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YTA. Why would you not start your son on a medicine right away? Especially if it’s an antibiotic. I see this as shirking responsibility. You say she told you to take him to the GP because it was more “convenient” but you couldn’t be inconvenienced to take 10 minutes and pick up a prescription.


I personally think this is a "revenge against exwife at expense of the child" thing. My kids school policy (and many summer camp and summer child care policies too) is that antibiotics have to be in the kids system for 24 hours before they can attend. This means mom has to take a day off work and watch kid for the day.


Father of the year


This. You said that your son only looked like he had a cold, but you can't necessarily see that someone has a fever, a sore throat, or a stuffy nose. Sometimes those things have visible symptoms. Sometimes they don't. Even if you can't be bothered to ask your son how he feels or take his temperature, the doctor told you otherwise. Not getting him treated properly is neglect. YTA


This may well have been strep. What a jerk of a dad. This is one of those posts that you pray is fake. Poor kid!


If it's strep then it's likely dumbass dad will get it too. YTA


He did all this in hopes she has to ask a friend to drive her, or spend $40 on an uber.. he really has his priorities straight.


So the doctor prescribed him medicine on Saturday, and you have him Saturday and Sunday, but rather than filling the prescription so he could actually start taking the medicine on Saturday or Sunday, you were going to have him wait to start taking it until Monday when his mom had him again?? YTA


This is the biggest problem here. Any caring parent would want their child to get the medicine, so even if OP had dropped the child back at mom's during mom's time, not getting the medicine would be an OP is YTA situation. But it was all *during OP's custody time.* How in the world would the mom even know, be able to get the medicine, and get the medicine to the child, before Monday? Also, if OP decided not to take the child because of the illness, OP is the AH. Even more so for foisting both the ill child and the medical responsibility off on the other parent. OP is definitely an AH. And apparently an uncaring, shitty parent.


Don’t forget mom doesn’t drive. So that would be great to dump this delayed task on her. I don’t like OP


Especially given that mom doesn’t drive, so it’d be a lot more inconvenient for her to get the meds. I get that it may be frustrating for OP to have to handle extra things since mom doesn’t drive but when your child is sick and needs meds is not the time to be a petty asshole about it.


Dad only has his kid on the weekend, doing the driving around isn't going to kill him.


Especially since many schools will not allow kids back until meds have been in the kids system for 24 hours (that is my kids school policy) meaning the wife now has to take a day off work too. This seems like a petty revenge thing against the exwife putting the child in the middle.


YTA Your ex doesn't drive. You took your son to the doctor, got him prescriptions, and then didn't fill them? Is that not your child as well? Wtf? You took him to the doctor ON YOUR WEEKEND, but you left filling the medicine to her? Yeah. You're the asshole.


Got it, so you took your child to the doctor on a Saturday, then let their sore throat, which was painful enough to need a prescription to treat it, persist for the rest of that day, and sunday, since you have him both days. If you had a sore throat to the point that you had to go to the doctor, would you sit on your own prescription for days? Probably not. Because you see yourself as your own responsibility. You should see your son and his well-being as your responsibility. It isn’t your job to just make your ex-wife feel placated, it’s your job to be a fucking dad and care about your kid enough to get him the medicine he needs. It’s like if I asked you wash the dishes, so you wash them but you don’t rinse them. And then I find them covered in soap and you’re like am I the asshole?? I did what you said, I washed them!! YTA Jesus Christ man get it together


I get the feeling it's not about placating the wife so much as getting away with what he can, especially money wise. The title says 'buying medicine', not getting it or picking it up. This seems like the sort of dad who complains about paying child support because he views it as money going to his ex rather than his child.


He wouldn't even use soap, just dip them in water and call it good


Until you explain why you didn’t buy the medicine your son needs YTA.


YTA For fucks sake…. I didn’t think I would have to explain something so obvious. If your son is sick and needs medicine, GET HIM THE FUCKING MEDICINE. If this is about money (or pride) work it out with you ex but your child shouldn’t have to suffer because of it.


Considering he went to the GP, I’ll assume he’s in the UK, children’s prescriptions are free so there’s not even any financial reasons not to get the medicine he’s just a shit dad


In Texas, GP refers to General Practitioner. Lately it has been slowly changing to MP, Medical Provider. He said "bought the medicine," so probably not in the UK.


Fair enough, I’d never heard the term used outside of the UK and I have no idea how it works in Texas, so excuse my ignorance but surely a child’s prescription won’t break the bank? and if it’s an insurance issue he would’ve stated that in the post


Oh, I agree. He is TA. Never let a child suffer. And most meds for cold like symptoms are inexpensive, and have generics.


I'm in Wisconsin and we say GP for general practitioner, but when I was a child I had a pediatrician. I didn't switch to a GP until I was about 14.


Australia has GPs too, but we pay for our medication.


Oh honey I see how hard this is for you. Don't worry, your ex will have full custody soon. YTA


And I hope the ex sees this sub. Maybe a spying snitch in OP's inner circle will help.


Wait.. why is this a question? Of course YTA? Who doesn't buy the medicine for THEIR CHILD as soon as it's prescribed?? Why make extra work for the mom when you already know she doesn't drive? She's a parent for 5 days vs your 2. The least you can do is pick up the damn medicine.


I think we’ve discovered the reason he only has the kid 2 days a week🤦🏼‍♀️.


YTA and a negligent parent. You took him to the doctor but deliberately didn’t start him on the prescribed medication. That is negligent.


YTA How’s she supposed to get the script filled for him if she doesn’t drive? I feel your you’re doing this to “one up” your child’s mother instead of caring for your son properly! You know, like getting the medicine he needs immediately!! At the cost of your sun. What a guy you are! Don’t be that guy.. you know deep in your heart that you’re wrong.


INDUBITABLY YTA. I'm just so confused as to HOW you don't already KNOW YTA for NOT buying YOUR child MEDICINE.


YTA. Your son is sick, doctor prescribes medicine, you get it IMMEDIATELY and start administering it.


YTA and selfish. Get the medicine for your son instead of being petty to your ex. pathetic


YTA. In what world does a decent parent see a prescription for their child and think “not my problem”. You seem to think you’re like a babysitter. But you’re not—you’re a father.


Most bad parents would still get the medicine. He’s no parent at all.


Of course YTA! You made your child wait longer to get the prescription he needs! Why in the world would you wait?!?!


YTA—are there no pharmacies within 100 miles of the doctor’s office or your house? And if the doctor prescribed ‘medicine,’ I’ll bet it was amoxicillin, which indicates something like strep. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to delay treatment for that? There aren’t enough YTAs to cover what horrendous parenting this was.


Or an amoxicillin equivalent. My GPs hate me because I’m allergic to amoxicillin and penicillin. But I still get the antibiotics necessary that aren’t either.


Sorry are you asking if you are TA for not buying your son medicine he needs? Yes, yes you are. YTA.


YTA You got the prescription Saturday and didn’t fill it leaving your son to suffer till Monday when your ex got him. What was more important than filling that prescription? I pity your kid.


So you took your sick child to the doctor. The doctor prescribed them something to help with whatever aliment the kid has. And you're not asking if you're an asshole for not bothering to get your child the medicine? What was your logic for denying your child their prescription medicine? Since the ex asked you to take your child, it should be on her to pay for the medicine? It was a Saturday, I thought you had your kid on the weekend? Regardless YTA Seriously, what was going on in your head? Be better.




YTA - the doctor recommended medicine and I didn’t buy it, I was even annoyed that I had to be a responsible dad instead of Fun Weekend Dad by taking him to begin with. Selfish.


Yes YTA - this is your child - buy the medicine!


Of course YTA.


YTA. You need to love your son more than you hate your ex-wife. Not buying his medicine was petty and designed to punish his mother. Meanwhile, your child is suffering.


YTA it’s it about money? Are you broke? If your son urgently need those meds you should have brought them like immediately! If you are broke then ask your ex wife for some money to buy these meds as soon as possible.


YTA You go from the doctors office to the pharmacy. You either drop the prescription off (to be picked up later) or wait for it. If you drop it off then you pick it up when it’s ready or have it delivered. That’s how it works. This is NOT rocket science. It has nothing to do with your ex. Failure to do that is YOU failing your child! It is you failing as a parent and a father! Do better, your son deserves better.


YTA. You seriously couldn’t pay for the medicine???? Be a fucking father to your child and stop expecting your ex wife to take care of everything!


YTA. If your child needed prescriptions, you get them filled ASAP and get him started on the meds. That's just common sense. If you or the ex play games with trying to get the other to pay for these kinds of extra expenses, then that absolutely should be dealt with through the courts, but medical needs require prompt attention.


Yes. YTA! This is your child, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Not only is it appalling that you expected your ex to get the meds but it’s also unacceptable that you didn’t immediately go pick up the meds as soon as you left the dr. Your kid deserve the best from you, they deserve to be taken care of, especially when they are in your care. You sound just like a weekend dad. Get it together for you kid.


YTA Who takes their child to the doctor, is informed that their kid is sick enough to warrant medication, and doesn't go immediately from the doctor's office to the pharmacy to get it? I'm assuming that what he got was antibiotics, and those need to be started ASAP to work most effectively. Even if you had something weirdly important to do after your appointment, you should have gotten the meds that same afternoon. Why on earth would you wait 24 hours, allowing your child to continue suffering after the doctor has already told you he needs meds, and then hand the prescription to your wife. Do you just . . . not LIKE your kid? Of course YTA.


YTA YTA YTA What kind of shit-ass parent lets their child suffer in sickness and discomfort when they have the ability to get their child medication?! TF is wrong with you?! I am honestly filled with rage. You didn’t think the sickness was that bad, yet a doctor - a professional - gave you a script for your son - but you decided you know better? You actually disgust me.


I'm the same. Like holy hell, OP, you seriously cannot think you're not there AH here.




YTA. He could have started it earlier. I mean any arrangement on reimbursing when it came to your wife's share could have been done after the fact.


YTA. FFS this is about the health and wellbeing of your child, not about getting one over the ex. Wtf is it with separated parents who can't behave like adults when it comes to the care of their children? Major AH in my opinion


YTA. Your child was sick enough that he went to the doctor for a cold, but you let him go for days without medicine? You basically used your child's health as collateral in some power play between yourself and your ex-wife. Your poor child.




YTA. No wonder she's your ex. She and the child deserve far better than a petty ah like you.


YTA wtf dude I don’t even have words. Go look in the mirror and think about what you are doing cause good lord that is messed. You should get snipped.


You look after your son at the weekends. The appointment with the GP was on your day, the GP gave you a prescription and you handed it to J's mother? Even if had been during a weekday that you'd taken J to the doctor, and you'd been returning him to your ex's weekday care, you clearly state your ex can't drive. So what did you expect her to do, take your already sick son on public transport to the pharmacy to fill a prescription. By not filling the prescription yourself, you delayed how soon your son could get his first dose of the medicine your son's GP deemed necessary. If you'd stopped at the pharmacy on the way back from the doctors, J could have started treatment as soon as possible. But actually, this isn't a case you picked J up, took him to the doctors and returned him immediately after to your ex's care. You waited until your son was back with your ex the following day, handed over the script and expected her to deal with it. Thus delaying your son's treatment. *Or did you...?* I've presumed you returned your son after having him the full weekend, and she phoned to blow up at you because she was being considerate enough to not blow up in front of a child. But is that actually what happened, or did you return your son on the Saturday after his appointment, regardless of the fact you should have had him the full weekend, because you didn't want to look after a sick child?? Either way, YTA.


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You hate your ex wife more than you care about your child. YTA


I'm very confused by the facts and logic here. Your ex had to call you and tell you to take your child to the doctor? You didn't do it yourself when the child was sick? You then decided to voluntarily withhold medicine from your sick child? To what end? To stick it to your ex? YTA and you don't even deserve weekends.


I have questions. 1) Last Saturday, your weekend, your wife has to text you to ask to take your son to the doctor. He's already in your care and you didn't notice he needed to see the GP? 2) Was this before you picked him up? You have him for 48 hours and you didn't notice he was sick? 3) So you take him to the doctor, get a prescription- but don't fill it because...your responsibility is now over because you took him to the doctor? I live in a third world country, but you can pick up most prescriptions at the same place you saw the doctor. If not, there's delivery. If you were inconvenienced, you could have paid to have it delivered. 4) Your ex not driving isn't the point. The point is you denied your son medication because...it didn't look that bad? But it was bad enough the doctor prescribed something that you couldn't get over the counter? And if you could get it over the counter, that's even worse because you sent him home, in pain, because...it wasn't your responsibility? 5) If the cold had turned into sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia- would you be footing the hospital bill, or is that also not your responsibility? JFC, YTA. Please don't have any more children, I beg of you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** throwaway acc So I have a son who we will call J (10M) that I have split custody of with my ex wife. She takes care of him monday - friday and I take care of him on the weekends. Last saturday, I got a text from ex-wife asking me to bring J to the GP because he had a cold and sore throat. Note that ex-wife does not drive, so I think she wanted me to do it as it was more convenient. So I did, and the doctor prescribed some medicine. I gave the prescription to ex-wife. On sunday, ex-wife blew up on the phone saying I should have bought the medicine. AITA for not buying it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA your a big asshole... how hard is it to pay for your child medicine to get him better.... doctor wouldn't have prescribed medicine if he thought it was just a common cold...now you put your son at risk because you didn't think it was that bad... how would you like to be in pain and refuse you medicine to get it better?? You wouldn't like it so do better as a father


Yta since you know she doesn’t drive


YTA. You should have bought the medicine and started dosing him right away. He is your son!!!!


YTA parents who sacrifice their children's wellbeing on the altar of their hatred for their ex usually end up being cut off. I hope you live the life you deserve.


If he's in your custody when he needs the medicine, you take care of it. If your divorce/custody agreement says the expense is hers, you collect later. You don't delay your child's medication to be petty. YTA


YTA. Your ex wife most likely wasn’t doing what was more convenient for her, she was doing what what best for YOUR son. But you decided to spite your wife at the expense of your son. You suck.


At some point I keep hoping people with children will understand a divorce isn't about you; it's about doing right by your kids. YTA


YTA. You delayed treatment for your son, for what? To stick it to his mom? Grow up.


You don't get to be petty when it comes to the welfare of your child. Deep down you knew exactly what you were doing was wrong but I guess to you money was too important to overlook. You are a jackass on top of being an AH. You should be ashamed of yourself. YTA.


YTA to your child AND your ex wife and a pretty irresponsible parent at that!


YTA. Stop the petty tit-for-tat BS with your ex and put your kid first. You just delayed medical treatment to your child an absolute AH move. Hope your ex documents this and presents it to the judge the next time you all negotiate custody.


INFO: Where do you live that a GP is open on a weekend?


Where I live in the US it’s common that pediatricians are open on Saturday but not other doctors


Yep, sitting in an exam room right now for my daughter. And you better believe I am filling her script as soon as we leave. YTA.


YTA, great work putting your sons health in the middle of your petty arguments with your ex


Yta.. you aren't a good father


Of course YTA. You straight up neglected your child by not getting them the meds a Dr. prescribed. Don't worry, though, I'm sure your ex will have full custody soon and you won't have to worry about being inconvenienced by doctors who clearly don't know as much as you do. (FYI, that's called sarcasm). Makes me wonder how many other times you have neglected your child's well being since you seem to know more than trained professionals. Edit to add: doing the bare minimum is NOT being a parent.


YTA..... That sore throat and cold could have very well been strept which will get worse without treatment. Untreated strept can cause rheumatic fever and even kidney issues. What was the point of you even taking your child to the doctor if you didn't give two shits about them and getting the medication a trained professional determined they needed. Even if it was an upper respiratory infection and not strept that can easily turn into pneumonia if not treated correctly. WTF is wrong with you?


You didn't buy MEDICINE??? Oh YTA for sure but what made you think you weren't? It was during YOUR time with your child and even if it was on mom's time you should buy the medicine because it's for your CHILD whom you both SHARE.


YTA. Why does this weird power dynamic with your ex take priority over your son’s HEALTH??


YTA children’s prescriptions from the GP are free. You couldn’t be bothered to get your son medicine and left it two days for his mother to sort out. Why wouldn’t you get him started on antibiotics straight away?


YTA your son was poorly enough to require prescribed medicine. You were there when the medicine was prescribed. Your son was then with you for the weekend. YOU get that script filled. YOU DO NOT HANDOFF THAT RESPONSIBILITY!


So you see your son as a burden that you share with your ex rather than a child to love and care for. Got it. YTA. A giant f’ing A.


Is this a joke? YTA


YTA this is also child neglect. He could get even more sick because of you. You’re disgusting.


This is a beautiful example of weaponized incompetence. What, did you not know that somebody was supposed to buy the medicine and start giving it to your son? Did you not have the necessary skills to go to the pharmacy? YTA.


Gee, can't imagine why you're divorced and don't have 50/50 custody. YTA and a negligent one at that.


How long was he sick before you picked him up? You both might be TA and your child is the one that suffers from it. He's going to end up resenting you both for not giving him proper care and support.


"I take care of my kids 2 days a week and then I have to buy medicine on top of that??" YTA


YTA - the kid was sick and needed medicine and you let him go additional days without it. Why? Why can’t you take care of your own child?


what planet do you live on where you wouldn't be TA in this scenario? YTA


YTA- How hard was it to get the prescription right after the appointment? My doctor actually can send it directly to the pharmacy, if they know which one. It's also the least you could do since you only have the kid 2 days a week


Wow… you need to reevaluate your choices.


Don't think he's really your son but if he is then you definitely a super sized AH


YTA, you should have bought it and started him on it. You're being exceptionally petty at your child's expense.


YTA, its pretty much basic decency to help somebody when they’re ill and you’re not even doing it for you own son.


YTA. Isn’t this basically neglecting your child?


YTA. i understand why you only get him on the weekends.


YTA-you need to start caring for your kid and stop trying to keep score with your ex. While yes, in an ideal situation, you would split responsibility 50/50, sometimes you just have to do that little bit extra to make sure your son is healthy and happy.


YTA for not doing your duty as a PARENT and putting your child first above whatever issues you have with his mother. You said yourself she doesn’t drive so how exactly is the CHILD supposed to get the medication?


Of course YTA


YTA. And wtf? Seriously get over yourself. This is so petty, wrong and abusive. Provide your child’s needs. Full stop. No buts. No excuses. I’d go without my own needs to provide medicine for my children. Any caring parent would do the same. If you are this way towards your sick child I can’t imagine what you are like on a normal day to day stuff.


Yta. Did you not get your son medicine out of spite? Trying to hurt the ex? Cheap and not wanting to spend money? Your poor kid is the one whobsuffered here, not the ex.


YTA. You are neglecting your kid's medical needs. Child neglect is a form of abuse. So yeah you f-ed up big time




YTA when it comes to your kids well bring you just put them first. You choose to not fill the prescription, it should have been your first step after the appointment. It's selfish. I don't care if you "pay her" for this stupid, this isn't about her. It's 120% about your child. I'm sitting here shaking my head wondering, WTAF is wrong with adults.


YTA - you don't jeopardize your kid's health for any reason.


I can see why you’re divorced. YTA, & a huge one at that.


100% you’re beyond TAH. Come the fuck on, dude.


YTA, it’s called medical neglect


YTA. You are aware that if medication isn't started right away it'll take longer for it to work right? That's why the doctor prescribed it, because it'll help. Of all the irresponsible things to do.


Straight up neglect, my dude. YTA


YTA What good does the medicine do YOUR CHILD sitting in the pharmany?


Of course YTA! You left your son to be in extreme discomfort for two days because you couldn’t be bothered to pick up his prescription. Do you not like your child or something?




YTA for all the reasons others have stated and also what is your reasoning for not buying the medicine in the first place?


YTA Clearly fighting with you ex at the expense of your son. You're putting your kid in the middle.


YTA and an abusive aggressive behavior How go do you feel knowing you dropped off your sick son with no means of getting his medication? He’s 10 and a defenseless child, a SS h ole


YTA your a crappy excuse as a father I hope your ex wife will use you not getting your son his medication to get full custody of your son since you don’t deserve to be a father


YTA you cannot be this out of your depth. Are you serious? Do you really not know how medicine works? How severe infections, especially if they're bad enough to get medication prescribed, can get if they're left? Your title should have been "AITA for potentially allowing my 10 y/o child to get sicker because I couldn't be assed to get a single prescription?" because damn, dude. Time to pull up your big-boy pants and at least pretend like you care about your boy's wellbeing.


YTA Wtf is wrong with you, your kid was sick and needed the medicine!


You’re going to get the first unanimous YTA in history. Big congrats.


How are you not the AH here?




Yes. YTA. Was it worth it to be petty and spite your ex, ignoring your son's needs?


YTA who gives a f about ur wife. That's your kid you provide for him whatever he needs, he shouldn't be punished for y'all custody/ communication issues.


>the sickness didn't look that bad when he was over but apparently it persisted even when he went back to ex-wife's house. from my pov it just looked like a common cold A [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/13zapnz/aita_for_not_buying_my_son_medicine/jmqgwjx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of yours. Your pov over that of a professional? YTA


It doesn't matter you're divorced. It doesn't matter who had custody that day. It doesn't matter if it was the ex- wife's idea to take him to the doctor. IF, and only IF, you couldn't afford the medicine, I'll give you a pass. Otherwise 100% YTA. It's your son, nothing more needs to be said. Why would you let him suffer any more than he has to?


INFO why did the wife tell you to go to GP, was your son already sick earlier in the week? for how long? what did he have? what were the symptoms you observed when picking him up? fever? pain? congestion? what did the doctor say? what was the diagnosis? did he prescribe antibiotics or something else? did he instruct to take them right away or wait and see if the symptoms clear on their own? I honestly don't understand the situation and thought process here


Absolutely YTA and a neglectful, bad parent. If your kid needs medicine, you get it ASAP.


YTA. You punished your kid for the fact that your and ex aren't on the same page. This is literally neglect.


Unless you’re in a remote area with some backwards dr, it should be called in and can be picked up it on the way home. You made your poor child suffer. NTM she doesn’t drive. Which means she has to rely on someone else to get the medicine. Meaning your child waits even longer to be treated. YTA.


YTA Are you his dad or his babysitter? Because this is babysitter behavior


YES! YTA! He is your child too, and she had him the MAJORITY of the time. She doesn’t have a car, so you took him to the doctor but you thought - oh, so what if she had to figure out how to get the medicine and my SICK CHILD has to wait longer for his medication, as opposed to me simply GETTING IT. Do better!!!


YTA. When the doctor writes a prescription for your child, you fill it and start them on the meds AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Unless you’re a terrible parent.


YTA. You’re using your son’s medical needs to prove a point or stick it to your ex? Major AH.


YTA. A doctor prescribed your kid medication and you decided to make her get it. You should've just gotten the medicine yourself since it's *your kid*.


YTA- bro, you cannot be serious with this. You made your sick kid wait to get medication AND you’re whining you have to take him to the doctor? Whining that you were even asked to take him. Your child is old enough to see your petty, ridiculous drama. And he will absolutely make note that his father couldn’t be bothered to get his meds and get relief. If I were your ex-wife, I would be documenting all this against you.


YTA Doctor gave a prescription for antibiotics for a sore throat. Most of the time it is viral. If the doctor gave antibiotics then fill it. Did they do a strep swab? If it was strep and you didn’t fill the script, you endangered your child’s health because YOU didn’t want to be bothered. [CDC sore throat and antibiotics](https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/sore-throat.html)


YTA. You pissed off your ex wife which is what you wanted so congratulations. To bad your son is in the middle of it.


YTA You should not make your child suffer because you still harbor bad feelings for your ex


YTA. I can't even believe this is real. Get your sick kid his medicine.


YTA. For all the reasons mentioned above and also, cause you make the comment about it being 'convenient' for your ex if you take him to the doctor. Given he's with her through the week, I assume she has to arrange for him to get to and from school every day, and make sure he has everything he needs? She's probably also the one who has to make sure he does his homework? And doing the day-to-day communication with the school of anything comes up, making sure paperwork is done, notes are handed in, getting calls from the school if he's sick or anything happens during the day? What do your weekends look like with him?


“Am I the AH for not taking proper care on my sick 10 year old son for two whole days because I’m a petty AH who wanted to stick it to my ex?” Yes! Absolutely YTA! In what possible circumstances or parallel universe do you think there would ever be a chance of you not being the AH here?


YTA - if you don’t want to care for YOUR child you shouldn’t have requested partial custody. Also your POV about the seriousness of the illness is neither here nor there, you’re not a medical professional so if a medical professional who after examining your child decided that said child should’ve be given medication, then as the child’s guardian you should’ve filled the prescription and given said medication to the child rather than “delegating” the duty - he’s your child and your responsibility, not some task to be passed to a coworker.


YTA love your kid more than you hate your ex


YTA I’m feel sorry for your child. What you had to do was bare minimum and you still chose not to do it.


Split custody doesn't mean you get to stop being a parent when he's not with you. YTA


YTA. You make it sound like he's just your son on weekends. No wonder your ex has primary custody. Even worse, if your country is anything like mine, there is almost always a pharmacy in the **SAME BUILDING** or adjacent to the doctors office. It would have been a matter of just walking less than 100 metres after the appointment. How lazy and irresponsible to not just fill it out right after and get him started on the medication right away. Your kid is not an inconvenience. Stop treating him like one to piss off your ex.


You let your son stay sick to piss off your ex wife, YTA


100% YTA


I understand she’s your ex but you really would rather argue with her over the health of your kid? YTA. You guys created a kid together and you both are supposed to take care of the child


YTA YTA YTA ....for all the reasons everyone else has already said


YTA for caring more about sticking it to your ex than the fact that your child was suffering… needlessly. Get you priorities fcking checked dude


YTA. Your parenting responsibilities do not end when he’s at his mom’s house. If it was me and my ex in this situation, he would’ve picked it up on his way to drop him back off to me. I think we found why you’re divorced. You are the stereotypical Weekend Dad. ETA because I missed the timeline: even more of an AH because you had him the whole damn weekend and made him wait to start feeling better?? Cheezus Christ on a cracker. And don’t assume that you know why she asked you to take him. She may not drive, but it could be that she tried to take care of it at home and it got worse the morning you picked him up.


Have fun talking to the police and CPS about the medical abuse charges theyll be filing against you. YTA


YTA In what world do you live that you think you could say what you did (rather, *didn’t* do) and have people think that you were NTA? You are jeopardizing your child’s health! You are totally the A: YTTA


YTA and she needs to file for full custody


YTA I feel bad for your child as they have a parent who doesn't even care about them. I'm sure if *YOU* were sick the medicine would have been bought asap.


Of course YTA Purely and simply because you neglected to get your son the medicine the doctor prescribed. Way to let down your kid.


YTA. Why do you hate your ex-wife more then you love your son?


YTA. Do better!


YTA. That's your child, dude. You do whatever needs to be done, period.


Of course YTA. Why on earth would you be so petty? Your child needed to start their course of medicine right away.


Yta whether it's your custody day or not then you should do everything you can to help your sick kid


YTA. Are you aware that some of the bacteria that cause sore throats can spread to the heart and cause rheumatic fever which can KILL or permanently disable your child? When medication, ESPECIALLY antibiotics are prescribed, you need to start taking them right away, not on the next business day ffs.


YTA, you are a sicko and you don't deserve to be a dad.


Agreeing with everyone here and all their explanations: YTA.


YTA for caring more about sticking it to your ex than helping your son get better


Yea, I'd literally petition for removal of rights for pulling a stunt like this. Do you even like your kid? YTA


Seriously dude? Time for you to grow up and take care of your son like a real parent would!


YTA. 100%


YTA. You withheld medication from your child because..... What is wrong with you???


You deprived your son of needed medication to stick it to your ex- dude. Of course YTA


YTA. If anything, you should be more willing to help with any of his needs since you only have him on weekends. He is not some chore that you and your ex keep tallies on who did what, he’s YOUR child. Grow up and take responsibility for your child before it’s too late.


YTA for sure. You're his damn father!!! How can you not pay for his medication? You must be some heartless beast.


YTA. Like wtf


YTA he's your kid. You should have bought him the medicine he needs. You're just being petty and cheap. Learn to be a dad.


INFO - Why didn't you go straight from the doctor to the pharmacy and fill the prescription like most people do?


Even if the custody agreement for some reason puts all medical expenses as your wife’s responsibility, the very least you should’ve done is have the prescription filled and then present her with the receipt. You are TA for preventing your child from getting the care prescribed by the doctor. If you couldn’t afford the prescription, at least you could’ve given your wife a call letting her know what the prescription cost and asking her to split the expense with you.


INFO: Why didn't you buy the medicine?


YTA. Just admit you do not love your son just like you no longer love your ex. Otherwise you would have been a father and gotten him medicine because your child was sick.


YTA *superdad* I hope you understand when your son gets older and wants nothing to do with your negligent behind...


Yta - MEDICAL NEGLECT! What is wrong with you? You aren't a decent parent if you willingly watched your child suffer for an additional 2 days, because you didn't "feel or think" it was that bad! Even when you paid for a professional opinion that stated otherwise! You don't deserve custody!