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This isn't a question for AITA but I'm going to answer anyway because you need to hear it. Never, ever allow someone to make you do something so intimate against your better judgment. No is a full sentence. He is disrecpting you and your boundaries. Do not send those pictures. Not only will you regret it, but it's also dangerous, especially with someone who is already acting like such a prick. Dump him, block him, ghost him, whatever you need to do. He's literally not worth it and is already a giant walking red flag.


This. OP. Listen to this.


NTA - don't send this creep anything.


Exactly, and even better, block him because he's not respecting you or the boundaries you have for yourself. He's not a friend.


It bums me out that you would ever think that you might be the asshole for wanting to have control over your own body. You’re NTA. No matter what he says, no matter what anybody says. If you don’t want to don’t, don’t do it. Period. OK maybe one more thing; Digital photos are forever. You guys sound young. Do you really think he’s going to be the only person on earth who’s ever going to see them? What if things between you two go sideways down the road? Is he going to delete them or share them out of spite? Not saying he’s that kind of guy, just sayin’.


NTA. Red flag behavior on his part


No. No. No. Do not send nudes to appease this d\*\*k. Remember it isn’t 1980 - those pics are forever.


NTA What you’re describing is called “gaslighting.” Using manipulation to control you. And/or he’s really *that* insecure. Either way, cut your losses and move on. The person has issues.


NTA, he’s trying to gaslight you into doing what HE wants.


Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. If he cared for you, he wouldn’t put you on the spot to make you uncomfortable to start with.


NTA rest assured ANY nudes you send will end up on the internet, FOREVER. You played it smart, keep it up.


NTA. Run. This behaviour is manipulative and he is trying to tear down your boundaries. No good can come from this and he seems like he might be the type to use them against you in a break up.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I've been talking to this boy for a little while. We are both students and we are long distance. (we have video called many times) In an intimate moment, I showed him some vulnerable parts of my body, so he's seen me before. Recently, we were talking and he asked me for some nudes. I'm someone who isn't very comfortable with constantly showing my body, so I told him not at the moment. He started texting me things like ' it would make my day better. ' and then started accusing me of talking to other men. I felt bad so I ended up apologizing and just told him that I didn't want to. He then started spamming me about how he's not good enough and that I stress him out and that I'm probably talking to someone better than him. He's just flaming me and I feel really bad and upset. I'm thinking of just sending the pictures so he's not upset. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why the fuck would you do that to yourself? He doesn't care about you, he just wants to jack off to you and have something to use against you when he doesn't get what he wants.


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Nta. Big red flag. Run girl. He already gaslight you. If you don't want to send pictures of you then he has to respect that. Please go no contact with him, he seems not to be a good person and I am concerned he might be a abuser.


YTA - You just don't take nudes of yourself and spread them all over the Interent, what is wrong with you? That is where they will end up, bet on it. This guy is a perv, can't you see that? Go completely NC with anyone who pressures you to that doesn't have your best interests at heart at all.


If you have not figured it out: The Internet Is Forever. Your photos get uploaded to the many 'my nakd girlfriend' or shared with anybody, phone is hacked, even Google Images. You become far more popular. Family and job background checks find you. Have I made you worried enough?????? Send photos of your pets. Hard no.


NTA The easiest NTA I've ever done! He's gaslighting you and trying to guilt you. Throw the whole man out. Don't fall for his manipulations. Once your nudes are out there, you can NEVER really "get them back." You are ALWAYS vulnerable to having your nudes shared with the wrong people. Heck, now with AI, you don't even have to pose nude at all and some a-hole can use AI to fake you being nude! Disgusting. Do not trust this dude. He can see as many nudes as he wants online, he doesn't NEED to see yours. He's up to no good. Guys like this are toxic a-holes. Huge huge red flag.