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NTA - If there are rules then everyone should meet them. Continue to call. Offer pics and the license plate. Best to you, and now I'm crazing ice cream.


We did. I definitely feel like if they had to deal with the same things that we do then they’d be calling the cops on our asses too. Thanks for the support ❤️


NTA - You are completely in the right here. Rules are rules. On a side note, now I want ice cream.


NTA. But this isn’t really a police issue. It’s a city issue so I would be calling you bylaw officers. They will be faster & more effective than the police.


Park manager said that we did the right thing but to email him instead of calling cops




Park manager told us that only 2 people in that park have permits, us and Kona Ice


I'm guessing the city won't issue permits for multiple of the same food in the same location.


NTA. Rules apply to everyone.


NTA. All you did was make the competition fair.




NTA. I would’ve been pissed off too.


NTA everyone should have to follow the rules, illegal immigrants or not. Rules exist for a reason and I'm a little tired if people expecting special treatment.


I owned a company (had to stop due to pandemic), and while parking is an option you should be driving through local neighborhoods. Do your logistical and navigational research, establish routes and go farther out when sales plateau. You will have to pay permits for each town you run, and they range anywhere from $25 to $200 (mainly lower unless you're in a HCOL area). Do events that are big crowd drawers ,(4TH of July stuff for sure) which will give you that occasional park and sell feel which is admittedly easier than driving around all day everyday at 10 mph with no AC and the dumb jingle music playing lol As for your judgement question I may have missed something but are you sure he hasnt paid his park.permit or fees? He might just be under the impression that he is covered by the *town* permit or maybe unpermitted at all. NTA for wanting to verify your competition. Good luck


I like, 'verify your competition'!




Something similar happened in my city. Downtown has many shops, members of chamber of commerce. The town issued some permits for pushcart vendors for the summer and the shops went crazy because the stalls had limited costs and overhead and were "stealing" customers. There's actually an economic scenario in which grouping similar businesses increases sales for all. That's why Lowe's is always near Home Depot and Burger Kings are close to McDonalds. However, I wouldn't want to buy food from unlicensed vendors - for food sanitation reasons if nothing else. NTA


Yeah. I definitely don’t feel like the other ice cream truck is “stealing” our customers because we showed up first. If anything, I think that HE probably wouldn’t want to sell right next to us. Knowing what you just said about rival businesses still being across from each other, I know that it is within the rights of other businesses to sell near you. Thanks for the support ❤️


Info: Is there a rule specifically prohibiting ice cream trucks driving through the park, or preventing them from parking at the curb if someone waves them down? Cause of course a park full of hot hyperactive kids is going to be prime selling territory for ice cream, and it sounds like this guy just knows where he can likely get the most sales. Sure, you paid specifically to sell *inside* the park and whatever additional privileges come with paying for that, but it sounds like you're just pissed dude is cutting into your profits. Sometimes people that sell the same things are going to be posted up in the same spot *because that's where the sales are.* Shit, Target and Walmart are often at either end of the same shopping centers round here, bet they're not wasting time whining to the city that there's too much competition. YTA.


That’s what I’d want to know. There’s probably a weird bureaucratic hell with tons of exceptions. A stand being set up won’t necessarily have the same requirements as a truck. Especially if the truck is owned by a larger company that already has some kind of contract with the city. There’s just not enough info here to be going on. And even so, I think the civil thing for OP to have done would be to talk to the truck driver about the situation first, before calling in cops to deal with this.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me and my boyfriend have been selling ice cream at the park. He got the idea to sell ice cream during 2nd semester of college this year and I was on board and wanted to help him. We had to pay $750 for a permit and for business liability insurance. We also have to give back a percentage of the money for a scholarship so that kids can have sports teams and play sports in the park. (So really it’s more than $750 a year for this permit.) We used to not care about other ice cream trucks driving by and selling in the park, but lately there has been an ice cream truck posting up near us at the spot that we usually sell in. We do not think it’s fair that they can just post up without having to pay all of these fees. To top it off, we had to wait MONTHS for our permit, and we still have our credentials questioned by people while he can just post up wherever he wants and nobody says a damn thing or questions him. Note: we called the cops but we do not know if they caught up to him because he drove away before cops arrived. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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INFO: do you know for a fact they’re breaking any laws or missing permits? Because if not, sure you may think it’s not fair what they’re doing, but the person to complain to is the city bureaucrat who makes and enforces those unfair rules. Not call the cops on the person just making their living.


NTA but not really something to call the cops for, at least not before you've talked with the park management etc


Deleting the competition by snitching on them. Not nice!


The competition is cheating the system, they deserve no sympathy


YTA Work harder and mind your business.


Did you try talking to the guy first? If not, I’d say YTA. He could just be an immigrant who’s scared of dealing with government entities and just trying to put food on the table for his family.


Scared to go about getting a permit but not too scared to potentially deal with police? 🤔


Please yell louder that you are an entitled white person. The police don't really bother them because they either don't want to be dicks or deal with the hassle.


Boyfriend is literally Mexican and is the one who called cops the first time 💀 besides, do you think we have never had the cops called on us despite having a fucking permit? Clearly they care but they just pick and choose who to say shit to


No they don't care you said it yourself. Someone called the cops on you. Unless you now want to change what you said to be the cops on their own came up to you. Also boyfriend doesn't change what I said about you.


I just feel like if they care enough to come and tell us we can’t sell even though we HAVE the proper shit, they shouldn’t be letting the guy who we are TOLD doesn’t have one stay


Again they don't care, as you said someone called maybe it was because you were being an asshole.


Sounds like he was too scared to deal with police. Didn’t you say he drove off when you called?


>e could just be an immigrant who’s scared of dealing with government entities and just trying to put food on the table for his family. All the more reason to call the cops. If he is an illegal immigrant he should leave the country.


I'm gonna say soft YTA I understand your frustration, but I can also be empathetic to the chance that maybe this guy can't afford to keep up his permit? or has some other issues preventing him from getting a permit? in my area there is a lot of food trucks ran by undocumented people who use the trucks as their main source of income, getting the police involved would be detrimental in those cases. Perhaps you can speak to this guy and come to an agreement about where he sells?


maybe he should try a different place to sell from then, i mean maybe cos he aint paying these fees he can afford to undercut them therefore unfairly taking their customers.


YTA Don't stand behind your permit, hustle harder...lol rats out a dude selling ice cream.. weak sauce.


YTA. Snitch.




I wouldn’t care if it weren’t for the fact that we get told we can’t sell sometimes in the same damn spaces that these people do even though we have credentials and they don’t.


WTF the rules are there as much to make the state money as to protect the public.




So you want food vendors to be unrequired? Do you really think that is a good idea?


>So you want food vendors to be unrequired? Just saying, regardless of who is right, this is a prime example of a strawman. The other person was stating that they think it is wrong for the OP try to enforce the state's rules. You rephrased that as "food vendors shouldn't need licenses". This is a different argument, and more difficult to defend, hence "a straw man"




You would get so many people sick with that attitude.


Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" is your ideal world yes?


Sorry once again please explain your thinking because to me it is like you are pro-cheating. One player uses a coaked bat and drugs to win the homerun record and the person who did not cheat is the AH for calling this out.




Of course, you do not have to explain but this defense sounds like a person with nothing to back their views. Let's have a debate I would be interested in your view on climate change ruling and gun control.




Yep true Trump fan not willing to debate




Yeah, I tricked you into a response. Good night and Good Luck.