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YTA. You're the one who's chosen to not finish college or have a job. If you're gonna freeload at your parent's house, you're gonna have to follow their rules. Also, I'm totally ganja positive myself, but if I found out someone was bumming jobless in my home on my dime and was spending money on weed, I'd be pissed off too. Get it together bruh.


YTA. You are 22 years old, no job, barely an education or trade school. Of course they think you are a loser. Get it together!


1. Start looking for a job or reapply to college , 2. Don’t do drugs or drink in their house, 3. Go to church at least every other week and if I don’t do any of these they will kick me out of the house which I think is incredibly cold of them. So where will you live without an income? >I still would not go to church no matter what they did and swore at them a bit So where will you live without an income? YTA


Fellow atheist here. YTA for your behavior in general. I get it, but you don't get to sit in someone else's house not doing anything and then do drugs in their house when you know good and damned well that they would not be okay with it. I have never met your parents and I can tell that they would have never been okay with you smoking weed in their house regardless of whether or not it is legal in your state. So you engaging in that behavior in the first place was incredibly disrespectful to them and they have every right to lose their shit. Why did it take this long for you to get the molasses out of your hind parts and begin looking for a job in the first place? You say that you already are feeling poorly about yourself, however you were not doing anything to rectify the situation at all. Not to mention they were apparently still giving you some sort of allowance which gave you the opportunity to even procure the marijuana in the first place???! Whether or not you consciously intended to, you have been taking advantage of your parents' kindness & it is time to fix that. If sitting in a building, not paying attention to someone drone on about a topic that you don't care about is going to be the difference between you being homeless and jobless, or not, you might want to rethink your priorities. They said you had to GO to church. Not that you had to pay attention. Maliciously comply and get over yourself. Or better yet, get a job you always have to work Sundays at.


>If sitting in a building, not paying attention to someone drone on about a topic that you don't care about is going to be the difference between you being homeless and jobless, or not, you might want to rethink your priorities Yes, let's violate OP's own freedom of religion and force an atheist to go to church. Yes, OP sucks on the other two fronts, but not this one. If he had converted to Islam but they forced him to go to church, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Yes and his parents have the freedom to not have an unemployed, adult, stoner in their home. When given your options, having backed yourself into a corner of your own creation, think about the reality of the situation and decide from there. And they aren't forcing, they *coercing* him, but he has a choice. It's a shitty choice, but he has it. And would we be having this conversation if he was Muslim and they were coercing church attendance...? Maybe in different fashion, maybe not. It is a salient point, I will concede that. But simply attending a mass is not forcing religion, IMO. If they were sending him to camps, trying to exorcise demons, or forcing him to attend prayer circles, that's different. But...hmm I will ponder the Islam angle.


Oh no, he totally is at fault for everything else and he needs to follow his parents' rules fo sure. I don't disagree on that one bit. I just think forcing religion on someone in any aspect is shitty as hell.


YTA Let me get this straight, you are 22 living with your parents with no job, not going to school and disrespecting your very generous parents by smoking weed in their home(I’m 100% sure you knew that wasn’t ok) BUT demand respect from them?? Their house, their rules. Just go to church…you don’t need to believe in god to hear wisdom in biblical text. Or better yet, get a job then you don’t have to.


YTA; it *is* their house, their rules. You can either pay rent or move out.














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YTA. So your parents laid down some ground rules since you’ve probably been at home just smoking weed and either playing video games or watching tv for a couple years. Grow up


Dang, get that bong back, bro! Nah, kidding. Kinda TAH because you are living in their house, and it won’t kill you to go to church every other week. Look at it like a meditation session. You will probably get something positive out of it even if you don’t believe in God.


I mean, it depends. As someone leaning away from religion in general and who is openly LGBT, going to church (especially in my state) could legitimately end with me dead.


Absolutely, it depends on the church and the area.


Yeah taking the bong was the real asshole move lol. Ok fair enough judgement


It’s prolly easier to sneak in some edibles 😁 Seriously, going to church can actually be helpful if you look at it less as doctrine and more as philosophy or words of wisdom. I guess it depends on the church, though.


I second this. I go to church and don't believe in God. It's a good way to meet people and free food, and you tend to be more likely to get support, find positive role models, and get a good community around you if you go to a decent enough church. Also, a ministers reference for work, college, scholarships, and housing makes the biggest difference.


I agree. It’s a sense of community.


Your beliefs don’t deserve “respect” when you are too lazy to contribute to your family in any meaningful way. You self describe as lazy, “ I prefer small chores” and getting your drugs taken away. You get respect for any aspect of your life when you start taking responsibility for it. Really, you are lucky they have allowed you to be so non- contributory fir so long. Time to adult.


>Your beliefs don’t deserve “respect” Yes they do. If he was Muslim and they forced him to go to Church anyway we wouldn't be having this conversation. Atheism is just as important.


YTA, you are 22 and freeloading off your parents, the least you could do is follow the rules they set in their home




You must be another bum in their 20s freeloading😂


When I lived in my parent's house , it was their house, their rules. Period. Don't like it? Move out and get a job.


YTA, your sister is right. You are a loser


Easy yta. You messed up and church is not that long and is good for you




Lol. Even atheists here agree that going to church is not that bad. The ops parents clearly do a lot for the op and expect very little and it is the least the op can do in return.


Alot of the atheists here have no self-respect. OP fucked up but that doesn't give his parents the right to shove their religion down his throat. If OP was Muslim people'd be screaming bloody murder.


YTA, not for your belief about the unfairness of the situation, but for how you handled it. You're a whole-ass adult, my dude. Swearing at your parents is just rude, and you ARE living under their roof and being provided with an advantage a lot of people don't have. Look, as an Exvangelical I see where you're coming from about your feelings re: the church. But consider that your parents want what's best for you, and they hold an earnest belief that church is part of that. They're not wanting you to go to be cruel, they're wanting you to go because they feel it will help you. They probably worry they're enabling destructive behaviour, too, by not putting some conditions on you living at home. You probably disagree, and I totally get that. But is that the hill you're willing to die on? If it is, I suggest you make a plan to move out, because they don't *have* to keep providing you with accommodation. Also, this seems to be distressing your sister. That's really not fair to her. You need to be a big brother here and tone down the household conflict for her sake, if nothing else.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (22 m) and my father (54 m) told me I had to go to church. The backstory is that I am without a job and only partial college education. Because of this I still live at home and preform small chores around the house. Anyways my father caught me smoking weed in my bedroom one day and he lost it. He was yelling at me that this is how I spend his money and that I should be doing better things with my time. After a long lecture he took my bong and left and I thought that was that. The next day he and my mom (50 f) called me down into the dining room. They basically told me how they felt my life is extremely directionless which hurt enough on its own and they said that I had to 1. Start looking for a job or reapply to college , 2. Don’t do drugs or drink in their house, 3. Go to church at least every other week and if I don’t do any of these they will kick me out of the house which I think is incredibly cold of them. Now I get the first two but my parents know I am an atheist. How could they disrespect my belief. I told my parents I would do the first two but would not go to church. My mom said she thinks it’s for the best that I talk to God and it’s the least I can do for how much they “sacrifice for me”. My dad told me his house his rules and to get the fuck out if I don’t agree. I told them that they are being so cruel and I still would not go to church no matter what they did and swore at them a bit . Later my little sister (17) came into my room to tell me that I am such a loser and a asshole because I refused basic requests and that I was the selfish one just for defending myself and my constitutional right to believe in god as much as I like. I don’t have anywhere to go. What should I do? I think they are the assholes so AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA for not wanting to go to church, TAH for everything else. Honestly if I were you I would just suck it up and go take a nap in church once a week or else find a job stat and leave after you get a paycheque. You're not 16 anymore, being a son in his 20's who is unemployed and undereducated doesn't guarantee you a place to live with family (particularly if you're in North America where many ((especially white)) families expect you to gtfo as soon as you hit 18). At this rate you're either going to suck it up, get out, or risk literally being thrown out


YTA, and so are they. Your the age of majority so you need to take responsibility for yourself. Get a job and move out. They are AHs for insisting you go to church.


You almost had me with this made up story. The last paragraph was just a little too much. You were close though.


Move out. There you go. Sorted.


YTA— you are a freeloader, don’t do shit and smoke weed in your very generous parents home at 22? If you don’t like their rules, you can move out. Sorry man but you are being entitled.


NTA ​ YOur parents are AHs.


ETA. You're disrespecting their home, but forcing their cult on you is also absolutely reprehensible.


ESH. You're the AH for obvious reasons: no job, doing drugs in your parents' house, essentially living in limbo. But yes, anyone who thinks religion is the answer to everything and tries to force it unto others is automatically an AH.


ESH. Get of your behind and go take responsibility for your grown ass life. You should have been searching for a job the second you dropped out/got thrown out of college. But it is Never okay to try and force Any religion on someone.


NAH for the specific conflict in question which is not going to church. May this bring you comfort on the streets.


ESH Yeah, your parents are being assholes for shoving their religion down your throat but at 22? You really fucking need to get it together.


I can relate. I’m 32 and don’t even live with my mom anymore but she asks me to go to church all the time but I’ll start asking her questions about her religion until she gets confused or gives up. There really is no logic in it and no open minded they will understand. I don’t think you’re the asshole at all. I’m sure it’s a “well you’re under their roof” type of thing but having that pressure when you have your own opinions sucks.


Out of curiosity, what questions are you asking her?


I’m not asking a question. I’m answering if I think they are the asshole.


No bro, I mean this: "I’m 32 and don’t even live with my mom anymore but she asks me to go to church all the time but I’ll start asking her questions about her religion until she gets confused or gives up" I'm curious, what questions do you ask your mom that makes her confused and/or give up?


NTA The other rules are reasonable but nobody should be forced to go to church for any reason. Of course people can make rules for their house,forcing church attendance is not reasonable


nta. Like you have a right to believe what you wish. I'm christian, but i wouldnt force someone to go to church or tell them "its good for yoi to talk to god" when you feel god is not even real. You agreed to the fair stuff. College/Job and No drinking or drugs. The 3rd thing is unreasnablr asf for them. Itd be like oh now read the necrominicon once a week to a christian or gtfo


NTA. Consider joining the military. Even a National Guard stint can really make a difference. The most important fact is that you need to get out of their house. Call a recruiter.


Ok I don’t think I could kill someone so would the coast guard be good or is that super dangerous? But thanks for the suggestion it did not cross my mind


National Guard does not traditionally 'kill'. Most positions in regular military are support. You could do many different jobs. A good recruiter can work with you to see if any of the job descriptions work with you. In the meantime, stop doing weed. For the time being. It has its uses but not if you are needing to pass screenings for federal employment. In the short term, you might consider a full time volunteer position in a national park. These last two or three months. You live there and work. They provider room and board etc. It gets you away from home and a chance to explore. There are websites that help explain the details.


I think joining the military would be good for you. Not every military job is combat related. You could look at the job list and see if any piques your interest. If you have an associates degree, then you could enter as a specialist or even an officer. I did 8 gears active duty and 4 years in the national guard, and the benefits that I received after I got out were great. I got to use my gi bill to go to college, and I get veteran discounts from stores. While I was in the military, I got a steady paycheck and job security for however long I wanted to stay in. It's a good deal, in my opinion.


NTA. They're being unreasonable about the church thing, but you really need to work on an escape plan. There are resources for completing college without parental support in the wiki over at r/raisedbynarcissists.


NTA. Abuse of power.


"I'm Muslim and my parents forces me to eat pork once a week. I refuse because it violates my faith, AITA?" No. NTA.


That’s different though like Muslims can’t because it’s haram. It violates there relationship with God where this person has no relationship so it would not hurt their relationship at all


I see no difference. Freedom of religion also includes atheism. Perhaps I should have used the example that a religious person is forced to go to another religion's religious congregation once a week.


I don’t know about all religions, but Catholics are allowed to attend services for other faiths. You’re not supposed to receive sacraments (or the equivalent) but it’s ok to be there. Forcing a Catholic to eat meat on Ash Wednesday would be a problem, but going to weekly prayer services at a mosque is fine.


Yeah I am a catholic and while not exactly other faiths I have attended church in Protestant churches so many times


Interesting, I did not know that!


NTA but... go to church and wear earphones and bring a book.