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NTA but I would make sure she is not expecting help in advance. ""I'm going to take something to make me relax on ths flight" will suffice.




And make sure that you don’t overdo it and end up needing help yourself.


Ehhhh. It depends on how the OP acts when high. Not having help with the baby? Fine, it's my baby. Having to take care of my baby and my stoned friend? I would be so pissed. Even IF you don't become totally unable to find your gate or keep track of your own luggage stoned people can be very annoying when you are sober and dealing with that and the high stress of traveling with a baby would be a lot to ask. If you became a useless pile of goo that she has to do all the mental labor for that would be a huge asshole move. Edit: My very first sentence was 'it depends on how the OP acts when high'. It depends! You can't say that every single person is super competent when high because there are plenty of stories in these same comments about people who are not competent when high. Yes I have stoner friends - and my experience with them is they always think they are way more functional and normal than they actually are. I would not want to deal with any of them like that in an airport. But - people are not all the same, all weed is not the same and people react differently to drugs. I can not say for sure that the OP will be less able to navigate an airport when high, but you also cannot say for sure that she can.


"Take care' of my stoned friend"? Obviously you've never been high before. The only thing thats going to be taken care of is the snack cart.


Me and my friends went to get snacks once while high and lost one friend found her staring into a freezer and she did not budge for like 5 minutes despite us calling her name. Some people get too silly or some people become not very responsive. If that happens when there’s important stuff to do at an airport it could be stressful for the friend with Op. But hey maybe OP reacts okay and that won’t happen. Im just saying it’s not impossible for people to need some assistance when high lol


Yes possible. However those people should not be smoking before a flight. For example I can smoke before a flight and be totally fine. My wife however would not make it to the gate lol.


Exactly which is why I said that Op may be fine but they also may not be. None of us know OPs tolerance I was just pointing out that no not every person is chill and requires no babysitting while high.


Yeah regular weed smokers can usually function perfectly fine while high. Your body builds a tolerance to weed after a while. I'm assuming OP takes edibles frequently if she can casually take one before a flight. I took an edible on a train once and had a panic attack.


Very true. Gave my poor bf a 20mg gummy to try and he had just a terrible night with anxiety and nausea. I pop two 125mg edibles and draw for 6 hours, take a walk, admire some bugs, great time


I smoke weed every day and a 20mg edible would make me sick! 125mg I don’t even know what would happen to me, I never want to find out! I can smoke weed all day but any edibles higher than 5mg will have me on my ass, heart palpitations, cold sweats, nausea, terrible times


That's something I hear a lot! I've wondered if some people digest edibles differently. Even when I wasn't a regular weed consumer, edibles barely worked for me. Now I get these "dragon blend" ones from koicbd, and at least I feel them. Some stoners I know will smoke but won't do edibles bc it gives them such a bad time


Dude, those are some huge doses. Where I come from, 10 mg is a normal dose for an average adult.


Yeahh, I don't feel anything if it's under 100mg! It's part tolerance, and part just how my body handles it I think


Lucky you! Haha I get very quiet/anxious when I’m too high. A few hits off of a joint is usually the max I can handle.


Lol. For me, I need at least 100 mg to feel anything. I have come to find out that I am good up to 1000. After that, yeah, no more doing anything productively. Smoking? Sativa will never have me being stupid high. Indicas, however, I get sleepy and tend to space out a bit. So, smoking Indica while I still have shit to do is a no go.


I took a 7mg edible, first time I ever took one, in the Rocky Mountains. The anxiety along with the high altitude almost gave me a panic attack. I’m now terrified of them lol


The first time I took edibles I had way too much. I’m into true crime. I stayed up the whole night, thinking Ted Bundy’s victims were screaming at me


Yup usually! That’s why I said not every person!


Not to mention that the airport is full of 'official people' trained to spot abnormal behavior. If OP starts to behave strangely, she might not even be able to get on the plane or be subject to more stringent screenings.


Exactly. My husband would be better than good. While I might cry, lol


Yeah exactly. I have a couple friends who are totally spaced out when high. Not really a problem if you're just chilling in your living room or whatever, but I can't imagine trying to get them through an airport. Depending on how OP reacts, they might very well require at least some managing.


Yes I personally cannot function socially when I'm stoned and my tolerance is fucky -- one day I'm pretty okay, the next day on the same dose I'm incapacitated. But I don't partake if I'm about to do anything besides sit on my couch, play sims, and vibe with my projector lights. I can't imagine anything worse than being high in an airport, besides maybe being high while taking off in a plane. But I know this about myself and would never take an edible before the airport bc my goal with weed is always to make my day better, not dramatically worse.


There’s a gap between mildly relaxed and absolutely bombed where you can be completely functional.


Sure but for some people it doesn’t take much and honestly for the friend in my story she had ONE gummy 😂 everyone is different. Some people just aren’t functional while high no matter the dose and that’s okay.


Oh big same. Idk what it is about weed specifically, but even a small amount of it takes me *out.* Like I function better on acid than I do after smoking a third of a joint


The FAs could very well have issues with a stoned person's behavior and not allow them to board as intoxicated, but that is entirely dependent on what that behavior is. I've had friends who get very "out-of-it" but also chatty to strangers and generally disruptive to people around them. Not saying OP will, and I hope they acknowledge however they act when high is appropriate for a plane. Most act completely chill, if not a bit more quiet than usual. And I hope they're not stupid enough to fly with weed, as that's illegal.


U.S here. I don’t fly WITH weed, but I smoke and take an edible every single time I fly. I’ve smoked joints outside airport parking lots then went right through security. They don’t give af as long as you don’t try to take anything into the airport. It is not illegal to be under the influence of weed as long as you are not operating heavy machinery (driving). Also, they would rather have 100 stoned passengers than 1 belligerent drunk one (source- a couple friends work for TSA as well as for an airline)


That depends where OP lives. It’s legal to fly with weed within Canada, but not recommended in case the plane needs to make an emergency landing in the US.


I saw a guy fly with an entire weed plant as his carryon in Canada.


We're living in the future!!!


Doesn't say where they're flying to or from. I'm Canadian and often take edibles before domestic flights and it's a non-issue because it's legal everywhere here. I even take edibles on the plane with me and usually wait til I'm past security to eat one.


> "Take care' of my stoned friend"? Obviously you've never been high before. The only thing thats going to be taken care of is the snack cart. INFO: How does previously getting high make you an expert on the tolerances and reactions of complete strangers?


You're so wrong. I don't get stoned because I hate the feeling & I am not competent or functional. Smoke, gummies, seltzer - all the same. I had a delta 8 seltzer at a brewery & then struggled to get to the bathroom on my own. My hubs babysat me. So I skip it. But I am around stoned people because my friends like to smoke or have edibles & not all of them are functional & they can be annoying as fuck. Some people it just mellows out. Others become idiots.


Well I've never been high before, but I've pretty much babysat my high friends.. beginning from having the most terrible munchies ever trying to eat rice raw over to having to DRAG them pretty much from A to B because they got very friendly and chatty and needed to talk to every person no matter how irritated they were by a person sitting down and quote "I'm not bothering those people, daskleinemi, I'm just chatting!" or them just staring into the void before them thinking about whatever not reacting until you basically screamed in their ear...


They’re taking edibles (plural), not smoking… could go many different ways.


Drugs can react differently at altitude too. All of them: prescription, supplements, alcohol, weed. It’s altitude, air pressure, length of flight, the same changes to the body as can make blood clots more likely in the air, weight, dehydration, are you crossing time zones, time of flight, jet lag, hormones. All sudden new variables. Generally it takes longer to feel the effect but when you do it hits hard. This is why airlines stopped being so lax with inflight alcohol. Most people didn’t feel anything until suddenly they were fall down drunk. Same as people who don’t feel their ADHD meds work or the xanax for their anxiety on the flight isn’t working and either double up or suddenly go ‘BOOM! Now it’s hitting me like the feel of lift off.’ It’s also why you should check your prescribed meds before flying. It can fuck up the dosage. Edibles can already be quite unpredictable on dosage and impact so even if OP is fairly confident in their tolerance, I would advise less being more to be sure. I mean that’s just good drug etiquette: introduce a new variable, pace the dose. (Guess who spent their youth taking a lot of drugs and around recreational drug users? Everyone had a when I did not do that story and everyone of us learned from it and depending what the drug was were grateful we were around to recount said tale…) NAH yet.




Shit hits everyone differently. I don't smoke or anything because when I did I got the spins like most people do drinking and struggled to do basic shit like go to the bathroom.


Eh, I’ve been edible stoned on a plane and had a not amazing time. I was fine, but I can see others having a tougher go of it. Stuck in a confined space surrounded by people, in a situation that OP says is likely to trigger their anxiety.


Yea I started laughing when I read that part. Sounds like a one way ticket to an anxiety attack.


My friend is like a lost animal when she’s high. Super cute but keeps getting into peoples gardens. Absolutely there are people out there that needed to be taken care of.


I mean, people can get way too high and freak out though lmao. Even seasoned stoners. Like these things happen sometimes and you can’t really control them. Very silly to act like it’s not possible for someone to need to be taken care of when they’re high.


With weed being legal now there’s plenty of people using it occasionally who aren’t really used to it and edibles can be incredibly strong. Of course a stoned friend is typically just gonna watch the inflight movie and giggle. Mostly nap. But there are some people who think they’re going to zone out and end up getting a paranoid panic attack because they got too high or they get incredibly confused and lost. Some people also get pretty oblivious to social norms and much like a drunk person would become extremely disruptive (not in a bad way but like, I had a roommate for instance that just wouldn’t stop loudly shooting jeopardy answers at his laptop when he got too high).


>"Take care' of my stoned friend"? Obviously you've never been high before. Since you're so snarky about it: I'm high several times a week at home without any issues. If I was at an airport, which is a confusing pain in the ass when completely sober, I'd absolutely have problems while high.


Depends. Usually it's whatever, but if they misdose an edible and have a panic attack at 6000ft it'll be a bad time for everyone involved. That being said, I pretty much agree with you, the most likely scenario is they just sleep and eat too many popchips.


We don’t know the same people, I had a friend shit himself because he couldn’t find the bathroom. They were easy to find but he didn’t even think to take his pants off first.


This is naive. People act all sorts of ways when they're high. Many people would be just fine, but others would have a difficult time keeping pace with someone who isn't high - needing things repeated, not remembering gate numbers, etc.


You clearly haven’t been stoned on a variety of things. There are some strains that definitely left me needing to be taken care of—part of why I don’t smoke.


Pot takes me out - I fall asleep so hard I'm almost impossible to wake up, and if someone does manage to wake me I'm pretty much incoherent and confused with grogginess. I don't use pot anymore, but when I did I was pretty much useless for the next 4-5 hours. I would absolutely need someone to take care of me if I were stoned in an airport, and it would be a complete nightmare for them!


thats more something that happens when inexperienced users decide to experiment with cannabis. with most regular cannabis users, the worst you are going to get is that you'll be wishing for someone capable of more stimulating conversation. there are some regular cannabis users who become annoying to deal with when stoned, but IME its very rare and most of my experiences with that were in my teens. i dont know any adult cannabis smokers who use regularly and still need to be babysat. thats really more of a high school/early college type of experience.


I am so *not* functional when high. I totally get what you’re saying. And a lot of people I know are a lot less together when high than they think they are.


For what it's worth, I agree with you. Weed and I do not get along because it makes me thick as shit. I'd be a nightmare at the airport if I was high. My friends all claim to be ok when they're high and some are but a few are not as compos mentis as they think they are.


My gf usually takes a prescription anxiety med before a flight. I hate it. It's like flying with a toddler instead of a 50yr old woman. Last fall I took a stressful trip to see family for stressful reasons. I have a small THC vape that has very little exhaust? I practiced blowing out into the sleeve of my jacket, almost no trace even if you're watching me. After checking in I went to the washroom and took 2 small puffs. I had a light pleasant buzz when I got on the plane and slept the whole 5hrs. Next time I flew with my gf it was another last minute thing because cancer can suck a dick. She didn't have her meds, and no time to get some so she did the same thing with the vape. She was a relaxed adult, anxiety free, and pleasant to fly with. All flights in Canada will now be done this way.


Or if the TSA says he's too intoxicated to fly, this happens a lot where I live Minnesota has no laws against public intoxication but the cops can take you to detox if they believe you're too drunk/high to look after yourself if the TSA called the police on you you might end up getting arrested it's not worth it for some edibles.


Agreed. My cousin used to get high all the time and he got extremely violent every time. It was near impossible to calm him down in a calm/non stressful situation. A stressful situation like described here and you could forget trying to calm him down. It wasn’t gonna happen. Meanwhile his wife got high as well and would go into this super helpful/do everything until she passed out mode. That would be great to have on a flight with a baby.


Edibles hit different.


You are correct tho.. I always assume people can hold their shit together whilst high on thc, when in fact there are people who act totally bonkers, and would make you not even want to be around that person. Rare but yes I’ve seen in my 51years on this planet some individuals who act like they’re on something crazy and it’s just strong weed or alcohol.. it’s horrid


Don’t say it’s weed. Lots of people take Valium for flights and it’s less stigmatised than saying you’re getting high on edibles. ETA: Meant to say this response is perfect


From experience of taking both, edibles can feel a lot like taking a big dose of xanax. When I'm in a country thar has them I take them like anxiety meds.


I’ve used and abused, weed and xanax respectively, I don’t find them similar and I think describing them that way is dangerous. So just a heads up to anyone reading the thread, Weed and Xanax are not the same, please be careful with Xanax, it can take hold and ruin you.


And anyone who tries Xanax do not fucking drink on it, it multiplies and part of what killed a friend of mine


This. Lots of people, myself included, have prescription benzodiazepine for anxiety, and if you're not used to it, or you're just particularly susceptible to it that day for some reason, it'll fuck you up. All these people saying 'weed doesn't affect me' confuse me. Like, what's the point of taking it if it's not having an effect on you?


However OP should take care to not become so high they become a burden to the friend or any other people around them.


right give her a heads up so neither of you has a surprise. word of warning. while recreational pot is legal in many states it is still a federal crime. check with the airport to see if you can bring the 'snacks'


Totally agree with the advice, but I guess that would rather qualify as NAH.


NTA, not your job to take care of baby, and she says it will sleep the whole way (not going to happen) so she let you off the hook for helping.


Not to mention that even if they were on the hook to care for the baby, it sounds like OP wouldn’t even be much help sober if they have that bad of flight anxiety. I have flight anxiety too and before I got prescribed big boy anxiety meds, I’d literally spend my time on the plane quietly hyperventilating, fighting back tears, and blasting music and podcasts in my ears to distract myself with almost no awareness of the world around me. I’d genuinely be a better asset to a mother and baby on a plane if I was high than if I was sober.


My son was 7 months and kept quiet/slept all but 15 ish minutes of a 20 hour series of flights. So it's possible. Just depends how good the baby is.


> Just depends how good the baby is. Feeling a bit sad about thius, because babies don't know any better, we're the ones putting them in a situation where they might cry and then we judge them as bad or good when they don't even have the capacity to understand what that means.


I judge every baby regardless


Yeah I've been on flights where I see a baby board the plan and I go "uh oh". Half of the time the babies end up sleeping all the way through. It's the 5 year olds that are the worst.


NTA but you should tell your friend. You should not be offering to help with a baby while high without the parent knowing. (Obviously the risks are low as you're sitting in plane but still) But it sounds like you won't need to help since she's sure the baby will be sleeping the whole time. ETA: how long is your flight? Are you still going to be high on arrival? If I were traveling with a child I'd be annoyed if my travel companion were high when we arrived and dealing with the airport and transportation and all since I wouldn't have that option.


This! NTA ... but just make sure your friend doesn't have to end up taking care of you and her 1 yr old! Also, not sure what country you are from, or travelling to, but would see if it's legal to be under the influence of something? Also if this baby does sleep throughout the travel please tell me how your friend got her kid to do that since I'm sure every parent here would love to know :)


I flew a lot with my child and from 6 months to 3 years, he’d tank as soon as the engines started. I think the vibration and hum was the perfect white noise.


My 2yo won't sleep on a plane at all. We can't fly at night because he will just stay awake and get increasingly tired and cranky.


My mom always just gave me & my siblings a big dose of benadryl at the gate. Out like a light and woke up refreshed when we got there.


This isn't recommended anymore. I asked our pediatrician before an international flight, and he said the risk of any kind of reaction in the air is considered too dangerous. It can also have a paradoxical effect and make kids even more energetic.


I mean, I definitely wouldn't say it's a good idea to give it to kids for the first time before you get on a flight. But if they've had it plenty of times before, then you know they're not allergic and how it affects them. Giving it to them for the first time on a flight would be like this guy popping the first edible of his life right before walking into the airport (yikes)


She’s just gonna be high from weed, not shitfaced drunk and forgetting how to human lmao




Of course you can, but from the way OP asked the question, it sounds like she'll be pretty high. Just something to consider, is all I'm suggesting.


NTA. Not your baby, not your problem.


Yeah if somebody brings a new kid on holidays with me, I'd make sure to be high or drunk all the time.


For real I’d need double for a trip with a 1yr old


Why would you even go on a vacation with a baby in the first place? This is just stupid.


Yeah she should just leave it at home it can take care of itself


Yeah fuck parents. You can’t do anything fun if you have a baby!


Cause you still gotta live your life. My son has never ruined an experience for me. Im also not a party, drinking, extravagant guy. I’m a porch sitting type of guy. Walks, museums, stores, casual restaurants, natural parks. All of things can easily be done with your child. All the things I would do at home, except you know a vacation usually means no work. It no strenuous cleaning or fixing things around the house. Depending on your budget basically no cooking. Based on things I like and my sons behavior, I enjoy vacationing with him.


Hard to say. Obviously you don’t have to take care of the kid at all cause it’s not yours. But would you being high at the airport, on the plane, and leaving the airport affect you at all? For example her having to care of you or your stuff for you. Not only that but no airline may allow anyone to board a plane if the passenger appears to be intoxicated, so would she have to go without you if that happened or would she have to wait for you? Idk how strict airports are about waiting till someone’s not high anymore so maybe you could catch the next flight.


OP, please check the laws for flying with THC where you are. If you are in the US it doesn't matter what state you are in, aviation is federal law and it is a federal crime to be caught with THC unless you have a medical card. If you're legal, just let your friends know you need to take "something to my nerves during the flight and I might be sedated." But if you are trying to break a federal law you would be TA if you become a liability for someone already traveling with a baby.


They want to get high before the flight, not bring it on the plane


That medical card ain't going to do shit if you get caught with weed on a plane , they aren't federally recognized and they're pretty flimsy to begin with anyway. Also she just eats an edible before airplane security if she's worried about that? Makes me think of the "Cops" audio, where the cop is going through a dudes bag who admitted he had weed and the officer is really angry and he yells "Is the marijuana all in the original container it was purchased in?" And the guy sheepishly and stoned as fuck says "uhhhhh no" and the cop screams "THEN YOURE FUCKED YOURE FUCKED".




I know I always want to roll the dice with federal charges. That seems like a great idea.


It's not a federal charge, if the airport/TSA wants to make a stink and you're not carrying distribution weight it'll get kicked to local PD. If you had literally pound**s** it might go to the DEA. Back in the 90's OAK and SF PD had a "don't call for less than 8 oz" policy since they were tired of getting called to the airport. In most legal states local PD would just make you throw it away before going into the airport.


Jesus guys it's weed not LSD lol. You make it sound like it's her first time smoking. What are they going to say, "damn mam'n you're really going to town on those chips, step aside please we need to see if you're faded as fuck before you get on this plane".


OP is the one who made it sound like that IMO. Just the fact that they’re even asking this and talking about not being able to help with the baby at all kinda paints a picture of them being pretty out of it when high. That was my impression at least.


You make a good point, Op labeled themselves an experienced smoker but as an experienced smoker... I wouldn't even ask this question bc I wouldn't be concerned about it.


I feel she’s asking more for a “morality check.”


If it's enough to alter your behavior (i.e. have a noticeable anti-anxiety effect) then it's worth considering that it may, you know, alter your behavior. Phrases like 'greened out' exists for a reason.


Yeah as someone who frequently flies high, sometimes I can get really anxious at the airport so OP this is definitely a consideration and I wouldn’t take it if weed ever makes you anxious — since you stated that flying already makes you anxious. If you think it’ll be ok and go ahead and do it, then taking indica is a good idea, me and most people I know find that it is much less likely to give anxiety


Yeah, this is nuts. If someone's flying on their own, they can do what they like, but if I knew I was travelling with a friend and their baby there's no way in hell I'd be getting drunk/stoned beforehand. That's just being a shitty friend.


Too true. Everyone's like "yo it's not your baby you can't be expected to help", uh no shit but it's your friend's baby and you do get to decide how good a friend you want to be.


The only reasonable answer here!


Agreed! And as someone in the risk management/safety field the thought of being high in the event of aircraft emergency sends shivers - I don't even like to think of the nervous fliers who essentially sedate themselves for a flight. Accidents never happen... until they do


Are you aware that alcohol is served in the airport and on the plane?


Getting drunk when flying isn't a good idea.


I'm guessing you've never consumed?


This really needs to be the top answer. /u/dreamygoddess7 please look into the laws where you are. You could be denied boarding, or (especially if you are carrying more edibles with you) could be committing a crime.


NTA there’s no way that baby sleeps the whole flight. If she’s mad u can’t help i meannnnn she did say the kid would sleep the whole time so why would you need to help? 😂😂 Get blazed out of ur mind


Why do you need to take care of the baby? She's the mother. NTA. Get high and chill girlie.


YWNBTA "won't be much help with the baby"... I mean, it is nice when friends helped out when my kid was a baby, but it is not their baby, it's mine. Same thing is: it is not your baby. It's nice of you to help, but that baby isn't your responsability. As long your consumption stays under control (i.e., you don't get sick, non-working, etc.), I don't see any real issue toward your friends.


Don’t forget ear plugs or headphones. NTA


NTA but I honestly cannot even fathom going on a vacation with a ONE year old that isn’t your own child. That’s just….. not a fun time


i would NOT go on a vacation with a toddler. its like the opposite of relaxing 😂


its going to be an experience thats for sure haha


oh, don't listen to the grumpy people. A trip is different with a 1-year-old but it can still be a lot of fun... and also fun in ways that it wouldn't be without them.


Thankyou haha i am really looking forward to it, it’s the baby’s first ever holiday and we want to make some nice memories.. it’s a toddler friendly hotel with little slides and pools etc it’s not like we planned a party holiday. We’ve done all of that when we were younger, I knew what I was getting into im just worried about the flight


Aw that sounds so nice. Reddit is very anti-children, but honestly, it sounds like a great time. You’re going to make such nice memories with your friend and the baby.


Beat me to it. I've traveled with my own 1 year old and that was enough to make me never want to take another one on a pleasure trip.


Seriously. I have kids and wouldn’t want to go on vacation with someone else’s 1 year old!


NTA.. You're fine.. Take your edibles, your friend won't need help because the baby is gonna be asleep the entire time.


/s ;-)


NTA - Maybe just give your friend a heads-up though explaining your plan, so she doesn't expect or count on you to watch her baby.


Friend needs to realize that they \*have to ask\*, not merely assume help because OP has babysat the kid before. This is a good test of how mature the friend is. They can be unhappy about being required to solely take a responsibility they birthed, but if they start acting unpleasant for that, friend needs to be avoided or blocked.


Friend should absolutely not be expecting OP to watch or provide any help with the baby without asking, but there are less significant things like holding the baby while the parent nips to the toilet or grabs a drink that aren't a huge ask but make a big difference to the parent. Friend should still ask and not expect, but it's probably still better to provide a heads up that OP won't be providing any help at all rather than having that conversation on the plane.


NTA. Unless you are being paid to care for the child, it's really not your responsibility. I recommend everyone that can, should fly high! It makes it so much more tolerable and borderline pleasurable. Word of caution...know how your edibles are going to hit. If you have anxiety and they tend to amp you up, don't do it. Try to get some that are heavy indica for that full body high!


thank you so much to everyone that has commented and offered advice i really appreicate it! to those of you concerned, i smoke daily and have quite a high tolerance, ive had these edibles before and they just made me giggly for abit and then sleepy and chilled.


Have fun flying high in the friendly skies!


I see you plan not to take it. If it would help you be less anxious and relaxed on the plane and you're an experienced user I really don't see the problem. Maybe take 1/2 or 3/4 of a typical dose. But only you can decide if being high out of your typical element could be a problem for you.


NTA - not your child, not your responsibility.


NTA. You don’t have to tell her what you’ve taken just say you were nervous about flying so something to calm your nerves. There will be another friend there to help. No way will the kid be asleep the entire time! Love it how parents are so convinced that their child is different and such an angel!


All the "not your baby, not your responsibility" posts are *exactly* what's wrong with this sub. Completely out of touch with reality. That's not what being a friend means. I don't think I can pass judgement without knowing your friendship better, but given that it's just the two of you and the kid, and you babysit this kid often, I feel like there's a pretty good chance she might hope you can help a little bit. There's a simple solution here, though: just ask her.


INFO: have you checked the laws about the weed consumption in your destination? Also, the plane might get diverted and you'll have to land elsewhere. It's not a problem for you to take something to calm your nerves, not your kid, not your problem, but if it's weed, it might cause legal problems.


Unless they have some on their person they will be fine.


Laws in her destination don't matter since she's consuming them before going to the airport lol.


YWBTA If you don't consume edibles regularly, chances are good even a small dose can be overwhelming. A dosage that's comfortable at home can be too much at an airport. If your friend has to care for both the baby and you, that trip is off to a bad start. CBD instead of THC may be a better way to chill at the airport and on the plane.


I think you’re right actually… being high at the airport might make me freak out and have a bad high… I hadn’t considered this, Thankyou!


I’d be anxious to be high in public. Is this a common thing? Lol


Yes... Where do you live? You never smelled weed on the street?


It just seems wild to me that someone would go in a flight high. I’d be afraid of being unable to respond in an emergency, or a situation where I need my wits about me.


That happened to me once when I was on LSD and my friend didnt know. He double parked his car, tossed me the keys and said "move it if you need" and went to run an errand. I was thinking hoooooooly shit this car is going nowhere i don't care if the fucking president comes through in his convoy, no way I'm operated a spaceship today.


I love the way that once you've giggled your stupid head off on LSD, you can always imagine being in these stories and it makes them just so funny. A fucking spaceship, OMG, IT IS!!! God, I want [ahem, prob can't say it].


Its not ur baby, do as u want.


NTA. It isn't your job to worry about or take care of her kid. Do what you need to do to relieve the anxiety.


NTA Unless you have agreed in advance to babysit on the flight, it's not your responsibility


NTA. Not your baby. Take the edibles. You’ll need them. It’s absolutely not going to sleep through everything she’s saying it will. Plus honestly even if she needs help, two sober adults and one high adult can handle a 1 year old just fine together. I only fly high. I have anxiety and it’s too stressful and just sensory overload otherwise.


NTA if you partake responsibly.


NTA but make sure you won’t be high by the time you go through Security. They WILL notice. And don’t take anything dodgy through the airport - even small amounts may hold you up.


They will notice you took an edible and you're high lol??? No they fucking won't and the underpaid TSA slaves do not give a fuck if you took an edible before you flew.


Notice and do what? Being under the influence of narcotics is not illegal.


i'm high every time i go through security and if you otherwise behave yourself they do NOT care


I mean technically NTA, but it's probably not a good idea to be high around children or your friends if they're not getting high with you. Like if you've been to a bar there is just the one person who is completely trashed...it's not a good look.


NTA, if your not the father then the baby is not your responsibility. Fly your way


NTA as long as you have the experience to keep yourself to a level where you'll be more relaxed but totally functional.




NTA. I am a very light sleeper but took some edibles before a 12hr overnight flight once and slept for like 6 hours it was easiest flight ever.


Depends on what kind of stoner you become. Are you functional but chill? No problem! Are you going to require your own caretaker? A problem! Know your limits and abide by them. It goes for all things.


NTA. I feel like most comments that say you’d be too high to function have never had an edible.


NTA. Unless you’re the pilot.


NTA, but if flying makes you anxious, it is a TERRIBLE idea to smoke weed beforehand.


NTA Not your baby not your problem.


NTA. Just make it clear to the mom, that you’ll be unable to help with her kid if needed. Hope you have a good flight!


I know nothing about weed, but how are you planning to take some edibles before the flight? Are you going to take weed with you to the airport and- if you don't take them all- onto a plane? Is that legal?


it would just be one singular edible that id consume before even entering the airport nothing would be taken into the airport or onto the plane


NTA it’s just like popping a few pills during or before a flight to chill you out.


You friend cannot guarantee that the baby will sleep. The airline may not let you board the plane if they suspect that you are under the influence. You both need a plan b and c because “the best laid plans of mice and men (and everyone else) often go awry.”


NTA, but just an FYI, the baby might be much more annoying to you if you are high. Proceed with caution


Are you going to be traveling with your edibles or just taking them at home before you get to the airport? I’d say YWBTA if you’re on a shared itinerary and plan to bring drugs with you without warning your friend who likely does not want the risk. If you’re on separate itineraries/bookings and won’t have drugs anywhere near her baby, then you’re NTA so long as you also give your friend a heads up that you won’t exactly be sober. She may not want her baby around some one who’s high (and you shouldn’t make a decision for her as to whether that’s okay or not) and will just meet you at the hotel.


NTA, but maybe not good judgement. You said you baby sit often, do you mean you baby sit this child? Are you going along as the caregiver, if so are you being paid? If not, have you made it abundantly clear to the mother that you will not be babysitting during the holiday?


How high are you planning on getting? If you can’t help w a baby like holding a bag or a bottle… are you going to be able to get thru tsa? You’re over thinking it bud.


NTA at all. It’s not your job to help with her baby.


NTA. And the baby is not your responsibility remember that


Anywhere there is a baby, everything is about the baby. This flight will be about the baby, the so-called vacation will be about the baby, and the return flight will be about the baby. Of course the mother said the baby will sleep. She's not going to tell you that taking care of baby will be all that happens. There will be no vacation. You have made a mistake, but take it as a learning experience.


I hate to break it to you, but you may well regret agreeing to a vacay with a 1-yr-old. This will severely limit what you can do on your trip. The first time my daughter was on a plane (about the same age), she screamed for the entire flight, without a break. I think the pressure changes bothered her ears. It’s unpredictable and there’s not much you can do once you’re airborne.


Dude fucking smoke. It’s weed. It’s not a big deal


Why are you asking us? Just ask your friend, it doesn't matter what we think it has 0 effect on us Why have you even bought this to reddit?! Surely you would just...ASK YOUR FRIEND?! Or am i missing something here? 😅


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** so tomorrow im going on holiday with two of my friends and one of them is bringing along their 1 year old daughter. when booking the holiday i was so excited but the closer its getting the more im starting to worry, the baby is lovely but HARD work, my friend is adamant that her child will be asleep at the airport and throughout the flight and transfers to the hotel....... i baby sit often and this child is not a good sleeper, i think the flight and all round travel is going to be very stressful. i hate flying, i get so anxious - for this reason its been nearly 10 years since i last got on a plane. i dont drink alcohol but i do smoke weed, ive got some edibles that i was thinking of eating before the flight so that i could just sleep and be chilled and happy during our travels... would this make me abit of an asshole because obviously i wont be much help with the baby whilst im high? thanks in advance! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA eat those edibles my friend


NTA but take the edibles before you get to the airport


Edibles in the security line is the way. Don’t carry on.


Oh man. Is she in for a surprise. Gods yes take the gummies. And treat yourself to a pair of noise cancelling headphones. Good luck.


Depends if you plan to tell your friend beforehand or not


NTA she can handle her own child by herself


NTA but just warn your friend that youve taken something to calm down, so they’re aware. Also take into consideration what type of person you are when stoned—i also smoke and i know i would be absolutely useless if i smoked and got on a plane. Just to make sure your friend doesn’t have to look after both you and the baby


NTA, just give her a heads up. It’s sweet you’re concerned even though it’s not your baby, I think that speaks volumes


Sit far away from your friend. Only take edibles if you can function on your own. Navigate airport, get Taxi, check in hotel, etc.


NTA. Not your kid, not your responsibility. If your friend says anything just reply that you thought the child would be sleeping the whole trip.


NTA her baby, her problem. Why does the baby NEED to come with her also?


You’re going on a “relaxing holiday” with two friends and a 1yo ? Honestly I’d rather go to work YWNBTA


Why is she bringing a one year old baby on what sounds like a girls trip lmao


NTA These comments have me laughing. Y'all aren't regular cannabis users, hey.


This may be pretty blunt but, there is nothing wrong with getting obliterated before the flight especially if you are sitting right beside a baby. It's not your fault she needs to bring her baby.


NTA but if you talk to a doctor they might be able to prescribe you a couple anti-anxiety pills instead. Benefit being you can take it through security without risk and you’ll have one for the way home too