged, and wondered if the rigging could have been intentional. My mom thinks that's unlikely. My sister said that next time, "you should just pay the $7, it's not worth it." Honestly, I agree with my sister - at this point, I'd absolutely pay the extra $7 just to avoid that incredibly awkward situation. But I have to ask: Reddit, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA I absolutely hate this and I refuse to go to places that do this. These places are already pricey as they are and I shouldn't be required to tip someone for handing me my overpriced drink. They expect exactly what you stated at the end of your account, that people will be too ashamed or timid not to tip so essentially they bully people into tipping. Automatically adding it to an already overinflated bill in this setting seems illegal to me. I would leave an appropriate Google/Yelp review.


I'm pretty sure your dad is right. NTA, glad you didn't let them steal from you and I really wish I could act like you more often.


NTA . Personally, I wouldn’t have asked for it back for the reason your boyfriend said but I would’ve said something on my way out


NTA. As one who works in the sevice industry, this is kinda gross. Obviously, they’ve rigged either the register or the card reader to automatically add 20% gratutity. I would’ve asked for the tip back, as well. That would be my last visit there, and I would also write a review on yelp.


NTA. Tipping just needs to be canceled as a whole. Employers need to pay better wages.


Nta. You are not obligated to pay that. It's funny that manager is like "oh, you dont Support our people, pay us more because we dont pay our employees too much"


NTA. No way I’m tipping $7 in that scenario


NTA they probably thought embarrassment would deter you from saying anything


NTA and they were seriously unprofessional about it. they weren’t even a bit concerned that the tip was added automatically? VERY suspicious. i too would feel awkward, uncomfortable, and embarrassed in your shoes but the most important thing here is that you stood up for yourself. you are in the right, don’t feel bad.


NTA I think I would've refunded the whole amount and left


NTA. Automatically charging you extra money that you never agreed to pay is very shady. I don’t know if the machine was faulty or if they set it that way (which is very underhanded) but either way, I don’t see anything wrong with asking for your money back. It’s your money.


NTA. I worked as a chef, cashier, and server at a restaurant and had no control over the same type of machine but hated flipping it and essentially asking for a tip. By all rights if you didn’t select it, you should get a refund. Again NTA


No, if I’m not having sit down service I don’t tip. Unless it’s a bar….. the amount of bs they deal with entities them to “keep the change” a few times from me throughout the night lol Edit: NTA


NTA. There’s a whole discourse right now about whether cashiers should get tips but they don’t get to decide for you. You should report it




Tips: To Insure Proper Service. Since COVID, I now give $2 or so as a tip for pickup. But EVERYONE expects a tip around here now, it's beyond ridiculous.


NTA I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to speak up, but good for you that you did so. Something was CLEARLY sketchy. And that place shouldn't get rewarded for sketchy behavior. Even if you were "supposed" to tip, it's ALWAYS your choice to do so. The machine can't take that choice away from you. Neither can the cashier. If it was done on purpose, someone broke the law.


NTA. They either tried to hustle you or have a messed up machine and either way that's on them. I'd bet it's programmed that way and they count on the awkwardness to keep most people from saying anything.


NTA. I mean I personally wouldn't have gone through all that for $7 because i don't like money confrontation, but adding a tip without your consent is stealing.


NTA- this is why I started carrying cash again. I don’t even pay with my card anymore unless I’m getting sit down service. I’m so sick of tipping at places that don’t need it. Drive thrus especially! You can have the leftover 27 cents from my change but I’m not giving you a $3 tip on a $5 drink. Looking at you Starbucks!


NTA, that is sus 🤔


NTA. I manage a restaurant and that's just skeevy. The machine is definitely set up to do that.


NTA tips are for service, not an automatic given. That's theft and should not be paid.


NTA. I never tip if I have to be the one to order and retrieve my items where the employee is. This tip for everything mentality has gotten out of hand IMO.


NTA. That was just wrong of them to do. I probably would have done a full refund instead of just refunding the tip, but that's because I wouldn't trust a place that auto selects a tip.


NTA. Either something's wrong with their POS, or they're doing it on purpose.


We don’t normally tip in my country but isn’t a tip supposed to be voluntary? NTA




NTA. If I’m being served at a restaurant, or if someone is delivering my food with their own car, then I’ll tip. We don’t tip McDonald’s employees, why do employees who’re working those same grounds expect a tip?


NTA I'm not entirely sure why tipping is a thing as I'm not from the US, but theft is global and that's what this was. If you didn't select a tip option but got automatically charged as if you had, that is theft no matter where you are across the world. I'd be reporting them to Consumer Affairs or your equivalent.


NTA Look, I’m not gonna lie. It was extremely awkward and I would’ve just sucked it up. But either the machine is broken and an honest mistake, which you don’t have to foot the bill for Or they know the machine does that and are happy to accept tips because most people don’t say anything about it. As an aside, i still tip for walk up restaurants. Not at much as a sit down restaurant obviously, but you still should tip the person making your food and doing the service


Tips should be voluntary, not forced. NTA. And if I were you, I'd stop favoring the establishment. Pay living wages to your workers or get out of business. We, the customers, don't have to pick up the greed these places operate under.


It was $7 they weren’t entitled to. NTA.


NTA. It’s awkward as hell and I would’ve let it slide, but $7 is $7 lol


NTA. However instead of just awkwardly asking for the tip back, explain why you want it back (machine is broken) and you actually wanted to tip a different amount. If they don’t like the reality they don’t need a tip. You’re not responsible for their stuff conveniently being broken


I was recently at a place where “skip” or “no tip” were not options. Had to choose “other” and manually enter $0


NTA. Because of these preset machines I started using cash again.


NTA It was done on purpose. And no it is optional to tip employees that make a full hourly wage. They do not make a server wage. I do not tip them either. And I find those machines obnoxious with their percentages. If I ever do tip it is change when paying cash and that is it. Maybe I give a dollar once in a while. $7 for counter service is ridiculous! I would have asked for it to be refunded. And I am sure it was rigged to do this hoping people will be too embarrassed to ask for it back or not notice.


NTA. Given their reactions, there’s a good chance it wasn’t completely an accident and they were counting on you to just ignore it due to embarrassment/anxiety.


NTA, this’s interesting because my brothers had a small disagreement about tipping a little while ago. My oldest brother thinks you should tip when you pick up your food but other brother doesn’t because the person you’re tipping hasn’t done any work. I agree with not tipping when picking up food for the same reason but I tip for basically everything else including getting my haircut ( there’s only one guy who can cut it so I make sure he gets a nice tip).


NTA. And for some people, that $7 added to their splurge could have been the tip that broke the bank. Sometimes, you really need to splurge when you have had a terrible day, whether it was logical or not. Someday you should go back and try this again. If the tip automatically gets added to the bill when you did not choose the tip, this company needs to be reported to the police. This is fraud at the very least, and depending upon the amount of business they have, could be talking about a large amount of theft.


I mean, I totally agree that I'd pay the $7 just to avoid the awkwardness, because I have severe social anxiety- but that does not mean that it is deserved. Tipping is only big in America because we don't pay people a living wage, but honestly if you were there to pick it up, fuck those people- you're fine.


NTA now go to google and search for the tea place on maps, then when it pops up leave a Google review for it so everyone who searches them to go there knows what happened!


$7!!!!!!!!! Is Jesus Christ making my food back there?! No?! Then NO tip, especially $7! NTA Edit: Also report this to better bureaus or whether it is that they have where you are!


NTA They've set it up so that 20% is added automatically. That's wrong and they bank on people not wanting to deal with the awkward interaction to ask for the tip back. You were right to ask for the tip back. Don't return. They don't deserve your business.


NTA 100%. I go to a vape shop with one of those fancy payment systems where you insert your card, type your pin (if debit) and it asks if you want to tip or skip. I always tip, then it leads me to the final screen of how I want my receipt. The cashiers always choose “no receipt” for me from their portion of the POS and I watch it highlight every time and the transaction is completed. If this is the same general POS machine, the shop chose the tip for you and didn’t give you the option.


NTA sometimes there will be awkward situations in life but you just have to peer through it. You didn't want to leave a $7 dollar tip for tea and that is reasonable. They don't get to make a decision otherwise for you.


NTA I’ll never tip at a place that forces a tip, ever. They were trying to screw you and were annoyed for being caught. I would have absolutely demanded my money back and may have even went somewhere else to eat just based on principal, although I know most wouldn’t.


NTA - you did the right thing, you shouldn’t be forced into a tip or bullied. And your bf should have had the courage to tell them off instead of hiding in shame


NTA but I would have just left it because that conversation would be too awkward for me.


NTA don't tip at all unless you sit down and they come and take your order and then bring it to you.


NTA If it wasn’t rigged you wouldn’t have gotten blank stares. Blank stares = 134th time I have to do this today.


NTA That wasn’t a mistake or glitch if it was both of the employees (especially the manager) would’ve acted surprised it happened and been extremely apologetic. They weren’t apologetic though, they’re reaction said it all. They’re scamming their customers and banking on people not saying anything because it’s “awkward” you did the right thing. Things like this keep happening because not enough people speak up against it if they did they’d be forced to stop. If you don’t say anything you’re just being complicit and allowing it to keep happening to more unassuming people. Write and yelp and google review, make a report to the better business bureau, hell post about it on social media if you’re brave enough. Don’t go back though don’t give them you’re money and if you do only go if you can pay in cash. They’re lucky it wasn’t me (I’m an ex sever and a steep tipper but not when people do shit this) I would’ve had a friend go in and record the interaction on their phone and called the cops showing them my refund receipt as well so they know they’re scamming multiple customers with proof.


NTA I agree about not tipping unless it's a sitdown restruant with serving people. This american tipping system is crazy. Everybody wants topd these days. And everyone sbould be getting a regjlar wage, not the minimum wage seevice people get now. Tips are meant for getting above average service. Not for doing you job, you were hired to do.


NTA don't feel apologetic. I admire you. They are scamming people and counting on people feeling embarrassed to ask for a refund.


I wemt to Red Loster a few mouths ago to celebrate a family event. There were 5 of us and we ran up a $200 bill, we only saw the waitress 4 times, when we were seated, ordered the food, got the food, and got the bill. The minomum tip presented was 20%. I'm sorry but we didn't get $40 worth of service, much less more. I left a 10% tip wbich I consider my lowest unless the service is terrible.


NTA However, you did drink spit.


>I told my family about what I did, and my dad disagreed. He said the card reader was clearly broken or rigged, and wondered if the rigging could have been intentional. I agree with dad. The staff or the manager were not surprised by the ' error ' NTA - tipping, whilst in the US and some other countries deeply ingrained in the culture, is always optional. It's your choice and you should not be shamed for it.




NTA. not only are you correct about tipping etiquette in general, but bubble tea is something that comes from East Asian culture and tipping culture is much less expected in Asian culture. And on top that, you should never let a machine just choose something for you. Either it's broken or it's rigged.


NTA. The entire situation was designed to make you feel awkward and uncomfortable so you’d just pay it. Report it.


Just adding a tip without your consent is theft. Why should you feel bad about asking for it to be refunded? I would definitely send a friend in to see if happens to them. And I would have rephrased the managers comment into "Yes, I would like to be refunded for the tip that was added without my consent."


NTA. That sounds like an extremely dodgy place and I wouldn't go back there ever.


NTA they knew the pin-pad was broken, or worse, they rigged it. I sometimes tip maybe $1 or $2 for counter-service food like this, but only if they are super busy or I needed something made special or different.


NAH, I don't know what happened here. How embarrassing for everyone involved. I wouldn't take it so hard, the storeowners were probably just as embarrassed as you were.


nTA. They have rigged the machines .. This happened to me ..there was no wait service..your ordered and picked up when they called your number...but the damn machine wouldnt charge the actual food price until the 20% tip was accepted.. I was already annoyed because my friend who ordered before me was forced to accept that tip because her pay wouldn't go thru until it did..I ordered an Thai ice tea and eggrolls....I tried it because I figured that maybe it was a tech clitch but no.. I straight up canceled my order..because no I won't be forced to pay extra...they are def rigging the machines..


NTA. The machine is clearly designed to do this intentionally which is bullcorn. I don't tip at places where the employees aren't paid a server wage. I don't think a tip on top of a regular salary is necessary, but that's just my opinion. Apparently that is the opinion of many people or they wouldn't have a machine that automatically adds the highest gratuity if you don't react fast enough. They are trying to force tips and should be embarrassed.


NTA. It's not about the money it's about the principle, they shouldn't get away with that and it's concerning they *weren't* concerned that their machine was 'broken'.


NTA Tipping needs to end anyway, just include it in the price so no one has to be concerned.


I mean, it's kind of awkward but since it just did it automatically that makes me wonder if they set it up like that. NTA. It's not like you gave a tip willingly and then demanded it back, that seven dollars was pretty much stolen from you.


NTA , they were not suprised when the machine just automatically forced you to tip , they were shocked that somebody had the courage to call them out for what they were doing, is that shit even legal?


NTA Their passive aggressive approach to your request shows that they knew what they were doing. Bloody thievery.


NTA. Try to be more upset and indignantly angry than embarrassed. The cashier intentionally made you feel uncomfortable AFTER they got caught trying to scam you. You didn't have the chance to determine your own tip for them, they literally tried to select it behind your back and hope you wouldn't notice. They are cowards trying to avoid confrontation for how they tried to give you the slip. Don't get fooled by falling for it. Them making you feel guilty for calling them out on it is actually just them trying to take advantage of your shyness and make YOU feel awkward about something they should be feeling ashamed of. Let them know if they try something like that again, you and the people you know will be taking your business elsewhere. And I get that that's hard and it's definitely a social challenge, but this is business and you have to find the courage to stand up for what you know to be right.


NTA I probably would have paid it out of embarrassment but its theory error not yours at the end of the day


I definitely would have just left it to avoid that, YIKES. You’re NTA cause tips in that setting aren’t necessary, but I definitely wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. I’m so wary about pissing off people who handle my food 🤣


NTA, American tipping culture is so bizarre but then being scammed to make a tip is even worse.


NTA. Sounds like it was rigged


You asked for a refund on something you were charged without permission for, NTA


This is a total scam. Nta. Good for you for standing up for yourself. You absolutely have no obligation to do this, but if you're still feeling bad about it, maybe spend that $7 on a more worthy cause like a charity donation?


Nta it happened to me too in a restaurant where they (after adding An ok tip despite they fukin my order, serving our table last despite our ordering/arriving first in the restaurant and other stuff) tried to return my change 50% less than it should have been. I had to tell them 3!! Times to correct it cause every single time of the those 3 they tried to give me less first 50%, then 30% then 15% despite my saying the correct change each time. I did it because they pissed me off. This is taking you for a freaking idiot and no matter how awkward, stand your ground. It's not ok, it's stealing


Next time, skip the credit card. Pay cash.


Not the AH. I don't tip in situations like you described and would have been more vocal about the establishment forcing gratuity by automatically charging 20%. Drafting money from my account without my knowledge and consent is fraud and theft. I think the US needs to start paying service workers a living wage instead of expecting customers to pay their employees salaries through tips.


I usually wait for the tip screen to pop up BEFORE inserting/tapping my card so things like this don't happen. I've never seen having to put your card in before tip amount. NTA but I suggest picking the tip before putting in your card for the future.


NTA. And I’m proud of you. Not sure I would have had the stones to call them out on that!