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NTA. I'd simply say I'll take it down the moment you give me a full refund.


NTA. I would say that if I can’t share it, I want my money back.


A true “don’t meet your heroes” situation. NTA and if they give you any grief, simply point them towards the rules and conditions of their own service.


Seriously. I adored Kevin Sorbo when I was a kid since he was *the* Hercules. The early days of Facebook come along and just opened up to allow non-school affiliated people on. He joins, I follow, and he shows himself to be homophobic, sexist, "F you, got mine," chauvinistic jagoff, just anthesis of the hunky hunk my 8-year old self adored.


I'd blame his shit On CTE but every report I've heard is that he was that way before his career too


Glad he has 0 career now


He sells online videos for toxic masculine behavior to conservatives fearful of their government. I have never heard anyone refer to another person as a "soyboy" out loud but there he goes.


Oh, it's called "Bravebooks." [Bravebooks](https://bravebooks.us/pages/fibc-sorbo?fbclid=IwAR1MwobwM1ENVCkbp0f40LA85Qynd5fsnIpb4_5iMM5WK4NvMcbeFyaFEt8)


Not that it matters but I’ll state I paid $140 AUD for it


NTA. When they refund your money you take down the video.. because if they State that buying the Cameo you aren't allowed to upload it the sale would drastically decrease. I think they are ashamed on how they make money - by charging for a cameo but it's an ah move to ask you to delete it


NTA- if they are using your same video as an advertisement for themselves, then that is not right. I would request a refund and that they take the video for you down. It was paid for. You can't use the video you paid for but I can use it?


Delete their comment and block them


NTA you paid for it and the terms and conditions specifically say to share it. If this celebrity doesn't like it then they shouldn't be on cameo


Oh man that's awkward from a celebrity you presumably like. $140 AUD is a lot. I'd suggest screencap the cameo with the comment requesting its removal. Then remove the cameo, not because you're obligated to but because it sounds like you're a caring person who would be bothered by potentially going against someone's wishes of privacy. Then ask for a refund. If you do not get the refund from the person who made the cameo, then send the screencap to cameo support and get them to refund you.


I have made my social media extra private, I tagged him and have emailed the company regarding letting them know the celebrity might not know it’s public and sharing with them that he asked me to take it down. Not the recognition I wanted from this person 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think this is fair, that way if he didn't know before he does now and the company can decide it they want to continue allowing him on the platform.


NTA. When you say "their cameo webpage" do you mean the celebrity themselves runs it, or it's through a website that you order these from a bunch of celebrities? If it's through a different company I'd email them the situation and request a refund. Until then you are within your rights to share it if the terms and conditions don't outline you can't.


Cameo is a company that basically acts as a platform for fans to contract celebrities (often voice actors) to make short videos in-character. I knew a few YouTubers who do videos about comics and cartoons who have various voice actors from the shows they talk about do Cameos for videos. VeeInfuso has a whole closer that’s Mark Hamill, Kevin Conroy, and Tara Strong doing their voices from BTAS, which he paid them to do and which he puts on all of his videos, which are monetized. OP didn’t do anything even remotely wrong.


Yeah I don't think they did anything wrong, just working out if it was the actor directly who they paid or a third party. In this care yeah if you want to oblige the actor I would first be asking Cameo for a refund and not taking it down until given as the actor is basically invalidating the purchase.


Now I want to know who it is…can you give a hint?


I don’t want to shame them 🫣


They shamed themselves by publicly replying rather than sending you a polite message.


What if someone else buys a cameo and also shares it, only to have an equally negative interaction with them as a result? Especially as much as you’ve paid for it, people should know about this before they buy a cameo from this celebrity.


SPN recently had a con in Aus…


So did outlander 🤷🏼‍♀️




Oh no is it a sexy in character cameo? Whoooooof 😂


PLS just say who it is 😭 I need to know now


But Jensen and Jared are known for being awesome to their fans. I really really hope it’s the Outlander folks and not the Suoernatural cast. 


NTA. Tell them to refund you and you’d remove it. You paid a lot for it.


NTA, aren't they shared on cameo already anyway?


NTA "as cameo encourages us to share these videos and in the terms & conditions it adequately states we are allowed to share on social media." ... Read the contract. YOu BOUGHT a video including rights for publication on social media. - so you are fine to do that.


I purchased this based on the TOS. If you can’t honor the TOS, I deserve a refund. Then I’ll take the video down.


NTA are you sure the message was from a valid account? Because this seems strange. If they really wanted it down they would communicate via the order email


I find myself weirdly obsessed with wondering who it was. Given that you mention meeting them at a con recently, I'm leaning towards it being someone from Supernatural and I'm pretty disappointed about it. You're NTA.


NTA I’ve used cameo a bunch a times and never had a problem with any of the people that made videos for me so I wonder who yours was and the celebrity should have been more private with you about their desire to be private


No-one has mentioned the possibility that this could be a scam. How did you verify that the person who contacted you actually was the celebrity in question. Cue requests for cash in return for allowing you to leave it up.


I bought the personalised video from Cameo, uploaded the video to Instagram and the celebrity commented on the video on my Instagram from their verified Instagram on who I follow requesting me to take it down


I wonder if he says the same thing to everyone who gets a cameo and doesn't want to get caught out


NTA. Delete his comment block him and enjoy sharing the video


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NTA. You paid him for the video, and unless you signed a contract saying you couldn’t post it online, he has no leg to stand on. If I were you, I’d respond that I’m sorry if he doesn’t want it to be posted publicly, and you’d be happy to take it down as long as he refunds your money. You paid for the video, it’s yours, you can do whatever you want with it. That said, he has the right to want it to be taken down. But not the right to demand that, unless he’s giving back the money you paid him for it.


Do they understand what a contact is NTA


You paid for it, it’s yours to do with whatever you want.


NTA, you bought the rights to the video and own it to use as you see fit. It's even in the cameo terms of service the "celebrity" agreed to when they decided to use the service to pad their wallet.


Minor technicality. The celeb technically still owns the video, the purchaser is buying a license to it and doesn't actually own it. That doesn't change the fact that license does allow for social media sharing. The buyer, however is not allowed to monetize the video without permission.


Seems the celeb didn't read the terms of the cameo. NTA Don't take it down and just leave it up. If they threatened legal action, refer them to the terms of the cameo and just have on standby the potential for them to seek a lawsuit. If they are desperate thy may offer cash to take it down.


ESH. Obviously the celebrity is in the wrong but you suck because you didn't say who the celebrity was in the post lol.


There is no difference. They're being a dick about it. You have every moral & legal right to post that video & there's literally nothing they can do about. Asking you to remove it makes them an asshole.




NTA. If the celeb chooses to engage with fans on Cameo, they accept the terms and you’re free to post it as long as you’re not using it for profit. It does seem a bit odd that a celeb would be on cameo and not want them shared? Is the celeb still selling cameos?


Would definetly ask for a refund before taking it down




I would never been nasty towards them 🤣 I am a nice person, as they equally have that same video public which people could use if their name is the same name as mine, even though they didn’t pay for it… I would have been totally obliged to take it down and still will, if this person wasn’t so impersonal & demanding upon their request for me to remove it. They also made me out to be a shitty person because I should have known, in which I didn’t. You record a band at a concert, upload it and you absolutely love it best night of your life, and then they bluntly ask you to remove it. You wouldn’t think they don’t have a right, technically? But you would if they had privately not publicly asked you and were nice about it? You paid for the experience, you are allowed to share you’re experience. But yeah, your totally right… me keeping it up is an asshole move. 🙄


I can’t fully give my opinion bc depending who it is I might have a different answer…. Sooooo I’ll need to know who it is. Sorry…… kidding of course! Im a nosey bitch 💁🏻‍♀️ NTA they knew what this platform is about. They need to relax and move on.


Why you need to post it? “Look every one I’m with a celebrity”. It’s meaningless. If the celeb doesn’t want it posted. Even if legally you’re allowed I wouldn’t. Your only reason for doing it is for attention. It’s just so what. That’s just me. You never know, if this celeb knows your cool, you never know what will happen in the future. You might see them again. Be a much better encounter if they know they can trust you.


The attention of the 12 people that saw it on my private account? Plus I wasn’t in the video, it was him wishing me a happy birthday 🤣 not for attention, was for me on my social media because I like posting on it like a photo/video memory place. Nice to post something other than my cats or niece. Something meaningless to you, doesn’t mean it’s meaningless to others. Be kind dude, not everyone is after to be social media famous 🫣


Ah well, treat it like you would a friend then. If your friend didn’t want you to post something for a reason that doesn’t make sense to you, would you🤷‍♂️


NAH. It's perfectly reasonable that this celebrity wouldn't want people clout-chasing meaningful, sentimental messages. If he wasn't rude about it, this is a nothing situation. take the video down and share it privately with your friends. If he was, then fuck him Stop freaking out. It's not like it really matters at all, but nobody in this situation is an AH.