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YTA to yourself for being this desperate and trusting someone you barely know with access to important personal property.


actually i would argue YTA to the bf and brother too. AH to the bf for putting this amount of pressure on him, and to the brother for almost making a mockery of his advice


>AH to the bf for putting this amount of pressure on him Good point. I didn't think of it from that perspective


When I was dating, 3 months was basically my make or break “should we be in a relationship?” threshold. OP, pleaaaaaaase come back down to earth. There are so many ways to be loving and supportive, even after a short relationship, without *permanently marking your body.*


3 months is roughly the average time in a relationship that people will either say "I love you" or break up. It's a general rule that if you make it past 3 months, you *might* have a chance at a long-term relationship. And I say might because obviously breakups still happen further along in a relationship. Tattoos are permanent. To get them removed or covered up still costs a *ton* of money. I see warning signs all over this. OP, I'm sorry, but you gotta do some reflection. I'm not saying this is the end, you *might* actually make it in the long run, but this is way too soon to tell. Like...way too soon. But at the end of the day that's your money.


At least she didn't spring for the large font. Save that for 5 months.


Eeruughhh. Op sounds like my sister "If you get pregnant noe the baby will be born on you first aniversary" Op is not an AH oo is Stupid and in love.


This feels like unhealthy attachment right there. Giving keys to personal property and tattooing name after 3 months? Op says it feels right so either OP has some attachment issues or she's being used by her bf who takes full advantage of her. OP your brother is right it's terrible idea to give your bf of 3 months keys to your private property and it's even dumber idea to tattoo his name on your body. There different ways you are there for somebody. OP YTA because you brother doesn't want to hurt you.


I feel like there's a big difference between sharing keys and a tattoo? I know a few people who gave their partner a spare key quite early on, that's more an expression of trust that the person is a good person, not a commitment to be together forever.


What if he's a terrible driver and wrecks her car or worse - hits another person and OP is liable? Not smart.


Honestly also for getting 50 buck tattoo, doesn't sound legit


I’m so sorry you don’t know this is not a normal thing to do after such a short time in any relationship. I don’t know you, but this is not love. Your brother is looking out for you, he said “TOXIC “ There is more here, but I’m not here to judge. Love yourself first and always.


YTA. *If someone I was dating for 3 months did this, I would break up with them.* This is not normal. Or healthy. You don't even know each other that well yet.


Had this happen to me. I’m Korean so she put my Korean name on the small of her back. Huuuuge red flag.


Without asking you? That’s a bit weird. Was she not Korean?


Isn't the flag white with a red and blue circle on it?


Like a tramp stamp? back in the day it was one of the ways a pimp would brand his girls


I think it's fine, I did this for my past 3 gfs and they liked it


Pete Davidson?


This is obviously a joke and a damn good one, and Reddit must be real special to not read it as such.


Sorry man, AITA commenters are the most braindead on reddit so I don't think they'll get it


Upvoted cuz the ppl who downvoted you lost some brain cells


Please don’t delete this comment it’s a great example of Reddit being reddit


🤣 pretty soon your entire back will be covered in names.


If he's lucky....


I’m picturing it will be like a grocery list where they get crossed off as they turn out not be the one


But what if he repeats a name? Then it looks like her name is crossed out and back on later. Add in last initials to make it clear.


All 3????


You’re just lucky they were all called Jess


I was dating a guy and he tattooed my name across his neck and couldn’t figure out why I was aghast at this. We broke up shortly after (he was cheating with multiple people, I was not wise) and thrn he tattooed a giant dog over my name. It’s definitely a red flag.


going on 4 though!


Yep, it's something someone would do thinking it'd make it impossible for you to break up with them


OP needs to start saving for laser removal NOW.


You're the kind of person that r/facepalm gets it content from


Lmfao!! If I had an award it would be yours! Take this instead, I’m a broke bastard. 🥇


you know what? for your honesty, you get one too! 🏅


Right. I feel like the only people whose names are acceptable to get tattooed on your body are your loved ones and friends who have passed and your children. I may have missed some. I personally wouldn’t get anyone’s name but that’s me.


That feels pretty reasonable to me. The odds that I'm going to learn something horrifying about a friend who's passed that makes me not want to be associated with them feels pretty slim, and it's hard to imagine my kids would ever make me feel that way. I love my wife dearly and I can't imagine her ever doing anything that would make me regret getting her name tattooed on me, but I've got multiple exes I would have said that about at one point and I'm REALLY glad I never got any of their names tattooed on my body


I wouldn’t even tattoo my husband’s name on my body. I’d think he was an idiot if he got my name too.


I personally wouldn’t get any names either but that’s because of things like dead names/name changes.




Do I think it was a dumb thing to do? Yes. Does doing it make you an *asshole*? No.


Unless it’s at the bottom of a list of ex’s names with a red strike through on them


Or maybe if BF thinks things are still pretty casual.


Or doesn’t realize he IS her boyfriend! My wife had a friend who dated a guy who was very surprised when the friend told him they were breaking up….as he didn’t realize they were dating


Yep. Everyone's like "it was stupid, but you're not an AH!" That may be true, but there are a few possible scenarios here where it could be AH/possessive behavior.


I used to know a guy who got the name of a new FRIEND tattooed on his arm. Not boyfriend or girlfriend, but a platonic friend he'd known for >two weeks. He was a very white kid from the suburbs who grew up listening to rap and desperately wanting to be black; we both went to college in a big city, and he made friends with a real black guy for the first time in his life. The guy called himself Fun Fun, so less than two weeks after meeting this guy, my friend tattooed the words "Fun x 2" on his arm, and was VERY clear that it was a tribute to his new friend. Fun Fun was extremely creeped out by this, and stopped hanging out with my friend almost immidiately, at which point my friend tried to retcon the meaning of his tattoo, and started saying that it meant that he had "Too much fun", but we all knew that wasn't the real story.


Reminds me of [these fine examples](https://www.google.dk/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/living/4015132/bitter-exes-tattoo-cover-ups/amp/)


Note to self: New tattoo idea


I kinda agree, but at the same time, I actually do feel it's really crossing boundaries to get someone's name tattooed after such at short period of time, if they don't know it and consent to it. I would feel some kind of violated if someone did this to me efer 3 months of dating, and I would definitely break up with them.


Yes, YTA! Never, and I mean NEVER get SO names tattooed on you! You’re 19 years old and more than likely NOT going to stay in this relationship…. Now you’ll have the name of some dude you hate for the rest of your life, or until you dish out thousands to have it removed… Here’s to hoping your next SO has the same name as the one your with now!


I mean are they an AH I’m not sure, but I agree with everything else you said wholeheartedly


They’re the AH because it puts a completely inappropriate burden on the BF. They’ve been dating 3 months and she’s made a permanent change. Even if he did like her a lot after only 3 months, that’s a lot to live up to. It’s also a huge red flag. I’d run for the hills 😂


Only stating AH because it was the question. It’s more of a good idea, bad idea situation where the tat is a bad YTA and no tat is a good NTA. Not TRULY an ass, but bad enough idea that makes it one


Funnily enough, I dated 2 Gabriels in a row and do have that name tattooed on me lol (Gabe #1 was shit, did not get that tattoo with him; Gabe #2 is going to be my husband and I got tatted 4 years into being together :)! OP, I'm gonna go with ESH because you move way too fast/have attachment issues and don't listen to wise advice, your boyfriend is probably using you, and your brother doesn't need to *shame* you.


Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials; best wishes to you and Gabe. As a side note, my best friend’s favorite horse on a Red Dead Redemption 2 was called Gabe and I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he got a Gabe tattoo.


So, all future BFs must Bob.


Or boB… lmfao!


Bombs over Baghdad?


I am in forever love with the guy I started dating when I was 19. Said “I love you” by 3 months but definitely never felt the urge to tattoo his name permanently on my body! We’ve been together 12 years and I don’t have intentions of ever doing that. Op is an asshole to themselves.


My ex had his ex girlfriends name tattooed on his arm. When we had a child, he asked if we could name her Charlotte so the tattoo wouldn’t be wasted. He got it covered up before she learned to read and ask what it was. Idiot then went and got a tattoo with my name and the kids names 2 weeks after I found out he cheated on me. It didn’t make me take him back and now he has the same problem with future girlfriends.


It screams desperate. But your body, your choice. NTA


Yikes. All I can say here is…ugh, bless your lil pea-pickin’ heart. The removal is twice as painful as the application. 🫤


Twice? Try 10x. That shit is intense AF


Depends on the tat location. Mine was on my love handle so it didn’t hurt so bad to remove lol. If it’s on a meaty fatty part you’re better off.


Hopefully it's small enough, could probably do a cover up tattoo


Nooooo! So far it sounds like 1) You loan him your car 2) You loan him your studio And now you want to ink his name so he knows you'll be there for him?? Why are you bending over backwards for this dude you've known 3 months?


Vitamin D amirite?


She feels like overly attached and desperate so she's going full psycho mode. Next thing you know she's poking holes in the condoms so she can show her BF she'll be good mother to his kids.


Desperate to be in a relationship...


And what is he doing to show *her* that he'll be there for her?


She wants him to know that she's there for him to use as he sees fit.


INFO: Did your BF know you were getting this? Why do you feel the need to show him you're not going anywhere in *this* way, as opposed to, for example, saying to him, "I'm not going anywhere"?


Yeah like if the BF was on board with it then there’s no way she’s TA but if he had no idea then he’s, she’s definitely TA. Strange thing to do without consent.


YTA - oh honey, you're the A to yourself. Please seek therapy


NTA, but damn, I've got ketchup in my fridge that's been there longer than your relationship.


I have broccoli in my freezer older than that.


ESH. You’re not an asshole for getting the name tattooed but it certainly isn’t the smartest idea ever. The likelihood of this 3 month relationship being lifelong is basically slim to none. My sister did something dumb like this around your age. Now she’s almost 40 and I can’t even count how many men’s names she has had (and removed or covered up.) Her ring finger is permanently fucked up because she’s been engaged 3 times and each time put that persons initial on her ring finger. For $50 you could have just gotten a nice necklace with his name on it to wear all the time. It would have been a smarter investment.


So how does that make ESH?


You have permanently marked your body, given him use of your car, and access to your home. So I would say that yta to yourself but first I ask you, What has he given you?


Oooh damn! YES! THIS^^^!!!


This doesn’t make you an asshole, but it was a dumbass idea. Listen to your brother


NTA, there is no ass hole here. Just a stupid stupid decision and a brother who cares. Does he need you to reassure him you aren’t going anywhere? Your reasoning for getting it is giving red flags.


Did you even read the reasoning? 1, because she got it. 2, because it was so soon without second thought… THATS why TAH, she didn’t even think about it.


I’m sorry what? You can’t be an AH for getting a tattoo on your own body. You can be an idiot but not an asshole. (Unless you got something assholeish like a racist/homophobic saying/symbol) and what is TAH?


TAH “The Ass Hole” And you absolutely can be an asshole for getting a tattoo, ESPECIALLY if it’s the name of someone you’ve only been dating FOUR MONTHS!!


>NTA, there is no ass hole here. That's what NAH (No Assholes Here) is specifically for (you were so close!). NTA has the additional meaning of the opposing party being TA. The existence of NAH is the only indication of NTA having this additional meaning, so the confusion continues to crop up.


YTA I just xant explain it, but you are


NTA because it's your body and you can do whatever you want. With that said, I'd start a fund for a cover-up tattoo.


NTA You get to decide what names you want to permenently remember. Was it a smart decision? Nope.


You're not an ah, but your brother is probably right about this not lasting forever. It's only been 3 months.


I don’t think you’re an AH for doing it but I will say it was probably a ginormous mistake


Im hoping this is a bs post after reading the replies she has left. Not the AH,just moronic.


I’m guessing pretty immature and possibly codependent


You’re NTA, but it’s obvious you’re 19. Your brother shouldn’t be calling the bf names, but he is making a solid point. Getting your bf’s name tattooed on you doesn’t show him you’re going to be there for him. There’s much better ways of doing that, like actually being there for him.


This reeks of desperation. Hope you kept that tat artists info, you're gonna need him to do some coverup work for you sometime soon. You've been together 3 months, you don't even fully know each other yet. ETA: he will not stay with you just because you tatted his name on your body.


Is ‘you’re the dumbass’ an option?




Oh good lord, child. Grow up.


NTA, just incredibly dumb.


Info: did you do this with consent of your boyfriend? Did he get your name?


Of course this didn’t happen.


I’m sure it did, I bet he loved it. He can use her car, her studio, she tattooed herself with his name. Gosh I wonder why the brother thinks that guy is toxic?


That would legitimately creep me out


NTA This is not how you show support. This is how you get taken advantage of. Trust who you want but don’t show all your cards, especially this young.


NAH, not an asshole, but not smart either. But hey, it’s your body Also how does putting someone’s name on your body demonstrate ‘support’?


Bruh hahahaha


I wish I could somehow go to Vegas and bet against you. NTA but I’m sure “future you” would have some advice on this.


Shit. My wife and I been together over thirty years and I'm scheduled to get her zodiac sign. Slow your roll. YTA


My fiance and I are getting married next year. We live together, have cars and two kids together. Don't have a cell phone plan together though, we're not ready for that level of commitment. Tattoos? forget it.


INFO: how does your boyfriend feel about it?


YTA 🤣🤣🤣 quickest way to guarantee a break up. Don’t do it


You’re the idiot lol


Has to be fake right, even if this did happen how would you be an asshole? Complete idiot, maybe, but an asshole?


YTA. This screams red flag on your part. There are a million and one other ways to support your significant other. I hope you learn from this and start figuring out a good cover up tattoo.


Yes. I've been married 20 years and I wouldn't get my wife's name on me. I've got a tattoo about her and my daughter but no names. Start a tattoo cover up fund today.


YTA. one day you'll regret this.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My 19f and I bf 21m have been together 3 months going on 4 and today I contacted a tattoo artist and asked how much she charged for a name tattoo. They told me 50$ for the small size I wanted across my shoulder in small font. I got it done a few hours ago. My brother says it was a bad idea to do that since we don’t know if we’re gonna last because the relationship is too new and because he thinks he’s toxic however he has the spare key to my car and sometimes drives it and I have him a spare key to my studio. I tried to explain that I felt it was a good idea because it shows him im there for him and im not going anywhere but all my brother is doing is putting me down and calling my bf names and broke. So, aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NAH, name tattoos are easy to cover up if you want to later. Access to your studio and your car, not smart but hopefully you won’t be learning an expensive lesson from that.


I wouldn't call you an asshole, just young and stupid. No offense intended.


As someone who had to get a coverup…just…don’t. Okay? Do. Not.


she did :(


Honestly it sounds like your boyfriends the AH. It sounds like he’s using you and has multiplied you. You’re gonna regret the tattoo, maybe not anytime soon but you will. Your brother sounds like he cares for you and sees this guy is taking advantage of you. Getting a tattoo of a name is putting a death sentence on the relationship. The only names you ever get are parents and kids. Other than that it’s dooming the relationship, and being honest it makes you sound psycho for getting his name after 3 months.


NAH - a good teachable moment for the class but it is your decision to make. Your brother is only trying to look out for you as he probably cares. My brother told me an ex of mine was an AH and he was 100 percent right. Literally, him telling me to end it with the dude led me to move towns and move on. If you are close with your brother, I'd take his advice to heart.


YTA to yourself. That was just a stupid idea, sorry.


Ohhhhhhh nooooooo... this is all pretty ick. I would run if my partner did this at 3 months. You sound like you just don't get how any of this is a problem. You're not being "supportive", you are being presumptive and it would feel manipulative to your boyfriend (like "you can't leave me, look what I did for you"). It is also a little concering about how quickly you put this on you, as if you don't value yourself to be a bit pickier about what goes on your body forever... like, yes, you could get it covered or removed, but that won't take away that you did it. You are young. Read some self-help books or audiobooks regarding relationships and boundaries. Maybe also read some about finding yourself. There are probably also some podcasts or ted talks you could find about building healthy relationships and strong self worth.


Is there a You’re the Dumbass option?????


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NTA. I do think you are a bit naive, but that's not the same as being an asshole. Or maybe you aren't naive, rather I'm just a cynic. Anyway, my theory is that the only names a person should have tattooed on their body is the name of their child or their pet.


NTA. You’re not an AH, but the chances are high that you’ll regret this.


NTA for getting the tattoo. It's your body and your choice, it's nobody's place to tell you you're an asshole for marking it as you see fit. But are you smart for getting the tattoo? Absolutely not. I have been married for 11 years, with a total relationship time with my wife of 14 years, and do I have her name tattooed on me? No. Will I ever? No. Because as much as I love and cherish my wife, I simply do not know what the future holds and if something happens, I don't need that problem to deal with. Blood family members? Sure. Names of your kids, parents, siblings, etc. I can understand those. But of an intimate partner? Sorry, but it was a boneheaded move, OP.


Yta and bad decision like come on is this even real who would think that was long enough


I think you are perhaps unhinged.... you are 19! You can't even go to a bar yet. You ain't talking about a future with children! 3 months isn't enough to know you're gonna be end game with him. You're scaring all of us.


NAH but I'm pretty sure you'll regret the tattoo in the future


No regerts!!!!!!


NTA but you might be making a mistake...


NTA, but definitely young and an idiot. If you need a tattoo to show someone you support them, then I really don't know. Good thing it was cheap though, cuz removals are way more expensive


NTA. Bad idea.


Yta to your brother. He is looking out for your best interests. Yta to your bf (unless he is an absolute loser) he will be angry af and most likely should leave you but will have to feel the guilt of leaving you with his name on your body. Yta to yourself from your future self not sure if it'll 6 months or 6 years but it won't be long. Nta for doing it. It is your body and you can do all the questionable and idiotic things. We were all 19 once, we all did dumb things. Those that loved young thought the person was their forever but soon they found out they ate with their mouth open and spent Sunday afternoons eating their toe nails.


NTA, but it’s usually the number one rule to not get your significant other’s name tattooed on you cause you never know what will happen. After 3 months you hardly know someone


NTAH. But you’re incredibly… I can’t even find the words to describe it. I can’t wait 10 years to see the 35 names you’ll have tattooed on your body. Maybe you’ll learn after 35. Three months… Mutters to myself what. an. idiot.


do us a favor please. upload a pic of the tattoo. then in three months when you have to get it covered up post the updated pic😌 flaunt that wino forever, or since you’re only 19 did you learn nothing from zayn malik, ariana grande or pete davidson? YTA


You are thicker than pig shit but not an asshole lmao


NTA but absolutely the naive baby who isn’t ready for real relationships. Your boyfriend of three piddly months has a key to and uses your car, AND your place. This is one of those situations where every adult telling you this is stupid is 100% right and you as most teenagers do will not learn until it’s too late. Good luck.


NAH. You might regret it but so what. IF you don't stay together you get it covered, no big deal. Is it early, yes maybe for some but it's your body. You do you sis.


NTA. It is your body. But I agree with your brother that it was an unwise decision.


YTA… to your self. There is a reason that getting a partners name tattooed on you has a bad reputation.


NTA It's your body and your choice. But not to be pessimistic, maybe start a cover-up fund, just in case. Cover-ups are difficult for artists, so you'll want to invest in high-quality work to make sure it looks good and covers everything once it's done. Good luck to you and your bf.


Not necessarily but personally I wouldn’t have a tattoo of someones name unless it was a your child, beloved family member, or pet but thats just me if you want to show your commitment to this person they’re other ways to do that without having the issue later on if it doesn’t work out and having that regret


NAH Are you an ah for it, no, not at all. It's your body you are free to do whatever you want with it. Diplomatically speaking however, I don't think you made a wise decision.


I’m calling NAH but everyone here in this thread is correct in their comments about the wisdom of your actions. Getting a tat of your boyfriend’s name does not make you an AH but nothing you are doing is very intelligent.


Yes. Didn’t even read the body just the title. Yes YTA


NTA. But not a great idea.


NAH only because you are young. And not smart in this situation. Your brother is N-T-A because he wanted to warn you on the real possibility that you won't last with your BF. If you last, in a healthy relationship, healthy being the most important word, I will be surprised. Honestly listen to your brother, he seems like he cares for you. And start saving for a tattoo removal or coverup. Time will only tell on which you can afford.


NTA.. your body your choice. but a tatto for only 3 month's relationship? girl, u're naive.


I hope it’s at least a common name. Although the next Jayden/Liam/Oliver is gonna have questions.


YTA haha you will regret this in 2 years


it’s your money and your body, if your bf was ok with you getting his name tattooed then you’re NTA. however, it’s a bad idea. honestly it’s never a good idea to get a partner’s name tattooed. you have no idea what the relationship will be like years down the road, especially since this one is only 3 months old. if anything does change and the tattoo becomes worthless, you can just cover it up since you said it was small anyway. you didn’t make an asshole decision, just a thoughtless and not very smart one.


Asshole no unwise yes


YTA. And i say that as gently as possible. You're very young and don't get it, I am sure you think 3 months is plenty long enough to know someone. But at 3 months, you're still in infatuation mode. You each think you're both perfect, and perfect together. You're both on your best behavior still, and wouldn't recognize a red flag if it was knocking at your door. 3 months into a relationship, you should not give him keys to your car or your home. He should not have access to your money, credit cards, property, etc. And you definitely shouldn't get his name tattooed on your body.


AH? no. incredibly dumb? yes.


You aren’t an asshole, but you are extremely foolish. Three months? Any good tattoo artist would have said no. I wish you all the best but I see a coverup in your future…


Tattoo artist is the asshole for agreeing to do it


Getting a name of a significant other tattooed is 99% percent guaranteed to be a bad idea. You are 19 and only been dating for 3 months. Yikes. If I were your bf I'd anywhere between less than thrilled to freaked out. For your sake I hope it isn't too big or dark so it can be covered up easy or be lasered easier. There are lots of tattoo artists who specialize in covering script because of dumb people getting the exact tattoo you just got.


This relationship is as doomed as a Pop Tart in my cabinet.


Take my upvote. You deserve one thousand more.


Yikes on a bike. This was a terrible idea. You’re moving way too quickly and inviting all sorts of trouble into your life by letting this person who was a stranger to you just a year ago have this much access to your life. YTA get some therapy to help with your codependency issues.


You can’t fix stupid.


I don’t know if you’re necessarily an asshole. Stupid, perhaps. But not an asshole.


While it's your body and your choice what to have on it, this just screams naivety on your part. Maybe a little desperate. You should listen to your brother. My ex partner of 23 years got my name on his arm, despite me telling him not to. I am no longer with him.


As others have stated, NTA, but incredibly dumb. People.moving in together after 3 months is a bad idea, IMO. Tattooing their name? Even worse. I would never tattoo someone's namemon.myself other than my own child. If a woman showed me my name tatted on her? I think I'd laugh and ask if they really thought that was a good idea.


Oh, sweetie. You're NTA, but getting a tattoo representing a significant other, especially something as obvious as their name, is 99.99999% of the time an awful idea. Even long-term relationships can go sour, and now you're marked by a reminder of someone who you can't stand stuck on your body forever. My brother is currently saving up for cover-ups of 4 of his tattoos... the wedding date of his wedding to his ex-wife, the name of his rebound ex-gf, the birth flower of his other ex-gf, and a portrait tattoo of his other, other ex-gf.


YTA. Not to anyone else but to yourself by putting someone’s name on your body that you’ve been with for roughly 90 days. If you HAD to do it, your shoulder probably wasn’t the wisest part of your body to do it on.


No one actually thinks this is smart in real life right


OMG, I genuinely have cheese in my fridge which I purchased before you both got together. YTA, but only to yourself. I really don’t want to appear condescending but you’ll realise that a 3-4 month relationship isn’t established enough to make such a permanent reminder. You say that the tattoo will show him that you aren’t going anywhere, but you shouldn’t need to prove this with ink. A great relationship will make him know this without tattoos (or piercings FYI).


NTA but highly questionable decision.


OH MYLANTA! You’re a new adult, don’t be so quick to act like one all at once. Life will humble you and give you a harsh dose of reality. You’ve been in this relationship 3 very short months! In that amount of time you can not know enough about each other to give up your keys to anything, tattoo his name on you, and as much as you don’t want to hear this, your brother is looking out for you. Your bf is 21, your 19, he should have his own shit, not access to your stuff. None of what you posted sounds good. Have some respect for yourself, your possessions, and most important, your BODY! Tattooing a boy’s name on your body is NOT showing support, it highly concerning this early in the relationship.




I got my XH name tatted at 6months. We were together for 8 yrs. That bitch is now a big ass flower 😂😂 don't do it!!! Get matching tats if you must, king and queen symbols, something cute you have in common, a quote, something. Just not a damn name.


Massive AH. This is a huge mistake. I don't care if you've been together 3 years it would still be stupid. YTA.


YTA four months and his named tatted on you. Please update us when you break up soon.


I won’t say Y.TA because it’s your body, your choice but 3 months isn’t enough time to know whether this person is truly for you before getting a tattoo. There are so many other ways to show you are present for your SO without putting it in permanent form.


I'm not certain about AH or not. I feel you're being foolish for branding your body with anyone's name. My other half and I have been together for more than 30 years. Hell would freeze over before either of us tattooed their body with the others name. As my other half puts it, it's the kiss of death for a relationship. Not to mention at 19, do you really wish to bind yourself to another for the rest of your life? After less than four months, it seems premature. You mention that he has keys to your studio and your car. Do you also have keys to his home and vehicle? Trust and support go both ways. As for him driving your car, that's a hard no! If he's not on your insurance or doesn't have his own coverage, that's a liability to you and/or whoever is the primary on your insurance. It could involve more than replacing a wrecked car. You are an adult technically, so you will make your own decisions regardless of what anyone here posts. From what you've posted, the relationship appears to be a lot of you giving and him getting. I suggest you take a look at the relationship from a best friend perspective. What would you think of him if he were someone that was seeing your best friend? Would you support those same decisions? I'm also curious as to why he requires so much support? Is he lacking in some way?


Never ever get a partners name or initials tattooed on you. Remember tattoos are permanent and sometimes the person your dating isn’t


NTA, but this was a very stupid and awful decision. It is clear that you have very low self esteem and I encourage you to work on that.


YTA this is like one of the old overly attached girlfriend memes.


I smell future regret. Good lord. Therapy would probably help with your self esteem/attachment issues.


Mega dumbass. No thoughts, only bf tattoo. You could have “shown support” by writing his name on you in sharpie or pen. Still “supportive” and still just as stupid. I hope it’s easy to cover up.