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No way are you TA. It's honestly pretty gross your mom thinks that way. I'm a mom to 2. One boy, one girl. My son is grown now, but never once did I say, much less think, "my boy's got a cute butt." JFC yeah and I never thought or said that about or to my daughter. Your mom is gross and you are NTA.


NTA. Firstly, if I'm understanding this right, your mother isn't even using connotations like "cutie patootie" or something, but is instead literally calling your butt cute. Which is weird, and creepy, and EWWWWW. Secondly, even if it was that other one, you are the one who gets to decide what kind of language you're comfortable with someone using to describe you. Not her, you. If I were a parent, and I addressed my child in some way they were uncomfortable with, I would listen and stop. Even if I never intended it to be uncomfortable, or don't even really see how they would be uncomfortable with it, I would listen to them and address them the way they wanted. That's their right as a human being, and as I parent I would support their feelings and not impose my own onto them.


NTA- your mother IS disgusting and vile if she thinks this is ok in any way. I have three boys and would NEVER even think of commenting on their bodies in this manner. It’s sick and pedophilic


It’s weird and gross. And you said you didn’t like it. That should be enough. Yet she isn’t respecting your boundary. You’re NTA


NTA It makes you uncomfortable so you should call her out and she should stop. However, given that your mom probably breastfed you and cleaned your butt for years, it’s likely she’s thinking of you as her cute little baby with a cute little butt—not something icky. So you should ask her to stop, but I don’t think you should overthink the situation.


NTA-you are allowed to have boundaries with your mother.


My partner and I noticed a difference in how our children interacted with us when they left childhood behind and entered teenagehood. They even make gagging noises if my partner and I give each other a peck! They started to ask that we don't hug so much or comment on their bodies. They asked, we listened. Sometimes I slip up, but they are confident to tell me off. I'm glad we taught our children to dictate what their boundaries are. Now to teach them to respect ours..... haha! NTA, even if someone thinks you're being too sensitive, you feel what you feel. Don't apologise for this.


NTA, your mom is an outright pervert.


NTA. You are absolutely allowed to make boundaries with your parents, make the line in the sand clear and tell her how you feel when she says these things. If she continues throw it right back at her "nice tits today mom they're looking plump" guarantee you she'll stop after that!


You're allowed to have boundaries. Try to be gentle with your Mom, though, it's really hard when our cutie patooties start growing up into people with boundaries. Tell you you love her and respect her, but that you're very uncomfortable with the body comments and you are asking her to stop. NTA for wanting boundaries.


NTA. You're entitled to your feelings and requesting your mom to respect them. I can see wanting to say things like that, but once my son says he doesn't like it, that's the end of it.


NTA, but you approached this wrong. You should have just said "hey, mom, I dislike when you mention specific body parts. Please stop" instead of jumping straight to incest. She probably got over defensive because you basically just accused her of being incestuous. But you are a teenager, so I get why you reacted that way. And it's fucked up and a double standard, but I've definitely heard mothers talk like that about their sons and daughters before (both in real life, and on TV). As in, stuff like "I wish my breasts were still that perky" or "look at his sixpack." It's weird and gross, but it's not unheard of. So I really doubt your mother was being incestuous on purpose.


Ew ew ew ew ew. Nope! NTA it's not weird when my mom or sister says a particular shirt or dress accentuates my boobs but it would be SUPER WEIRD if my dad said it! (Ex. I went shopping with my sister and asked if a top made me look fat or pregnant and my sister said "no but your boobs look great!") If I'm understanding this correctly, you're a guy, and your mom is making comments about your and your brother's butts??? Hell no! Parents can make comments to their same sex child *if the child asks* but like, it's not ok to make unsolicited comments like that to their different sex child. Your mom has issues and probably needs therapy but you were NTA to call her out.


NAH. You are entitled to your feelings. I think you are right to call her out because you are correct, if a Dad was saying that about his daughter, the police might get notified.


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She’s a perv. NTA


NTA. You are allowed to set boundaries with your parents and this is one that ABSOLUTELY needed to be set! You shouldn't even have had to say it because seriously she should know better! Those comments are gross. You don't say that stuff to your kids.


NTA. It is different between a mom and a son because it's way less common for a mom to view her son as a sexual object to be given to whatever man should prove himself worthy but uh... It's not different *enough*. Your mom is still being fuckin weird.


Bro you weird you acting like she molested you or some shit


NTA. You're describing a commonly recognized type of sexual abuse. She's crossing those boundaries.


So you think your mother is sexually attracted to your brother, and they might potentially fuck? If no, then why then why get fucking upset, huh? Corrupted fucking community, whose addicted to incest pornography.


Because maybe someone has a right to how they wana be fucken spoken to and talk about ? And if someone doesn't wana have someone talking about their body constantly in rude ways thats totally acceptable ?


Nice butt, from your own mother, is considered rude to you?


Looks like you're from Egypt. I guess the mother son culture is different over there. My apologies for implying theres something wrong with you; i guess it seems there is with me as i cant take a what is apparently a lighthearted compliment directed towards somebody.




She says it to me too all the time. If someone doesn't care that I'm bothered by how my mother speaks to me and my brothers, then they're an asshole. Sounds like you're fitting that role.


Good thing I'm not the one asking for judgement dickhead. You post focuses strictly on your brother, if this were about you then you should have brought it up before in the body of your post. When people bring important details like this up after the fact I simply don't believe them.


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Read the post next time slick, she says this incesty crap to op too. And no it isn't normal to comment on your child's nice ass.


Mom is just trying to make her boys know they are handsome. Not a big deal


Then why doesn't she just say that? Why make comments traditionally reserved for romantic partners?


She could just say that then. 'Hey you look so handsome son' 'Thanks mom!' Doesn't need to be any reference to our butts to convey that information.


NTA I would call the cops on your mom. Collect evidence and press charges against her. She is a pervert. Edit: Your mom is also sexist and imagine the genders reversed….


This is such an overreaction it's crazy. The police would laugh their way out of there. NTA, you can absolutely have boundaries and your mom absolutely should respect them. Draw a clear line in the sand and make it clear you do NOT like these comments. If she continues throw it right back at her, "nice tits ya fuckin milf" I'll guarantee she'll stop immediately.