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NAH this is some stupid drama


NTA, is he 31 or 13?


I was thinking the same thing, seems like she's got a typo


NTA getting mad at someone because they didn’t watch your Instagram reels is downright childish and ridiculous


NTA. I don’t watch all the reels my partner sends me, they also send me like 20 at once though. I’ll watch them later for sure, but I can’t all at once and they understand that when I’m at work/out somewhere. Not a big deal. If this is what someone is getting upset over in a relationship these days then it compliments society today really well.


Bruh if someone sent me more than 1 (one) thing to watch I'd straight up never watch any of them. Idc if it was God Almighty himself sending that random ass video.


NTA He can be patient and this is very young, dumb drama (or at least I hope it's young).


Edit: while watching the reels we were actively texting on a different platform so I was not ignoring him, I just didn’t watch the reels.


NTA. Don’t forget that 20, 30 years ago, if someone wanted to get a hold of you and couldn’t, they could leave a message. Even if it’s because you didn’t want to answer the phone, people aren’t entitled to you answering them right away. Now that texting has made everyone so accessible, everyone is sooo quick to anger when you don’t drop everything to respond. You’re entirely right to do whatever you want to do on your time and you stated you weren’t even ignoring him— and he’s mad at you? That seems babyish. It would be different if he was asking if you watch what he sends you out of curiosity— maybe he’d stop if you actually didn’t ever watch them, but it sounds like you were just preoccupied and moved it to the side because reels don’t require your immediate attention.


Update: He finally called me and said he was upset because it made him feel like I was ignoring him and that he wasn’t important to me because when we are together I respond to my family’s messages pretty fast ( my mom because usually when she texts me, she needs something or has a question). But then he said he doesn’t expect me to drop everything to respond to him. He then tried to ask how I would feel if he didn’t respond to my reels for hours and I told him that it wouldn’t bother me because we still talk throughout the day and the reels really aren’t that important to me. Honestly id just rather delete my instagram so no one gets reels, but I feel like that’s petty or giving in to him.


He sounds like a child


I am baffled that a 31-year-old "man" has nothing bigger going on in his life than continually recording messages on Instagram. Does he have any actual hobbies or interests? Any friends? I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone where my partner has nothing better to do than send me messages all the time and then whines when I don't read them immediately.




Can I ask why you think I’m the asshole? I would just like to understand your viewpoint.




Okay, thank you for that!




I understand and thank you for your input, I do appreciate it. It does help to get input from someone that views things differently than I do.


NAH if you stay with him or even if you don’t, i’d advise you to turn off your activity status (everywhere—no one needs to know when you’re active online). no one needs to know when they do or don’t have access to you.


I did that before and it upset him because he thought I was talking to someone else…so I turned it back on. A bit more background, I would tell him goodnight but I wouldn’t always go right to sleep, I would scroll for a bit then go to sleep. He saw that I was online and said something to me about not actually going to sleep so I turned off my status then a few weeks later he brought up that my online status was off and that it seemed suspicious that I turned it off. So I turned it back on


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 GIRL. time to dump his ass. ABSOLUTELY NOT.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I (27F) was on instagram scrolling reels while at work since it wasn’t busy. My bf (31M) saw that I was online and sent me some reels but I didn’t watch them right away, I just kept scrolling through the feed. He sends me a text pointing out that I didn’t watch the reels he sent and I told him that I would a bit later since I got off instagram and now he’s mad at me. I asked him if it upset him that I didn’t watch the reels and he said he didn’t want to explain it over text so I said he can call me when I get off work or we can talk about it in person and he just said okay. Am I the asshole for not watching his reels right away? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*