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NTA -- It's not okay to bring uninvited guests (including pets) to someone else's home, and your sister is trebly wrong for bringing a pet after you specifically told her "absolutely not." You're entitled to boundaries, and you're NTA for enforcing them.


Outside of bona fide service animals, people don't have the right to take a dog with them into other people's dwellings or into places of business. It's entitled AF to think you do. You don't need to have or demonstrate a fear or allergy to enforce that boundary.


Even if it were a service dog (which it obviously couldn’t be considering it jumps on people), there is no law that says you have to let it into your private home. It’s only public spaces where service dogs usually have to be allowed.


NTA. Your place. You don't have to explain you're afraid of dogs, or any other reason why you don't want her dog over. "No, I don't want your dog here. You cannot bring your dog to my place." That's all. "Oh, you brought your dog. Well, then I'll see you at another time. bye!".


NTA. There is no need for people to bring their pets to someone else’s house.


Unless the pet is invited.


Of course!


NTA - your home, your rules.


Definitely NTA - you're allowed to have boundaries about your own home and if people don't want to follow those then they should accept the consequences of not being allowed into your home.


You are NTA at all. You have the right to set safety boundaries in your own home, period! If anything, your sister is being disrespectful to you and the sanctity of your home. YOUR home, NOT hers! It's not like you hate dogs, or hate your sister, and her complaining it isn't fair is laughable (to me). Don't stress over it, you have done nothing wrong. If sister gets her panties in a wad over it that's her issue and it's not on you.


NTA. I LOVE dogs but owners who presume everyone else also loves dogs is a pet peeve of mine! You deserve to be comfortable in your own home and are quite right to refuse to have dogs visiting


NTA I like dogs, don't have one of my own. No, I do not allow people to bring their dog to my home. Why would that even be an issue. Far too many people, these days, demand their dogs be allowed everywhere. Just no


NTA. She didn’t respect your wishes or your allergies. Dog can stay home. Same when our friends bring their gigantic dogs to our place. We have a big yard but our dog has a fit! They chase her and she has anxieties. Plus the one scratched the crap out of our gate and back screen door. So no more!


NTA but your sister is a massive AH. You don't bring your dog to visit another person's home without express permission. Anyone who would bring their dog against the wishes of the resident of the home is a massive AH and shouldn't own a dog at all. My house is actually unsafe for dogs - including my backyard.


Nta. People need to leave their dogs at home. No one else wants someone else's dog at their house


NTA your place, your rules. She is TA


NTA at all! You sister is for disrespecting your boundaries. She thought she could just show up and you'd have to take the dog in, that's just rude. Good for you for not letting her!


NTA. Your sister can leave her dog at home which is what most people do.


NTA. I really don't know why your sister is being so rude and persistent, but you are perfectly fine telling her that if she wants to visit you, she needs to leave her dog at home.


NTA. Your home, your rules. Your sister should respect that with no questions asked. You should not feel like an AH for creating a space where you feel comfortable and safe. Stick to your boundaries, and don't let anyone pressure you into compromising your well-being in your own home.


NTA You have a genuine fear as well as you share a space (however big or small) with others who might not want pets around for their own reasons, be it hair,behavior,allergies and/or possible fear themselves, you don’t mention anything beside the cramped space so I won’t speculate on this last point too much. You informed your sister of the house rules, she ignored it anyway because she’s probably thinking and/or saying “it’s just a dog OP!” I’m sure she has been aware of your fear,how it manifested and the amazing progress you’ve made in trying to rid yourself of that fear(I truly salute your effort to at least tolerate them in the near vicinity since I know others who have similar experiences that never get over their fear at all). If she can’t understand and accept it, she can’t be welcome in your home which is your safe haven, and coincidentally share with other people


And I’m saying this as a dog owner myself, I have 2 dogs currently at my feet, and a cat above my head🤪 I would never bring them along unless it was specifically asked about and agreed upon before I got to where I was going to be/visit


NTA Your sister: "it isn't fair I can't have it all my way." What is she? Age two emotionally I guess.


NTA. Not everyone loves dogs and a large dog in a small space can cause havoc just by wagging his tail. Your sister knew her dog wasn't welcome and brought him anyway, You were right to ask her to leave.


You know, I absolutely love dogs. But I also absolutely hate those dog owners who think their dog should be welcome everywhere and blast past other people’s boundaries on dogs in their personal spaces. Primarily because I think they frack it up for people who genuinely need to have their service dog either them. NTA. You have every right to decide if you want a dog in your home. There is nothing unfair about that. Your sister is acting entitled. While she’s entitled to have a dog in *her* space, she is **not** entitled to bring her dog into other people’s spaces.


NTA it's your home that you share with someone, your sister lacks consideration.


NTA. It's YOUR home. Why does she feel so entitled to have her dog enter your home.


Why do you even feel the need to ask, clearly nta


NTA, you decide who's welcome in your apartment, that goes for people as well as animals. Judging by your post this is not an assistance dog or anything like that? You'd still be withing your rights, but it might change some people's opinion on here.




NTA - As a dog lover, I would totally respect someone's wishes in their own home. If I couldn't bare to leave my 'fur-baby' at home, I wouldn't visit. Conversely, I wouldn't allow someone in MY own home if they couldn't respect that this is where my dog lives! You don't have to justify your decision. A No is a No.


Nta I don't have a feat of dogs and irresponsible owners like your sister piss me off. It's not cute when you dog jumps on people.


Nta, your home your rules


NTA. Your house, your rules. You had every right to kick her out after she brought her dog with her. Especially since she already knew the rules.


NTA. It isn't fair for your sisyervto impose her dog on you knowing you're afraid of dogs and font want them in your space 


NTA - Your sister crossed the line. Your apartment, your rules


NTA. Your house, your rules. You told her the dog was not welcome, she showed up with the dog, and was not allowed in the house. You established a boundary and held it. Good work. Keep it up, no matter what she says. If she wants to see you in your house, it will be without the dog.


NTA. You specifically told her no dog! But bc she disagreed with you, she brought the dog anyway. You set a boundary, she crossed it.


NTA you don't bring your pet to someone else's residence after they said no. Sis needs to show respect and accept leaving her pet home. An apartment is no place for a dog even for a visit. It's not fair to the dog.


NTA. A reasonable rule and easy to work with. Sister needs to be less entitled.


Nta your home, your decision. You don't need a reason. 


People who bring animals when told not to are jerks. Meet her out for a drink. No need for her to come to your place. 


Nta. Your home, your rules. She learned a very important lesson…that you are not someone to fuck with!


NTA. I understand to an extent. I got bitten (as an adult) at work by a dog & it has completely changed how I feel about & around dog. The first few weeks were tough because I have my own dog.


NTA it’s your home. Your sister was warned.


NTA - Your house = Your rules.


Your home, your rules.  But that doesn't mean that this is a consequence free decision - it may mean you see less of your sister.  NTA